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發布時間: 2021-03-09 19:03:09


(1) ,anold . ,andhesaidtotheIrishman,「The Americansareveryclever,aren』tthey? moon.It』saverylongwayfromourworld.」 「Oh,that』snothing,」theIrishmanansweredquickly.「』time.That』smuchfartherawaythanthemoon,youknow.」 .「Oh,yes,itis,」hesaid.「.」 TheIrishmanlaughedandanswered,「Well,wearenotstupid,youknow.Wewon』tgothesunringtheday,ofcourse.We』llgothereringthenight.」 (2) Tomwasagoodboy.Hewassevenyearsold,andhewasgoingtoschoolsoon. ButTomhadashortcoming.Hecouldn』tgetupearly.Heoftensleptuntilnineorteno』clockinthemorning. Hismotherdidn』twanthimtobelateforschool.Sosheboughthimanalarmclock.Shesaidtohim,「.」 「Yes,Mum,」Tomsaid,andfromthenon,. Oneday,hismotherforgottowinptheclock.AndthenextmorningTomdidn』tgetupatsixthirty.Itwastimeforbreakfast.Motherwenttowakehimup.Tomwasinbedandhiseyeswereopen.Hesaidtohismother,「Iwokeupveryearly.」 「Thenwhydidn』tyougetup?」Motherasked.「..」 (3) Itistimeforsports Itisabouthalfpastfour.Itistimeforsport.Thestudentsareontheplayground. Theyareplayingafootballmatch.LiDongisoneofthem.Heisgoodatfootball.Heplayswell.Heisontheschoolfootballteam.LiDongsays,"Ilikeplayingfootball.Itismyfavouritesport."LiDong'sfriends,PanChenandWangHaisay,"He'safootballfan.Ronaldoishisfavouriteplayer." ..Thetallboy,Tanglin,isverygoodatplayingbasketball.Heisveryfastandheplayswell.Manyofhisfriendssay,"Heisagoodbasketballplayer..Histeamissuretowin. ,too. (4) TheMid-AutumnFestival TheMid-.It』sonlunarfifthofAugust. Intheevening,wehaveabigdinner.Look,.Wecandrinkaglassofjuice.Westandbesidethetableandwesay,「Cheers,cheers,happyMid-AutumnFestival!」Wemakeawishtoeachother.Atnight,.Itlookslikeaball.Wecanenjoythemoon..Wecaneatmooncakes,too.IntheMid-AutumnFestival,. (5) Myfavoritemovies Hello,boysandgirls!MynameisJenny.I'm14-year-old.MybirthdayisonOctober31st.I'mamoviefan..MyfavoriteactorisJackieChan.Heisagreatactionactor.Hehasmanymovies.Forexample.TheAroundtheWorldis80Days,Rob-B-hoodandRushHour.Thesemoviesareveryexciting.IreallylikeRob-B-hoodverymuch,becausetheyareexciting. . MyFavouritesubject MynameisSusan.I'm12yearsold.MyfavoritesubjectisMath. BecauseIthinkit'sdifficultbutfunny.Ilikegreenverymuch..Ithinkit'sinteresting.Ilike playingtheviolinandthepiano.MyfavoritedayisSunday.BecauseinthatdayIdon'tgotoschool. .Itistimeforsport.Thestudentsareontheplayground. Theyareplayingafootballmatch.LiDongisoneofthem.Heisgoodatfootball.Heplayswell.Heisontheschoolfootballteam.LiDongsays,"Ilikeplayingfootball.Itismyfavouritesport."LiDong'sfriends,PanChenandWangHaisay,"He'safootballfan.Ronaldoishisfavouriteplayer." ..Thetallboy,Tanglin,isverygoodatplayingbasketball.Heisveryfastandheplayswell.Manyofhisfriendssay,"Heisagoodbasketballplayer..Histeamissuretowin. ,too. Mid-AutumnFestival TheMid-,.Ithasalonghistory,. ,.. Themoonlooksextremelyround,.PeoplecelebrateitinAugust15,.OntheMid-AutumnFestival,,.Howsplendidamomentitis! Itisthe3rdMid-.nothingisspecial.,,thengatheringroundasmalltable...eating,dringking,shouting,laughing... Mid-day.Asastudentlearningoutside,day.

❷ 七年級英語火線計劃12個單元的作文題目

認為取好題目沒有什麼技巧 就兩方法 多動腦筋 多積累

舉例說 你怕作文題目沒有新意 就別老想只用文字作題目 有時用用數字元號或英語更有味道
比如我們寫團結話題的作文 說一個人力量小 兩個人合作力量就大 這作文題目可為《1+1>2》

再有 你怕作文題目沒有韻味 那就別說得太直白 有時把題目取得詩意點 朦朧點更有風味
比如 你寫關於秋天與朋友離別的作文 就別只想到離別 可以想一下詩句 把題目取為《冷落清秋節》
要取這樣的題目平時就得多積累詩句 多聯想聯系
認為取好題目沒有什麼技巧 就兩方法 多動腦筋 多積累

舉例說 你怕作文題目沒有新意 就別老想只用文字作題目 有時用用數字元號或英語更有味道
比如我們寫團結話題的作文 說一個人力量小 兩個人合作力量就大 這作文題目可為《1+1>2》

再有 你怕作文題目沒有韻味 那就別說得太直白 有時把題目取得詩意點 朦朧點更有風味
比如 你寫關於秋天與朋友離別的作文 就別只想到離別 可以想一下詩句 把題目取為《冷落清秋節》
要取這樣的題目平時就得多積累詩句 多聯想聯系

❸ 找出一篇七年級第一單元英語作文要有標題

I went to Beijing with my family. We went there by train. The
train was comfortable. We spent five days visiting Beijing. On the first
day, we went to Tian'an Men Square, It is so big. and there were lots
of people taking photos. Then we went to the Palace Museum. We saw
thousands of houses. Kings lived there before. I felt interesting. The
second day was cloudy, so we went to the museums. We saw many old
things. On teh third day we went to the Great Wall. It was so great! We
were tired. So the next day we stayed at the hotel.

❹ 七年級上冊英語每單元作文題目

預備2:what's this?
預備3:what color is it?
11:寫一些time table

❺ 英語七年級學生雙語報第一單元的作文題目

Hi,everyone! I am a student .my favorite subject is English.At first,I do not like studying English .I think it is very difficult .I always can not pronunciation some of the words.I also can not make grammar to write artive ,I hate it very much ,but now my English improve a lot .Beause my teacher and my friends help me a lot.
you want to study English more better,I could give you some solutions .You need to writing more artive ,listenning to your teacher's pronunciation,reading alond with your classmates.Sometimes,you should study to talk notes,so that you could remember too much。

❻ 初一上冊英語每單元一篇小作文, 要求,每篇作文和每單元的主題對應

第八單元的:內容I love my family, my mother's birthday is in 96 August 9, I very love my mom, I'm 12 years old, my birthday is 99 years of May 6

❼ 七年級上冊英語1到10單元的作文

Yang Fang likes soccer .I also like soccer .He likes volleyball ,but I don』t like volleyball. I like basketball and ping-pong. He likes sports very much. I like them, too. We like watching sports on TV.
Found: Pen Lost:
Is this your pen? My notebook.
Please call Mary. My name is Tony.
Phone # 3456754 Please call 6754398
Here』s ma my family photo. Look at the old man. He is my grandfather .This is my grandmother .Theses are my parents .My father』s name is Bill. My mother』s name is Mary. This is my uncle. He is an English teacher. This boy is me.
Dear Dongdong,
Can you bring some things to me? I need my hat ,my English book ,my notebook and a set of keys. My hat is on the chair .The English book is on the desk. The notebook and a set of keys are in the drawer .
Li Lei
V. 介紹你的房間
Here』s my room .My TV is on the desk .My baseball is on the floor ,under the bed .My CDs are in the backpack .The flowers are on the table .My books are in the bookcase. This is my computer. It is on the desk, next to the window .I like it very much.
Let』s play sports!
Do you like sports ?Do you play basketball ?Do you play volleyball ?W have many sports clubs :basketball ,volleyball, soccer, baseball ,ping-pong and more .Please join us!
First Name: Jack
Last Name: Smith
Class: Class 7,Grade 7
Sports you play: Volleyball and baseball
Jack has a great sports collection .He has eight tennis rackets ,nine basketballs and six baseballs .He also has four volleyballs and three tennis rackets .He plays sports every day.
VIII. 談談你和你的同學早,中,晚餐各喜歡吃的食物
My friend Lucy and I like different food. For breakfast ,she likes eggs, bananas and apples, but I like eggs ,milk and hamburgers .For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad and pears ,but I like rice, salad and apples. For dinner, She likes chicken ,tomatoes ,French fries and ice cream ,but I like rice, chicken, tomatoes .I don』t like ice cream.
Hello.My name is David Smith.My first name is David.My last name is Smith.I am a boy.I am fourteen,I am in Class 7,Grade 7.My good friend』s name is Jack.I like my school.I like my teachers,too.

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