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发布时间: 2021-02-28 14:36:07

A. 新概念英语第一册63课怎样好背过

1 听录音
2 记单词
3 读课文
4 看译文
5 莫心急
6 多重复
at last
i have recited NCE 4
good luck

B. 新概念英语63课谢谢 你医生视频讲解


C. 新概念英语第一册61到63课答案

楼主您应该说错了,单科全部都是学课,双课才是练习课,学科没有习题可以写.Lesson 62A1 He has a cold.2 He can't go to work.3 He is not well.4 He feels ill.5 He must see a doctor.6 He does not like doctors.B1 What's the matter with Elizabeth?Does she have an earache?No, she doesn't have an earache.She has a headache.So she must take an aspirin.2 What's the matter with George?Does he have a headache?No, he doesn't have a headache.He has an earache.So he must see a doctor.3 What's she matter with Jim?Does he have a stomach ache?No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.He has a toothache.So he must see a dentist.4 What's the matter with Jane?Does she have a toothache?No, she doesn't have a toothache.She has a stomach ache.So she must take some medicine.5 What's the matter with Sam?Does he have a stomach ache?No, he doesn't have a stomach ache.He has a temperature.So he must go to bed.6 What's the matter with Dave?Does he have a headache?No, he doesn't have a headache.He has flu.So he must stay in bed.7 What's the matter with Jimmy?Does he have a headache?No, he doesn't have a headache.He has measles.So we must call the doctor.8 What's the matter with Susan?Does she have an earache?No, she doesn't have an earache.She has mumps.So we must call the doctor

D. 复述新概念英语1课文【65课】

FATHER: What are you going to do this evening. Jill?
JILL: I'm going to meet some friends. Dad.
FATHER: You mustn't come home late. You must be home at half past ten.
JILL: I can't get home so early, Dad! Can I have the key to the front door please?
FATHER: No, you can't.
MOTHER: Jill's eighteen years old, Tom. She's not a baby. Give her the key. She always comes home early.
FATHER: Oh, all right! Here you are. But you mustn't come home after a quarter past eleven. Do you hear?
JILL: Yes. Dad. Thanks, Mum.
MOTHER: That's all right. Goodbye. Enjoy yourself!
JILL: We always enjoy ourselves, Mum. Bye-bye.


父亲:不行, 你不能带。


Dad n. 爸(儿语)
key n. 钥匙
baby n. 婴儿
hear v. 听见
enjoy v. 玩得快活
yourself rpon.你自己
ourselves pron.我们自己
mum n. 妈妈


1. going to do sth. 意思是打算做什么、将要做什么?

2. half past ten,意思是十点半,也可以直接说成ten thirty;a quarter past eleven,意思是11点一刻,quater就是一刻,四分之一的意思,11:15也可以直接说成eleven fifteen。

这里我们看到关于精确时间的表达,几点钟、几分,最简单的表达当然就是直接把数字读出来。比如09:05读作nine O five;12:35读成twelve thirty five……

“过” 这个表达,就如文中讲到那样用“past”这个介词;如果是“不到”则用"to"这个介词。比如“差10分钟10点” 就可以读成 ten to ten。

3. enjoy yourself!意思是好好玩,也可以简单说成"enjoy!" 在很多场合都可以用得上,比如祝朋友有个好旅行、好好吃一顿、运动一下等等,在很多行动之前你都可以用它来表达一种祝愿。


1. 我们为大家提供了两种主流英语发音的音频,请大家下载自己喜欢的一种,放到MP3里反复听!(刚开始练习英语听力和口语最好选定一种学习,不要英音美音混淆哦!)

2. 背诵、并默写今天的课文。实在没有时间的同学就抄写一遍吧。(论坛互动学习本期推出在线录音,希望大家多多开口,我会帮大家做点评)

3. 用今天学到的单词或句型造句一个。

E. 新概念英语第一册59至63课知识点

你看看这个对么,Lesson 59 Is that all?

envelope [

F. 新概念第63课


G. 谁有新概念英语第二册63课的原文

Jeremy Hampden has a large circle of friends and is very popular at parties. Everybody admires him for his great sense of humour - everybody, that is, except his six-year-old daughter, Jenny. Recently, one of Jeremy's closest friends asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception. This is the sort of thing that Jeremy loves. He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with Jenny. He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech and, of course, it was a great success. As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. Jeremy was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked. On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she hadn't. Jeremy asked her why this was so and she told him that she did not like to see so many people laughing at him!




wedding reception:婚礼


to one's surprise:使……感到震惊

laugh at:嘲笑



H. 新概念英语第一册1到63课双数课文


I. 新概念英语1一课一练第63~64课的答案

一、A D A A A C A D D C 二、A A B A D 三、1、have a clod 2、卧床 3.see a doctor 就告诉专你这些属了

J. 新概念英语一册1到60课有多少课文


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