❶ 力求關於雙胞胎姐妹 英語作文
Twin Sisters in Our ClassLi Bao and Li Bei are twin sisters in our class. They look very much alike. But they are different in character. The former... is an introversive ①girl; the latter extroversive ②in doing things. In spite of this, they have many same points.The two are good at studies. They come, to school early every day. Before classes they read English or Chinese texts and often recite good articles or poems. In the classes they listen to the teachers attentively.When the teachers ask questions, they are always active in answering them. After school they carefully do their homework. If they are not clear of something they ask the teachers or classmates for help. They never let off any problems that they do not understand. So they always achieve excellent marks in examinations.They both like to help others. On the buses they offer their seats to the old. In the streets they support the blind across the roads. At home they help the parents with housework. In the school they like to do something for the teachers and schoolmates. Once Mr. Liu moved his house,the twin sisters carried what they could for the teacher till late in the evening. Last term I caught a bad cold and stayed in hospital. Li Bao and Li Bei delivered the meals from my home to the hospital in turn. Because of these they are praised by everybody in our school.
❷ 描寫爸爸媽媽姐妹哥弟的英語小作文
1較高的身材,來方形的國自字臉,高高的鼻樑,微陷的雙眼,慈祥的面容,背有點駝,歲月在她飽經風霜的臉上無情地刻了幾道深深的皺紋,刻記著她七十年幾年的千辛萬苦,花白的頭發像樣落了一層細細的霜雪,走起路來步子沉甸甸的,兩只粗大、乾枯的手摸在你的脊背上,像樣兩把小銼似的。她就是我的外婆。 外婆有著一張表情豐富的臉和一雙心靈手巧的手、還有一張能說會道的嘴,猶如六月里的天氣,時陰時晴,時忙時閑,時說時停,叫人捉摸不透。 外婆很愛笑,我小時候只要聽到她的笑聲便會蹦蹦跳跳地跑到她身旁,依偎著她也跟著咯咯地笑起來。因為外婆的笑是那麼爽朗,笑容那麼慈祥。 外婆的手,手掌有點兒方,手指略粗,指頭有一層又黃又硬的繭皮,指甲蓋兒又堅硬又厚,剪都很難剪,手背上的骨節和青筋都突了出來,手上的皮膚也起了皺紋。但這雙手無論是干粗活還是細活,都是干凈利索。每次吃完飯,廚房裡響起了「鍋碗盆勺」進行曲。你瞧,外婆正在洗碗池邊刷碗筷,她熟練地把一個個滿身油跡和殘渣的碗、盤
❸ 跪求兄弟姐妹幫忙寫一份英語作文啊!
Have read this article : in africa, plains, and every morning, the lamb opened his eyes to the first thing is : i have to be bigger than the fastest the lion was be quick, or i'll be lions eat, and at the same time, the lion from his sleep, came to mind first thought is : i have to be bigger than the fastest made fast, otherwise i will starve to death. thus, almost at the same time, sheep and the lion jumped in the morning, ran to be the pressure of survival
The sheep into the "masters" like to make the lion became hunters of the grassland. life, we didn't like sheep and the pressure of survival, but learning, the pressure in life. it is because the stress that we had a purpose and progress. throughout the ages, where there is a successful man is e to pressure and achievements of undertakings. zhou from the desire for the emergence of : and reading, therefore, the volunteer into his power, he applied himself closely
Learning and tireless efforts in the state in time of danger to a new china's first prime minister and his people loved. in our daily life, many students to enter the school, in the mountains every day and night 題海 on saturday or sunday night, even to the pressure of school, learning, let us out of breath, but it is this report stress that we had a purpose and hope. "ten years of study and no one asked
Famous the world to know. "this is undoubtedly the most satisfactory to outdo each of us. the teacher often told us that :" no, no power. "yes, study, work pressure. pressures of life and all kinds of pressure around us, but we do not see, touch, however, the pressure is the invisible, these intangible pressure has a great impetus and encourage us. my friend, to grow up under pressure, will bring us better, faster
In progress, success're waving at us!
❹ 我的姐妹 英語作文
我的姐妹 英語作文:
❺ 英語作文翻譯 我的姐妹
My sister's name --- she was 20 years old, my sister in the 5 school, her beautiful face, bright eyes, lips like cherries. Sister love to read, to help work. She is a thoughtful neighbor exaggeration girl. I like her, I told her to learn
❻ 英語作文:介紹兄弟姐妹
I have a sister.she is pretty.she has long hair and big eyes.she is small but she can carry angthing expect something bigger than she.
I like her very much!!