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发布时间: 2021-02-28 09:43:23

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❸ 八年级英语训学案答案人教版答案

On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o‘clock, and most of them are awake by six o’clock although it is not light in England for another hour or two at this time of the year.
Children look for their presents , and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o‘clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in . The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten . Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it . The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas hollidays comes to an end.

❹ 帮帮忙,2017年名校秘题全程导练八年级英语上册人教版这本答案谁有

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❺ 跪求,八年级下册英语导学练答案

但是如果你连作业都抄 ,还不如不做

❻ 八年级下册英语导学新作业答案

Unit 1
Period 1 摇
一、1. / 藜尬/ 摇2. / eI / 摇3. / 兹/ 摇4. / ju蘼/ 摇5. / i蘼/
二、略(可用be doing, begoing to do, will do 造句)
一、everyone蒺s, will be, else,predict, not, fewer, more, another, pollution, a lot
二、1. more摇2. less摇3. fewer摇4. more摇5. more, less摇6. more摇7. less
一、1—5 BCADB摇6—9 BBDD
二、1—5 DCADC摇6—10 BACBA
Period 2 摇
一、1. / I / 摇2. / I / 摇3. / 藜/ 摇4. / 覸/ 摇5. / 藜/
一、1. buildings摇2. less, fewer摇3. skating摇4. hundreds摇5. won蒺t摇6. will work摇7. flew 8. Were摇9. Is, writing摇10. will be
二、1. won蒺t live摇2. Will, study摇3. will be摇4. How soon will, go摇5. don蒺t think, will摇6. Will, be
一、1. go to high school摇2. play soccer摇3. go to college摇4. play the guitar
二、1—5 CACAC
Period 3 摇
一、1—3 CBD
一、1—3 BAC
二、1. near here摇2. a computer programmer摇3. take the train to school摇4. an astronaut 5. on a spacestation摇6. an apartment
三、1. Where will you work in 10 years? 摇2. What wasTony蒺s father five years ago? 3. How soonwill you live on a space station?
一、1. space摇2. astronaut摇3. rockets摇4. moon摇5. took
二、1—5 CCCBC摇6—8 DAC
三、1—5 BDBAD摇6—10 BDBDA
Period 4 摇
一、1. fell in love摇2. do you think, like in 5 years摇3. will happen摇4. living alone 5. won蒺t be able摇6. work, myself摇7. dress casually摇8. will come true摇9. Which movie 10. the biggest movie companies
二、1. to teach摇2. to listen摇3. not cross摇4. not to wear摇5. fewer摇6. scientist摇7. will study
8. hundred摇
一、1. paper摇2. everything摇3. robots摇4. true摇5. dress摇6. thought摇7. such摇8. fun 9. interview摇10. buildings
二、1—5 BBABD摇6—10 BCBCB
三、One possible version:
摇摇In thefuture, I will be a doctor for animals because I like animals very much,especially some small
animals as cats, dogs andso on. I will try my best to help these animals to become better. I will workin a
big city like Shanghai andlive in an apartment with my parents. I don蒺t like living alone. To be a doctor,
I will work much harder toget more knowledge, then I can help others in many ways.
Period 5 摇
一、1—5 DAABD
二、1. your own摇2. help do housework摇3. hundreds of摇4. try doing sth摇5. the same as 6. a Japanesecompany摇7. wake up摇8. for example摇9. simple jobs摇10. different shapes 11. get bored摇12. seem impossible
二、1. C摇2. A, C, E, F, G
一、1. impossible摇2. seemed摇3. everywhere摇4. humans摇5. factories
二、1—5 BDCBA摇6—10 DDCDD
三、1. It took hundreds of workers two years to build this tall building. 2. I will beable to do such work in 10 years.
四、will be, and, standing, later, thinking, stay,scientists, have, before, sure
Unit 2
Period 1 摇
一、1. / 藁蘼/ 摇2. / 鬑/ 摇3. / aI / 摇4. / I / 摇5. / 藜/
二、1. Shall, go摇2. don蒺t, go摇3. not go摇4. go摇5. go摇6. go摇7. go摇8. to go摇9. to go 10. going
一、unhappy, wrong, out of style, look cool, should, enoughmoney, could, to stay at home, argued,
shouldn蒺t, guess, plays, loud
二、1. are out of style摇2. Maybe, should call, up摇3. is having an argument with摇4. could buy,for
一、1. play摇2. loud摇3. wrong摇4. ticket摇5. argue摇6. surprised
二、1—5 BBCDA
三、1—5 CBCDA摇6—10 BCDAB
Period 2 摇
一、1. / 奁/ 摇2. / 藜/ 摇3. / eI / 摇4. / eI /
二、1—6 CBEFAD
一、1. get摇2. will visit摇3. did, leave摇4. Will, walk摇5. will write摇6. more comfortable 7. inexpensive摇8. colorful摇9. friend蒺s摇10. thought
二、1. with摇2. from摇3. to摇4. for摇5. for摇6. for
三、1. need to get some money摇2. pay for summer camp摇3. a part鄄time job摇4. borrow 褖from 褖5. ask 褖for 褖摇6. get a tutor
一、1—5 CCDBB摇6—7 BC
二、1—5 DBDAA
Period 3 摇
一、1—5 BADCA
二、Clothes: nice, beautiful, in style, out of style,colorful, dear, inexpensive, comfortable, new, old, neat
Haircut: original,terrible, in style, out of style, the same as, be different from
Friends: friendly, nice,good, helpful, get on well with
一、calling, fashionable clothes, neat haircut, It蒺s, haircut, copies everything, original, see if, for, advice,
another, likes, don蒺t, opinion, one more, on the line, wants
二、1. find out摇2. leave sth摇3. get on wellwith摇4. fight with摇5. invite sb todo sth 6. give me some advice
一、1. except摇2. failed摇3. fall摇4. serious摇5. least摇6. left摇7. listens to摇8. couldn蒺t 9. find out摇10. get on with
二、1—5 BCBDB摇6—7 BC
三、problem, never, interested, get away, eyes, running,tired, have, think, miss
Period 4 摇
一、1—5 BCDCC
一、1. find it hard摇2. headache, upset, what to do摇3. borrow, from, return摇4. getting on well with 5. It seems, bythemselves
二、1. argument摇2. freedom摇3. pressure摇4. solutions摇5. advice摇6. pass摇7. surprised 8. exercise摇9. friend蒺s摇10. different 摇11. nicer
一、1—5 BDAAD摇6—10 ADADC摇11—12 BC
二、quiet, even, worried, anything, took, but, by, eating,when, don蒺t
Period 5 摇
一、1—5 ABDBA
二、1. busy enough摇2. from 褖to 褖摇3. not get home until 7摇4. it蒺s time to do sth摇5. as much as
possible摇6. too much pressure摇7. take part in摇8. after鄄school clubs摇9. nothing new摇10. all
kinds of摇11. compare 褖with 褖摇12. 学习做某事摇13. 一方面摇14. 空闲时间
一、1. to relax摇2. didn蒺t get摇3. quick摇4. to fit摇5. teaching摇6. comparing摇7. to think 8. themselves
二、1. At 7 pm. 摇2. Teachers complain aboutteaching tired kids in the classroom. 摇3. Most studentstake
part in after鄄school clubs. 摇4. No, they shouldn蒺t. 摇5. Parents should learn to give their kids more free鄄
dom and time to relax.
一、1. predicting摇2. serious摇3. except摇4. Which摇5. such摇6. fit摇7. push摇8. tutor摇9. live摇10. compare
二、1—5 ADACB摇6—10 BDCAB摇11—15 DCBCA
Unit 3
Period 1 摇
1. alien, take摇2. barber, bathroom摇3. bedroom, get摇4. kitchen, visit摇5. land, man
一、1. stand in front of the library摇2. in thebarber shop摇3. cut hair摇4. get out of the shower 5. buy asouvenir摇6. call the TV station摇7. clean myroom摇8. sleep late摇9. walk downthe street 10. take off
二、1. When摇2. was washing摇3. when摇4. did, do摇5. in the front of
一、1. while摇2. bathroom摇3. began摇4. kitchen摇5. landed
二、1—5 BBDCC摇6—10 BBDBB摇
三、1—4 BCAB
Period 2 摇
1. amazing, strange摇2. imagine, strategy摇3. experience, except摇4. example, exam摇5. style, surprise
unusual, was walking, me,An, to see, surprised, into, left, Flight, While
一、1. strange摇2. experience摇3. amazed摇4. aliens摇5. Kidding
二、1—5 CBDDC摇6—10 ACCDB
三、1—4 BABC
Period 3 摇
1. flower, shout摇2. ran, happen摇3. climb, style摇4. jump, come摇5. many, anywhere
一、1. was, sleeping, got摇2. was cooking, was washing摇3. was sweeping, left摇4. were having, came摇5. saw摇6. will go摇7. were, doing摇8. will take
二、1. shout摇2. jumping摇3. scared摇4. climbing摇5. rode
一、1. didn蒺t go, until摇2. wasn蒺t walking摇3. They were playing basketballon the playground when the
teacher asked them to gointo the classroom. / While they were playing basketball on the playground, the
teacher asked them to gointo the classroom. 摇4. When were, doing摇5. Was, climbing
二、1—5 CACCC摇6—10 ACBBC
三、1—5 CDBCC摇6—10 BADBA摇11—15 DDCBB
Period 4摇摇
一、1. accident, had摇2. plane, play摇3. when, while摇4. whose, whole摇5. walk, warm
二、1. a car accident摇2. Beijing International Airport摇3. take off摇4. get out of 5. the flight to New York摇6. at thedoctor蒺s摇7. go shopping摇8. be ill in hospital摇
1. Don蒺t speak摇2. anotherthree摇3. cost me摇4. weren蒺t you摇5. (1) delicious the food tasted
(2) delicious food ittasted
一、1. met摇2. happen摇3. ran摇4. anywhere / anyhow / anyway摇5. accident
二、1—5 BABCC摇6—10 ABDCB
三、1—5 CDDAC摇6—10 BADCB
Period 5摇摇
一、1. hear, hero摇2. heard, earth摇3. bright, flight摇4. modern, murder摇5. recent, mean
二、1. one of the most important events摇2. in modernAmerican history摇3. the most everyday activities摇4. hear about摇5. walk home in silence摇6. take place摇7. the World Trade Center 8. be destroyedby terrorists摇9. flight around the Earth摇10. a nationalhero
一、1. heroes摇2. going摇3. flight摇4. destroyed摇5. to stop摇6. meaning摇7. silence摇8. was killed
二、1—6 ACBADB
一、1. silence摇2. modern摇3. playground摇4. destroyed摇5. murdered
二、1—5 BCCAA摇6—8 DBD
三、1—5 BBDAC摇6—10 DAADB
四、One possible version:
Dear Linda,
How is it going? I missyou very much.
I want to tell you astrange thing. On my way home yesterday, I saw a UFO. It landed in the middle
of the street. Two aliensgot out of the UFO and they went into the museum. All the people in the street
were afraid. I was afraid,too. Then I ran to a pay phone nearby and called the police. Just at that time,
the two aliens got out ofthe museum and returned to the UFO. It flew away before the police arrived.
Do you believe what Isaid? It蒺s true. Please write soon and tellme about your school life.

❼ 八年级上册英语导学导练答案全部

额 去买一个呗 我想要的是科学的

❽ 人教版导学练八上寒假作业英语答案2016,很急,必采纳,谢谢


一.1.wolves 2.beginning 3.wears 4.least 5.tasty 6.nowhere 7.pleasant
8.Climbing 9.crazy 10.without

二.1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.A

三.1.with 2.from 3.in 4.at 5.of 6.for 7.in、for 8.in 9.with 10.by

四.1.practicing 2.were 3.will die 4.didn’t watch 5.smoking 6.are getting
7.lost 8.keep 9.lying10.to watch


1.Don’t open when driving

2.won’t camping it rains

3.leave five-year-old on own

4.The ninth the same as

5.make noise to do

六.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.D


一.1.Leaves 2.activities 3.ninth 4.worried 5.beauty 6.useful 7.amazing
8.less 9.better 10.weight


1.have less than

2.is helpful to

3.spend better results on

4.as interesting as

5.Luckily put out

6.took a trip famous


1.A How far

2.B Are

3.B not talk

4.B /

5.B so much

6.B doesn’t like

7.B to answer

8.B will be

9.B isn’t

10.D on

四.1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B

五.1.policeman 2.E-dog 3.frog


1.more helpful than

2.Did enjoy themselves

3.keeping secret between

4.the same as

5.less time by coach

6.isn’t on is it


一.1.quietly 2.fit 3.popular 4.finishes 5.twelfth 6.word 7.twice 8.lost
9.medals 10.save

二.1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.B


1.the same as mine

2.different from

3.Be careful with hurt

4.Make sure closed

5.hurt stay in hospital

6.lost their lives

7.should in danger

8.is getting smaller smaller

四.1.herself 2.theirs 3.me 4.themselves 5.them 6.yourself 7.us 8.Its 9.Our

五.best fit exercise learn alone took beautiful dangerous choose makes

六.1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D


一.1.feeding 2.feathers 3.close 4.readers 5.bored 6.languages 7.report 8.
themselves 9.smell 10.organizing

二.1.in 2.about 3.on 4.from 5.as 6.of 7.of 8.on 9.for 10.in


1.the most popular

2.telling so much funny

3.saved out of ago

4.has problems

5.much pay for

6.good at telling so happy

7.protect won’t survive

8.live up to

四.1.finish 2.to speak 3.brushes 4.is 5.is flying 6.is having 7.watching
8.will reach 9.stops 10.to chat

五.1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C

六.exciting famous the-most-popular interesting cleaner more-beautiful
the-nicest more


一.1.interest 2.hunters 3.keep 4.farmlands 5.hungry 6.solve 7.ourselves
8.Wednesday 9.less 10.teeth

二.1.playing 2.worries 3.is blowing 4.is trying 5.happened 6.will watch
7.Keep 8.to feed 9.is washing 10.looks

三.1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B 12..B

四.1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C


1.Youth Award.

2.He is very helpful.

3.Yes,he is.

4.He quickly jumped into the water and did his best to save the boy.

5.Zhang Li.

❾ 八年级上册英语导学导练答案

现在不写导学练 写同步探究 要它干嘛

❿ 八年级下册英语同步导学案课时练答案人教版


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