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發布時間: 2021-01-16 03:23:40

1. 七年級上冊英語作文第八單元

如何面對困難?How to face up difficulties
Each person whether rich or poor has his own difficulties, because life is not always full of smiles and flowers. So it is very important to have a correct attitude to face up the difficulties.
Different people have different views on it. Some people just want to evade and they haven't tried their best, so they can't achieve success in the end. But some people believe that 「Failure is the mother of success」,they are confident and brave when they have difficulties. They choose to face up the difficulties with a smile and try their best to solve their problems. If they have troubles they'll discuss with their friends or family members.
The right way to face up difficulties is to be confident and brave , Confront difficulties with confident and you will find the difficulties are not so hard as you thought. Try to solve the difficulties with brave and work hard , the difficulties will disappear and you will achieve success finally.
Today is New Year's Eve morning, firecrackers sounding snap snap away. As long as you take a look at the outside, red firecrackers everywhere, come together to form a Red Sea. The family have their own homes going up in the beautiful, it seems like in the match. My family is no exception, sweeping, glass, cabinets, such as rubbing. Prepare the arrival of the New Year.
Afternoon, we posted in accordance with the custom of the Chinese New Year couplets, father and a good paste, and then said to me: "I paste you posted, I looked at the high level you say 'rich', said that if the lower 'rising' good you ", I asked my father why? Dad said: "The plan is a lucky," "Oh, I understand," We posted on the Alliance are: evil Hongfu family happy is: wang gas people to come into everything.
下午,我們就按過年的習俗貼春聯,爸爸和好漿糊,然後對我說:「我貼你看著高低我貼高了你就說『發財』,如果低了就說『高升』好嗎」,我問爸爸為什麼呢?爸爸說:「就是圖個吉祥」,「噢我懂了」我們貼的上聯是:家有宏福千般喜,下聯是:人來 旺氣萬事成。
End paste New Year, we began mplings. Good luck to Tim, we are still a mpling in a bag of coins. Dinner, my folder, a Dumpling, one to eat, "cough," the voice of a coin for my whole family applauded, and say that I am lucky this year. After mplings, we saw the Chinese New Year Festival.
貼完春聯,我們就開始包餃子。為了添吉祥,我們還在一個餃子里包了一個硬幣。吃晚飯時,我夾了一個餃子,一吃 「咯」的一聲,吃出一個硬幣全家人都為我鼓掌,說我今年有福氣。吃完餃子,我們又看了春節聯歡晚會。
Against the sound of the bell, "speakers" sound guns up. People poured out of their homes. Pat the sound of firecrackers greeted the arrival of Chinese New Year.
零點 的鍾聲響了, 「叭」炮聲響起來了。人們湧出家門。劈劈啪啪的鞭炮聲迎接新春的到來。

2. 七上英語第八單元單詞

1. when (疑問副詞)什麼時候;何時adv.
2. birthday 生日n.
3. month 月;月份n.
4. January 一月;正月n.
5. February 二月n.
6. March 三月n.
7. April 四月n.
8. May 五月n.
9. June 六月n.
10. July 七月n.
11. August 八月n.
12. September 九月n.
13. October 十月n.
14. November 十一月n.
15. December 十二月n.
16. tenth 第十num.
17. fourth 第四num.
18. fifteenth 第十五num.
19. second 第二num.
20. third 第三num.
21. fifth 第五num.
22. sixth 第六num.
23. seventh 第七num.
24. eighth num.第八
25. ninth num.第九
26. eleventh num.第十一
27. twelfth num.第十二
28. thirteenth num.第十三
29. fourteenth num.第十四
30. sixteenth num.第十六
31. seventeenth num.第十七
32. eighteenth num.第十八
33. nineteenth num.第十九
34. twentieth num.第二十
35. thirtieth num.第三十
36. date n.日期
37. happy adj.愉快的;高興的;滿意的
38. Happy Birthday 生日快樂!
39. birth n.出生;出世;誕生
40. age n.年齡;年紀
41. old adj.年歲的;年老的;年長的
42. how old 多大年紀;幾歲
43. speech n.演說;講演;說話;言論
44. contest n.競爭;競賽;比賽
45. party n.晚會
46. trip n.旅途;觀光旅行(通常短程)
47. basketball game 籃球賽
48. volleyball game 排球賽
49. school day 學校上課日(指非假日)
50. art n.藝術;美術;藝術品
51. festival n.(音樂,芭蕾舞,戲劇等之)節,節日
52. Chinese n.中文,中國人adj.中國的,中國人的
53. music n.音樂
54. year n.年
55. year(s) old ……歲(年齡)

3. 八年級英語上單詞表7~8單元

Unit 7 第七單元單詞和表達式
1.shake一種混合飲料2.milk shake奶昔(牛奶與香料,有時為冰淇淋,混合或攪打至起泡的飲料)
3.blender.果汁機;攪和器n4.turn on打開(電器)5.cut切;割;削v.6.up.分開;成碎片adv7.cut up切碎
8.peel剝;削(水果等的皮) v.9.pour傾倒;灌;澆v.10.into.到……里;進入到……之內prep
18.finally最後地;最終adv.19.mix混合;混在一起v.20.mix up混合在一起21.popcorn.爆米花n
26.add ... to ...把……加到……上27.sandwich.三明治n28.bread.麵包n29.butter.黃油n30.relish.調味品;佐料n
36.recipe烹調法;食譜n.37.check核對;檢查v.38.green onion(帶莖葉的)嫩洋蔥; 蔥39.ck鴨子n.
Unit 8 第八單元單詞和表達式
1. gift禮物;贈品n.2.shark鯊魚n.3.aquarium水族館n.4.seal海豹n.4.hang逗留;徘徊v.
5.hang out(俚語)經常出沒;閑盪6.souvenir.紀念物;紀念品n7.win.贏;獲勝v 8.autograph親筆簽名n.
9.prize.獎賞;獎金;獎品n 10.visitor訪問者;參觀者;遊客n.11.outdoor戶外的;在戶外的adj.12.octopus章魚n.
13.end結束;結尾n.14.monitor.班長n15.Chicago (美國伊利諾斯州東北部港市)芝加哥
16.California(美國)加利福尼亞州17.sleep late睡過頭;起得晚18.drive駕駛;驅車旅行n.
19.off休息;不工作adv.20.rain.雨水;雨天;(持續的)降雨n21.DVD abbr.(=digital video disk)數字化視頻光碟
22.yard院子;庭院n.23.yard sale(在賣主家當場進行的)庭院舊貨出售24.luckily幸運地adv.

4. 七年級上冊英語作文第八單元


5. 七年級上冊第八單元英語有哪些重要知識點

一:watch …on TV.(在電視上觀看…)
二:want sth. want to do sth. want sb to do sth.
三:sell sb sth.轉換同義句內sell sth to sb.四:buy sb sth.轉換同義句buy sth for sb.

6. 英語七年級上冊1~8單元英語名詞全部


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