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发布时间: 2021-03-01 01:38:22



㈡ 新概念英语2单元测试1的答案

B some,a,any,any,a,some,a,any,any,any
D bought,aired,lost,listened,emptied
F slowly,lazily,badly,carefully,suddenly
H his,mine,hers,theirs,yours
I cooler,wetter,later,easier,more expensive,larger,more interesting,more pretty,more beautiful,more intelligent
K at,on,on,in,on
L over,under,across,along,on,in,off,between,out of,into
M which,who,which,who,which
O knives,boxes,shelves,wives,dishes

㈢ 求新概念英语2册,第2单元测试答案!!!!!

Key to Pre-unit Test 2 刚做的,看看吧

Key structures
1.I enjoyed the film yesterday.
2.My brother went to market.
3.The children asked questions continuously in class this morning.
4.We stay at home on Sundays.
5.I borrowed a book from the library this morning.

1.She rarely amswers my letters.
2.The shops always close on Saturday afternoons.
3.We never work after six o'clock.
4.We sometimes spend our holidays abroad.
5.Do you ever buy CDs?

are playing...play...is kicking...is running
I have just received...He has been there...he has already visited...He has just bought...and has gone
1.What did you buy yesterday?
2.Up till now,he has never lent me anything.
3.Have you burnt those old papers yet?
4.He fought in Flanders in the First World War.
5.We have just won the match.
1.was leaving...arrived
2.was working...was sitting
3.was walking...met
4.was reading...heard
I shall go to the theatre...Reg and I will see the first performance...the procer will give a short speech.He will speak to ...The play will be very successful and I think a great many people will enjoy it very much.
1.shall be ironing
2.will be arriving
3.We'll be seeing
4.shall be watching
5.will be correcting
1.After she had written the letters,she went to the post office.
2.After he had had dinner,he went to the cinema.
3.When I had fastened my seat belt,the plane took off.
4.We did not disturb him until he had finished work.
5.As soon as he had left the room,I turned on the radio.
was built...had become...died...was built...were called...was begun...was complete...cost...has been visited
1.told...would come
3.told...had never played
4.did he say...had done
5.did he tell...bought
1.rains 2.will never pass 3.is 4.will get 5.enjoys
Fishing...catching...catching...having spent...fishing...fishing...sitting...doing

1.You must see a doctor.
2.Must you make so much noise?
3.She said we must had to stay here.
4.I must have some help.
5.He had to go out last night.
1.He must be a fool.
2.He must be mad.
3.She must be over forty.
1.Can I use your telephone?
2.He may telephone tomorrow.
3.Can I have two tickets please?
4.The play may have begun already.
5.Can I leave the table please?

some soap a picture some milk some money a woman a window
a bus some sand some rice a\some newspaper some water a cloud a son some coal a secretary some oil

1.the most unusual
3.more interesting...than
4.the lazist
5.worse than

1.in 2.On 3.ring 4.at 5.on...in 6.in 7.at...in

1.in 2.from 3.on 4.of 5.in 6.of

Special difficulties
1.By the way
9.It is
1.at 2.up 3.on 4.out...back 5.out
1.Who knocked this vase over?
2.She is looking the children after.
3.Put your jacket on.
4.Bring it quickly back.
5.The thieves woke the night watchman up.
1.The officer ordered the men to fire at the enemy.
2.He wants his wife to wear this dress.
3.She wants us to explain it.
4.I cannot allow him to enter the room.
5.She taught her son to read.
1.She made me this dress.
2.I lent him my typewriter.
3.I showed George the letter.
4.Pass your mother that cup.
5.Johnny gave his sister the doll.

㈣ 求新概念英语第二册单元测试的试题及答案!


㈤ 新概念英语第二单元测试答案


㈥ 新概念英语第二册单元测试答案

2.George answered that he did not know.He thought a new road was being built and that
it would be finished soon.
3.I told George that all those people were silly because they were looking into an
empty hole.
4.George said that some piople enjoy/enjoyed watching others work.
5.Half an hour passed.George told me to hurry up as we had been there for half an hour.
He added that there was nothing to see in an empty hole.
6.i answered that I didn't want to go yet because it was very interesting.
2 1d 2a 3b 4a 5d 6a 7a 8d 9d 10c 11a 12c

Lesson 48
1 A 1.which 2.denied 3.fetched 4.too 5.jobs 6.One...a...who
7.past 8.next 9.watching 10.continually 11.remarked 12.robbed
B (sample sentences)
I'm sorry to cause you such trouble.
Have you ever seen such beartiful pictures before?
It's such a nice day that we can't stay indoors!
I'm feeling so tired that I shall have to stop work.
C 1.He had no sooner come home than they rang him up from the office.
2.The plane had no sooner taken off than it returned to the airport.
D 1.made 2.do 3.make 4.do 5.Do 6.make 7.made 8.does
E 1.ou


㈦ 朗文外研社新概念英语2 第二单元测试答案 可以现在就发吗

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㈧ 新概念英语2测试1的答案,急要


1.He is busy.
2.He is leaning English.
3.He has a new book.
4.He lives in the country.
5.He will see you tomorrow.
6.He can understand you.
7.He must write a letter.
8.He may come next week.
9.He does a lot of work every day.
10.He did a lot of work yesterday.
11.He played football yesterday.
12.He bought a new coat last week.
13.He has had a letter from Tom.
14.He was busy this morning.
15.He could play football very well when he was younger.
16.He always tries to get up early.
17.He might see you next week.
18.He always enjoys a good film.
19.He had finished his work before you came.
20.He watches television every night.

1.some 2.a 3.any 4.any 5.a 6.some 7.a 8.any 9.any 10.any

1.I haven't got much butter.
2.You haven't got many cigarettes.
3.We haven't got much milk.
4.She hasn't got many biscuits.
5.They haven't got much stationery.

1.bought 2.aired 3.lost 4.listened 5.emptied

1.Q.Did he buy a new car?
Q.What did he buy?
N.He didn't buy a new car.
2.Q.Can she come tomorrow?
Q.When can she come?
N.She can't come tomorrow.
3.Q.Were they here yesterday?
Q.When were they here?
N.They weren't here yesterday.
4.Q.Must he leave early?
Q.Why must he leave early?
N.He mustn't leave early.
5.Q.Did he give you a pen?
Q.What did he give you?
N.He didn't give you a pen.
6.Q.Does he live next door?
Q.Where does he live?
N.He doesn't live next door.
7.Q.Do you know him well?
Q.How well do you know him?
N.You don't know him well.
8.Q.Has he found his pen?
Q.What has he found?
N.He hasn't found his pen.
9.Q.Did you see that film?
Q.When did you see that film?
N.You didn't see that film.
10.Q.Did he arrive at two o'clock?
Q.When did he arrive?
N.He didn't arrive at two o'clock.

1.slowly 2.lazily 3.badly 4.carefully 5.suddenly

1.He'll... 2.She'll... 3.I'll... 4.He won't ... 5.We shan't...

1.his 2.mine 3.hers 4.theirs 5.yours

1.cooler 2.wetter 3.later 4.easier 5.more expensive 6.larger 7.more interesting 8.prettier 9.more beautiful 10.more intelligent

1.yesterday 2.tomorrow 3.today 4.this afternoon 5.the day after tomorrow 6.the day before yesterday 7.last night 8.tomorrow morning 9.this morning 10.yesterday afternoon

1.at 2.on 3.in 4.in 5.on

1.over 2.under 3.across/in 4.along 5.on 6.in 7.off 8.between 9.into 10 .out of

1.Which 2.Who 3.Which 4.Who 5.Which

1.This is the car which the mechanic repaired yesterday.
2.He is the man whom I invited to the party.
3.These are the things which I bought yesterday.
4.He is the man who came here last week.
5.He is the policeman who caught the thieves.
6.She is the nurse who looked after me.
7.She is the woman whom I met yesterday.
8.I am the person who wrote to you.
9.They are the people whom I saw yesterday.
10.They are the trees which we cut down yesterday.

1.knives 2.boxes 3.shelves 4.wives 5.dishes

1.No,I didn't.I took her to a party.
2.Yes,I did.
3.She sat near the window.
4.A middle-aged lady (came into our compartment).
5.She was middle-aged.
6.She sat opposite Sally.
7.She said"Hello"to Sally.
8.To make herself beautiful.(She did it to make herself beautiful.)
9.No,she didn't.She thought she was ugly.
10.She said,"But you are still ugly."(She said she was still ugly.)

㈨ 新概念英语2 单元前测试答案

Key Structures
a 1 I enjoyed the film yesterday.
2 My mother went to market.
3 (This morning) the children asked questions continuously in class.
4 (On Sundays) we stay at home.
5 (This morning) I borrowed a book from the library.
b 1 She rarely...
2 The shops always...
3 We never...
4 We sometimes...
5 Do you ever...(后面直接照抄)
a are playing...play...is kicking...is running
b died...left...spent...bought...went...stayed...listened...lent...kept...lost
c I have just received...He has been there...he has already visited...He has just bought...and has gone
d 1 ...did...buy...
2 ...hasnever lent...
3 Have you burnt...
4 ...fought...
5 ...have just won...
e 1 was leaving/left...arrived
2 was working/worked...was sitting/sat
3 was walking/walked...met
4 was reading...heard
f 略
g 1 shall be ironing
2 will be arriving
3 We'll be seeing
4 shall be watching
5 will be correcting
h 1 After...
2 After...
3 When...
4 ...him until he...
5 As soon as...
i ...was built...became/had become...died...was built...were called...was begun...(was)completed...cost...has beenvisited...
j 1 told...would come/would be coming
2 said...(had) cut
3 told...had never played
4 did he say...had done/would do
5 did he tell...(had) bought/would buy
k 1 rains 2 will never pass 3 is 4 will get 5 enjoys
l Fashing...catching...catching...havingspent...fishing...fishing...sitting...doing
a 1 You must/will have to see a doctor.
2 Must you/Do you have to make so much noise?
3 she said we must/would have to/had to stay here.
4 I must/have to some help.
5 He had to go out last night.
b 1 He must be a fool.
2 He must be mad.
3 She must be over forty.
c 1 Can/May I use your telephone?
2 He may telephone tomorrow.
3 Can/May I have two tickets please?
4 The play may have begun already.
5 Can/May I leave the table please?
a 略
b ...a...\...a...a...a...the...\...a...the...the...a...a...\...the...a...a...a...
E 1 the most unusual
2 better...than
3 more interesting than
4 the laziest
5 worse than
F 1 in 2 On 3 ring/in 4 at 5 on...in 6 in 7 at...in
G 1 in 2 from 3 on 4 of 5 in 6 of
Special difficulties
a 1 By the way
2 borrowed
3 ask
4 grown
5 Besides
6 its
7 yet
8 desk
9 It is
10 home
b 1 at 2 up 3 on 4 out...back 5 out
c 1 Who knocked this vase over?
3 Put ypur jacket on
5 The thieves woke the night watchman up
d 1 ...the men to fire at the enemy.
2 ...his wife to wear this dress.
3 ...us to explain it.
4 ...allow him to enter the room.
5 ...her son to read.
e 1 She made me this dress.
2 I lent him my typewriter.
3 I showed George the letter.
4 Pass your mother that cup.
5 Johnny gave his sister the doll.

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