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發布時間: 2021-03-14 22:08:08

㈠ 歷年英語六級作文


㈡ 英語六級作文有沒有app推薦

My birthday came off on the 15 of last month.I invited a number of my friends to a party which my father had arranged.Our living room was decorated with colorful buntings and balloons.My mother bought me a big birthday cake and I placed it on the table.
By 4pm my friends began to arrive one by one.They offered me the presents they had brought with them.The party began at 6pm.We played Magical Cake hunt and Apple Bobbing.At 8.30,I lighted the candles.My friends sang in a chorus 'happy birthday to you,Xiao Man'!
The party was over and the guests began to leave.I went to my room with the presents that I received.And I found that I had received a number of valuable things like watches,necklace and music box.

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