1. 英語作文vr電影的特點
人族歷史的進程: 斯拉莫戰役中,人族最後的海軍上將普洛德摩爾犧牲,吉安娜帶著她的人民在斯拉莫建立了新的國家——洛德摩爾。這完全是為了紀念她英雄般的父親。這個國家雖和平,但吉安娜和她的子民深知,沒有聖騎士,只靠大魔法師來保護國家更本不行。現在,洛德摩爾剛建成,力量還弱。不死族知道到他們的存在只是時間的問題。阿爾塞斯殺掉了烏瑟爾後,聖騎士就分散到了世界各處。所以,她必須重回大陸,聚集聖騎士。可是她剛要離開之際,娜迦族遷徙到了斯拉莫所在的斯拉莫島的北邊海域,這無疑是對這次行動的一次打擊???????
獸族歷史的進程: 當斯拉莫的戰役結束後,薩爾帶著他的軍隊准備返回位於卡里姆多大陸的多洛特。可到了離多洛特不遠的薩博平原時,卻得知惡魔基爾加丹趁薩爾出征之際,摧毀了多洛特。薩爾十分傷痛,決定找基爾加丹報仇。可剛打完仗,兵力所剩無幾,只好先尋求暗月精靈的幫助。走到了灰樹林,薩爾和部隊走散了,而他要面對的,是要穿過洛丹倫——不死族的基地??????
不死族歷史的進程: 阿爾塞斯合體成了巫妖王後,用他的力量開始號令世界。他聽說復活克爾蘇加德的擁有強大力量的太陽井共有兩口。一口在銀月城(精靈族的故鄉),在復活克爾蘇加德後力量消失了。還有一口在洛丹倫的地下迷宮里。阿爾塞斯要「御駕親征」獲得其力量。這時,燃燒軍團的殘余勢力,開始對寒冰皇冠進行猛攻?????
暗夜精靈族歷史的進程: 泰蘭德與薩恩多告別尤里安後,開始徹底「清掃」燃燒軍團留下的黑暗力量。但是,他們萬萬沒想到的是,白楊谷的污染比想像中的還要嚴重。在污染之中,墮落精靈成了對他們最大的威脅,他們一心想找到污染源。但污染的真相讓他們大吃一驚·····
《魔獸爭霸VR》分4部,每一部都是對一個種族歷史的概述。續寫了部分史 4部分別是 人族戰役《魔獸爭霸VR·救世主》 獸族戰役《魔獸爭霸VR·黑暗與光明》 不死族戰役《魔獸爭霸VR·最後的巫妖王》 暗月精靈族戰役《魔獸爭霸VR·月神的眷顧》
2. VR簡介(中英文結合)200字
VR樣板間是指VR技術抄與房地產的襲結合產生的VR虛擬樣板間,是房地產營銷的新模式。 VR技術融入地產營銷,有間建築旗下的家夢VR是自主研發互動式虛擬現實樣板房是利用VR技術,再根據真實樣板房的比例及設計製作而成的場景,它的核心是虛擬現實技術,載體是虛擬現實眼鏡,只要戴上眼鏡,就彷彿走進了「真實樣板房」一樣,可以進入房間虛擬體驗戶型。對於地產項目而言,再無需等到樣板間房及園林景觀示範區的落成。購房者只要戴上虛擬現實頭盔,便能「走入」幾年後才能落成的建築主體內外和景觀全景。
3. 英語作文.vr電影的特點。150字
Never-say-die mentality."
The "good movie. Invictus Although it is a great political character of nelson mandela, great. But the hard-won political factors involved and too. But to English football, from the side show, to annotate a great wisdom and charm of the political leaders. Very tactfully to explain the Obama, a national leaders should want what to do, what to do, and how to do it.
Robert Redford, he starred in the Candidate, there is a classic lines "and Now?" This sentence is in after he won the election senator said. Very simple, but the characteristics of democratic politics to reveal the ungodly.
Although the never-say-die mentality, but want to remember ancestor taught: and all for nothing!
4. 求一篇關於Virtual reality的文章,英文的,最好有中文翻譯
5. 建議你殘疾的爺爺去看vr電影游覽泰山的高二英語作文
I like watching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful love story between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward and Bella. They can』 help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has lived hundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student. They are classmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still chooses to love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choice to protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.
I like this movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars in it are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited. And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I see it.
6. 英語作文my view on vr technology
h the rapid development of economy, the modern technology
gets more important in people』 daily life. There is no doubt that
modern technology has brought great changes in our life. For
example, the computer, the clone and so on, have made the society
advanced. The Internet, digital TV programs, cell phones, modern
buildings private cars are all common things in our daily life
nowadays. When we feel hot in summer, we just need to press a
button, and then the air-conditioner gives us cool. When we want
something, we can turn on our computer and do shopping online.
When we want to talk to our friends, what we need to do is only to
pick up our cell phones and dial the number. In a word, the modern
technology has many advantages.
7. 關於電影院開始提供電影vr體驗的英語作文
guson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillsid