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英語作文 我不想失去自由

Everyone is eager for freedom.But not everybody can deal with the freedom. It is like a bird who wants to fly higher than they think can not leave away their families,or like a baby who wants to walk by himself,but he is too young to walk.It is said that there are not rules,we can not have a circle. As we all known,mothers give us bodies and social gives us freedom.But you should to see the prisoner around us.Do not they need free?We should value our time,love and so on,when they lost their freedom and admire us.Then you know you are very lucky.Sometimes freedom give us courage,sometimes freedom give us belief,but sometimes freedom dissipates us.So we should grasp us,distinguish right from incorrect. In my opinion,we are eager to freedom,and we should try our best to protect our freedom.每個人都渴望自由。但不是每個人都可以自由處理。它就像一隻鳥想飛高於他們認為不會離開他們的家庭,或者像一個孩子想自己走,但他太年輕,走了。據說沒有規則,我們不能有一個圈。我們都知道,母親給我們的身體和社會給了我們自由。但是你應該看到我們周圍的囚犯。他們不需要自由?我們應該珍惜我們的時間、愛等等,當他們失去了自由和羨慕我們。那麼你知道你很幸運。有時自由給我們勇氣,有時給我們信仰自由,但有時自由消散。所以我們應該理解我們,區分正確和錯誤的。在我看來,我們渴望自由,我們應該盡力保護我們的自由。

㈡ 英語作文自由

自由 My View on Freedom
Freedom is an important right of people. It usually refers that you can do want you want and live the life you want. Of course, it must be on the basis that you can』 affect others』 freedom. Otherwise, it does not belong to your freedom anymore. In my opinion, freedom is not you can do whatever you want, but you don』t have to do what you don』t want to. We live in the same society, which there are many rules constraining our behaviors. Therefore, we can』t do whatever we want. But we are not forced to do what we don』t want to is freedom.

㈢ 關於自由的英語作文:I』m Dreaming of freedom

[關於自由的英語作文:I』m Dreaming of freedom]
關於自由的英語作文:I』m Dreaming of freedom
I』m Dreaming of freedom
Dear mother
Mum, do you still remember what animalllike best? It』s tiger.I like its arrogance and mi-ghtiness. Its power seems to control everything.L21However, many beings are thus hurt by itsforceL31. Therefore,I do hate it if my mother islike a tiger.
In the past 18 years,I have always beenliving at the mercy of you. You are always for-mulating a large number of strict rules. Forexample, you would forbid me to attend asleepover or have a play date.I can follow thesebecauseI understand your worryi about mysafety and health. Yet sometimes I can』t standsuch bans as choosing my own extracurricularactivities. Instead, you often tell me 『you lieupon thorns when old.』But have you everthought that freedom is also a treasure for me?Have you ever known that a teenager has his orher voice as well? Have you ever wondered whatI am really tlunking about all the time?
When other children are playing games, Iam playing the piano. When other children arewatching TV, I am doiing homework. When other children are performing in a school play, Iam reading books to prepare for the exams. Sometimes I would consider giving up whenl amnearly tired out. In my mind comes the voice:Only those who could achieve good gradescan laugh the best! Although I can always get a good mark, I am not a bit happy.
Mum, I am desperate for some freedom.If you don´t have faith in me, you can give meonly one-month of freedom to arrange my study and life on my own. I promise I will try my bestto maintain my balance between playing andstudying. I simply don』t want to say 『my largestpity is not having a happy periodL91 in my highschool life.』when I am old. The greatest love is to let go instead of controlling. Please lendme a pair of wings to help me fly higher, furtherand more freely.
Lovely yours
Your daughter
同樣是寫給媽媽的信,本文作者用敘說的方式表達了對\"tiger trauung』的反對,以及對自由的渴望,關於自由的英語作文:I』m Dreaming of freedom,作文素材《關於自由的英語作文:I』m Dreaming of freedom》。文章以自己喜愛的動物作為開頭,自然而然地道出自己對「虎媽」教育的不滿。正文先用簡單的字句和事例描述了媽媽的嚴格教育;接著以三個排比問句過渡,說出自己內心的聲音;以祈使句結尾,強烈表達對自由的嚮往。通篇結構簡潔,過渡明顯,長短句錯落有致,但是要注意個別單詞、片語的用法。 《關於自由的英語作文:I』mDreamingoffreedom》〔關於自由的英語作文:I』m Dreaming of freedom〕【征服畏懼、建立自信的最快最確實的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你獲得成功的經驗。】

㈣ 英語作文關於自由

Freedom is an important right of people. It usually refers that you can do want you want and live the life you want. Of course, it must be on the basis that you can』 affect others』 freedom. Otherwise, it does not belong to your freedom anymore. In my opinion, freedom is not you can do whatever you want, but you don』t have to do what you don』t want to. We live in the same society, which there are many rules constraining our behaviors. Therefore, we can』t do whatever we want. But we are not forced to do what we don』t want to is freedom.

㈤ 什麼是自由英語作文

自由式英語創始人,總結自己近二十年的英語學習歷程和在英語學習過程中嘗試的無數所謂速成方法,學習絕招的失敗教訓,結合自己近十年來在英語教學領域的實戰教學經驗以及十多年中國傳統功夫學習鍛煉對中國傳統文化的整體觀的理解,解放思想,摒棄傳統的排外觀念,吸取眾家所長,開創了交互和開放式的語言學習模式,讓語言的學習回歸自然。不受時間、空間和方法的束縛,遵循自然語言形成發展的規律,放下一切顧慮,從基礎入手,藉助現代化的通訊和語音設備創造語言環境,天天聽,天天說,天天學,天天用,把語言學習溶入生活和工作,循序漸進,在不斷地進行量的累積的過程中,逐漸形成正確的語言架構,最終不知不覺便在學習和使用中達到了自由表達的境界。這種語言學習理念,是一種回歸自然的語言習得理念,尊重自然規律而又不排斥其它學習方法,取其精華,棄其糟粕。武術的最高境界是「無招勝有招",於是創始人便命名這種回歸自然的英語學習理念為「Freestyle English」(自由式英語)。寓意無拘無束,回歸自然。

㈥ 以假如我明天是自由的為題寫一篇英語作文,帶翻譯

六一兒童節作文(1):明天將是我們期待已久的六一兒童節。為了慶祝我們自己的節日,學校特別安排歌詠比賽和一年級的入隊儀式 同時進行,使同學們在學校里度過快樂的\「六一\」節前夕。 上午,當聽到要舉行慶六一時,同學們像一隻只快樂的小老鼠一樣,在教室里有說有笑的。自然,我也是興奮不已,中午剛回到家裡,就把那校服找了出來,吃了一些蛋炒飯,戴上鮮艷的紅領巾,興高采烈地來到學校。 下午,隨著\「庄嚴的國旗相伴藍天白雲高高飄揚\」的朗讀聲,\「心繫祖國 健康成長\」主題大隊會開始了。首先進行的是一年級的入隊儀式,看到他們帶上紅領巾那開心、自豪的表情時,我不禁想起了自己剛入隊時的情景,不用提心裡有多美了。 大會終於進行到了第二項——歌詠比賽。所有同學都精神飽滿,每一個班級都作好了充分的准備:有的班級正忙著抓緊排練;有的班級信心十足地准備上場…… 終於輪到我們班上場了。我們排著整齊的隊伍走到了各自的位子上。\「我們是共產主義接班人\」,完了,我們唱的比音樂快5 拍,音樂已經響起來了,只好硬著頭皮唱,希望全部寄託在第二首歌上了。等音樂《友誼圓舞曲》一響起來。我班同學馬上隨著音樂唱了起來。我和徐櫻、常林等同學是任務艱巨的伴舞,我是和王寧合作,他可不是一盞省油的燈,為了他的舞蹈動作,我是費了九牛二虎之力才能和他配合的跟上音樂。我們一會兒轉圈;一會兒揮手,每一個動作都作的還不錯,蠻認真的。 通過這次歌詠比賽,我覺得我們做什麼事都應該團結互助,團結力量大嘛!不過,我們要再接再厲,這樣我們才會取得一個又一個勝利。時間過得真是太快了,短短的半天時間就這樣過去了,校園里又逐漸平靜了下來,我只好依依不捨地離開了學校,期待著下一個美好的六一。六一兒童節作文(2):盼星星盼月亮,終於盼到了六一節的到來。這一天,我是多麼的開心呀,活象一隻剛被放出來的小鳥,在蔚藍色的天空中自由自在地飛翔。為了慶六一,我們全家一致決定去嘉興學滑冰。我本來就高興得合不攏嘴了,一想到要去嘉興學滑冰,更是歡喜得不得了,手舞足蹈。經過1個多小時的路程,我們終於來到了目的地——滑冰場。剛踏進滑冰場的大門,只見滑冰場人山人海,熱鬧非凡。一股股的人流把原來就很狹窄的小路,擠得水泄不通。好不容易買好門票,我趕緊穿上滑冰鞋站到滑冰場上。當我看到有好多人接二連三地摔倒時,一開始的高興勁立馬化成了灰燼——飛到哪都不知道了。我忐忑不安站在滑冰場上,像是一個名副其實的機器人,不敢前進也不敢後退,只是傻獃獃地站著。但當我又看到有些人滑冰就像耍雜技一樣,壯了壯膽,小心翼翼地邁出和螞蟻差不多的一小步。說時遲,那時快,\「撲通\」一聲,我整個人往後倒摔了個\「四腳朝天\」。疼痛難忍的我用手使勁捂著可憐的屁股,躺在一個角落裡。我好不容易再次站起來,顫顫巍巍的身體靠護欄支撐著,想再一次往前走\「撲通\」,我又摔了個\「烏龜翻殼\」。我疼得嗷嗷直叫,手摸著快\「開花\」的屁股,心灰意冷。要知道我可是一個死也不退縮的人,可今天卻……就在這時,爸爸看見了狼狽的我,慢慢地向我滑來。爸爸小心翼翼地蹲了下來,笑著對我說:\「女兒,滑冰學會了一點兒嗎?\」剛聽完這話,我的氣就不知往哪打來,生氣地說;\「我不要學滑冰了,我不想學滑冰了,滑冰一點兒也不好玩!\」話音剛落,爸爸那張陽光燦爛的臉一下子變得嚴肅起來。爸爸輕輕地撫摩著我的頭,語重心長地對我說:\「麗晨,你怎麼能半途而廢呢?要知道每做一件事,我們都會遇到大大小小不同的困難,在這時我們就應該頑強地打敗困難,不應該在困難面前低頭,這樣照亮人生的曙光才會在你的身旁不停地照耀你,你說我講得對不對?\」我低著頭仔細地琢磨著爸爸的話,突然恍然大悟,對陽光總在風雨後,失敗乃成功之母,我用手拍了拍自己的小腦袋。接著我又重新站了起來,向人生的困難去挑戰。\「撲通!撲通!\」我又接連摔了好幾個跟頭,但我並沒有退縮,而是大步往前走。終於,皇天不負有心人,在我的不泄努力下,我掌握了一些滑冰的基本動作。我好開心啊,因為我頑強地戰勝了困難,因為我學會

㈦ 關於為國家為自由做貢獻的英語作文


㈧ 求有關「自由」的英語作文,150字左右 要點:1.你認為什麼是自由,2.為什麼這樣認為,3應該怎麼做才能自由

Freedom is a very broad concept that has been given numerous different interpretations by different philosophies and schools of thought. The protection of interpersonal freedom can be the object of a social and political investigation, while the metaphysical foundation of inner freedom is a philosophical and psychological question. Both forms of freedom come together in each indivial as the internal and external values mesh together in a dynamic compromise and power struggle; the society fighting for power in defining the values of indivials and the indivial fighting for societal acceptance and respect in establishing one's own values in it.

In philosophy, freedom often ties in with the question of free will. Libertarian philosophers have argued that all human beings are always free - Jean-Paul Sartre, for instance, famously claimed that humans are "condemned to be free" - because they always have a choice even an external authority can only threaten punishment after an action, not physically prevent a person from carrying out an action. At the other end of the spectrum, determinism claims that the future is pre-determined and freedom is an illusion.

The philosopher Isaiah Berlin drew an important distinction between "freedom from" (negative freedom) and "freedom to" (positive freedom). For example, freedom from oppression and freedom to develop one's potential. Both these types of freedom are in fact reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Freedom as the absence of restraint means unwilling to subjugate, lacking submission, or without forceful inequality. The achievement of this form of freedom depends upon a combination of the resistance of the indivial (or group) and one's (their) environment; if one is in jail or even limited by a lack of resources, this person is free within their power and environment, but not free to defy reality. Natural laws restrict this form of freedom; for instance, no one is free to fly (though we may or may not be free to attempt to do so). Isaiah Berlin appears to call this kind of freedom "negative freedom" - an absence of obstacles put in the way of my action (especially by other people). He distinguishes this from "positive freedom", which refers to one's power to make choices leading to action.

Freedom has often been used a rallying cry for revolution or rebellion. For instance, the Bible records the story of Moses leading his people out of Egypt and its oppression (slavery), and into freedom to worship God.

In the context of internal control, freedom is also known as self-determination, indivial sovereignty, or autonomy.

Freedom can also signify inner autonomy, or mastery over one's inner condition. This has several possible significances: [1]

the ability to act in accordance with the dictates of reason;
the ability to act in accordance with one's own true self or values;
the ability to act in accordance with universal values (such as the True and the Good); and
the ability to act independently of both the dictates of reason and the urges of desires, i.e. arbitrarily (autonomously).
In a play by Hans Sachs, the Greek philosopher Diogenes speaks to Alexander the Great, saying: You are my servants' servant. The philosopher has conquered fear, lust, and anger; Alexander still serves these masters. Though he has conquered the world without, he has not yet mastered the world within. This kind of mastery is dependent upon no one and nothing other than ourselves. Richard Lovelace's poem echoes this experience:

Stone walls do not a prison make
Nor iron bars a cage
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage
Notable 20th century indivials who have exemplified this form of freedom include Nelson Mandela, Rabbi Leo Baeck, Gandhi, Lech Wałęsa and Vá Havel.

The French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau asserted that the condition of freedom was inherent to humanity, an inevitable facet of the possession of a soul and sapience, with the implication that all social interactions subsequent to birth imply a loss of freedom, voluntarily or involuntarily. He made the famous quote "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains".

Rudolf Steiner developed a philosophy of freedom based upon the development of situationally-sensitive ethical intuitions.

In those with spiritual beliefs, freedom may encompass the peaceful acceptance of reality. The theological question of freedom generally focuses on reconciling the experience or reality of inner freedom with the omnipotence of the divine.

Ama-gi written in Sumerian cuneiformThe ama-gi, a Sumerian cuneiform word, is the earliest known written symbol representing the idea of freedom. The English word "freedom" comes from an Indo-European root that means "to love." Cognates of the English word "freedom" include the Old High German word for "peace" and our English word "afraid" from a Vulgar Latin word for breaking the peace.

㈨ 英語作文在二戰自由80


㈩ 英語作文自由

My View on Freedom
Freedom is an important right of people. It usually refers that you can do want you want and

live the life you want. Of course, it must be on the basis that you can』 affect others』

freedom. Otherwise, it does not belong to your freedom anymore. In my opinion, freedom is not

you can do whatever you want, but you don』t have to do what you don』t want to. We live in the

same society, which there are many rules constraining our behaviors. Therefore, we can』t do

whatever we want. But we are not forced to do what we don』t want to is freedom.

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