⑴ 新视野大学英语unit4单词文本
n. 1. the effect proced in sb.'s mind 印象,效果
2. an idea or opinion that one forms about sth. 感觉,感想
a. 1. realizing sth. 感觉到,意识到
2. fully awake; knowing what is happening around 处于清醒状态,有知觉的
ad. 意识到地,感觉到地,神志清楚地
ad. 无意识地,无感觉地,神志不清地
a. 1. nervous or embarrassed about the way one looks or appears 不自然的,难为情的,忸怩的
2. strongly aware of who or what one is or what one is doing 有自我意识的
n. 害羞,忸怩;自我意识
n. 1. a position of the body 姿势,姿态
2. the way one thinks and feels about sth. or sb. 态度,看法
n. 1. the way a person reacts to something 反应
2. a course of change that occurs when two or more kinds of matter are put together 反应,作用
v. 1. occur (between certain limits)(在一定幅度或范围内)变动,变化
2. put things in rows; order in a line or lines 排列;把……排成行
n. 1. a choice; a variety 种类;广泛(性)
2. the distance over which an object can be sent or thrown; the distance over which a sound can be heard, etc. 射程;距离,范围
n. 1. the introcing of one person to another 介绍,(正式)引见
2. the introcing of sth. 引进,采用
n. a husband or wife 配偶(指夫或妻)
n. 1. a meeting and discussion with sb. seeking a job, etc.(对求职者等的)面谈,面试
2. a discussion in which a television or radio reporter asks a person questions that he thinks listeners would like to hear the answers to (记者等的)采访,访谈
vt. question a person in an interview 对……进行面谈(或面试);对……采访
n. a meeting with sb. that happens by chance 意外(或偶然)相遇
vt. meet or have to deal with (sth. bad, esp. a danger or difficulty) 遇到,遭遇(尤指危险或困难)
v. direct attention, etc. to one point 使(注意力)集中
n. the act of making sb. do sth., or not do sth., by arguing with them and advising them 说服,劝说
a. able to persuade sb. to do or believe sth. 有说服力的,能使人相信的
n. the presenting of sth. 表现,描述
a. 1. having to do with one's body 身体的,肉体的
2. having to do with things that can be seen 物质的,有形的,实物的
n. 1. what can be seen of a person, thing, etc. 外观,外貌,外表
2. the act of beginning to exist or becoming within one's reach 出现
n. 1. the speed with which sth. happens or is done 速度,速率
2. the number of occasion within a certain period of time when sth. happens 比率,率
n. the highness or lowness of a voice or a musical note(说话等)声音(或音调)的高低度;音高
n. the quality of a sound, esp. of the human voice 音调,音
n. a movement of the hand, head, etc. that expresses something 手势,示意动作
vt. 1. hold sb.'s attention completely or interest sb. greatly 吸引……的注意力,使……感兴趣
2. take in and hold sth. 吸收
vi. walk with long steps, often because one is feeling very sure and determined 大踏步走,阔步行进
n. a long step 大步;步态,步法
vt. make sb. feel admiration and respect 给……深刻的印象,使钦佩
a. 1. always having the same opinions, standard, behaviour, etc. 一贯的
2. agreeing 一致的
ad. 一贯地,一直
n. a person who makes a speech to a group of people 演讲者,演说家
vt. make sb. unhappy 使抑郁,使沮丧
n. a group of people who watch or listen to a play, concert, speech, the television, etc. 观众,听众
n. 1. a state in which two people or things touch each other 接触
2. communication with a person, official group, country, etc. 接触,联系,交往
v. make or become less worried or stressed; spend time not doing very much 使(困难等)减少;(使)休息,放松
v. make or become less heavy or forceful 减轻,放松
n. things that interest and humour people 娱乐;供消遣的东西
vi. make a loud, deep sound 大声叫喊,咆哮
humor (英 humour)
n. the funny or pleasing quality or qualities of sb. or sth. 幽默,诙谐
v. (over, on) worry, or think a lot about sth. that makes one sad (不快或怨忿地)想;忧伤;考虑
make up one's mind
decide 下定决心,打定主意
range from... to...
occur from...to... 从……到……(范围或幅度内)变化
focus on
direct (sth. such as one's attention) firmly on (a subject); pay attention to 使(注意力)集中在
drive sb. crazy
make sb. feel very angry or annoyed 逼得某人发疯或受不了
at one's best
in one's best state or condition 处于最佳状态,在全盛时期
communicate with
speak to; send a message to; be understood by (sb.) 与……交谈,与……交流
lighten up
sth. you say to tell sb. to stop being so serious or annoyed 放松,不要生气
take ...seriously
treat a thing or person as important 认真地对待
Section B
n. something that one says or writes, often officially 说话,叙述,声明
a. done quickly and suddenly, often without careful thought 迅速的,突然的
n. 1. an opinion 看法,意见
2. the ability to form common sense opinions or to make wise decisions 判断力,识别力
ad. in a way it appears; as if 从表面上看起来;似乎是
a. immediate; happening suddenly or at once 立即的,即刻的;瞬间发生的
n. something one does 行为
vt. accept or believe that sth. is true even though one has no evidence 假定;想当然认为,臆断
vt. make someone or oneself familiar with or aware of 使认识,使了解
behavior (behaviour)
n. the way one acts or behaves 行为,举止
behavioral (behavioural)
a. concerning the behavior of an animal or a person, or the study of their behavior (关于)行为的;行为科学的
vt. figure out; judge 估计;判断
v. think sth. is bigger or more important, etc. than it really is 过高估计,过高评价
a. easily seen or understood; clear 显然的,明显的
a. not complete 部分的,不完全的
ad. partly; not completely 部分地,不完全地
v. (for) explain or give a reason for 作出解释,提出理由,说明
n. 1. a report or description of sth. that has happened 记述,描述,报告
2. the plan by which a bank looks after your money for you 账户;交易关系
vt. move one thing against another 擦,摩擦
a. 1. using or showing force or stress in order to succeed 活跃有为的,积极进取的
2. ready or likely to fight or argue 挑衅的,侵略的
a. not active; not showing any feelings or action 被动的;消极的
v. feel angry about sth. because it is unfair (尤指因感到委屈、伤害等)对……表示忿恨,对……怨恨
a. feeling annoyed 充满忿恨的,怨恨不止的
n. the purpose or special ty of a person or thing 功能,作用,机能
a. 1. concerning the position of people in society 一定社会地位的
2. concerning how people or groups of people connect; about the order of society 社会的
n. one's social or work position when compared to other people 地位,身份
n. (often pl.) a strong desire to have or do sth. (常用复数)强烈的愿望,志向
vt. 1. show or present (oneself or one's qualities) in a certain way 表明……特征,使呈现特性
2. plan 打算,计划
n. 1. a plan or secret plan 计划,规划
2. a piece of study or research (学术交流的)课题,作业,科研项目
vt. 1. raise someone to a higher level or position 提升,晋升
2. encourage; help the progress of sth. 促进,增进
n. something added to make something else look better 装饰品,点缀品
n. 奖牌,奖章,勋章
n. 宝石,宝石饰物;首饰
n. a very strong opinion or belief 坚定的信仰;确信
n. a plan to do a number of things in order to achieve a special aim 运动
n. 1. an idea about faith, political ideas, etc. 信念,信仰
2. a feeling that sb. or sth. is true, good or right, or that sb. or sth. really exists 相信,信任
a. 1. connected with faith 宗教的,宗教上的
2. having a strong belief in a faith 笃信宗教的,虔诚的
n. something that stands for or is a sign of something else 标志,象征
n. the state of being a member 会员身份,会员资格
n. 徽章,证章;标记,标识
n. something that is done successfully, esp. through hard work or skill 成就,成绩
a. connected with the supply of money, trade, instry, etc. 经济的,经济上的
n. the style or kind of building 建筑式样,建筑风格
a. strict 严格的,死板的
n. what people normally do or follow 准则
n. the way that sth. is done, built, etc. 样式,风格
n. the way one lives 生活方式
lack of
not having enough of 缺乏,不足
find out
discover 找出,查明,发现
actions speak louder than words
one is judged by what he does, rather than what he says he will do 行动比言语更响亮;事实胜于雄辩
in relation to
concerning 有关,关于
become/be acquainted with
become/be familiar or friendly with 与……相识,了解
pick up
1. learn interesting or useful information 获得
2. learn a new skill or language by practicing it rather than being taught it 学会
in part
to some degree; not completely 在某种程度上;部分
account for
explain or give a reason for 作出解释,提出理由,说明
be/feel at home
be/feel comfortable 感到无拘束,感到熟悉
be content with
be satisfied or happy with 对……感到满足
a wealth of
a great quantity of 大量的,丰富的
Phi Beta Kappa
connected with the time of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) (英国)维多利亚(女王)的,维多利亚时代的,维多利亚式的
⑵ 新视野大学英语第二版第四册完型填空翻译或者原文,只要-Unit 3,Unit 5, Unit 7课后联系的完形填空
这边真的是原文咯 一定一定!原文和翻译都有的!!我这个每一篇都有的
⑶ 新视野大学英语第二版单词
⑷ 新视野大学英语读写教程第二版unit4单词
⑸ 新视野大学英语第二版第四册课文翻译
⑹ 急求《新视野大学英语》全4册的单词!!!一定要带音标的啊!方便打印的!!!
⑺ 新视野大学英语第二版第四册第四单元V的答案和第九单元完形的答案
1.L 2.N 3.D 4.E 5.H 6.1 7.F 8.0 9.1 10.B
新视野大学英语(第二版)第四册Unit 9
Section A
1. violated 2. delicate 3. contended 4. invasion 5. illustration
6. attendance 7. concessions 8. unique 9. contemplated 10. excess
11. banned 12. symbol 13. figured 14 assemble
1. made some concessions 2. putting…before 3. be untroubled about
4. take it to court
5. came into service 6.in response to 7. rather than 8. focused … on
9. it depends 10. In a flash
1.L 2.J 3.E 4.I 5.D 6.N 7.B 8.O 9.A 10.G
Collocation .
1. calming 2. long-term 3. negative 4. destructive 5. marginal
6. harmful 7. disastrous 8. emotional 9. similar 10. stimulating
Word Building
1. enrance 2. tolerance 3. defiance 4. attendance
5. acceptance 6. admittance 7. Reliance 8. Observance
1. unanimous 2. unify 3. unicycle 4. unique
5. uniform 6. unite 7. union 8. unity
1. 尽管他们做出了巨大的努力,但目前为止,博物馆每天的参观者仍然 还是很少。(for all; so far)
For all their great efforts, the museum's daily attendance has so far still been very low.
2. 作为对政府检查员批评的回应,公司改变了一些做法,而不是放弃自 己的规定。(in response to; rather than)
In response to criticism by government inspectors, the company changed some of its practices rather than gave up its rules.
3. 警方提醒乘客,不要将钱和贵重物品放在提包里,以防被盗。 (warn against)
The police warned the passengers against putting money and precious things in bags lest they should be stolen.
4. 调查应集中于父母和孩子们如何看待学校满足他们需求的那些办 法。(focus on)
Surveys ought to focus on how parents and children perceive the ways in which the school satisfies their needs.
5. 一瞬间,特斯(Tess)由一个天真的女孩变成了一个成熟、受过 良好教育的女子。 (in a flash)
In a flash, Tess changed from an innocent girl to a mature and well-ecated woman.
6. 我能证实200列新火车正在制造中,第一批将在今年五月投入运营 。 (come into service)
I can confirm that 200 new trains are being manufactured and that the first of those trains will come into service in May this year.
1. For all their explanations, the union still believed the company's dress and appearance code offends indivial liberty and violates the labor law.
尽管他们做了解释,工会仍然认为公司的着装规定侵犯了个人自由, 也违反了劳工法。
2. Management has granted a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure but refused to make any further concession.
在工会的压力下,资方已同意提高10%的薪酬,但是拒绝做出进一步 的让步。
3. We can reform our public health care system, which still gives us, for all its flaws, the best health care in the world.
我们可以改革我们的公共卫生医疗体系,该体系虽然有缺陷,但仍为 我们提供了世界上最好的卫生保健服务。
4. If he has the money and no good excuse for not paying what he owes you, the only solution may be to take him to court.
如果他有钱,而且没有充足的理由不偿还欠你的钱,那将他告上法庭 也许是唯一的解决办法了。
5. Efforts to resolve the conflict in the Middle East, which has caused more than 100 deaths since February of last year, have so far been fruitless.
直到目前,解决中东冲突的各项努力都没有任何成效;中东冲突自去 年二月以来,已造成100多人死亡。
6. In this chapter we focus on how to arrange your gathered material in the form of an argument.
⑻ 新视野大学英语第二版第四册泛读教程的翻译,急求麻烦了,
查看文章 新视野大学英语第二册课后翻译答案(U1-U7)汉译英2008-05-29 18:29Unit 11. 在有些人眼里,毕加索(Picasso)的绘画会显得十分荒谬。In the eyes of some people, Picasso’s paintings would seem rather foolish.2. 他们利润增长部分的原因是由于采用了新的市场策略。The increase in their profits is e partly to their new market strategy.3. 那个男人告诉妻子把药放在最上面的搁架上,这样孩子们就够不着了。The man told his wife to keep the medicine on the top shelf so that it would be beyond the children’s reach.4. 有钱不一定幸福。Happiness doesn’t always go with money.5. 那辆小汽车从我买来以后尽给我添麻烦。That car has given me nothing but trouble ever since I bought it.Unit 21.自今年夏初起, 海尔公司 (Haier) 展开了空调促销的广告大战。Since the beginning of this summer, Haier has waged a massive ad campaign to promote its air-conditioner sales.2.玛丽的父母不同意她去美国,因此她最终能否实现自己的愿望尚不可知。Mary’s parents frown on the idea of her going to America, so it remains to be seen whether she will realize her dream.3. 罗斯明白约翰源源不断的来信,连同无数的玫瑰花,目的是为了赢得她的心。Rose knows that continuous letters from John, together with countless roses, are aimed at winning her heart.4. 政府通过资助种植果树以使荒地重新变绿,成功地改善了生态环境。Through sponsoring the growing of fruit trees to regenerate waste land, the government succeeded in improving the ecological environment.5.政府已采取了一系列新的环保措施,由此在全国多地出现了许多公园和公共绿地。 The government has undertaken a series of new environmental initiatives. As a result, many parks and green belts have sprung up all over the country.Unit 31. 人生充满了欢乐与痛苦。Life is full of ups and downs. be full of / be filled with2. 我始终知道他会以优异的成绩毕业。I knew all along that he would graate with distinction.3. 工作人员对这一说法的真实性有些保留看法。The working staff had some reservations about the truth of the claim.4. 当地政府将毫不犹豫地采取最严厉的措施对付犯罪分子。 The local government will not hesitate to take the severest measures against criminals.5. 他企图以滔滔不绝的谈话来拖延时间。He tried to buy time by doing a lot of talking.Unit 41. 对大多数父母来说,送孩子出国学习的决定是经过仔细考虑后做出的。 他们会尽力在孩子离开之前安排好一切。For most parents, the decision to send children abroad for study is made after careful thinking. They will try to have everything worked out before their children leave.2. 杰克才开始工作了三个月,经验尚不足,所以让他独立完成这项任务是有困难的。Jack has only been working for three months, so, for lack of experience, he will have difficulty finishing the task alone.3. 只要你详细说明要我们做些什么,我们就会尽力帮你做好一切准备的。As long as you specify what we are expected to do, we’ll try our best to help you get everything ready.4. 苏珊以为自己会很快适应那儿的生活,可后来发现事情没那么容易,于是她开始想家(homesick)。Susan had thought she would adapt to life there soon, but she found later things were not so easy, and she began to feel homesick.5. 当离别时刻到来时,这些孩子忐忑不安起来,因为他们不知道自己是否能适应没有父母在身边的生活。Tension descended on these children when it was time for departure, since they didn’t know whether they could adapt to the life without parents.Unit 51. 我父亲太忘事,老是在找钥匙。My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.2. 再没有收到过他的信,于是我们开始怀疑他是否还活着。Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was still alive.3. 对于这位科学家来说,凌晨两、三点钟上床睡觉是很平常的事。It is not unusual for the scientist to go to bed at two or three in the morning.4. 那人弯腰从地上把书捡起来。The man bent down and picked up the book from the floor.5. 丽贝卡(Rebecca)把头靠在丈夫的肩头哭起来了。Leaning her head on her husband’s shoulder, Rebecca began to cry.Unit 61. 她误解了自己最好的朋友,感到非常内疚。 She was very guilty about not having understood/having misunderstood her best friend.2. 她容貌秀美, 举止优雅,很吸引人。 Her good looks and elegant manners are very attractive.3. 显然,他总以为自己的学历和工作经历肯定会给人深刻的印象, 但实际并非如此。Obviously, he takes it for granted that his ecational background and work experience are surely impressive. But actually they are not.4. 他引用一位著名艺术评论家的话,为自己的绘画才能增加一点自信心。 By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to his talents.5.每个学生都有自己的不同特点,友善或拘谨,长相平平或漂亮妩媚。老师不应该歧视中间任何人。Every student has his or her characteristic qualities, such as friendliness or reserve, plainness or charm. A teacher should not be prejudiced against any of them.Unit 71. 医生建议说, 有压力的人要学会做一些新鲜有趣、富有挑战性的事情, 来发泄负面情绪。The doctor recommends that those stressed people should try some new, interesting and challenging things in order to give their negative feelings an outlet.2. 那个学生的成绩差,老师给他布置了更多的作业,而不是减少作业量。The teacher gives more homework to the students who has bad grades, instead of allowing him to cut that down.3. 尽管我已经把许多任务分派给其他人去做,我依然担心这项计划无法赶在4月1日截止期前完成。Although I’ve delegated many tasks to other people, I’m still afraid that I won’t be able to finish the plan before the April 1 deadline.4. 从医生的角度看,脾气越急躁的人越易于失控。因此他们往往容易患心脏病。From a doctor’s viewpoint, the hotter-tempered people get, the more likely they are to lose control. Consequently, they tend to suffer from heart diseases.5. 教师首先要考虑的事情之一是唤起学生的兴趣,激发他们的创造性。A teacher’s priorities include exciting students’ interests and stimulating their creativity.