㈠ IQ與EQ辯論的範文誰有最好是英語寫的
IQ vs EQ
by R. Rubadeau
While IQ (Intelligence Quotient) defines how smart you are, EQ (Emotional Quotient) defines how well you use what smarts you have. Peter Salovey, Yale psychologist and author of the term EQ, states that IQ gets you hired, EQ gets you promoted. He also suggests that it's important to redefine, in our complex world, what it means to be smart. In short, when it comes to "predicting future successes," brainpower, as measured by IQ and standardized achievement tests, may actually matter less than the character, or EQ of an indivial.
Salovey tells of a simple test where four year olds are invited into a room and are given the following instruction: "You can have this marshmallow right now; or if you wait, you can have two marshmallows when I get back." Then, the researcher leaves. Some kids grab for the treat the second he's out the door, while others wait for the researcher to return. The results are recorded and Science waits for the kids to grow up. By the time the kids reach high school, significant differences appear between the two groups. The kids who held out for two marshmallows were better adjusted, more popular, more adventurous, more confident, and more dependable than kids in the quick gratification group. The latter group was also more likely to be lonely, more easily frustrated, more stubborn, more likely to buckle under stress, and more likely to shy away from challenges. When both groups took scholastic aptitude tests, the "hold out group" walloped the "quick gratification group by 210 points (the test scores range from a minimum of 200 points to a maximum of 800, with an average for all students of 500 points).
Did you ever wonder what happened to the smartest kid in the class who didn't end up being successful, or why some of your friends survive the greatest trauma while others crumble over minor issues? Perhaps it is because of differences in a person's EQ. EQ is not the opposite of IQ, and indeed it is hoped that people have generous quantities of both. But, there is little doubt that people without sufficient EQ will have a hard time surviving in life.
For five generations researchers have been discussing whether it's possible to raise a person's IQ. Geneticists say No, while social scientists say Yes. But while brain power researchers continue the debate, social science researchers have concluded that it's possible to improve a person's EQ, and in particular, a person's "people skills," such as empathy, graciousness, and the ability to "read" a social situation. Social scientists continually cite situations where experiences have modified a person's EQ. For example, ecational researchers indicate that when normal students are introced to disabled peers, those in the former group dramatically improve their ability to become empathetic and gracious. Additionally, the introction of behaviourally disturbed students in a class of normal aged peers increases the ability of the latter group to learn to "read" social situations. A more profound improvement is frequently noted in the behaviourally disturbed student as well.
Social scientists conclude that EQ is perhaps best observed in people described as either pessimists or optimists. Optimists have high EQ and treat obstacles as minor, while the pessimistic low-EQ group personalizes all setbacks. In social research circles, high EQ denotes one's ability to survive, and it's here that there may be an overlap between EQ, IQ, genetics and environment. In this regard, I am reminded of the words of Darwin, "The biggest, the smartest, and the strongest are not the survivors. Rather, the survivors are the most adaptable." Those of us who survive and thrive in this complex world are not only the most adaptable, but also the most optimistic and the most likely to have a high EQ.
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㈡ 辯論賽。IQ與EQ哪個更重要
高EQ並不排除高IQ,也有兩者都高的人。現在科學家正在研究,兩者的系數怎麼才能做到互為補充。比如說,在極其異常的情況下,如何才能做到控制自己的壓抑情緒,來使精力集中起來。 科學家有一點是一致的,那就是都認為成功中有20%歸功於IQ,其餘的則有賴於人類進化幾百萬年來不斷得到發展和完善的神經系統。
據說通過堅持不懈的訓練,甚至IQ還可望有所提高。俄羅斯人健康中心精神病學教授阿列克謝·格里戈里耶夫卻認為,「訓練」EQ有一定的危險,因為這會導致孩子在不同的境況下只會有單一「正確」的情緒反應,在音樂晚會上就會笑,在葬禮上就會哭,課堂上老老實實聽講。可以教他們做事不出格,比如說發怒時最好只大聲喊,不訴諸武力。但是,如果一個高EQ的人凡事都附和領導會是好事嗎? EQ是建立在IQ的基礎之上的,如果一個人IQ不夠高,他就不會擁有足夠的EQ,像上面那位老兄說的一樣「沒有IQ,EQ再高也是個笨蛋」,也就是說,如果你就是個笨蛋,IQ為零,你的EQ從哪來呢??
㈢ 你認為找工作中IQ和EQ哪個更重要 英語回答
The applicant's EQ is more important than IQ
Those with high emotional intelligence are able to remain calm under pressure, and are more effective in conflict resolution.
㈣ 英語作文,討論eq,iq哪個更重要
秋天的美是成熟的,理智的.它不像春天一樣羞澀,嫵媚,也不像夏天一樣袒露,火熱回,更不像冬天一答樣內向,含蓄. 秋天悄悄地的來了,來到了田野,來到了小溪邊,來到了山上,給大地換上了迷人的秋裝. 我走進公園.陣陣秋風一吹,滿地的紅葉,好...
㈤ 英語作文,討論eq,iq哪個更重要
The top five reasons why your EQ determines your success in life
Conventional wisdom has it that there's a direct connection between our IQ and our ability to succeed in life.In school,we're ranked by our GPA.At certain points in grade school,students are given standardized tests that rank them with other students around the country.Schools are obsessed with how their students rank compared to others.A requirement for most colleges is a satisfactory score on the SAT or ACT exam.These tests are basic IQ tests,designed to gauge our math skills and reading comprehension.
But there have been many studies that show IQ only accounts for about 20% of success.The major determinants of success are social and emotional intelligence.Yet there's very little emphasis put on developing emotional intelligence.Only a handful of schools have any formal programs that address emotional intelligence.
In his book Emotional Intelligence,Daniel Goleman says,"People with well-developed emotional skills are also more likely to be content and effective in their lives,mastering the habits of the mind that foster their own proctivity; people who cannot marshal some control over their emotional life fight battles that sabotage their ability for focused work and clear thought."
We have an emotional mind and a rational mind.In large part,our emotional mind developed to help us survive.When man first wandered the earth,any time he encountered some new experience,he needed to make instant decisions about whether the encounter involved something that he could eat or something that might try to eat him.Relying on the rational mind,which works much slower than the emotional mind,might have meant the end of mankind.The emotional mind springs into action much quicker than the rational mind.But unless we learn to control the emotional mind,we will make lots of bad decisions and poor choices.
Our emotional intelligence has such a large impact on our success in life,it's important that we fully develop our emotional skills.Here are the top five reasons why your emotional intelligence determines your success in life.
1.EQ has a greater impact on success than other factors.
It has been said that your IQ can land you a job,but your lack of EQ can get you fired.Your IQ only accounts for 20% of your success in life.Your emotional intelligence and social intelligence are much greater determinants of the success you will achieve in life.
2.The ability to delay gratification is a primary indicator of future success.
Delayed gratification is the top predictor of future success.People who are able to pay the price today and delay the rewards are much more likely to succeed in life.Unfortunately we have become a nation seeking instant gratification.This shows up in our everyday lives in the foods we choose to eat,the buy now pay later way of life,our inability to follow an exercise regime and putting mindless entertainment ahead of self-development.
3.High EQ leads to healthy relationships with others.
Our emotional skills have a direct and important bearing on our relationships with others.We need to understand our feelings,where they come from and how to properly express them.We will not maintain healthy relationships unless we can control our emotions,communicate our feelings in a constructive manner and understand the feelings of others.
4.Emotional health impacts physical health.
There is a direct connection between our emotional health and our physical health.If our lives are filled with stress,our physical health suffers.It has been estimated that well over 80% of our health problems are stress related.We experience stress primarily because we are not comfortable emotionally.We need to understand the link between our emotional health and our physical health.
5.Poor EQ is linked to crime and other unethical behaviors.
Unfortunately,there's a direct connection between poor emotional skills and the rising crime rate.Children who have poor emotional skills become social outcasts at a very young age.They might be the class bully because of a hot temper.They may have learned to react with fists rather than reason.Poor social and emotional skills contribute to poor attention in class and feelings of frustration.Such students rapidly fall behind and make friends with others in the same boat.The path to crime starts early in life.While there's no doubt that family and environment are strong contributors,the common thread is poor emotional and social skills.
This is one case where an ounce of prevention would certainly be worth a pound of cure.The cost of intervention when a child is in grade school is minor compared to the cost to jail them in their teens and twenties.
So how do we develop emotional intelligence?
We need to know our emotions.We need to develop self-awareness -- the ability to recognize feelings as they happen.
We must learn how to manage our emotions.Unless we learn to manage our emotions we will constantly be battling feelings of gloom and distress.
We must learn to motivate ourselves.Learn emotional self-control -- to delay gratification.
If we are to succeed in life,we need to learn to recognize emotions in others.We need to develop empathy.We need to be attuned to what others want or need.
And we need to develop our emotional intelligence so we are capable of healthy relationships.
㈥ 求一篇英語作文,關於EQ,IQ誰更重要。中學生水平,100詞左右
Which one is important between EQ and IQ
for the represent , it seems to foucus on one debate which one is important between EQ and IQ. For me, i'd like to talk about it with the word that every coin has two sides. You know, when it comes to study, more or less, we just know that IQ is very important , if someone has high IQ, it is easy for he to study well and get relative praise. Out of question, high score is necessary. On the other hand, if a student just lose himself in study, without knowing otherthing else. It seems to a failure for ecation, at the same time, we should emphasize the EQ. let's an excellent student do everything with society and polite.
㈦ 英語話題(EQ和IQ)
I would chose the EQ.
㈧ iq和eq哪個更重要 英語作文
y moved by that popular demonstration: he
㈨ IQ和EQ哪個更重要為什麼
高EQ並不排除高IQ,也有兩者都高的人。現在科學家正在研究,兩者的系數怎麼才能做到互為補充。比如說,在極其異常的情況下,如何才能做到控制自己的壓抑情緒,來使精力集中起來。 科學家有一點是一致的,那就是都認為成功中有20%歸功於IQ,其餘的則有賴於人類進化幾百萬年來不斷得到發展和完善的神經系統。
在亞歷山德拉·茹科娃看來,學校應該到考慮修改教學大綱和考試制度的時候了,以保證在學校里能傳授情緒智力,而不是由著那些幼年羅蒙諾索夫們自己去打拚。 還有你可以用自己的話說:如名人牛頓,他的IQ很高,但EQ很低。如很多科學家都是憑IQ搞實驗的,從而成功!