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發布時間: 2021-03-15 14:13:24

『壹』 對銷售公司如何提建議和意見


『貳』 國學經典讀書卡這幾個字英文字母怎麼寫

全部釋義和例句>>Classics study card

全部釋義和例句>>Classics study card

『叄』 以「國學熱」為題寫一篇英語作文,帶翻譯

The national learning craze
In recent years, a striking cultural movement in the form of a 「national learning
craze」 has swept China. Some universities have set up national learning collegesand research institutes as well as variously named lecture halls, all competing to interpret traditional Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist thought. In rural areas, all
kinds of old customs and new things flaunt the banner of 「national learning」 to
bolster their standing, and Confucian temples and the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor conct resplendent ceremonies. Feng shui or geomancy,divination
and astrology are also widely practiced. This kind of catch-all
「national learning」has a strong intellectual attraction. It works in with the rapid growth in China』s economic power and the revival of the ideal of China as a great
nation, so that the intellectual atmosphere of today』s Chinese culture is quite the opposite of the trend toward 「wholesale Westernization」 in the early stages of
reform and opening up. Seen in the light of global cultural trends following the
end of the Cold War era, it is similar in some respects to the Islamic revival in the Middle East and the rise of Hinism in the South Asian subcontinent in that it
displays a culturally conservative value orientation. The 「national learning craze」
contains an implicit cultural demand for 「modernization but not Westernization,」 evincing aconsciousness of the status of national culture, albeit a complex one in which the wheat and the chaff are inevitably mingled.

『肆』 我們中國國學經典上五節課用英語怎麼說

We have five classes on Chinese classics

『伍』 怎樣寫以「國學」為主題的英語作文

The national learning craze
In recent years,a striking cultural movement in the form of a 「national learning
craze」 has swept China.Some universities have set up national learning collegesand research institutes as well as variously named lecture halls,all competing to interpret traditional Confucian,Buddhist and Taoist thought.In rural areas,all
kinds of old customs and new things flaunt the banner of 「national learning」 to
bolster their standing,and Confucian temples and the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor conct resplendent ceremonies.Feng shui or geomancy,divination
and astrology are also widely practiced.This kind of catch-all
「national learning」has a strong intellectual attraction.It works in with the rapid growth in China』s economic power and the revival of the ideal of China as a great
nation,so that the intellectual atmosphere of today』s Chinese culture is quite the opposite of the trend toward 「wholesale Westernization」 in the early stages of
reform and opening up.Seen in the light of global cultural trends following the
end of the Cold War era,it is similar in some respects to the Islamic revival in the Middle East and the rise of Hinism in the South Asian subcontinent in that it
displays a culturally conservative value orientation.The 「national learning craze」
contains an implicit cultural demand for 「modernization but not Westernization,」 evincing aconsciousness of the status of national culture,albeit a complex one in which the wheat and the chaff are inevitably mingled.

『陸』 急求猜測一下今天下午高考的英語作文會以什麼為主謝謝!


『柒』 通知英語作文全體教工聽社會主義經濟講座


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