㈠ 法國餐桌禮儀對話 英文
◆ 選用酒杯
◆ 飲酒、水、飲料禮儀
◆ 使用刀叉
◆ 食用麵包
◆ 其他種種禮儀
對話的話, 你可能要自己設計吧~ 甚少把中文寫出來, 再看看是否有人可以幫你翻譯成英文~
㈡ 急求法國,韓國餐桌禮儀,要英文的。
6. 如果這頓飯你是接到法國朋友的邀請去他家做客時,你可以帶一小捧鮮花,一個你和媽媽親手烹制的蛋糕,或是一瓶紅酒都是你去法國人家做客時最好的禮物
1.Napkin is not used to wipe off your snot or clean the fork.Fold your napkin in half and put it on your legs so that you can use it to wipe your mouth when needed.
2.If you only want a temporay leave, put the napkin on your seat.
3.If the food is unfinished and you just want a pause,put the table knife and fork on the plate, forming them like the Chinese character "Ba".
4.If the food is finished in the plate,you can put the knife and fork paralleled right beside the plate,implying the waiter to clear it away.
5.If the dinner is over,put the napkin on the table.
6.If you are invited as guest for a dinner in a French friend's home,you'd better bring him small gifts such as a small handful of flowers , a home-made muffin by your mother or a bottle of grape wine.
Table Manners in S.Korea
1.Do not touch the chopsticks until the elderly begin to eat.
2.While on the table,do not point at others with chopsticks.
3.Make sure the chopsticks are neatly placed on the table when dinner is over.
4.Incessant talks are not suitable on Korean tables.
5.It is also a shamful behavior to make too loud noises while eating.
6.When a dinner is housed at home, both the host and the guests are sitting cross-legged around a shot-legged table,in such circumstances,never touch your feet with hands,strech out your legs,or splay apart your legs.
㈢ 法國餐桌禮儀,英文的
Table manners France bogey seven
Many people eat at Western, will worry "impolite." In fact, the so-called table manners is to enable the meal to meal without hindrance and destruction, and the smooth flow of useful code of conct. Bear in mind that "neat, clean and quiet," the three principles and to be no disadvantage.
Agreed to invite the other side of the post-interim, if something happens to be late or canceled appointments, to provide advance notice to the other side. Later to attend the meeting when it is acceptable, but more than 15 minutes to the other side will not dating importance of the bad impression. In order to select their own when they want to eat food all over the menu to see if there is no idea, can you please recommend a restaurant waiter for signs of food, but to give clear that if the want to eat seafood, do not eat red Such as meat, bear in mind that everything is indecisive, apart from saying "Yes, but (not worth)" will only add to the guests the same trouble. To eat a lot of attention to details, but the fact is most of the day-to-day rituals, as long as remain calm and not big move, no sound or hinder other people's meals if already qualified.
1, the most basic principles of the tableware used by outside to inside, the completion of a post-serve dishes close to the tableware, as necessary, or will make up another knife and fork.
2, when the Meat (such as steak) should start cutting corners, finished a further cut off a piece. Do not eat or encountered some of the side dishes, it just moved to the side dish.
3, if there is something to spit out his mouth, lips Di should take a fork or your fingers out, and then moved to the edge of the plate. The whole process should not be cited as much as possible to pay attention to other people, after the meal can be naturally.
4, encountered a class of beans or rice for garnish, you can fork left hand of horizontal ones on the disc, up a sharp fork, knife and then to the rice or beans into fork Qingbo that we can. For seasoning, but also not be able to obtain hand, may require you to the other side, do not go to stand up and take down.
5, to clean hands after eating Mozui avoid rubbing vigorously with napkins, napkin with attention to the deportment of the iceberg and India to gently on the lips or fingers can be greasy.
6, even if the stool more comfortable sitting should maintain integrity and not to rely on back above. Eating when the body can be a little forward on, the arms should be close to the body so as not to hit next door.
7, each finished Diecai, such as knife and fork to release four sides, or to fight cross-leave around, very ugly. The right way is to discharge the plate and knife and fork, the fork up teeth.
㈣ 英語作文帶翻譯外國餐桌禮儀60詞i
Seated posture, foot in my seat, can not arbitrary straight, elbows should not rely on table edge, or hand on the back of a chair next to him. Table must be gentle, quiet and calm, can not be impatient. On the table can be selfish, but also to care for others, especially on both sides of the greeting of the ladies. The mouth of food, should avoid to speak.
㈤ 關於餐桌禮儀的英語作文帶翻譯
Chinese table manners
Table manners in Chinese life and order in the full possession of a very important position, they believe, eating is not only way to meet their basic physiological needs method -- is also of paramount importance social experience. To this end, grasp the knowledge of the rules in some Chinese restaurants have become particularly important, whether you are a master, or merely a guest, must have some rules.
The round table is popular. Because they can sit more people, and we can sit face to face, the head of the family identity and not long shaped the West on the table very clearly through his seat and identification. Guests should be invited to sit down and wait for the owner. The owner must be careful not to call the guests sitting in a seat near the table. This is a taboo.Will have to wait until all the people here can only be the beginning of any form of dining activities -- even if they have to wait for being late. Once you master home place, can do the prologue. During the meal, the owner must assume a proactive role -- urging guests enjoy eating and drinking is entirely reasonable.
In a typical Chinese-style table looks quite empty, in the eyes of Westerners, especially. Each seat can be seen on the front wheel on a bowl; right is a set of chopsticks and spoons, were placed in their own seat. In formal occasions, there will be napkins, mainly on the lap. In a formal banquet, the dishes of eating like a slide show, each time a dish. Surprisingly, rice, not with the dishes ibid, but you can choose to eat the same. As the dishes have their special characteristics, it should be for indivial taste, but once only from a bowl to eat, not mixed taste. Plate is not available to eat, can only bowl. Bones and shells on the indivial disk. Not clean the dishes must always be replaced with clean plates.
in addition to Tom, the gallery of all the food with chopsticks. May provide a knife and fork, but as the Chinese people, it is best to use chopsticks. Chopsticks are eating a tool, so do not play with the chopsticks -- take them when the drumstick is a very rude way, but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or motioned. Of course, absolutely can not suck or to chopsticks chopsticks inserted in rice, it is Taboo -- this is like the funeral of incense, is considered unlucky. Again, can not use chopsticks in a non-stop flipping Diecai years, should be the first sights with your eyes you want to get food. When you use chopsticks to pick up one of the food, try to avoid the encounter other food. If possible, use public chopsticks and spoons beside. After dinner or take the food after the end, will chopsticks chopsticks back seat.
A seat Chinese restaurant without a formal tea and can not claim. Therefore, as far as possible, the storage of different varieties of tea is a sensible approach, to ensure the most sophisticated taste is also taken into account. Issues relating to tea, should pay attention to a few key things. Seats recently teapot people should be responsible for others and themselves --- --, pour the order in accordance with age, from longest to most young persons, the final pour myself. When the people you pour, the protocol should be used finger tapping on the table, this is done to pour expressed gratitude and respect.
㈥ 有關西方餐桌禮儀的英語短文
in a western restaurant, the most important thing is the manners.first, the knives and forks.if you are right handed, then you need to hold the fork in your left hand, and the knife in your right hand.if you are left handed, then you hold them the oposite way. do not eat a lot at the same time, you have to eat a little bit at a time.next, eating.when you are eating, do not open your mouth.it is impolite.when you are drinking soup, dont make noises.then, finishing.when you are finished eating,wipe your mouth with the tissue.finally,if you need to excuse,put your knives and forks on each side.if you put them on the plate,then the waiter will think that you are finished.我以前有待在英國過,對餐廳禮儀是再熟悉不過了,O(∩_∩)O~
㈦ 關於餐桌禮儀的英語作文
table manners
Table manners in Chinese life and order in the full possession of a very important position, they believe, eating is not only way to meet their basic physiological needs method -- is also of paramount importance social experience. To this end, grasp the knowledge of the rules in some Chinese restaurants have become particularly important, whether you are a master, or merely a guest, must have some rules.
The round table is popular. Because they can sit more people, and we can sit face to face, the head of the family identity and not long shaped the West on the table very clearly through his seat and identification. Guests should be invited to sit down and wait for the owner. The owner must be careful not to call the guests sitting in a seat near the table. This is a taboo.Will have to wait until all the people here can only be the beginning of any form of dining activities -- even if they have to wait for being late. Once you master home place, can do the prologue. During the meal, the owner must assume a proactive role -- urging guests enjoy eating and drinking is entirely reasonable.
In a typical Chinese-style table looks quite empty, in the eyes of Westerners, especially. Each seat can be seen on the front wheel on a bowl; right is a set of chopsticks and spoons, were placed in their own seat. In formal occasions, there will be napkins, mainly on the lap. In a formal banquet, the dishes of eating like a slide show, each time a dish. Surprisingly, rice, not with the dishes ibid, but you can choose to eat the same. As the dishes have their special characteristics, it should be for indivial taste, but once only from a bowl to eat, not mixed taste. Plate is not available to eat, can only bowl. Bones and shells on the indivial disk. Not clean the dishes must always be replaced with clean plates.
in addition to Tom, the gallery of all the food with chopsticks. May provide a knife and fork, but as the Chinese people, it is best to use chopsticks. Chopsticks are eating a tool, so do not play with the chopsticks -- take them when the drumstick is a very rude way, but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or motioned. Of course, absolutely can not suck or to chopsticks chopsticks inserted in rice, it is Taboo -- this is like the funeral of incense, is considered unlucky. Again, can not use chopsticks in a non-stop flipping Diecai years, should be the first sights with your eyes you want to get food. When you use chopsticks to pick up one of the food, try to avoid the encounter other food. If possible, use public chopsticks and spoons beside. After dinner or take the food after the end, will chopsticks chopsticks back seat.
A seat Chinese restaurant without a formal tea and can not claim. Therefore, as far as possible, the storage of different varieties of tea is a sensible approach, to ensure the most sophisticated taste is also taken into account. Issues relating to tea, should pay attention to a few key things. Seats recently teapot people should be responsible for others and themselves --- --, pour the order in accordance with age, from longest to most young persons, the final pour myself. When the people you pour, the protocol should be used finger tapping on the table, this is done to pour expressed gratitude and respect.
㈧ 英語作文 各國餐桌禮儀
Dining etiquette in Germany
It is good etiquette to remain standing until shown where to sit.
Table manners are continental - fork in left hand and knife in right.
Do not begin eating until the host signals to do so.
It is bad etiquette to rest elbows on the table.
Try and cut food with the fork as it compliments the cook by showing it is tender.
Everything should be eaten on the plate.
Indicate you have finished by lying the fork and knife parallel across the right hand side of the plate.
Dining etiquette in Japan
An honoured guest sits at the centre of the table furthest from the door and begins eating first.
Learn to use chopsticks - never point them, never pierce food with them, rest them on the chopstick rest when breaking for drink or chat.
It is good etiquette to try a bit of everything.
Conversation is subed.
Dining etiquette in Turkey
Meals are a social affair. Conversations are animate and loud.
The head of the family or honoured guest is served first.
It is good etiquette to insist the most senior is served first instead of you.
Asking for more food is a compliment.
If taken to a restaurant, Turkish dining etiquette has strict rules that the one who extended the invitation must pay.
Dining etiquette in the USA
The fork is held in the right hand and is used for eating.
To use the knife, the fork is switched to the left hand. To continue eating, the fork is switched back to the right hand.
If you are more comfortable eating in the Continental manner it will not offend anyone.
Foods or drinks can be refused without causing offense.
Many foods are eaten by hand.
Dining etiquette in the Middle East
Guests are honoured with prime choice of meats - head, eyes, etc.
Eaten with right hand only.
Meat is torn by holding down the piece against the dish and ripping off a desired amount with forefinger and thumb pressed together
Rice is scooped up.
Do not be afraid of making a mess.
If you are finished leave food on your plate otherwise it will be filled immediately.
It is proper etiquette to compliment the host on the food and his hospitality.
㈨ 關於法國的餐桌禮儀的英語作文《假如我是法國人》
Table manners France bogey seven
Many people eat at Western,will worry "impolite." In fact,the so-called table manners is to enable the meal to meal without hindrance and destruction,and the smooth flow of useful code of conct.Bear in mind that "neat,clean and quiet," the three principles and to be no disadvantage.
Agreed to invite the other side of the post-interim,if something happens to be late or canceled appointments,to provide advance notice to the other side.Later to attend the meeting when it is acceptable,but more than 15 minutes to the other side will not dating importance of the bad impression.In order to select their own when they want to eat food all over the menu to see if there is no idea,can you please recommend a restaurant waiter for signs of food,but to give clear that if the want to eat seafood,do not eat red Such as meat,bear in mind that everything is indecisive,apart from saying "Yes,but (not worth)" will only add to the guests the same trouble.To eat a lot of attention to details,but the fact is most of the day-to-day rituals,as long as remain calm and not big move,no sound or hinder other people's meals if already qualified.
1,the most basic principles of the tableware used by outside to inside,the completion of a post-serve dishes close to the tableware,as necessary,or will make up another knife and fork.
2,when the Meat (such as steak) should start cutting corners,finished a further cut off a piece.Do not eat or encountered some of the side dishes,it just moved to the side dish.
3,if there is something to spit out his mouth,lips Di should take a fork or your fingers out,and then moved to the edge of the plate.The whole process should not be cited as much as possible to pay attention to other people,after the meal can be naturally.
4,encountered a class of beans or rice for garnish,you can fork left hand of horizontal ones on the disc,up a sharp fork,knife and then to the rice or beans into fork Qingbo that we can.For seasoning,but also not be able to obtain hand,may require you to the other side,do not go to stand up and take down.
5,to clean hands after eating Mozui avoid rubbing vigorously with napkins,napkin with attention to the deportment of the iceberg and India to gently on the lips or fingers can be greasy.
6,even if the stool more comfortable sitting should maintain integrity and not to rely on back above.Eating when the body can be a little forward on,the arms should be close to the body so as not to hit next door.
7,each finished Diecai,such as knife and fork to release four sides,or to fight cross-leave around,very ugly.The right way is to discharge the plate and knife and fork,the fork up teeth.
㈩ 跪求一篇介紹外國餐桌禮儀的英語作文,高分賞,必需要好的,
People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.Knowing them will help you make a good impression.Having good table manners means knowing,for example,how to use knives and forks,when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine,one for the red wine,and one for water.There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table,forks on the left and knives in the right of the plate.When you see two spoons,the big one id for the suop and the samll one for the dessert.The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a litte bit bigger than the ones beside them.When you sit down at the table, you can take your napkin, unfold it and put it on your lap.In Chinese you sometime get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and face and hands,whinch,however,is nat the custom in Western countries.
Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called a starter.Sime people pray before they start eating , and other people may keep silent for a moment. Then you can say"Enjoy your meal"to each other and everybody start eating.For the starter,which you eat with the smaller pair,you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.After the starter you will get a bowl of soup—but only one boel of soup and never ask for a seconf serving.
The next dish is the main course.Many Westerners think the chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird. Some people can use their fingers when they eating chicken or other birds,but never touch beef or other meat in bones.It is polite to finish eating everthing on your plate,so don't take more food than you need.
At table ,you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot,but do not laugh all the time.
Most Westerners like soft drink if they will drive home.Many of them drink white or red wine with the food.When drinking to someone's health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch. The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once,but Westerners usually take only a sip.For drinking ring a dinner,the best advic is never to drink too much.
Table manners change over time.They follow the fashion of the day .Beside,table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.If you're not sure what to do ,you can always follow your hosts.Although good manners always make you look good,you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family.