① 莎士比亞簡介(英文版)
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), the foremost writer, prominent dramatist and poet in the European Renaissance. He created a large number of popular literary works, occupies a special position in the history of European literature, has been hailed as "Olympus Zeus in human literature." He is also known as the four great tragedies of ancient Greece, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides.
威廉·莎士比亞(William Shakespeare,1564-1616年),歐洲文藝復興時期英國最重要的作家,傑出的戲劇家和詩人。他創作了大量膾炙人口的文學作品,在歐洲文學史上佔有特殊的地位,被喻為「人類文學奧林匹斯山上的宙斯」。 他亦跟古希臘三大悲劇家埃斯庫羅斯(Aeschylus)、索福克里斯(Sophocles)及歐里庇得斯(Euripides),合稱為戲劇史上四大悲劇家。
Two of the three Shakespeare children survived, namely Susannah and Judith. Sister looks barely able to sign their name, but Judith really can only use the pen as a marker painted painting. At that time, however, literacy skills were applied to specialized areas such as trade and most of them were male and female. Shakespeare's age does not value women's level of knowledge.
莎翁夫婦的三個孩子中,兩個活了下來,也就是Susannah和Judith。大姐貌似可以勉強簽下自己的名字,但 Judith 真的只能拿筆做做標記塗塗畫畫了。但在那個時期,讀寫能力是項運用於特定貿易等專業領域的技術,大多數傳男不傳女。莎士比亞的年代並不重視女性的知識水平。
Danish prince Hamlet suddenly took his father's death message while attending the University of Wuedenburg in Germany. After returning to his motherland, he encountered successively the succession of his uncle Claudius and the series of incidents that his uncle and mother, Jottulud, got rushed to marry one month after their father's funeral. This makes Hamlet full of doubts and dissatisfaction. Immediately after Horatio and Bonnetton stood there, the ghost of his father Hamlet was revealed, stating that he had been poisoned by Claudius and asked Hamlet to avenge himself. Subsequently, Hamlet use crazy to cover themselves and through the "play in the game" confirmed his uncle is indeed killing the enemy. Claudius tried to get rid of Hamlet by the King by mistakenly killing the beloved Ophelia's father, Polonnes, but Hamlet escaped to Denmark but learned that Ophelia committed suicide and had to accept it Duel with his brother Leo Tertis. Hamlet's mother, Jottulud, cked in for poisoning Claudius for poisoned alcohol prepared by Hamlet, and both Hamlet and Leometis were among the poisoned swords, knowing that the poisoned Hamlet was killed before his death Claudius dies and exhorts a friend Horatio to tell his story later.
② 用英文寫一篇介紹莎士比亞的文章(150字)
William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) was born at Stratford-upon-Avon in a house in Henley Street. This is preserved intact.
From the age of seven to about 14, he attended Stratford Grammar School receiving an excellent well rounded ecation. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, who was seven years his senior and three months pregnant. She was of \'yeoman\' stock - her family owned a farm one mile west of Stratford in Shottery. He enred her until he could stand it no longer and fled to London to become an actor. He then became actor-manager and part-owner in the Blackfriars and afterwards the Globe Theatres. He was a first-rate actor, but it is as a writer of plays that he has achieved lasting world-wide fame. His plays are thought to be the finest ever written in any language.
③ 莎士比亞英文介紹
William Shakespeare - Born 23rd April 1564 - Died 23rd April 1616
Born at Stratford Upon Avon in the county of Warwickshire, it is likely he was ecated at Stratford Grammar School.
He probably began writing plays around 1592 and of the 38 plays that comprise the Shakespeare Canon, 36 were published in the First Folio of 1623. Shakespeare wrote for nearly 20 years and at his height he probably completed as many as 2 or even 3 plays a year. Shakespeare probably retired from writing plays in 1613.
He died in 1616 at the age of 53 and was buried in the Church of the Holy Trinity. His gravestone which is thought to be the last thing he wrote bears the inscription
④ 威廉·莎士比亞的生平英語作文
Born in Stratford, Warwickshire, England on April 23, 1564.
In 1587, he began his career as an actor and began to write plays.
In 1595, his plays romeo and Juliet and a midsummer night's dream premiered.
In 1601, Hamlet was first performed, which attracted the attention of the literary world. In 1605, the drama King Lear was performed for the first time.
He returned to his hometown in 1614.
On April 23, 1616, he died in his hometown.
⑤ 莎士比亞 優美的經典英文文章
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.-Shakespeare 寧為聰明的愚夫,不作愚蠢的才子。 A light heart lives long . 豁達者長壽。 Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect . 不要只因一次失敗,就放棄你原來決心想達到的目的。 In delay there lies no plenty , Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty , Youth』s a stuff that will not enre . 遷延蹉跎,來日無多,二十麗姝,請來吻我,衰草枯楊,青春易過。 The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long . 人生苦短,若虛度年華,則短暫的人生就太長了。 Don』t gild the lily. 不要給百合花鍍金/畫蛇添足。 The empty vessels make the greatest sound . 滿瓶不響,半瓶咣當。 The course of true love never did run smooth. 真誠的愛情之路永不會是平坦的。 Love, and the same charcoal, burning, need to find ways to ask cooling. Allow an arbitrary, it is necessary to heart charred 愛,和炭相同,燒起來,得想辦法叫它冷卻。讓它任意著,那就要把一顆心燒焦。 Laughter is the root of all evil. 笑是一切罪惡的根源。 Love is the season Yizhenyin sigh; The eyes have it purified the lovers of Mars; Love it aroused waves of tears. It is the wisdom of madness, choking bitterness, it does not tip of honey. 愛情是嘆息吹起的一陣煙;戀人的眼中有它凈化了的火星;戀人的眼淚是它激起的波濤。它又是最智慧的瘋狂,哽喉的苦味,吃不到嘴的蜜糖。 Love is like a game of tug-of-war competition not stop to the beginning 愛就像一場拔河比賽 ,一開始就不能停下來 I would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful 我只想現在認真過的精彩 無所謂好與壞 Bianguai people suddenly started a gentle love, love when people understand the deterioration of the niggling over 愛讓人變乖 突然間開始溫柔了起來,愛讓人變壞 懂得了什麼時候該耍賴 Love to talk about a bit of a surprise to people to learn the total patient injury 談一場戀愛 學會了忍耐 總有些意外 會讓人受傷害 If you understand the value of love and love you have given me I have to wait for the future 只要你明白 珍惜愛與被愛 我願意等待 你給我的未來 Sweet love you, precious, I disdained the situation with regard emperors swap 你甜蜜的愛,就是珍寶,我不屑把處境跟帝王對調 No matter how long night, the arrival of daylight Association 黑夜無論怎樣悠長,白晝總會到來 Words can not express true love, loyalty behavior is the best explanation 真正的愛情是不能用言語表達的,行為才是忠心的最好說明 Love is a woman with the ears, and if the men will love, but love is to use your eyes 女人是用耳朵戀愛的,而男人如果會產生愛情的話,卻是用眼睛來戀愛 I bogged down in a sea of blood back legs, unable to stop, go back, as far as like, people feel that there is no retreat. the future is a marshy area, people got in deeper and deeper 我兩腿早陷在血海里,欲罷不能,想回頭,就像走到盡頭般,叫人心寒,退路是沒有了,前途是一片沼澤地,讓人越陷越深 The Significane Of Failure Robert H. Schuller Failure doesn't mean you are a failure, It does mean you haven't succeeded yet. Failure doesn't mean you have accomplished nothing, It does mean you have learned something. Failure doesn't mean you have been a fool, It does mean you had a lot of faith. Failure doesn't mean you ve been disgraced, It does mean you were willing'to'try. Failure doesn't mean you don't have it, It does mean you have'to do something in a different way. Failure doesn't mean you are inferior, It does mean you are not perfect. Failure doesn't mean you ve wasted your life, It does mean you have a reason'to start afresh. Failure doesn't mean you should give up, It does mean you must'try harder. Failure doesn't mean you ll never make it, It does mean it will'take a little longer. Failure doesn't mean God has abandoned you, It does mean God has a better idea. 失敗的意義 羅伯特·H·舒勒 失敗並不代表你是個失敗者, 它只表明你尚未成功。 失敗並不代表你一無所獲, 它只表明你吸取了一次教訓。 失敗並不代表你很愚蠢, 它只表明你信心百倍。 失敗並不代表你無臉見人, 它只表明你百折不回。 失敗並不代表你工夫白費, 它只表明你的做事方法尚待改進。 失敗並不代表你低人一等。 它只表明你並非完人。 失敗並不代表你浪費生命, 它只表明你有理由重新開始。 失敗並不代表你應該放棄, 它只表明你要加倍努力。 失敗並不代表成功永不屬於你, 它只表明你要付出更多的時間。 失敗並不代表上帝已經拋棄你, 它只表明上帝還有更好的主意。 The little Love-god lying once asleep Laid by his side his heart-inflaming brand, Whilst many nymphs that vow'd chaste life to keep Came tripping by; but in her maiden hand The fairest votary took up that fire Which many legions of true hearts had warm'd; And so the general of hot desire Was sleeping by a virgin hand disarm'd. This brand she quenched in a cool well by, Which from Love's fire took heat perpetual, Growing a bath and healthful remedy For men diseased; but I, my mistress' thrall, Came there for cure, and this by that I prove, Love's fire heats water, water cools not love. 小小愛神有一次呼呼地睡著, 把點燃心焰的火炬放在一邊, 一群蹁躚的貞潔的仙女恰巧 走過;其中最美的一個天仙 用她處女的手把那曾經燒紅 萬千顆赤心的火炬偷偷拿走, 於是這玩火小法師在酣睡中 便繳械給那貞女的纖纖素手。 她把火炬往附近冷泉里一浸, 泉水被愛神的烈火燒得沸騰, 變成了溫泉,能消除人間百病; 但我呵,被我情婦播弄得頭疼, 跑去溫泉就醫,才把這點弄清: 愛燒熱泉水,泉水冷不了愛情。 Cupid laid by his brand, and fell asleep: A maid of Dian's this advantage found, And his love-kindling fire did quickly steep In a cold valley-fountain of that ground; Which borrow'd from this holy fire of Love A dateless lively heat, still to enre, And grew a seething bath, which yet men prove Against strange maladies a sovereign cure. But at my mistress' eye Love's brand new-fired, The boy for trial needs would touch my breast; I, sick withal, the help of bath desired, And thither hied, a sad distemper'd guest, But found no cure: the bath for my help lies Where Cupid got new fire--my mistress' eyes. 愛神放下他的火炬,沉沉睡去: 月神的一個仙女乘了這機會 趕快把那枝煽動愛火的火炬 浸入山間一道冷冰冰的泉水; 泉水,既從這神聖的火炬得來 一股不滅的熱,就永遠在燃燒, 變成了沸騰的泉,一直到現在 還證實具有起死回生的功效。 但這火炬又在我情婦眼裡點火, 為了試驗,愛神碰一下我胸口, 我馬上不舒服,又急躁又難過, 一刻不停地跑向溫泉去求救, 但全不見效:能治好我的溫泉 只有新燃起愛火的、我情人的眼。 In loving thee thou know'st I am forsworn, But thou art twice forsworn, to me love swearing, In act thy bed-vow broke and new faith torn, In vowing new hate after new love bearing. But why of two oaths' breach do I accuse thee, When I break twenty? I am perjured most; For all my vows are oaths but to misuse thee And all my honest faith in thee is lost, For I have sworn deep oaths of thy deep kindness, Oaths of thy love, thy truth, thy constancy, And, to enlighten thee, gave eyes to blindness, Or made them swear against the thing they see; For I have sworn thee fair; more perjured I, To swear against the truth so foul a lie! 你知道我對你的愛並不可靠, 但你賭咒愛我,這話更靠不住; 你撕掉床頭盟,又把新約毀掉, 既結了新歡,又種下新的憎惡。 但我為什麼責備你兩番背盟, 自己卻背了二十次!最反復是我; 我對你一切盟誓都只是濫用, 因而對於你已經失盡了信約。 我曾矢口作證你對我的深愛: 說你多熱烈、多忠誠、永不變卦, 我使眼睛失明,好讓你顯光彩, 教眼睛發誓,把眼前景說成虛假-- 我發誓說你美!還有比這荒唐: 抹煞真理去堅持那麼黑的謊! Love is too young to know what conscience is; Yet who knows not conscience is born of love? Then, gentle cheater, urge not my amiss, Lest guilty of my faults thy sweet self prove: For, thou betraying me, I do betray My nobler part to my gross body's treason; My soul doth tell my body that he may Triumph in love; flesh stays no father reason; But, rising at thy name, doth point out thee As his triumphant prize. Proud of this pride, He is contented thy poor drudge to be, To stand in thy affairs, fall by thy side. No want of conscience hold it that I call Her 'love' for whose dear love I rise and fall. 愛神太年輕,不懂得良心是什麼; 但誰不曉得良心是愛情所產? 那麼,好騙子,就別專找我的錯, 免得我的罪把溫婉的你也牽連。 因為,你出賣了我,我的笨肉體 又哄我出賣我更高貴的部分; 我靈魂叮囑我肉體,說它可以 在愛情上勝利;肉體再不作聲, 一聽見你的名字就馬上指出 你是它的勝利品;它趾高氣揚, 死心蹋地作你最鄙賤的家奴, 任你頤指氣使,或倒在你身旁。 所以我可問心無愧地稱呼她 做"愛",我為她的愛起來又倒下。
⑥ 誰有關於莎士比亞一生的英語作文
not until the eighteenth century that his reputation began its rise to the heights it enjoys today.The Romantics,in particular,acclaimed Shakespeare's genius; and in the nineteenth century,the Victorians hero-worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry".[5] In the twentieth century,Shakespeare's work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance.His plays remain highly popular today; constantly performed and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world.威廉莎士比亞(1564年4月26號-1 616年4月2 3日) 是一個英國詩人和劇作家誰是現在被視為最偉大的作家的英語和世界的傑出戲劇家.他倖存的工程包括3 8起,兩個長期敘事詩,154十四行詩,和其他一些詩歌.他通常被稱為英格蘭的民族詩人和「巴德雅芳」 (或簡單的「冰城」 ) .他的劇作已被翻譯成每一個主要的生活語言和表演更是常常比任何其他的劇作家.莎士比亞出生和長大的埃文河畔斯特拉特福.在18歲以下的人,他結婚的安妮海瑟薇,同他有三個孩子:蘇珊娜,以及雙胞胎Hamnet和朱迪.1585年之間的某個時候和1592年,莎士比亞搬到倫敦,在那裡他發現作為一個成功的演員,作家,和部分業主公司發揮主張伯倫的男子(後來被稱為國王班底) .他似乎已經退休的斯特拉1613年左右,在他去世3年後.少數生存記錄有關莎士比亞的私人生活,和大量的投機活動已湧入這一空白,包括有關他的性生活,宗教信仰,以及工程是否歸因於他實際上是別
⑦ 關於莎士比亞的英語作文。
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire and was baptised on 26 April 1564. His father was a glovemaker and wool merchant and his mother, Mary Arden, the daughter of a well-to-do local landowner. Shakespeare was probably ecated in Stratford's grammar school. The next documented event in Shakespeare's life is his marriage in 1582 to Anne Hathaway, daughter of a farmer. The couple had a daughter the following year and twins in 1585. There is now another gap, referred to by some scholars as 'the lost years', with Shakespeare only reappearing in London in 1592, when he was already working in the theatre.
Shakespeare's acting career was spent with the Lord Chamberlain's Company, which was renamed the King's Company in 1603 when James succeeded to the throne. Among the actors in the group was the famous Richard Burbage. The partnership acquired interests in two theatres in the Southwark area of London, near the banks of the Thames - the Globe and the Blackfriars.
Shakespeare's poetry was published before his plays, with two poems appearing in 1593 and 1594, dedicated to his patron Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton. Most of Shakespeare's sonnets were probably written at this time as well. Records of Shakespeare's plays begin to appear in 1594, and he proced roughly two a year until around 1611. His earliest plays include 'Henry VI' and 'Titus Andronicus'. 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', 'The Merchant of Venice' and 'Richard II' all date from the mid to late 1590s. Some of his most famous tragedies were written in the early 1600s including 'Hamlet', 'Othello', 'King Lear' and 'Macbeth'. His late plays, often known as the Romances, date from 1608 onwards and include 'The Tempest'.
Shakespeare spent the last five years of his life in Stratford, by now a wealthy man. He died on 23 April 1616 and was buried in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford. The first collected edition of his works was published in 1623 and is known as 'the First Folio'.
⑧ 介紹莎士比亞生平80詞英語作業
William Shakespeare is a British literary history of the most distinguished dramatist, one of the most outstanding writers and Western literary history, one of the most outstanding writer in the world. His surviving works consist of 37 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems. His plays have in all major languages, and performed more often than any other dramatist.
Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford upon AVON, at the age of 18 and married Anne Hassevi, two people had three children: Susanna, twins Hamlett and Judith. At the end of sixteenth Century to early seventeenth Century ring the 20 years of Shakespeare in London began a successful occupation career, he is not only an actor, playwright, or partner of the Chamberlain, later renamed the king's men. Around 1613, Shakespeare retired to AVON sur West Latuff, died 3 years later.
1590 to 1613 is the golden age of Shakespeare's creation. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, reached the depth and artistic peak in late sixteenth Century. Then in 1608 he wrote mainly tragedies, Shakespeare advocated the noble sentiments, often describe the sacrifice and revenge, including "Osero", "Hamlett" and "King Lear" and "Macbeth", is thought to be the best example of english. In the last phase of his life, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances.