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『壹』 關於機器人歷史的英文簡介

I, Robot (2004) - Plot summary

Set in a future Earth (2035 A.D.) where robots are common assistants and workers for their human owners, this is the story of "robotophobic" Chicago Police Detective Del Spooner's investigation into the murder of Dr. Alfred Lanning, who works at U.S. Robotics, in which a robot, Sonny , appears to be implicated, even though that would mean the robot had violated the Three Laws of Robotics, which is apparently impossible. It seems impossible because.. if robots can break those laws, there's nothing to stop them from taking over the world, as humans have grown to become completely dependent upon their robots. Or maybe... they already have? Aiding Spooner in his investigation is a psychologist, Dr. Susan Calvin, who specializes in the psyches of robots.

『貳』 我最喜歡的發明是家庭機器人醫生的英語作文

第一篇 未來的全能機器人 未來的世界是無法設想的,我決定在未來發明一種十分全能、無敵的機器人,他,有一個響亮的名字——無限OK! 這個無限OK機器人非常好使用,行動輕快靈活,彷彿田溝里的水蛇,甚至更加速度!如果有了他,可以幫你解決一些使你無能為力的問題;有了他,能給你應付一些緊急情況;有了他,還能使你的生活更加豐富多彩! 如果有一次,你正在快速奔跑著,一個不小心,「嗖」的一下摔倒在地上,腳皮磨破了,鮮血直流、疼痛難忍!這時候,那無限OK機器人就會立馬現身在你面前,從他右側的「神奇口袋」里取出「萬能葯水」,這葯水呈淺綠色,塗在受傷處後,效果立竿見影!這時,你就是「無事一身輕」啦! 假如你就快要考試了,但是由於你考試的前一天有事什麼的,萬分焦急.就是這個節骨眼,無限OK機器人回一下瞬移到你面前,掏掏他那「神奇口袋」,拿出「定時鍾」把時間停留在那一刻,你就可以趁那時趕緊復習,解決煩惱了! 無限OK機器人還是一位環保先鋒呢!萬一有一個人在大街上隨地吐痰、亂扔白色垃圾時,他就會一絲不苟地前去阻攔!他首先用「萬能掃帚」把地上的雜物一掃而凈,然後很有禮貌地對扔垃圾的人說,對不起小夥子,請他以後不要再亂扔垃圾或不要再隨地吐痰了.但是有的人見著他很有禮貌,就誤以為他很懦弱,所以有意識的去打罵無限OK機器人,現在無限OK機器人就舉起手上的「萬能掃帚」一揮,把那些人的邪惡的內心一掃而光,使得他們都心地善良、尊老愛幼! 無限OK機器人的全能可不是浪得虛名的,他左側的口袋裡還有一個未來的床鋪,那床鋪的用處可大啦! 有一次,你看書看久了,視線模糊不清,恍恍惚惚的,正當這時,你就可以喊無限OK機器人拿出未來的床鋪,然後對著床鋪說:「變大吧,我的神奇床鋪!我看書看累了,需要到那綠色、美麗的大自然遨遊一番,休息休息眼睛!」說完就躺到床上,美美地睡上一覺:在夢里,你就會走到大自然中,欣賞著奇山秀水,飽覽著中外風景名勝.一覺醒來,你回覺得神清氣爽、精神百倍,視力提升到極限! …… 啊,無限OK機器人,多麼神奇的機器人,有了你,我們的生活更加甜蜜! 第二篇 現在的科技不斷的發展,22世紀後的保姆都是機器人. 你可能問:"未來的機器人是什麼樣子的?它會干什麼?"我的回答可能讓你大吃一驚,它的樣子和人的樣子差不多!穿著衣服.你也可能會想,機器人穿的是什麼樣的衣服,它穿的是防火的衣服,假如家中起了火,自己被困在了屋裡面,這是機器人頭上的天線感到屋中起了火,就會像雷達監控飛機那樣,找到主人,把主人救出. 它的用處可不小,它可以服從你的命令,你讓它向東它不敢向西,你讓它打狗它不敢罵雞.如果你口渴了,你說:"水"它的語音識別功能就可以聽出.它的勞動量是無限的,因為它的頭上有一塊太陽能電池.白天它可以為你服務,晚上它可以防賊.所以未來的家庭少不了機器人第三篇 二十三世紀末的機器人 一天早上,奶奶喊聰聰起床,可是喊了好長時間也不見聰聰出來,我推開房門進去一看,呀!只見小主人的臉通紅,眼睛緊閉著,手在微微地顫抖.我連忙打開我的「第三隻眼」——人體檢測器,為小主人細心檢查.我發現小主人的體溫是39℃,扁桃體充血、Ⅱ度腫大,呼吸道里有許多痰液.我立刻告訴奶奶,聰聰感冒了,並開了處方,奶奶按處方去買葯.聰聰吃葯後,果然不出我所料,只過了二十幾分鍾,就感覺舒服多了.奶奶對我贊不絕口. 小朋友,你們一定會誇我是一個稱職的「家庭醫生」吧!其實我的本領不僅如此哦!下面來看看我的個人簡歷吧! 「Hello,I』m Lucy,can I help you?」大家好,我是二十三世紀末的機器人Lucy.可別小看我哦!我可是個高智商、高智能的模擬機器人.我可以把衣服洗得乾乾凈凈,把飯菜做得美味可口;我可以幫媽媽隨時監控小主人聰聰的行蹤,以保護小主人的安全;還可以幫助小主人解決他學習上遇到的困難;我還會三十多種語言,可以與五湖四海的人進行交流……其中,我最喜歡的工作就是——家庭醫生. 你喜歡我嗎?需要的話,盡管吩咐,我將竭誠為您效勞!

『叄』 發明機器人介紹外貌和作用的英語作文帶翻譯

This is the robert which is invented by our team. It is 160 kilimeters high and with 2 big eyes. It's so strong that it can lift 100 kg weight goods according to our test results. Besides, it still has two additional functions. The first one is translation between English and Chinese. The second one is cooking skill. If you put vegetables or meat into the specified accessory of the robert according to the instruction showed in the screen and choose the dish you wish in the menu, you can get well cooked dish after sereral minutes. Considering increasing young population who are not good at cooking will start their career and live independently, this Robert will hit the market with a great sucess prospect.
這是我們團隊發明的機器人。它有160厘米高和2個大眼睛。 它非常強壯,根據我們的實驗結果,可以舉起100公斤重的貨物。此外,它還有兩項其他的功能。第一個功能是中英文翻譯。第二個功能是烹飪技能。如果你按照屏幕上顯示的說明書,把蔬菜和肉放入機器人的指定附件中,並通過菜單選擇想要的才要,幾十分鍾後,你可以得到烹飪好的食物。考慮到越來越多不善家務的年輕人即將步入社會並獨立生活,這款機器人在未來有非常良好的市場銷售預期。

『肆』 他以前發明了一個機器人英文

I, Robot (2004) - Plot summary
Set in a future Earth (2035 A.D.) where robots are common assistants and workers for their human owners, this is the story of "robotophobic" Chicago Police Detective Del Spooner's investigation into the murder of Dr. Alfred Lanning, who works at U.S. Robotics, in which a robot, Sonny , appears to be implicated, even though that would mean the robot had violated the Three Laws of Robotics, which is apparently impossible. It seems impossible because.. if robots can break those laws, there's nothing to stop them from taking over the world, as humans have grown to become completely dependent upon their robots. Or maybe... they already have? Aiding Spooner in his investigation is a psychologist, Dr. Susan Calvin, who specializes in the psyches of robots.

『伍』 一篇關於機器人的英語作文

It is helpful to have a robot, like you will have more space and time to work on the things you are interested in.What is more ,it can help you to do a lot of houseworks like washing,cooking and cleaning.The disadvantage is it may suffer from virous and cause many troubles.For example,it would put your breakfast into washing machine and shirt into stbin.Finally ,you have to send it back to the robot shop.

『陸』 機器人英語作文


『柒』 關於機器人的英語作文



『捌』 寫一篇關於機器人的英語作文


my name is Lin Tao. I always have a dream to own a robot in 2008 named Superman. It will be a proct of AI(artificial intelligence) and it can do so many things for me, including helping me with all of my housework, especially cleaning the floor which i hate to do most. It could cook the meals anytime for my family. It could send me to school and fetch me from school instead of my parents. added up to all, it could also be my teachers, teaching me English and Math! What an assume robot it will be! With the breakthrough of technology, i strongly believe that my dream will come true oneday.

『玖』 關於寫機器人的英語作文 80詞

The first robot we saw could actually walk over obstacles. Another one, which was shaped like a triangle, was referred to as 「來bad boy」 by its student creators (one of them explained to us that this robot is 「really naughty」). After the robotics class, we stopped by a ping pong practice session where I got some tips from the instructor and then had the chance to play with one of the students.選自美國第自一夫人米歇爾中國旅遊日誌(一)

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