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❶ 一篇關於自己在假期參與社會實踐的經歷的英語作文字數200左右

During the summer holiday,I worked as a tutor,since i want to earn some momey .I taught one little girl and one little boy.They studyed very well and very quickly.I taught them 2 hours per day.Firstly,I taught them some new words for each lesson.Then,I asked them to listen the radio for that lesson.After that ,I asked them to read the dialog,if they have some questions about the dialog,i will help them to solve the question.
Both of them are very clever.I am very happy when I am teaching them.I am also very proud that I can teach them so well and they have also learned much knowledge from me.Although i do not have enough time to play,and it is very hot ring the holiday,but i feel that this is the fullest holiday I have spend.

❷ 英語作文《一次社會實踐經歷》

Nowadays, many universities encourage and organize students to take part in
social practice activities. During the holidays, more and more students choose
to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs or take part in other practical
activities alike .

It is obvious that social practice is playing a more and more important role
in Chinese college ecation. Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot
from social practice. Above all, there are provided with more opportunities to
contact the real world outside the campus. Moreover, in social practice
activities, students can apply their knowledge to solution to practical
problems. So the social practice skills are improved greatly. Besides, social
practice help strengthen students since social responsibility. Considering their
above mentions. I think it is necessary for college students to participant in
social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example,
some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their
study. Therefore, we should try to balance relationship between social practice
and study.




❸ 社會實踐 英文是什麼

社會實踐的英文:social practice

practice 讀法 英['præktɪs]美['præktɪs]

1、. 實踐;練習;慣例

2、vi. 練習;實習;實行

3、vt. 練習;實習;實行


1、medical practice醫療實踐

2、best practice最佳實務,最佳實踐;最佳做法,最優方法;典範做法

3、design practice設計原則

4、ecational practice教育實習;教改實踐

5、legal practice法律實踐



training, practice, exercise, drill, discipline這組詞都有「練習、訓練、鍛煉」的意思,其區別是:







exercise 讀法 英['eksəsaɪz]美['ɛksɚsaɪz]

1、n. 運動;練習;運用;操練;禮拜;典禮

2、vt. 鍛煉;練習;使用;使忙碌;使驚恐

3、vi. 運動;練習


1、regular exercise常規性的鍛煉;經常操練,按時訓練

2、aerobic exercise有氧運動

3、do exercise鍛煉;做運動;做練習

4、exercise more多鍛煉,多運動

5、exercise book練習本

❹ 關於社會實踐的英語作文,180字左右。急急急急!!!!!!

Winter holidays social practice has ended, but the social practice has brought us enormous impact is far from over. It allows us to go out of the school, walk out of the classroom,
To the community, go on and practice of combining the road, to the society of the classroom experience world, talent, talent, training will, in real
Use test. Half a month's social practice although relatively hard. Be thankful? Or attachment? In retrospect, he found, the original boring is full of hope
Look, bitter sweet in showing.
Through the activities of social practice, on one hand, we train our ability, grow up in practice; on the other hand, our society has made
His contribution; but in practice, we also demonstrated a lack of experience, dealing with issues not mature, book knowledge and practical combination of close enough
Issues such as. We came back to our school will be more cherish in school time, efforts to acquire more knowledge of knowledge, and have a deep into practice, examine oneself
Knowledge, exercise their abilities, for the future to better serve the society and lay a solid foundation.
Opportunity only favors the prepared mind", we only through its own efforts, take out make still further progress energy,
Mind when Ling will be extremely lofty ideal, continuously improve their overall quality, in social contact process, rece the running-in period of collision,
Accelerate blend in the pace of society, in order to gain a firm foothold of talent highland, to raise the ideal sail, sail to success.

等問題。我們回到學校後會更加要珍惜在校學習的時光,努力掌握更多的知 識,並不斷深入到實踐中,檢驗自己

機遇只偏愛有準備的頭腦 」 ,我們只有通過自身的不斷努力,拿出百尺竿頭的干勁,

❺ 關於社會實踐的英語作文

To a student, there are many advantages of having more social practices.
First,more social practices may offer you an opportunity to display your ability and apply what you have learned in school.Second, social practices in business can develop a sense of competition,which you need in future.It increases your confidence in yourself because through the work you can realize your own value,Besides, it helps students develop a sense of independence,and helps relieve your parents'economic burdens.With the money earned,you can buy whatever you need for your study.
However,social practices has some disadvantages.It often distracts students' attention from their studies.It is evident that you can hardly focus your attention on your study if you work several hours on the job.You may be thinking of how to improve your work most of the time.
Because of the advantages and disadvantages involved in working part time,you have to strike a balance between your study and the job.Study is your major task while practice is a minor one though work experience is desirable.
Therefore we should balance two aspects of social practices.
We should give prior to the study, while take the social practices secondary place. Only by doing so, can we get benefit from social practices,and get good scores in study.

❻ 中學生要不要參加社會實踐英語作文


❼ 社會實踐報告的英語作文

經過長途跋涉,我們終於走進了呂梁,走進柳林,也走進了一個陌生的世界。 我對山區的認識是從賀家坡鄉的楊家凹開始的。為了支持我們的活動,縣里專門派車接送我們,協助我們的工作。 對我來說,兩個月前玩過山車時遊客們的尖叫聲還回盪在耳邊,今天我們就坐上了名副其實的「過山車」。黃土高原的山路,除了固有的崎嶇回環外,有平添了幾分艱險。一邊是高山峭壁另一邊就是萬丈深淵。從車窗向下看去,直接就是望不到底的深谷,生與死往往只有一線之隔,一步之差。面對更真實的恐懼,車廂里的隊員反而呈現了出奇的平靜。不是透過車窗看著遠山,就是直視前方,看著一個又一個必經的險坡。也許人們都再設想我們將要去的楊家凹是什麼樣的,抑或更具使命感的制訂著自己的工作計劃。可以這樣說,對於將要發生的一切,我們一無所知,除了設想還是設想。 而我的思緒仍就停留在剛剛離開的賀家坡。一到賀家坡就聽見孩子們用稚嫩的嗓子不斷的喊著:「向來訪者學習!好好學習,天天向上!」一種久違的親切感頃刻間湧上心頭,好久沒有聽到這樣的聲音,見到這樣的場面了。走過去,只見排成方陣的孩子們穿著不合季節的運動裝,手中舉著彩色的花束、花環,在老師的指揮下有規律的揮動著,汗水不斷地順著臉頰淌下去,一個個神情嚴肅而認真。在鄉領導的帶領下,我們走進了賀家坡小學,那裡已經聚集了許多的村民。領導們開了一個簡單的歡迎儀式,當時接近中午,烈日當頭,我們這些身著短衣短袖的大學生已經覺得炎熱難耐了,可那些孩子們依然靜靜地,直直地站著,任憑火一般陽光毫無保留地烤在他們身上。我們看在眼裡痛在心裡,畢竟這一切是由我們造成的,況且他們怯怯而不敢直視的眼神也是我們所不願見到的。 儀式過後,我們走到他們中間,幫他們脫去那厚重的外衣,讓孩子們也涼快一下。我們的這一舉動消除了我們之間的陌生感和不該有的隔閡,氣氛立刻變的輕鬆起來,不一會兒我們就成了無話不談的朋友,這種小小的歡樂漸漸在校園的上空彌漫開來…… 楊家凹是我們小分隊進駐的第一個自然村。聽司機師傅說,這還是一個交通相對便利的村子,其他鄰村只能步行去,而且距離都相當的遠。那裡,我們是不能去的。 村民們很早就在村長家等我們了,通過一些簡單而直接的交談,我們了解了好多。這里的家長比我們想像的開通的多,他們普遍意識到教育對孩子的未來有直接的決定作用,一般家庭都會盡最大力量供孩子讀書。 楊家凹已經連續五年大旱了,貧瘠的土地上,本來就不宜種植糧食,而賴以生存的棗樹,長勢也極為可憐,當時已經接近收獲季節,可每棵棗樹的枝條上卻不見結棗,可見今年又將是個歉收年。 這里的教育水平很落後。教師授課以自己制定的教學計劃和班裡的尖子生的掌握狀況為准,其他大部分學生很難跟上老師的授課進度。落後的教學方式導致的直接後果是升學率的滯下,這個村應屆生升學率為0,而經過復讀的學生升學率也不過10%,況且是要去柳林一中補習的,在那兒一年下來得花費兩千五百元左右,對於一個面朝黃土背朝天的普通農民來說,這可不是一筆小數目呀!在本地復讀雖然便宜,但效果很難讓人滿意,據說,有的孩子讀了三年也沒能考上高中。 這些山裡的孩子們就在經濟條件與教學條件之間左右為難著,最終家庭稍困難的學生就此失去了讀高中的機會。當然這並不是絕對。宋老師就是一個例外。 說實話,第一次看見宋老師讓我想起了電影《鳳凰琴》中的校長。稜角分明的臉上架著一副大大的近視鏡,薄薄的兩片嘴唇緊緊的抿著,一副教師所特有的單薄的身體,更顯憔悴。宋老師是負責我們與孩子之間聯絡的,很多資助孩子上學的費用,都是通過他中轉的。他的家住在廢棄小學的舊窯洞里,簡單的陳設中大部分是各種書籍,電視機是我所見到的唯一家電,但平時怕影響孩子學習是很少看的。宋老師不但是一個成功的教師,也是一位成功的父親,他的女兒是全校唯一應屆考上高中的學生,並成為我們首批獎學金的獲得者。這道讓我想起一首歌曲:世間自有公道,付出總有回報,說到不如做到…… 村民對我們可以說是熱情備至。他們總是出於人性中最善良的本質為你默默的做著一切,他們質朴而憨厚的笑容時時觸動著我心靈的深處。程田雨是我資助的一個孩子,為了迎接我,他拿出了家裡最好的,也是平時很少吃的——白面,做了南瓜白面條(他們這里四

❽ 英語作文《社會實踐》

High school students of today participate in lots of out – of – class activities As we can see from the pictures, some students go to factories, the countryside and the army to experience the colorful life of workers, farmers and soldiers. In factories they make parts for machines under the supervision of the workers. They live and work together with farmers, helpingthem with planting, cultivating and harvesting. They have military drill in the army, learning shooting and marching.

taking part in all these activities, students can widen their horizon. They get to understand the life out of school which is unfamiliar to them. They can also gain knowledge that is never taught in class or obtained (or: learned ) from books.

❾ 寫一篇關於農村社會實踐活動英語作文

Pastoral scenery

Pastoral air is fresh, the sky is blue pastoral, rural scenery is unique, pastoral makes you inlge in pleasures without stop

Rural rurality, is really like a long scroll true to life likeness to show in front of people. In a pastoral yellow green buds open, just, willow small buds will no longer hide in the darkness of the earth but slowly out of their pointy little head, have a look at the left, right, on this world full of curiosity ; flowers to a stretched their beautiful arms stretched, then yawned. Grass also changed the light green clothes and chat with each other ; in the morning, a white, like a gauze-like. Fog pastoral partly hidden and partly visible, like a bunch of kids in front of the dance. Golden, rice lowered his head, put the rice straw down. Sparkling dew hanging in the rice grains, the sunshine to the rice grains, rice grain immediately shining, a dazzling light, like many pearl, shining in the sun all the shiny, it is like it is fields of gold. A gust of wind blowing, the wind seems to greet us!

After a heavy rain, the fields of those golden yellow flowers are heavy rain to maintain one's original pure character like the jewellery store a block of stone for Qi Qidi ANN in a beautiful ribbon, very beautiful.

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