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發布時間: 2021-01-13 15:43:18

① 描寫去海口的英語作文,要寫出是怎麼去的,去了後心情怎麼樣

when I have a free time. I will go to haikou. compared the train. I will go there by air. because the time is very short and the expense is not expensive.
visiting the views. I feel happy and relax. the wind makes me feel better.

② 仿寫海口的英語作文60至70

Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to luofushan
by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired, began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,「Jane, don』t do anything halfway.」at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy

③ 三亞和海口比較性的英語作文200個詞左右


主要產業是旅遊業、房地產業,但城市建設除了酒店之外,其他稍顯不足,市政建設和其他不如海口。依賴於旅遊業生存。因開發和建設較多,早在四五年前,三亞已經沒有地可用了,目前媒體報到的所謂三亞房產熱,其實沒有樓盤在三亞市。Haikou is the capital of Hainan, the political and economic and cultural center. Has a long history, the last century twenty's, began to become the city's settings. In recent years, some of the introction of high-tech instries in Hainan, mostly settled in Haikou. The island's larger enterprise units, are also in Haikou. Although it is also a tourist city, but does not rely on tourism, municipal facilities and residents living security system is relatively perfect.
Sanya is in addition to the Hainan sea area only a prefecture level city, the construction of eighty years in the last century. The southern port city of Hainan Island, is a famous tourist city, located at eighteen degrees north latitude.
Major instries are tourism, real estate, but the city construction in addition to the hotel, the other slightly inadequate, municipal construction and other than Haikou. Depends on the survival of the tourism instry. Due to the development and construction of more, as early as four or five years ago, Sanya has not been available, the current media reported that the so-called Sanya real estate is hot, in fact, no real estate in Sanya city.

④ 介紹海口萬綠園和觀瀾湖的英語作文

當我們來到春遊的最後一個場景—萬綠園時,春雨和著春風淅淅瀝瀝飄來。如絲、如霧、如煙、如潮。透著這縷縷「蠶絲」,萬綠園廣場上的景物如同淡淡、蒙蒙的寫意畫,忽隱忽現。 原本平靜的萬綠園因我們的到來而活躍,而熱鬧起來。雨依然下著,我們同學卻不以為然地玩的不亦樂乎,彷彿它從不存在。放風箏的放風箏,吹泡泡的吹泡泡,整片草地變成了一個五彩的夢幻世界。 你瞧,春風輕輕地吹拂著大地,小草從地里鑽出來了,它們全身嫩綠嫩綠,遠看像鋪上了綠色的地毯。春風一吹,它們就左右搖擺,好像在給春風點頭呢,有趣極了。 好似被我們所感染,那些本默默無聞的花兒們全身的活動因子全都被激發了起來,它們競相怒放,紅的像火,白的像雪,粉的像霞,五彩繽紛。 從遠處看,草地中間那幾棵茂盛的大樹之間雜夾著五顏六色的小野花;五光十色的泡泡在這之間來回穿梭;小草拚命的生長,拚命的變綠;再加上被細雨的籠蓋,人們在裡面似乎有種諾隱諾現的奇妙感覺。此時的這塊草地,已變成夢幻般的樂園。那些愛幻想的女生,一定以為自己身處夢境之中。 公園里的常客也異常活躍,照相的青年人,散步的老人,放風箏的小朋友,一個個陶醉在大自然的懷抱里,流連忘返,無法自拔。 風,...

⑤ 用英語介紹海口不少於40個單詞

Hai Kou city is the capital of Hainan Province while it is also the biggest city on the island.The weather there is pretty pleasant.You could either go visit the flower markets or enjoy the delicious seafood.


⑥ 英語作文從海口到泰山的路程

Last sunday. I and my father went to taishan. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired, began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,「liyang, don』t do anything halfway.」at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy

⑦ 不少於80詞的關於海口的英語作文。好得追加分。

Welcome to the beautiful city of Haikou, , Haikou located in the north-east of Hainan Province and is the provincial capital of Hainan Province. The city has a population of about 1,500,000, everyone is very friendly. Haikou has a very good climate, the long ration of the summer, but winter is very short. Haikou near the sea, so,the air is humid, is very suitable for tourism. The main attractions are: holidays beach, Wan Lvyuan.

⑧ 介紹海口的作文英語

⑨ 一篇描寫海口交通問題的英語作文

「爸爸,你敢和我來場象棋對抗賽嗎?」我乞求爸爸。「沒那閑工夫,我正看電視呢!」爸爸張嘴就說。「你別說你沒時間,你根本就下不過我,」我用激將法激激他,看他還答應不? 「嘿,我就不信了,來,他媽,擺陣。」爸爸不服氣地說。「好,咱倆就殺它個昏天暗地!」我高興的說道。

⑩ 我喜歡海口英語作文

Hainan Island is world-famous for its unique and charming tropical views,relaxed and happy natural environment,particularly magnificent marine resources and simple and kindhearted people
Hainan is a province of the People's Republic of China,located at the southernmost end of the country.It consists several islands,the largest of which is also called Hainan (Hainan Dao).And when speaking of "Hainan" in Chinese,it is usually Hainan Island that is referred to.To emphasize the referent as a province,one says Hainan Sheng.

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