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发布时间: 2021-02-28 19:37:58

1. 大学英语作文怎么写啊,好心人告诉我

建议你针对各种考试去买相应的范文来看 多揣摩 因为很多英语的考试 作文要求是不一样的 可以多吸取别人的好词好句 当然 最好自己偶尔练习一下

2. 大学英语作文怎么写

从小的作文开始,先写简单句子。 写作文就是写作文,不要管什么考试。会写小段了,才能写出构思了的作文来。

3. 写大学英语作文

The Car and the Environment

Transportation plays a very important role in America. The automobile is the main form of transportation in America. Connecting people from point 'A' to point 'B'. America is covered with roads that transport cars and people across such areas as the islands of the Florida Key's to under the mountains of the Colorado Rockies. Cars offer fast reliable transportation, offering drivers access to anywhere with roads, but there are consequences. Automobiles are the leading cause to America's air pollution problem. Cars also release toxic emissions that damage our environment. Hurting our environment by adding to the greenhouse effect, damaging air quality, and decreasing the ozone. Not to mention the growing smog problems, disasters done with landfill and the effects done to our water supply. Which all are connected with the greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, and air quality. Even though today's ozone is stable, ultraviolet rays are under control, and the air we breathe is still healthy. In the near future these luxuries will not be available if we continue to drive cars of today. Effecting the way humans operate their lives on a regular basis.

Cars damage our environment by the emissions released from the combustion system of an automobile. Certain emissions effect out environment and do damage to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the process where infrared rays from the sun come into the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere traps these rays after they have entered, keeping the Earth warm and habitable. Toxic gases weaken the atmosphere allowing for more infrared rays to enter. Having more infrared rays reflected on the Earth warms the Earth, raising the temperature. Causing certain vegetation life to die off, the snow caps to melt, and increased temperature. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are two greenhouse gases that damage our Earth's atmosphere. Recing the amount of these greenhouse gases will greatly help rece these effects.

Cars release 30 percent of the carbon dioxide in the earth's air. Carbon dioxide is released from the tailpipe of a car and can do much damage to the human respiratory system. Every time an automobile burns a gallon of gasoline it releases 22 pounds of carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is also a damaging greenhouse gas. Cars account for 76 percent of the carbon monoxide in the earth's air. Carbon monoxide affects the bloods total capacity for carrying oxygen by to the heart, brain, and other important organs. Automobiles also release nitrogen oxide (N0x), contributing 30 percent of N0x in the earth's atmosphere. Adding to the already problem of acid rain, which can damage health by increasing coughing, asthma, and stinging eye. Volatile organic compounds also released by car emissions combine with nitrogen oxides creating smog. Smog contaminates city air and cause respiration problems to humans and harms vegetation. Volatile organic compounds have also been linked to the vague 'Sick Building Syndrome' a cancerous disease that has unknown effects on the body.

Traveling automobiles also damage the water supply with runoff lubricants, coolants, and gas deposits. These runoffs mix into the rivers and lakes through sewer systems. These toxic chemicals cause rapid growth of aquatic plants, which deplete water of dissolved oxygen, which then kills fish. It also creates a persistent bioaccumulative toxic substance that marine animals eat. This substance then grows in the fatty tissue of fish, then getting passes along to humans in the food chain. This substance breaks done over a very long period of time that can take up to a decade. Causing future health problems for humans and marine animals.

Cars might be seen as a fast and free way to travel, but at whose expense. They are solutions to fix this problem, Americans can support mass transit, electric sources of transportation, or choose other forms of transportation that do not harm the environment. One day in the future we will laugh at how we would stand around and admire the deep hum of a cars tailpipe. Not caring about how the emissions released damaged our lungs, and environment. Cars have the long-term effect to destroy the environment by ruining its natural resources. Global warming, air pollution, and ozone depletion a scare that must be dealt with before the consequences set in. Reversing the effects once done is not an option. Ozone molecules can not compete with CFC's, and technology is not moving fast enough to repair the ozone. What then lies ahead for America and its environment? Massive change must be addressed, recing the amount of driving time around America. This would benefit every citizen and generations to come. The creation of the automobile has g America a deep hole. This hole can not be filled in and hidden up. This hole can and will endanger human life in the near future. However America can choose to stop digging this hole, we can choose to select alternatives. In hope that Mother Nature can one day replenish its goodness to the way it was meant to be.
Online Job Search for College Students

There are many resources available to help college graates (and students) with a job search. From your college career services office, to alumni who have volunteered to help, to college job sites that provide job listings and job search tips specifically for students, you'll find a variety of resources available to help with a college job search. However, I found the best way is to use the Internet for job search.

While the popularity of online job boards puts millions of jobs at one's fingertips, it has also made the job applicant pool that much bigger. For this reason, national job search sites and the Internet as a whole have gotten a bad rap from some instry professionals as an ineffective job seeker tool; on the contrary, the Internet actually can be a great resource for job seekers -- they just need to know how to use it.

However, to be successful finding a job online, first, you need to write a strong resume. Instead of simply posting your résumé on a Web site, take it one step further and design an easily-navigable Web site or online portfolio where recruiters can view your body of work, read about your goals and obtain contact information. You also need to check yourself to make sure you haven't wrecked yourself. Google yourself to see what comes up -- and what potential employers will see if they do the same. If you don't like what you find, it's time to do damage control. After that, you need to narrow your options. Many job boards offer filters to help users refine their search results more quickly. You should have the option to narrow your job search by region, instry and ration, and, oftentimes, you can narrow it even more by keywords, company names, experience needed and salary. Also, please remember to go directly to the source. Instead of just applying for the posted job opening, one of the best strategies to finding a job is to first figure out where you want to work, target that company or instry and then contact the hiring manager. Also, many employers' career pages invite visitors to fill out candidate profiles, describing their background, jobs of interest, salary requirements and other preferences.

The best thing about finding a job online is that you can find your niche with instry Web sites. Refine your search even more by visiting your instry's national or regional Web site, where you can find jobs in your field that might not appear on a national job board. More and more employers are advertising jobs on these sites in hopes of getting a bigger pool of qualified applicants. The another help you can get is to try online recruiters. Recruiters will help match you with jobs that meet your specific skills and needs. Not sure where to start? Sites such as recruiterlink.com, onlinerecruitersdirectory.com, searchfirm.com and i-recruit.com provide links to online headhunters for job seekers. Some of the job searching engines have job alerts. These websites have features that allow you to sign up to receive e-mail alerts about newly available jobs that match your chosen criteria. Or go a step further and arrange an RSS (really simple syndication) feed from one of these job sites to appear on your customized Internet homepage or your PC's news-reader software.

Finally, please don’t forget to get connected. How many times have you been told that it's not what you know, but who you know? Thanks to the emergence of professional networking sites like LinkedIn.com, job seekers no longer have to rely on the old standby of exchanging business cards with strangers. These sites are composed of millions of instry professionals and allow you to connect with people you know and the people they know and so forth. (A word of caution: When you sign up for online social networking sites, you are in a public domain. Unless you are able to put a filter on some of your information, nothing is private, and it can be difficult to erase once it is posted.).

In the end, let me say: Happy job hunting, and good luck!

4. 大学英语作文最好是范文!自己写的!急急急!最好快一点

也不说要求。。。。。。。这是有关女性是否服兵役的文章 是在国外网站上找的
Whether women should be allowed to serve in the military has triggered spirited debate. Some assert that women should be allowed to defend their country in the same capacity as their male peers. Personally, I agree with their assertion for two reasons.

History has shown that women are fully capable of performing well in the military. Historically, there were a host of valiant women soldiers whose achievements really put their male counterparts to shame. One need only look at the classic examples of Joan of Arc and Mulan to see how exceptionally women could perform on the battlefield. In my observation, their determination, courage and dignity, to this day, are still being admired by male soldiers and civilians alike throughout the world.

Moreover, from an enlightened standpoint, female patriots should be granted the right to go to the front line when their motherland is involved in a war. Admittedly, gender inequality was a highly controversial issue in the twentieth century. However, now twelve years into the new millennium, women can learn and teach, work and supervise, vote and voted in most countries just like men. In light of this sweeping progress in gender equality, there is no sense in denying them the right to defend their home country when a war breaks out.

In sum, keeping military services out of bounds of women in the information age is unwarranted. I have been convinced that it is in the best interest of a nation if women are also granted equal rights in this particular arena.

5. 如何写出一篇高分的大学英语作文

在听、说、读、写四项英语技能中,写作对于中国大学生来讲可能是困难最大的一项.因为听、读属于接受性技能(receptive skills),只要学生将贮存在大脑中的语言知识在听或读的过程中进行及时提取,理解就可以产生.因此,这些语言知识可以静止地储存在我们的记忆里,以便必要时提取.而作为产出性的(proctive skills)说、写技能则不然,它要求学习者不但要有丰富的语言知识储备,还要求能够将这些知识变为自己语言的一部分.大学生要写出优秀的英语作文,首先需要打下牢固的语言基础,即相当程度的语言造诣、良好的语言修养和敏锐的语言感知能力.而且必须懂得写作的具体步骤,了解写作的性质,掌握写作的技巧.更为重要的是,中国学生还必须解决用英语思维的问题.不懂得英美人思维方式的人,无论语言功底有多深,是写不出地道的英语文章的.这里我向大家具体谈谈写好英语作文的几个重要环节. 首先我们谈谈语言.任何学过几年英语的人,他可能自己写不出好的英语作文,但当读到一篇漂亮的英语作文时,他能感觉到.产生这种感觉的又是什么?这就是语言.文章语言是重要的.我们赞叹一篇汉语文章,往往是因为我们被文章的语言所吸引、所征服:语汇丰富,句式整齐,语言或精炼或华丽,四字成语和句式安排均熟练自如,自然流畅.英语文章也同样如此.我们说这篇英语作文漂亮,主要还是因为它的语言丰富、老练和地道.那么怎样才能做到这一点呢?基本功训练!还是回到了听说读写中的写。尤其是经常默写一些选段。

6. 怎样学好大学英语 英语作文


7. 怎么写好大学英语作文

哈哈 简单啊 多记些有技术含量的词,我考过一次四级两次六级(当内然都过了撒)作文分都比其容他人高,其实就是当你在用某些单词或者短语时稍微思考一下,用不常用的代替常用的,例如你想用for example你可以用for instance代替,会有不一样的效果,一篇文章多用一点就很好了。其次就是句子不要太简单。背一些比较绕口的很华丽的形式句子。考试时自己想方设法用上。。这是经验之谈。每个人不一样哈,呼呼\(^o^)/~

8. 怎样写好大学四级英语作文


9. 大学英语作文写作技巧


10. 如何写好大学英语作文

Mobile telephone is so common nowadays that almost every student has got one.Using mobile telephone has an aspect of advantage and another aspect of disadvantage.
For the first aspect,using mobile telephone makes it easy to contact between parents and friends.Mobile telephone also adds much fun to our life.
For the later aspect,students' using mobile telephones in class will disturb the class.And as a student who doesn't have very much money,it is a waste to talk on phone and send messages.
So I suggest that please don't use mobile telephone in class if you have one and take care of the costly things of your own.

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