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⑴ 有什麼關於經濟的英文作文








⑵ 求:有關經濟類的英語單詞和英語文章

一, 與市場,運營情況有關的形容詞小結
形容市場活躍, 繁榮
1 dynamic 有活力的,有生機的
2 prosperous 繁榮的
3 brisk 興隆的
4 volatile 不穩定的, 活躍浮動的
5 bleak 慘淡凄涼的
6 declining 下滑的,衰退的
7 slump 委靡的
8 sluggish 不景氣,蕭條的
9 stagnant 停滯不前的, 蕭條的
二, 關於是「商品」的小結
10 merchandise 商品(集合名詞)(單數)
11 goods 貨物(復)
12 commodity 商品, 期貨futures
13 proct 產品
14 proce 農產品
15 freight 運輸的貨物 ; 運費
16 cargo (船,飛機) 裝載的貨物
三, 和會議,集會有關的詞小結
17 convoke 召集
18 rally 集合
19 gathering 聚會
20 function 集會,儀式event, happening
Our sports day is the most important function of the year.
21 adjourn 延會,休會
22 confer 商談
四, 常見犯罪小結
23 mug 搶劫,(從背後襲擊)
24 steal 偷
25 loot 搶奪
26 pickpocket 扒手
27 burglary 夜盜
28 smuggle 走私
五, 常見支付方式小結
29 by cash 現金
30 by check 支票
31 by credit card 信用卡
32 by money order 匯票
33 by installment 分期伏款
34 by mail 郵寄
六, 關於性格的描述小節
35 outgoing 外向活潑
36 sociable 善於交際
37 adaptable 適應性強
38 ambitious 有野心
39 hard-working 工作努力
40 energetic 有活力
41 enterprising 富於進取,有創業精神
42 honest 誠實
43 reserved 保守,穩重
44 responsible 負責
45 optimistic 樂觀
46 independent 獨立
七, 名詞
1 inflation 通貨膨脹
2 deflation 通貨緊縮
3 feasibility 可行性
4 overhaul 徹底檢查
5 custom 海關
6 bruise 擦傷
7 indices 是index的復數 注意讀音是 / / (聽力)
8 commotion 暴動,騷亂
9 interest rate 利率
10 disposition (1)性情氣質 (2) 處理
11 carat, karat 克拉
12 hallmark 品質證明, 純正之證明
13 asylum 收容所, 養老院
14 orphanage 孤兒院
15 morale 士氣,人心
16 pennant 錦旗
17 vicinity 附近, 短語是 in the ~ of
18 interrogation 詢問,審訊 短語是 put sb under ~
19 intersection 交點
20 intermission 休息時間
21 physician 內科醫生
22 surgeon 外科醫生, 軍醫,船醫
23 breadwinner 養家糊口的人
24 recipe 食譜,方法
25 tender 招標,a public ~, ask for tender
26 syllabus 課程綱要
27 Spaniard 西班牙人
28 dispassion 冷靜客觀
29 levity 輕率
30 expulsion 開除,除籍
31 defamation 誹謗
32 payroll 薪水冊,工資表
33 contraction 收縮
34 renewal 更新
35 dection 扣除(額)
36 escalator 電動扶梯
37 elevator 電梯,升降梯(美)
38 lift 電梯(英)
39 emblem 象徵標志 同logo symbol
40 dereliction 玩忽職守 ~ of ty
41 milk shake 奶昔
42 endorsement 背書保證,找明星代言
43 approbation 批准許可
44 probation 試用 trial
45 deference 順從尊重
46 minor infraction 輕微違法major violation 重大
47 vacate 疏散 evacuation
48 anarchy 無政府
49 collusion 共謀,勾結
50 downturn 下滑take a sudden downturn
51 spa 溫泉
52 freelance writer 自由撰稿人
53 articles 用品,商品
54 management 資方 union 工會
55 turnover 運轉,周轉
56 turnout (集會)出席者a large turnout
57 annuity 養老金 pension
58 extension 分機
59 innovation 革新翻新, renovation裝修
60 dosage 劑量
61 rash 疹子
62 clientele 顧客,老主顧
63 leave 請假 He is often absent without leave
64 partition 隔間,區分
65 junk 垃圾 punk 朋克
66 menopause 更年期
67 razor 剃刀
68 crop strains 作物品種
69 headphone 耳機earphone
70 automated teller machine 自動提款機ATM
71 civilians 聽力中注意與surveillance區分
72 subsidiary 子公司
73 strip mining 露天采礦
74 national (某國的)國民
we employ various nationals at our local companies.
75 mortgage 抵押
76 compartment 隔間
Ask the flight attendant if we can put our things in that compartment
77 helping (食物的)一分I had a second helping
78 subcontractor 轉包商
79 speculation 投機 ~ in real estate
80 avocation 副業
81 kickback 回扣
82 spectator 觀眾 audience 聽眾
83 stroller (1)四輪嬰兒車 (2)漫步者
84 seniority 年長,資深 ~ has priority
85 toner 調色劑
86 luncheon 正式午餐,下午餐會
87 fa

⑶ 用下面的單詞寫一篇經濟類英語作文(150-200字左右 商英考試用)急!!!

Recently, a (rarifiedforum) has been hold, at which some experts concerned were present. Some ofthem (championed) the banks and agreed to the system of control of the loan to (subsets)because providing a loan would make banks to be at the (peril) of doubtful accountsand put the financial institution in a (turmoil), while some of them appealedto the banks to (deregulate) the policy and insisted that subsets were also thefresh activists of the economic development. They thought most of the subsets could(entail) necessary fund so that they could extend reproction; besides, economicglobalization and trade (liberalization) call for an elimination of loanwall. At last the participants』 (consensus) was that the measure putforward by the latter should be adopted.
In my opinion, thelatter don』t cast a (lurid) light on. So long as we (enforce) the banking, (prudential)loan can be boldly provided to most of the reliable subsets and there is no possibilityfor any chaos to happen

⑷ 求一篇關於經濟危機的英語作文加翻譯(四級)


穩定金融市場是一個關鍵的第一步,但即使他們穩定下來,我們希望他們能更廣泛的經濟復甦不會馬上發生, 「伯南克,美聯儲主席說,紐約經濟俱樂部。


⑸ 有關經濟外貿方面的英語作文300詞,高中大學水平,要有中文對照的,謝謝

Today, the foreign trade of the country or region's economic development is playing an increasingly important role. one country to achieve rapid economic development of economy must learn to use both international and domestic market. foreign trade, by removing the rewards of resources optimization disposition. the trade of the analysis is usually divided into of analysis and the structural analysis, the total amount is to analyze questions from the angle, and the structural analysis from the perspective of the importance of examining trade act.And structure of foreign trade is a national or regional economic development and instrial structure and commodities in international competition, in the international division of labour and international trade in a comprehensive response and commodity structure and regional structure is an important part of the structure of foreign trade. china's accession to wto in 2001, foreign trade has increased rapidly to become the united states, the two countries of the world's third largest trader, but with the rapid development of our foreign trade.The structural problems more and more manifest, for example, the commodity structure is irrational and exports remained low added value of procts. moreover, our foreign trade in merchandise trade is far greater than service trade, so the study of our foreign trade structure is a study of our proct import and export commodity structure, optimize. the article from our foreign trade structure of goods and regional structure has to start.Analysed our import and export trade, and finally made to realize the import and export of strategic goals. the article falls into five chapters, the first three chapters to focus on the development of our foreign trade and the structure of foreign trade in goods and regional structure, the fourth chapter, the introction of our foreign trade, most of the current structure of foreign trade import and export trade and development in order to achieve the strategic objective measures and export of the regrouping.

⑹ 求一篇關於 經濟快速發展的 英語作文


Globalization is the buzz word of the 1990s. In the two previous decades, the amount of money & goods moving between countries has been rising steadily. At the same time, trade barriers across the world have been lowered。

This more integrated global economy will ultimately benefit everyone because it will enable countries to specialize in those areas where they perform best Developing countries, with their higher population & lower wages, will concentrate on labor-intensive instries (such as raw materials & mannfacturing). The richer countries, on the other hand, will diversify into hi-tech instry where high proctivity & special knowledge are paramount.

And the effect of this will be to improve proctivity in all countries, leading to higher living standards. The free movement of capital will also help poorer countries develop so they can play a full & active role in the world economy.

⑺ 關於中國未來經濟發展的英語作文


⑻ 求跟經濟有關的英文文章

Today, the foreign trade of the country or region's economic development is playing an increasingly important role. one country to achieve rapid economic development of economy must learn to use both international and domestic market. foreign trade, by removing the rewards of resources optimization disposition. the trade of the analysis is usually divided into of analysis and the structural analysis, the total amount is to analyze questions from the angle, and the structural analysis from the perspective of the importance of examining trade act.And structure of foreign trade is a national or regional economic development and instrial structure and commodities in international competition, in the international division of labour and international trade in a comprehensive response and commodity structure and regional structure is an important part of the structure of foreign trade. china's accession to wto in 2001, foreign trade has increased rapidly to become the united states, the two countries of the world's third largest trader, but with the rapid development of our foreign trade.The structural problems more and more manifest, for example, the commodity structure is irrational and exports remained low added value of procts. moreover, our foreign trade in merchandise trade is far greater than service trade, so the study of our foreign trade structure is a study of our proct import and export commodity structure, optimize. the article from our foreign trade structure of goods and regional structure has to start.Analysed our import and export trade, and finally made to realize the import and export of strategic goals. the article falls into five chapters, the first three chapters to focus on the development of our foreign trade and the structure of foreign trade in goods and regional structure, the fourth chapter, the introction of our foreign trade, most of the current structure of foreign trade import and export trade and development in order to achieve the strategic objective measures and export of the regrouping.


⑼ 經濟類英語文章

建議你去滬江論壇上看看,或者就是《The Economist》

⑽ 關於地攤經濟的英語作文


Recently, the government has introced a lot of policies on setting up street stalls, so street stalls have sprung up in many big cities.

There is no doubt that the street-stall economy will bring us some benefits as well as problems. 

On the one hand, the street-stall economy can effectively solve the employment problem of people who have lost their jobs e to the impact of the coronavirus. Secondly.

the street-stall economy can promote the economic development. What's more, the street-stall economy can add color and vitality to people's life, so it is called "fireworks on earth". 

On the other hand, the street-stall economy is often denied e to sanitation problems.

Besides, cheating customers and affecting traffic are also the main problems in the street-stall economy.

In brief, I think the advantages of the street-stall economy outweigh the disadvantages in general.

As long as we can solve the problems existing in the street-stall economy, it will be more and more recognized and supported by people.










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