❶ 糧食英文
cereals, grain 穀物
coarse grain 穀粒
rye 黑麥
barley 大麥
oats 燕麥
millet 粟,黍
sorghum 高粱
bran 麩,糠
flour, meal 粗磨谷粉
wheat 小麥
maize 玉米 (美作:corn)
maize cob 玉米棒子 (美作:corn cob)
rice 稻
buckwheat 蕎麥
tea 茶
coffee 咖啡
cocoa 可可樹
coca 古柯
tobacco 煙草
hop 蛇麻,啤酒花
tuber crops 塊莖作物
sugar beet 糖用甜菜
potato 馬鈴薯
sweet potato 甘薯
vegetables 蔬菜
carrot 胡蘿卜
cassava, manioc 木薯
turnip 蕪菁
yam 山葯,薯蕷
pulses, leguminous plants 豆類植物
bean 菜豆
pea 豌豆
chick-pea 鷹嘴豆
lentil 小扁豆
soya bean 大豆 (美作:soybean)
forage plants 飼料食物
fodder grain 飼用穀物
clover 三葉草
lucern, lucerne 苜蓿 (美作:alfalfa)
textile plants 纖維植物
cotton 棉,草棉
flax 亞麻
hemp 大麻
American agave 龍舌蘭
sisal 劍麻,西沙爾麻
kapok tree 木棉樹
jute 黃麻
Manila hemp 馬尼拉麻
raffia 酒椰
yucca 絲蘭
oil plants 油料植物
sunflower 向日葵
groundnut, peanut 落花生
olive 油橄欖
olive tree 油橄欖樹
sesame 芝麻
castor oil plant 蓖麻
rape seed 油菜籽
rubber tree 橡膠樹
resin plant 樹脂植物
mangrove 紅樹
fruits 水果
fruit tree 果樹
grapevine 葡萄藤
grape 葡萄
❷ 英語作文:珍惜糧食的作文
2006個0 2007個0
5.2.23×2的平方×3的平方×5的平方= ()
7.小玲家裡的鬧鍾每小時走快2分鍾,星期天上午9時正,她操作鬧鍾在上午1 1時30分
14.甲、乙分別從一個周長為224米的正方形圍牆的對角頂點同時出發繞圍牆跑(如圖)。甲每秒跑7米,乙每秒跑5米,經過( )秒鍾後,甲第一次看見乙,甲追上乙要用上()秒。
15.某基地設有甲、乙應急直升飛機,執行山區搶救任務。某日,甲直升機以.400千米/小時的速度,乙直升機以300千米/小時的速度,飛往某地。甲直升機提前0.5小時到達, 乙直升機遲到O.5小時。基地與某地的飛行距離是()千米。
❸ 寫一篇100字左右關於號召人們節約糧食的英語作文
In the college canteen, you had to eat a few mouthfuls of bread thrown on the table? Whether to eat a few mouthfuls of food drained? ... The students ... students will partner management survey found that on average five students have a half-bowl too small to be drained vegetables, drained 1 / 3 bowl of food the students more. Soon it filled swill bucket. Watch full bucket full bucket of leftovers, it is pity.
"Please save food" and other large banner, although the warning signs hung in the cafeteria in the striking position, but the food could not escape the bad luck of being wasted, however, when we carelessly throw away a piece of bread, when we think the world has There are many parents may be a meal for the family food and hard to run around?
So it really is enough food? In fact, in developing countries every five people will have a long-term malnutrition, 20 percent of the population in developing countries, food insecurity, famine has become Earth's No. 1 killer, killing 10 million people per year on average life, directly or indirectly because of malnutrition around the world every four seconds, one person was killed!
Community food situation distressing, so many people are dying e to the brink of starvation, to radically change consumer attitudes, food worth in today's college students to save food for thought.
"Calendar view worthies country and family, as the thrift broken by the extravagance." Students, as soon as possible to allow poor families from hunger, let us continue to carry forward the hard work, thrift fine style, with thrift proud ashamed to waste, corruption, extravagance and consciously resist the wind, from the subtle to start with the actual action to do the construction of "conservation-oriented campus," the leaders, to build a civilized, harmonious and make e contributions to the campus!
❹ 以 保護糧食資源 為話題寫一篇80詞左右的英語作文
Food Ann the world.Hands is a food,and a light heart.Not a day without food kingdom,the home not one day no rice.Based on the basic principle of food self-sufficiency,strengthening food support policy,strictly protect food proction resources and improve the food of the reserve system and hands is a grain,a light heart,and food is under the whole heaven,and the affections of the firm strategic instries,constitute the food safety concept Chinese characteristics and structure.Chinese characteristics food security concept,contains the Chinese nation in the long-term development and the struggle of the formation of the food safety in consciousness,contains the party and the government JiangNong heavy food the strategic thinking,contains the Chinese characteristic food reserves circulation patterns.Hands is a food,and where you are from?From food self-sufficiency insist for a long time as policy,benefit from JiangNong policy,from agriculture science and technology innovation of the strong support from the national food safety laws of the reserve system,from our traditional rural farmer storage.
❺ 以"不要浪費糧食"為題寫一篇80字的英語作文
As a child, I am so luck. I don』t need to worry about food. I always have enough delicious food, live in a big house, and have beautiful clothes to dress. I am so happy that I have no idea to treasure all these things.
I am a kind of particular about food. I often eat a little for one dish and the throw it away, because I have many choices. I will be full after eating several dishes. But one day, I watch a piece of news on TV. It is about some Africa children who are suffering starvation.
They are so poor. They are not only having no food to eat but also having little water to drink. A bowl of rice is very rare for them.
Seeing their longing eyes, I feel guilty. I am regret about wasting food before. How can I waste so much rare food? From now on, I will try my best to save food, to do something for them.
❻ 急求關於糧食的英語作文
People should feel sorry for themselves when they wasting something that they possess.for even though most of us leading a good life nowaday's,but there are still some people spending suffering life.when we enter Mcdonald's and KFC to eating our luxury food,yet they just expecting some food to get rid of their starvation.
Like all the parent's said their suferring past day's,we can imagine that 30 year's before they also had spent those day's,witch we can understand from our parent's faces appearances.
大 | 中 | 小 [2007/10/02 08:20 | 分類: 高中英語 | by admin ]
Subject (主題)
In some countries there is hardly enough food for the growing population. Suggest some ways in which this problem might be solved.
Plan and ideas (提綱)
1. Problem of population & food rises in world population.
Possible solutions:
2. Discourage large families.
3. Modernize farming & develop land to proce more food.
4. Export (出口) resources to import food.
5. Solutions not easy, but problem can be solved.
Many countries in the world are faced with the problems of an increasing population and a shortage of food.
There are a number of possible solutions to the problem, but none of them is easy. Firstly, governments could discourage people from having large families. Why not have just one child?
Secondly, farming methods in those countries are very simple and often inefficient. If the people bought new agricultural machinery, modernized their farming methods and developed more land, they might soon proce enough food for their needs.
Thirdly, many countries have natural resources such as oil, wood or iron. These could be exported so that food could be imported.
All of these possible solutions simplify the problem. But they show that, if people mean to solve the problems of increasing population and food shortages, there are ways of doing it.
❼ 關於節約糧食的英語作文
In daily life, and you could see the phenomenon of food waste. Perhaps you did not realize they are wasting, and perhaps you think this little bit of nothing to waste, maybe you still think our country with vast land. But the fact is: China's population has more than 1.25 billion, the annual net increase is 12 million; per capita arable land area of ??1.2 acres, is the world's per capita value of 1 / 4; the current arable land at an annual rate of more than 30 million mu of delivery; National 40% of the urban population consumed food imports. From 1981-1995, the national total of 8100 mu of cultivated land decreased, thus recing the proction of 500 billion kilograms of grain. And now to rece the speed is still accelerating. Unauthorized occupation of cultivated land, dredging, land degradation, desertification and other phenomena in the encroached land. Absolute reality can not be optimistic! Save food, is the obligation of every citizen, not that your life is better, you can afford to waste a waste. Waste is a shameful act. As long as there is awareness of conservation, in fact, doing it very simple: how much to eat a meal containing the number, do not throw leftovers; a la carte meal in a restaurant should be moderate, rather than show off, mess stretch. Remember: save food from me.
Fifth World Food Survey results: 112 developing countries (excluding China and other socialist countries) in the period 1979-1981 with 3.35-4.49 million people are malnourished. United Nations Population Fund (IMF) announced the early 1980s, when world cereal proction could feed 6 billion people. But at the same time, the world's population only 45 million or so, but there are 450 million people go hungry. In 1995, world population growth to 57 million hungry population to 10 million. In 1972, for two consecutive years because of global climate anomalies caused by crop failure, coupled with the former Soviet Union a large number of buying grain, there has been a worldwide food crisis, Food and Agriculture Organization in 1973 and 1974, have held the first and Second Food Conference, in order to arouse the world, especially the third world attention to food and agricultural proction problems. However, the problem has not been resolved, but the world food situation is more serious. It was predicted that in the 1980s world food shortages will trend. Food and Agriculture Organization of the General Assembly Resolution on World Food Day, is the world's food supply and demand in the context of an increasingly sharp made.
A waste of shame, in a sense is simply "criminal." Insist everything, save from the start bit, in particular, need to adhere to. Can be one or two days a year, two years? A longer time? Not just for food, let the savings into conscious, become a habit. Moreover, in the Long March, there are many martyrs died because of cold and hunger. Therefore, we must save food, or how worthy of those martyrs who we do?
❽ 給人們種糧食的英文
Give people a kind of food
❾ 關於糧食危機的英語作文
糧安天下。手中有糧,心裡不慌。國不可一日無糧,家不可一日無米。立足糧食基本自給的方針、強化糧食扶持政策、嚴格保護糧食生產資源、健全糧食儲備體系和手中有糧、心裡不慌以及糧食是安天下、穩民心的戰略產業等,構成了中國特色糧食安全理念及格局。中國特色糧食安全理念,蘊含著中華民族在長期發展和斗爭中形成的糧食安危意識,蘊含著黨和政府強農重糧的戰略思想,蘊含著中國特色糧食儲備流通格局。 手中有糧,來自何方?來自長期堅持糧食自給為主的方針,來自強農惠農政策,來自農業科技創新的有力支撐,來自健全安全的國家糧食儲備體系,來自我國傳統的農村農戶儲糧。
Food Ann the world. Hands is a food, and a light heart. Not a day without food kingdom, the home not one day no rice. Based on the basic principle of food self-sufficiency, strengthening food support policy, strictly protect food proction resources and improve the food of the reserve system and hands is a grain, a light heart, and food is under the whole heaven, and the affections of the firm strategic instries, constitute the food safety concept Chinese characteristics and structure. Chinese characteristics food security concept, contains the Chinese nation in the long-term development and the struggle of the formation of the food safety in consciousness, contains the party and the government JiangNong heavy food the strategic thinking, contains the Chinese characteristic food reserves circulation patterns. Hands is a food, and where you are from? From food self-sufficiency insist for a long time as policy, benefit from JiangNong policy, from agriculture science and technology innovation of the strong support from the national food safety laws of the reserve system, from our traditional rural farmer storage.
❿ 英語作文:珍惜糧食
It's the fact now many people waste a lot when they dine at the restaurants.In fact ,they can eat as much as they ordered,thus,much food is wasted.
I think this is a sad thing.We should cherish the food we have and try not to be the food wasters.
First of all, Since now we still can't proce enough food for the whole world's population, it's really a shame to waste much food.
Also,even if we have plenty of food,we still should save as much food as we can.This is the way that we value the farmers' hardworking.We respect them when we do so.
In my opinion, we have so many ways to save food in our daily life.Just remember not to order too much food when we go to the restaurant.What's more,eat up all we order or take the rest food back ro home is also a good choice.
I hope we can start now,save the food as we can.