A. 人教版八年級下冊英語Unit3Section A基礎讀寫
B. 人教版八年級英語下冊第三單元2d翻譯
C. 人教版八年級下冊英語教案練習冊第三單元作文 快點哦
Top meal of the day
Most children often learn too late in the evening, you can sleep the next day will not eat breakfast, and free space management of the child the parents are too busy to give money to let the children out to buy the food. Some girls stay slim and eat breakfast. Result, the class always wanted to sleep, attention a serious decline in test scores and therefore not ideal. Therefore it is recommended: can not eat or not eat breakfast, because it provides most of the energy throughout the day, help to create thinking. So grab breakfast from adolescent health to ensure that you can have a good meal.
D. 人教版八年級英語下冊第三單元單詞解析
She is quite busy.
She is very busy.
happen; take place 雖都意為「發生」,但happen一般指偶發事件,而take place則指事先計劃好的事情。二者均是不及物動詞。不能用於被動語態。試比較:
When did the accident happen? 事故是什麼時候發生的?
The May 4th Movement took place in 1919. 五四運動發生於1919年。
Father shouted at the girl, and the girl cried. 爸爸訓斥了那女孩一頓,女孩哭了。
when; while; as這三個詞都可以用作連詞,表示「當……的時候」,但用法有所不同:
① when表示瞬間,也可指一段時間。主句和從句中的動作可以同時發生,也可以先後發生。如:
When he saw her, he waved. 他一看見她就擺了擺手。
② while用於表示一段較長的時間或一個過程,強調主句的動詞和從句的動詞表示的動作或狀態是同時發生的,常對同類的兩個動作進行對比。如:
Please write while I read. 我讀的時候,請寫下來。
③ as常可以與while互換,但它著重指主從句的動作同時發生,而不是一前一後,可譯為「一邊……一邊……」。如:
They talked as they walked. 他們邊走邊談。
kill和murder: kill是泛指導致某人或某物死亡:The cold weather killed our flowers.寒冷的天氣凍死了我們的花。而murder則是懷著目的殺死某人:She was sent to prison for murdering her husband.她因為殺死她丈夫而被判入獄。
remember doing記得過去曾經做過某事:I remember returning that book to her.我記得已把那本書還給她了。
remember to do sth.記得去做某事:Please remember to return that book to her.請記得把那本書還給她。
remember me to…請向……致意:Please remember me to your family.請代我向你的家人問好。
in hospital指「因病住院」,即醫院的專門作用是治病,而句子所指的人或物正在接受醫院的治療。in the hospital指「在這家醫院里」但不接受醫院的治療,與醫院的專門作用無關,比如就職的醫生、護士、清潔工等。
in front用在動詞後面,做狀語,表示「在前面」。如:
He sits in front.他坐在前面。
in front of在……前面(在某個范圍外面)。如:
There is a tall tree in front of the house.房子前面有一棵大樹。(樹在房子外面的前面)
in the front of在……前面(在某個范圍內部的前面)。如:
We can see a desk in the front of the classroom.我們看見一張桌子在教室前面。(桌子在教室的內部的前面)
When he came back, I was sleeping.(come是短暫性動詞,只能用when引導。)當他回來時,我正在睡覺。
While /When he was working, he saw an accident happened.(work是延續性動詞,可以用when或while)當他在工作時,他看見發生了一場事故。
When he came in, I went out.(這里只能用when)
While he was working, I was reading.(這里只能用while)
another表示「另一個。又一個」,是泛指另外一個.並不是兩者中的又一個。the other和other都表示「其他人或物」,但the other,指其他的全部,而other指其他的一部分。
in a tree 和on a tree意思都是在樹上,但具體所指內容不一樣;in a tree指的是樹以外的東西,也就是說不是樹本身長的東西(如:人、動物等)在樹上。on a tree指的是樹木本身的一部分(如:樹葉、樹的果實等)在樹上。
例如:It was raining when we arrived.(時間點)我們到達時天正下雨。
My mother got home when I was doing homework.
He fell asleep while he was doing exercises.
They reached London.他們到達了倫敦。
Can we get to the station in time?我們能夠及時趕到車站嗎?
At what time did you arrive at the station?你是幾點鍾到火車站的?
2.Well,I was standing in front of the library.
E. 人教版八年級英語下冊第三單元24頁 大閱讀翻譯
人們總能夠回憶起當一個在歷史上一 重大影響事件發生時自己在幹些什麼。例如,在美國很多同時代的人能夠清楚的回想起自己在1968年4月4日--一個在 美國現代歷史上舉足輕重的日子在做什麼,在這個灰暗的日子裡,馬丁路德.金博士在孟菲斯市遇刺。也許人們會不記得誰殺了馬丁博士,他們知道自己當時在干什麼。
就是一些日常生活事件也會被顯得很重要,羅伯特.阿倫先已年過40,當他聽見這個噩耗的時候他還是個學生,「那是個一望無垠,陽光燦爛的日子」他回憶道:「鈴響時我們正在操場嬉戲,我們老師要我們停止玩耍,他哽咽道,馬丁博士10分鍾前已經永遠離開我們了,我們都不敢相信這是真的 」放學後他 和其他同學一言不發的 一起回家。
並不是所以的歷史大事是糟糕的,許多美國人依然記得自己在1969年6月20日人類第一次涉足月球的時刻做什麼。遠的不說,就看前幾年。無數中國人記得他們當時在做什麼當中國小伙楊利偉成為神州第一個宇航員。楊在2003年10月15日.升空,在繞地22個小時後返回。當他回到母親的懷抱的時候,他已被人們視為 民族英雄,同時名揚全球!
F. 人教版八年級下冊英語第三單元大閱讀原文
Do you remember what you were doing?
People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history. In the United States, for example, many people remember what they were doing on April 4, 1968. This was one of the most important events in modern American history. On this day, Dr Martin Luther King was killed in the city of Memphis in America. Although some people may not remember who murdered him, they remember what they were doing when they heard about the event.
Even the most everyday activities can seem important. Robert Allen is now over 40. He was just a student at that time, but he remembers what he was doing when he heard the news. 「It was a bright, sunny day.」 Robert remembers. 「We were having fun in the playground when the bell rang. Our teacher asked us to stop what we were doing and listen. He told us the news: 『Dr Martin Luther King died just 10 minutes ago!』 We couldn』t believe it!」 School closed for the day, and Robert and his friends walked home together in silence.
Dr Martin Luther King』s murder took place about thirty years ago, before many Americans were born. However, in more recent times, most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was destroyed by terrorists. Even the date----September 11, 2001----has meaning to most Americans.
Not all events in history are as terrible as this, of course. Many Americana also say they remember what they were doing when man first walked on the moon on July 20, 1969. In more recent history, most Chinese remember what they were doing when Yang Liwei became the first Chinese astronaut in space. Yang went into space on October 15, 2003. His flight around the Earth lasted about 22 hours. When he returned, he became a national hero in China, and became famous all over the world.
G. 人教版八年級下英語1-3單元練習題