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發布時間: 2021-01-13 15:25:16

Ⅰ 用英語作文最高級寫花

A Visit to the Flower Show

Last week Nature Park held a flower show. I went to visit it with my friends. I was very glad to see so many beautiful flowers in the park. I was really amazed to see a sea of colourful
flowers. They told me that some rare flowers came from Taiwan. Thousands of people stopped and watched them carefully. I took many pictures there. Taiwan has always been a part of our country. I am sure sooner or later we can go there to see many more beautiful flowers. What great fun it will be.

Ⅱ 寫花的英語作文60字

外婆家的那幾盆水仙花可美了。 一月,水仙花開了!它那翡翠般的碧葉翠綠翠綠,綠得發光,綠得鮮亮,縱橫交錯的綠葉間,錯落有致地開著幾朵潔白無瑕的小花,花中嵌著一屬黃金般的花蕊,散出陣陣淡淡的幽香,顯得格外高雅。水仙花與泥土無緣,雨花石是它的「土壤」。我想:我要像它那樣在思想上純粹潔白,沒有一點污泥。水仙花的根部像只大洋蔥,根下長著白色的根須,它們像一條條長長的蚯蚓繞著一塊塊堅硬的雨花石,又顯得十分倔強。 一陣風拂過,小花搖晃著腦袋,擺動著它柔美的身軀,似乎穿著水晶衣裳在水石上翩翩起舞,使人見了心曠神怡。我愛水仙!愛它的美麗芬芳,愛它的高尚純潔,更愛它的頑強不屈!
The pot of daffodils grandma can be beautiful. In January, the daffodils are out! Its emerald green leaves and green green, green light, green light, arranged in a crisscross pattern of green leaves, well-proportioned opened Jio spotless white flowers, flowers embedded a genus of golden flower, out bursts of light fragrance, it is particularly elegant. The daffodils and the earth no margin, Yuhua stone is its "soil". I think: I want to look like it in mind pure white, no sludge. Narcissus roots like a big onion root, with long white hairs, like a long earthworm around a piece of hard stone, and very stubborn. A gust of wind blowing, flowers sway shook his head, with its beautiful body, seems to wear clothes in the crystal water rise and dance in a happy mood, make people see feel fresh. I love the daffodils! Love its beauty and fragrance, the noble and pure love it, love it's indomitable spirit!

Ⅲ 花的英語作文50字左右即可

Something about Flowers
I love flowers,and I grow many flowers on my balcony.Roses,tulips,lilies are all my favorites.They have different color and smell,but their leaves are of the same color.They are always green.Different flowers have different meanings.For example,roses stand for love,lilies stand for peace.When you fall in love with somebody,you can give him or her a bunch of roses.To some degree,flowers represent culture of an area or country.

Ⅳ 各種花的英文

中國水仙 new year lily
石榴 pomegranate
月桂 victor's laurel
報春花 polyanthus
木棉 cotton tree
紫丁香 lilac
吊鍾 lady's eardrops
紫荊 Chinese redbud
百合 lily
紫羅蘭 wall flower
桃花 peach
紫藤 wisteria
杜鵑 azalea
鈴蘭 lily-of-the-valley
牡丹 tree peony
銀杏 ginkgo
芍葯 peony
蝴蝶蘭 moth orchid
辛夷 violet magnolia
蟹爪仙人掌 Christmas cactus
玫瑰 rose
鬱金香 tulip
茶花 common camellia
千日紅 common globe-amaranth
非洲堇 African violet
梔子花 cape jasmine
木槿 rose of Sharon
風信子 hyacinth
百子蓮 African lily
牽牛花 morning glory
君子蘭 kefir lily
荷包花 lady's pocketbook
含笑花 banana shrub
非洲菊 African daisy
含羞草 sensitive plant
茉莉 Arabian jasmine
豬籠草 pitcher plant
凌霄花 creeper
樹蘭 orchid tree
雞冠花 cockscomb
鳶蘿 cypress vine
菩提 botree
大理花 dahlia
聖誕百合 Christmas bell
一串紅 scarlet sage
紫薇 crape myrtle
勿忘我 forget-me-not
睡蓮 water lily
文心蘭 dancing lady
吊蘭 spider plant
白頭翁 pappy anemone
向日葵 sunflower
矢車菊 cornflower
竹 bamboo
金魚草 snapdragon
夾竹桃 oleander
金盞花 pot marigold
月季花 china rose
金銀花 honeysuckle
長春花 old maid
金蓮花 garden nasturtium
非洲鳳仙 African touch-me-not
美人蕉 canna
曼陀羅 angel's trumpet
晚香玉 tuberose
梅花 flowering apricot
野薑花 ginger lily
聖誕紅 common poinsettia
菊花 chrysanthemum
虞美人 Iceland poppy
曇花 epiphyllum
鳶尾 iris
龍膽 royal blue
臘梅 winter sweet
麒麟花 crown of thorns
木芙蓉 cotton rose
九重葛 paper flower
火鶴花 flamingo flower
三色堇 tricolor viola
嘉德麗亞蘭 cattleya
azalea 杜鵑花 begonia 秋海棠 Brazil 巴西木 cactus 仙人掌 camellia 山茶花 carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨) Chinese enkianthus 燈籠花

Ⅳ 關於玫瑰花的的英文作文

Rose, a red rose for the decious shrub rose family. Prickly stem. There are purple flowers, two white, rose and the shape was Qiang. Generally used as a candied fruit, pastries, and other food ingredients. Petals, are the root for medicinal, medicine and more with purple roses.
Upright shrub. Problems stem, the stem thorns. Number of single-leaf feather alternate, lobular 5 to 9, even the petiole 5-13 cm, oval-shaped or oval shape was oval, 1.5-4.5 cm long and 1-2.5 cm wide, round tip blunt or sharp urgency. A circular or wedge-shaped wide at the base. There are sharp serrated edge, above hairless, dark green, subsidence vein, wrinkle, the following are soft glands and hair, and the leaf petiole are villus axis, Shu-sheng small stems and thorns Cimao; stipule attached to most of the petiole, There are at the edge of gland; base of the petiole into a regular thorn in front of Health. Born in a single flower or flowers axil-sheng, ovate bracts, have the edge of glanlar hairs, pedicel 5-25 mm long hair was dense and glanlar hairs, 4-5.5 cm in diameter flowers, there are soft sparse hair, was under close Glanlar hairs and soft hair; Corolla bright, purple, fragrant; pedicel glands and hair there. Rosa flat spherical fruit, red when cooked, with most of the small achene, sepal keep places.

玫瑰花, 一名赤薔薇,為薔薇科落葉灌木。莖多刺。花有紫、白兩種,形似薔被和月季。一般用作蜜餞、糕點等食品的配料。花瓣、根均作葯用,入葯多用紫玫瑰。

Ⅵ 如何用英語寫一篇關於花的英語作文

Ever wondered about rose flower mean ings before you gift roses to your belov ed?Roses have inspired people over ag es to develop a language of roses by as cribing meanings to color, variety and n umber of roses being gifted. Traditional ly, the rose is considered the flower of l ove. Nothing beats red roses in saying " I Love You" on Valentine's Day.It is alw ays good to know the symbolic meanin gs associated with roses when you gift t hem to your loved ones. When you con sciously choose a ce rtain color, variety or number of roses for someone, you b ring a whole new depth to the gesture of gifting roses. The Flower Expert com piles a concise list of rose flower meani ngs below.

Ⅶ 種植花草 英語作文

Today is The Tree Planting Day,I and my classmates go to park to plating trees.Why we planting trees? The zoology systom of China is very bad .If you know why Japan is very development than China,Because they have never use there own resource of trees. Now the tree resource of China is very poor,so we must to plant trees. How we can planting trees? We must have young trees and water.First of all,we must make a hole,then we will take the tree into the hole,at last we must water it.By planting trees,The everement of China will be better,and we will have a better fulture!

Ⅷ 關於寫花的英語作文

A Visit to the Flower Show

Last week Nature Park held a flower show. I went to visit it with my friends. I was very glad to see so many beautiful flowers in the park. I was really amazed to see a sea of colourful
flowers. They told me that some rare flowers came from Taiwan. Thousands of people stopped and watched them carefully. I took many pictures there. Taiwan has always been a part of our country. I am sure sooner or later we can go there to see many more beautiful flowers. What great fun it will be.

Ⅸ 英語作文:我最喜歡的花

I like many flowers, but I like rose(玫瑰) the best. Why? Because it is beautful and has lots colour: red, yellow, white, black and many, many colours …
Rose is the national flowers of Britain. Lots people like rose very much. The same as me. I always buy roses for my mum on her birthday. She likes rose very much too. In our class many girls think roses are the most beautful flower in the world, and me too.
When I have nothing to do, I will go to the garden and water the roses. I like looking at them when I am tried, sometimes I feel as if I am rose too. From Monday to Friday, I need to do my homework and have no time to look after them, but I still like them very much, every night before go to bed, I will go to the garden and say 「 good night」 to my favourite flower, and tell them 「 You are the best flower in my heart!」

Ⅹ 英語作文《花》

Farmers all over the world know the importance and immutability of the seasons. They know that there is a season to plant and a season to harvest;Everything must be done in its own time. Although the rain pours down with the utmost relentlessness, ceasing all outdoor activities, the man of the field lifts his face to the heavens and smiles. Despite the inconvenience, he knows that the rain provides the nourishment his crops need to grow and flourish. The torrential rains in the month of April, give rise to the glorious flowers in the month of May.
But this ancient truth applies to more than the crops of the fields; it is an invaluable message of hope to all who experience tragedy in life. A lost job here can provide the opportunity for a better job there. A broken dream can become the foundation of a wonderful future. Everything has its place.
Remember this: overwhelming darkness may enre for a night, but it will never overcome the radiant light of the morning. When you are in a season of sorrow, hang in there, because a season of joy may be just around the corner…

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