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發布時間: 2021-01-14 03:00:45

Ⅰ 南寧市青秀區佛子嶺路23號寧鐵馨苑21棟1單元 英文規范翻譯

Foziling road Nanning Qingxiu District No. 23 Nanjing Iron Xinyuan 21 Building 1 unit

Ⅱ 21幢2單元用英語怎麼說

Unit2 Room21

Ⅲ 制葯工程專業英語吳俊達 庄思永主編的那本的翻譯,主要是15,19,21,23單元的翻譯請發郵箱[email protected]


Ⅳ 求測繪工程專業英語6、 8 、12 、21、 23、 27單元的翻譯~~

很不巧 去年考試用過的 可能是被刪了 電腦里沒找到

Ⅳ 天山北路21號4棟3單元402英文怎麼寫

Room 402, Unit 3, Building 4, No. 21 Tianshan North Rd.

Ⅵ 急需21世紀大學英語讀寫教程(第二冊)各單元reading aloud 的文本,如果有翻譯更好(會追加財富值),謝

."『在畫畫呢!』她大聲說道。 『多麼有趣。可你還在等什麼呢? 把畫筆給我---大的那支。 』她猛地用筆蘸起顏料,還沒等我緩過神來,她已經揮筆潑墨在驚恐不已的畫布上畫下了有力的幾道藍色。誰都看得出畫布無法回擊。我不再遲疑。我抓起那支最大的畫筆,迅猛異常地向我可憐的犧牲品撲了過去。自那以後,我再也不曾害怕過畫布。 」
"Very hesitantly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infiniteprecaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field. At thatmoment I heard the sound of a motorcar in the drive and threw down my brush ina panic. I was even more alarmed when I saw who stepped from the car: the wifeof Sir John Lavery, the celebrated painter who lived nearby
"'Painting!' she declared. 'What fun. But what are you waiting for?Let me have the brush — the big one.' She plunged intothe paints and before I knew it, she had swept several fierce strokes andslashes of blue on the absolutely terrified canvas. Anyone could see it couldnot hit back. I hesitated no more. I seized the largest brush and fell upon mywretched victim with wild fury. I have never felt any fear of a canvas since
Thisbelief in hard work is the first of three main factors contributing to Asianstudents' outstanding performance. It springs from Asians' common heritage ofConfucianism, the philosophy of the 5th-century-BC Chinese sage whose teachingshave had a profound influence on Chinese society. One of Confucius's primaryteachings is that through effort, people can perfect themselves.
Confucianismprovides another important ingredient in the Asians' success as well. InConfucian philosophy, the family plays a central role — an orientation that leads people to work for the honor of the family, notjust for themselves. One can never repay one's parents, and there's a sense ofobligation or even guilt that is as strong a force among Asians as Protestantphilosophy is in the West.
Thefirst cultural translator I ever met was an installation engineer, George byname, who worked for an American company where I was the director ofinternational operations. The company had just started a joint venture with aJapanese firm, and the American management needed someone to train the Japaneseemployees in its unique technology. George's solid understanding of theequipment, its installation and use made him the best-qualified employee forthe job, so everyone was happy when George accepted a two-year contract fortemporary transfer to Japan.

Fromthe start, George was well accepted by all the Japanese employees. Japanesemanagers often distrust anyone sent to represent US owners, but George was sonaturally nonassertive that no one could see him as a threat to their careers.So they felt comfortable asking his advice on a wide range of matters,including the odd behavior of their partners across the ocean. Engineersthroughout the company appreciated George's expertise and his friendly andcapable help, and they got into the habit of turning to him whenever they had aproblem — any problem. And the secretaries in the office wereeager to help this nice bachelor learn Japanese.
Failureis never pleasant. It hurts alts and children alike. But it can make apositive contribution to your life once you learn to use it. Step one is toask, "Why did I fail?" Resist the natural impulse to blame someoneelse. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. If someone else canhelp, don't be shy about inquiring.
Success,which encourages repetition of old behavior, is not nearly as good a teacher asfailure. You can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one, from anill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even a failure that seemstotal can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction.
Balancingwork and school was difficult. "I was staying up late studying, and goingto work early every morning. I was having a hard time concentrating in class,and a hard time on the job because I was so tired," she says. But sheended up with two A's in her first semester anyway.
Priscilladecided to pursue an archaeology major, and in the summer of 1992, she got herfirst opportunity to really test out her interest in the subject. Thearchaeological field school of Washington State University was sponsoring a summerresearch project at a site alongside the Snake River in Washington. Priscilla threw herself into thework, and the project supervisors were impressed. At the end of the summer, oneof the professors offered her a job. "He said,『We just got a contract for a project in North Dakota. We want to hire you if you'rewilling to take a semester off from school.'" The offer was a diversionfrom Priscilla's pursuit of her BA. "But by then I no longer doubted thatI would ultimately finish school, so I felt comfortable grabbing thisopportunity," she says.
He hasbeen proclaimed "the finest mind alive", "the greatest genius ofthe late 20th century", and "Einstein's heir". Known tomillions, far and wide, for his book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawkingis a star scientist in more ways than one. His gift for revealing the mysteriesof the universe in a style that non-scientists can enjoy made Hawking aninstant celebrity and his book a bestseller in both Britainand America.It has earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records for spending 184 weeks inThe Sunday Times "top-ten" lists, and has sold more than five millioncopies worldwide — virtually unheard-of successfor a science book.
How didall this happen? How has a man who is almost completely paralysed and unable tospeak except through a computer overcome these incredible obstacles andachieved far more than most people ever dream of?



Ⅷ 環境科學與工程專業英語翻譯第21,22單元的課文翻譯


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