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发布时间: 2021-02-28 19:55:51

1. 全国大学生英语竞赛C类作文


2. 2012全国全国大学生英语竞赛c类答案谁有,急急急,谢谢

2012 National English Contest
for College Students
(Level C - Preliminary)

Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)
Section A (5 marks)
Section B (10 marks)
6—10 BAACB 11—15 CABCB
Section C (5 marks)
16—20 ACABA
Section D (10 marks)
21. disruption 22. air pressure 23. slow down 24.immune system 25.stimulates
26. bear in mind 27. circulation 28. decreases 29. Consult 30. side effects

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks)
31—35 BDABC 36—40 BDDAB 41—45 CADBC

Part III Cloze (10 marks)
46. likelihood 47. fortune 48. take 49. with 50. knowing
51. dozens 52. least 53. burning 54.easy/simple 55. realize

Part IV Reading Comprehension (40 marks)
Section A (10 marks)
56. describe 57. opportunity 58. honeymoon 59. transition 60. characterized
Section B (10 marks)
61. F 62. T 63. T
64. The special depth that true friendship is about.
65. They need to get over fear of confrontation and rejection.
Section C (10 marks)
66. High fatality 67. thrill seeking; risk taking 68. pushing out personal boundaries 69. C 70. A
Section D (10 marks)
71.“Linguistic”intelligence and“Logical mathematical”intelligence.
72. The ability to gauge one蒺s own mood, feelings and mental states, and the ability to gauge it in others and

use the information.
73.“Logical mathematical”intelligence and the“bodily-kinesthetic”intelligence.
74. 他的观点引发了激烈的讨论,应如何定义智力。
75. 这八个类别的智力无疑反映了这样的事实,即这些类别中都有从无能到聪慧的各种不同能力的人。

Part V Translation (10 marks)
76. Since there is no turning back, we might as well try his method.
77. How do you account for the decline in profits for three consecutive months?
78. Talking about how to achieve success, Blair puts more emphasis on creating rather than waiting for opportunities.
79. I wish I had had such good opportunities as yours when I was young.
80. High tuition doesn蒺t necessarily guarantee better ecation.

Part VI Error correction (10 marks)
Cash reward is a common form of motivation used by parents with high expectation to encourage their children 夷work hard at exam time. Some youngsters receive payments of as much as 谊100 for each A grade they obtain at GSCE. But would such“bribes”be based on exam performance or
should they, as many parents and teachers feel, be offered in recognition of a child蒺s effort, regardless of results? The later approach would solve the problems of how parents reward children with different levels of ability; imagine, for example, a family with one child who is academically gift and
another who has learning difficulties. The dangers of result-relating incentives for the second child are clear; with little hope of obtaining the higher grades, the withholding of promised financial rewards would only compound of the
child蒺s feeling of false. However, some leading ecational psychologists
believe that parents should rely in their own judgments in such matters. They maintain that if parents know that money will motivate their child, then they should not be condemned for operating a system of cash payouts.

81. to

82. should
83. 姨
84. latter
85. problem
86. gifted
87. related

88. of
89. failure
90. on

Part VII IQ Test (5 marks)
91. Post Office.
92. The letter“e”.
93. Falling in love.
94. A
95. Three socks.

Part VIII Writing (30 marks) Omitted.

1. 本题满分为 I 10 分;II 20 分,按四个档次给分。
2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调 整本档次,最后给分。
3. I 词数少于 100 或多于 140 的,II 词数少于 140 或多于 180 的,从总分中减去 2 分。
4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一档。
第四档(很好):I 9-10 分;II 16-20 分
第三档(好):I 6-8 分;II 11-15 分
基本符合写作格式的要求,有个别地方表达思想不够清楚,文字基本通顺、连贯,有少量词汇和语法 错误。
第二档(一般):I 3-5 分;II 6-10 分
第一档(差):I 1-2 分;II 1-5 分
未完成写作格式的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,表达思想紊乱,有较多词汇和语法的重大错误,未能将 信息传达给读者。
0 分

3. 谁有2012年全国大学生英语竞赛c类的作文范文急求~


4. 2012年全国大学生英语竞赛C类初赛作文什么意思


5. 全国大学生英语竞赛c类,作为大一的去参加2012年的,现在开始准备还来的及吗谢谢


6. 急求2012年以前的大学生英语竞赛c类作文范文


7. 全国大学生英语竞赛C类的作文范文。

It was a normally day at school until I decided to skip the rest of my classes. that's where my adventure holidays started.I found underground casino , more accurately a poker house. Around full ring game up to 8 or 9 people sitting on a round table , betting out the money outta there pocket, winner takes it all. I decided to take a shot. I sat down with 200 yuan in my pocket(dont ask where I get the money, kids are rich these days). 20 mins later, I got 1200 yuan in front of me. I was like WOW i could really make a living off playing poker. few hours later, no sign that anyone wants to leave. I'm still running pretty hot, collecting money from everyone on the table.5 hours later I had 100,000 Yuan . I couldn't believe what I have accomplished, what I made that day, probably more than most the people that can make over a year !! I wasn't stupid,got up and left, with profits over 100K.
Great day , but most to people were calling me scumbag, not only I took their money, but hit and run too.WHO GAVE A SHIT right ?lol I had a great adventure on a beautiful day off of school.

My job:
As you may guess, My job is different from others , that's right, I am a whore.As a young kid I had fantasy that one day I could be the world famous porn star.But that didn't go well.... my mom told me the only way out for life is dedicating yourself into academic filed, I hated it . It took few years to make me realize that school isn't the right thing for me in my life... lol little off the topic , but you'll like it next.So yeah, I lost my V-card on my 13th birthday and I've been love it since.So far I slept with 131 male and 73 female, dont get it twisted, I dont normally do 3some or any orgy, I just do it one outta time.It trains my skill everyday , I can give great head , doggy style and shit... i guess that made my success to an whole other level, i gotta say, practice and experience is the key to success . I gained a bigger vagina from my job as you can tell that I am a full time prostitute now .I also made a shot tons of money cross the few years, I love my whore life!

knock knock.....
hey whats up homie. I was wondering what u been up to.Whats going on with your music its kinda loud huh. u better turn it down before I drop my poop all over your mouth you bitch !! oh ya, remember last time you asked me to lend out my blow-up doll, time to give it back bro, I need to use it lately , kinda horny these days....
oh well , i'll be downstairs waiting you to give it back , or you bet your smartass I will break all your chair legs and shove all of them into your anus.it's your call bitch !

choose one outta three.Hope you have a great day :)

8. 2012年全国大学生英语竞赛C类初赛试题作文什么意思


9. 2012年全国大学生英语竞赛c类答案

Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)
Section A (5 marks)
Section B (10 marks)
6—10 BAACB 11—15 CABCB
Section C (5 marks)
16—20 ACABA
Section D (10 marks)
21. disruption 22. air pressure 23. slow down 24.immune system 25.stimulates
26. bear in mind 27. circulation 28. decreases 29. Consult 30. side effects

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks)
31—35 BDABC 36—40 BDDAB 41—45 CADBC

Part III Cloze (10 marks)
46. likelihood 47. fortune 48. take 49. with 50. knowing
51. dozens 52. least 53. burning 54.easy/simple 55. realize

Part IV Reading Comprehension (40 marks)
Section A (10 marks)
56. describe 57. opportunity 58. honeymoon 59. transition 60. characterized
Section B (10 marks)
61. F 62. T 63. T
64. The special depth that true friendship is about.
65. They need to get over fear of confrontation and rejection.
Section C (10 marks)
66. High fatality 67. thrill seeking; risk taking 68. pushing out personal boundaries 69. C 70. A
Section D (10 marks)
71.“Linguistic”intelligence and“Logical mathematical”intelligence.
72. The ability to gauge one蒺 own mood, feelings and mental states, and the ability to gauge it in others and

use the information.
73.“Logical mathematical”intelligence and the“bodily-kinesthetic”intelligence.
74. 他的观点引发了激烈的讨论,应如何定义智力。
75. 这八个类别的智力无疑反映了这样的事实,即这些类别中都有从无能到聪慧的各种不同能力的人。

Part V Translation (10 marks)
76. Since there is no turning back, we might as well try his method.
77. How do you account for the decline in profits for three consecutive months?
78. Talking about how to achieve success, Blair puts more emphasis on creating rather than waiting for opportunities.
79. I wish I had had such good opportunities as yours when I was young.
80. High tuition doesn蒺t necessarily guarantee better ecation.

Part VI Error correction (10 marks)
Cash reward is a common form of motivation used by parents with high expectation to encourage their children 夷work hard at exam time. Some youngsters receive payments of as much as 谊100 for each A grade they obtain at GSCE. But would such“bribes”be based on exam performance or
should they, as many parents and teachers feel, be offered in recognition of a child蒺s effort, regardless of results? The later approach would solve the problems of how parents reward children with different levels of ability; imagine, for example, a family with one child who is academically gift and
another who has learning difficulties. The dangers of result-relating incentives for the second child are clear; with little hope of obtaining the higher grades, the withholding of promised financial rewards would only compound of the
child蒺s feeling of false. However, some leading ecational psychologists
believe that parents should rely in their own judgments in such matters. They maintain that if parents know that money will motivate their child, then they should not be condemned for operating a system of cash payouts.

81. to

82. should
83. 姨
84. latter
85. problem
86. gifted
87. related

88. of
89. failure
90. on

Part VII IQ Test (5 marks)
91. Post Office.
92. The letter“e”.
93. Falling in love.
94. A
95. Three socks.

Part VIII Writing (30 marks) Omitted.

1. 本题满分为 I 10 分;II 20 分,按四个档次给分。
2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调 整本档次,最后给分。
3. I 词数少于 100 或多于 140 的,II 词数少于 140 或多于 180 的,从总分中减去 2 分。
4. 如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一档。
第四档(很好):I 9-10 分;II 16-20 分
第三档(好):I 6-8 分;II 11-15 分
基本符合写作格式的要求,有个别地方表达思想不够清楚,文字基本通顺、连贯,有少量词汇和语法 错误。
第二档(一般):I 3-5 分;II 6-10 分
第一档(差):I 1-2 分;II 1-5 分
未完成写作格式的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,表达思想紊乱,有较多词汇和语法的重大错误,未能将 信息传达给读者。
0 分

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