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A. 魯教版六年級下冊英語單詞

一月January 二月February 三月March
四月April 五月May 六月June 七月July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December
2、星期 week
星期一Monday 星期二 星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursd 星期五Friday 星期六Saturday 星期天Sunday
3、太陽sun 地球earth 月亮moon 星星star 春天spring 夏天summer 秋天autumn 冬天winter 風wind 雨rain 雲cloud 雪snow 冰ice 多雲的cloudy 晴朗的sunny 天空sky 小山hill 田野field 小河river 大海sea 木頭wood 森林forest 石頭stone 火fire 花朵flower 草地grass 樹tree 樹葉leaf
大象elephant 獅子lion 老虎tiger 熊bear 狼wolf 狐狸fox 斑馬zebra 鹿deer 熊貓panda 猴子monkey 馬horse 奶牛cow 驢donkey 綿羊 sheep 豬pig 狗dog 貓cat 兔子rabbit 老鼠mouse 公雞cock 母雞hen 小雞chick 雞(雞肉)chicken 鴨ck 蝙蝠bat 蜘蛛spider 螞蟻ant 蝸牛snail 蜻蜓dragonfly 蝴蝶butterfly 蜜蜂bee 蒼蠅fly 蛇snake 青蛙frog 蟹crab 金魚goldfish
六 年 級 英 語 單 詞 學 習 表(2)
頭發hair 耳朵ear 鼻子nose 眼睛eye 嘴巴mouth 頭head 臉face 脖子neck 肩膀shoulder 胳膊arm 手hand 手指finger 腿leg 膝蓋knee 腳foot / feet 腳趾toe
2、爸爸father 媽媽mother 爺爺外公grandfather 奶奶外婆grandmother 叔叔伯父uncle 阿姨姑姑 aunt 哥哥弟弟brother 姐姐妹妹sister 嬰兒baby 女兒 daughter 兒子son 男孩boy 女孩girl 男人man 女人woman
3、工人worker 農民farmer 教師teacher 學生student 小學生pupil 醫生doctor 護士nurse 警察policeman 駕駛員(司機)driver 廚師cook 國王king 王後queen
4、快樂的happy 傷心的sad 生氣angry 哭cry 微笑smile 喊shout 走路walk 跑run 坐sit 站stand 跳jump 躺lie 睡sleep 讀read 寫write 聽listen 唱sing 跳舞dance
米飯rice 麵包bread 漢堡包hamburger 火腿ham 熱狗hot dog 蛋糕cake 乳酪cheese 巧克力chocolate 比薩餅pizza 三明治sandwich 薯條chips 面條noodle 果汁juice 咖啡coffee 牛奶milk 雪碧sprite 可口可樂Coca Cola 冰激淋ice cream 茶tea 水water 蛋egg 月餅 moon cake
蘋果apple 香蕉banana 梨pear 桔子orange 西紅柿tomato 桃子peach 菠蘿pineapple 葡萄grapes 芒果mango 檸檬lemon 西瓜watermelon 蔬菜vegetable 土豆potato 胡蘿卜carrot
11、衣物clothing 上衣(短大衣)coat 大衣 overcoat 毛線衣sweater 褲子trousers 短褲shorts 夾克jacket 襯衫shirt 連衣裙dress 短裙skirt T-恤T-shirt 背心vest 帽子hat 領帶tie 圍巾scarf 手套gloves 鞋 shoe 襪子 sock 泳衣swimsuit 手錶watch
12、刀knife 叉fork 筷子chopsticks 電子游戲computer game 寵物pet
六 年 級 英 語 單 詞 學 習 表(3)
班級: 姓名: 家長評價: 組長評價: 總評:
1、游戲games 運動sports 玩具toy 布娃娃doll 棒球baseball 氣球balloon 滑冰skate 游泳swim 足球football 籃球basketball 排球volleyball 乒乓球table tennis 跳高high jump 跳遠long jump 風箏kite 舞會party
2、學習study 袋子bag 書包school bag 鋼筆pen 鉛筆pencil 盒子box 筆盒pencil-box 橡皮擦eraser 尺子ruler 學校school 圖書館library 地圖 map 報紙newspaper 卡片card 圖片picture 電腦computer 滑鼠(老鼠)mouse 顯示器monitor 列印機printer 鍵盤keyboard 黑板blackboard 書桌desk 桌子table 書櫃bookcase 書book 筆記本notebook 鋼琴piano 小提琴violin
3、顏色colour 紅red 白white 黑black 藍blue 棕brown 黃yellow 橙orange 綠green 灰grey / gray 粉紅pink 紫purple
4、自行車bike 公共汽車bus 計程車taxi 小汽車car 火車train 飛機plane 地鐵subway 小船boat 輪船ship

B. 魯教版六年級下冊英語單詞【帶音標】


C. 小學六年級下冊英語第七課單詞

learned Chinese sang and danced ate good food took pictures climbed a mountain

D. 英語六年級下冊7單元單詞 魯教版

第一單元: 1 post 2 office 3 post office 4 arcade 5 video arcade 6 bank 7 supermarket 8 phone 9 pay 10 pay phone 11 park 12 avenue 13 bridge 14 mail 15 near 16 across 17 across from 18 excuse 19 Excuse me. 20 neighborhood 21 just 22 straight 23 turn 24 left 25 right 26 welcome 27 You're welcome 28 dirty 29 old 30 market 31 soda 32 pine 33 garden 34 district 35 off 36 take a walk 37 through 38 pass 39 house 40 beginning 41 tour 42 visit 43 fun 44 have fun 45 if 46 hungry 47 bench 48 arrive 49 taxi 50 take a taxi 51 airport 52 yours 第二單元: 1 koala 2 bear 3 tiger 4 elephant 5 dolphin 6 panda 7 lion 8 penguin 9 giraffe 10 zoo 11 map 12 first 13 cute 14 fun 15 smart 16 animal 17 kind of 18 box 19 Africa 20 South Africa 21 bingo 22 ugly 23 intelligent 24 friendly 25 shy 26 dog 27 grass 28 sleep 29 ring 30 at night 31 leaf 32 him 33 give 34 guess 35 meat 36 relax 37 lazy

E. 小學六年級下冊英語單詞大全

Unit 1:tall—taller更高的 short—shorter 更矮的 strong—stronger更強壯的 old—older 年齡更大的 young—younger 更年輕的 big—bigger更大的heavy—heavier 更重的 long—longer 更長的 thin—thinner 更瘦的 small—smaller (體型)更小的

Unit 2:have a fever 發燒 have a sore throat喉嚨疼 have a cold感冒 have a toothache 牙疼 have a headache 頭疼 matter事情,麻煩 sore 疼的 hurt疼痛 nose 鼻子 tired疲勞的,累的 excited興奮的 angry生氣的 happy高興的 bored無聊的,煩人的 sad 憂傷的,悲傷的

Unit 3:watch—watched 看 wash—washed 洗 clean—cleaned打掃 play—played玩 visit—visited 看望 do—did last weekend上一個周末 go—went去 go to a park—went to a park 去公園 go swimming—went swimming去游泳 go fishing—went fishing去釣魚 read—read 讀 go hiking—went hiking 去郊遊

Unit 4:learn Chinese—learned Chinese學漢語 sing and dance—sang and danced 唱歌和跳舞 eat good food—ate good food吃好吃的食物take pictures—took pictures 照相 climb—climbed 爬 have—had buy presents—bought presents買禮物 row a boat—rowed a boat 劃船 see elephant—saw elephant 看大象 go skiing—went skiing 去滑雪

go ice-skating—went ice-skating 去滑冰 how怎麼,如何 get—got 到達 last上一個的,僅余的,留在最後的

F. 魯教版七年級下冊英語題 6~7單元 How many r____ did you make

raincoats, 雨衣

G. 六年級下冊英語書第7單元有什麼單詞,我沒帶英語書謝謝







fill out填寫

flat 憋得

form 表

helmet 頭盔


mail 郵寄

number 第……號

official 工作人員

pad 墊子

post 柱子

puddle 水窪

rider 騎士

sign 標志

skid 打滑

slippery 滑的

tire 輪胎

track 賽道

warning 警告

H. 魯教版七年級下冊7單元8單元英語短語

1. talk on the phone 打電話 2. wait for 等待

3. talk about 談論關於……的事情 4. read the newspaper 看報

5.TV show 電視節目 6. on vacation 在度假

7. take a photo=take photos 照相 8. look at 看

9. have a good time 玩得高興 10. pretty good 相當不錯

11. a little bit 一點兒 12. look like 看起來像

13. medium height 中等個子 14. medium build 中等身材 (體格)

15. stop doing sth 停止做某事(注: stop to do sth停下來做另一件事) 16. pop singer 流行歌手 17. house of mplings 餃子店

18. would like to do sth = want to do sth 想要做某事 19. green tea 綠茶

20. remember doing sth 「記得做過某事」,此動作已經發生(注: remember to do sth 「記得做某事」,即此動作還沒有發生)

練習題: 用所給詞語的適當形式填空.

1. – Is that Peter speaking?

–No, this is David. Peter _________________ (read) the newspaper.

2. We _______(take) many ________(photo) when we went to the Great Wall.

3. When the teacher came into the classroom, the students __________ (stop)

___________ (talk).The teacher said, 「Boys and girls, _________ (stop)

___________ (write) a letter to your parents.」

4. Jenny ___________ (look) like her aunt.

5. I』d like ___________ (buy) a pair of sunglasses.

6. I_____________ (wait) for a bus in the bus stop.

7. Mona ____________ (talk) on the phone now.

8. We __________ a good time in Cheng one week ago.

9. Our geography teacher is medium _______________ ( high).

10. Jay is a pop ___________ (sing).

11. Listen! Lily and Lucy____________ (talk) about their PE teacher.

12. Please _________ (look) at the blackboard.

13. There are many TV __________ (show) in CCTV.

14. This morning I had breakfast at a house of _____________ (mpling).

15. I』m so hungry now. I want ___________ (order) something to eat.

16. I remember __________ (tell) you about it.

17. Peter, remember _________ (take) a shower before you go to bed.

I. 六年級下冊英語第七單元

( ) 1. The boy ________ big eyes is Tom』s brother.
A. in B. with C. for ( ) 2. Mr Green ________ a play last Sunday.
A. see B. sees C. saw ( ) 3. Mike is very fat. He is _________ than Liu Tao.
A. older B. heavier C. younger ( ) 4. Jim _________ to do more exercise at the weekends.
A. wants B. want C. is wanting ( ) 5. A: What are the students doing?
B: They ________ an English lesson.
A. had B. has C. are having ( ) 6. A: Who would like to read the new works?
B: Let Helen read them. She reads ________ than all of us. A. better B good C well ( ) 7. _______ is the post office from our school?
A. How long B. How many C. How far ( ) 8. We』re going to play table tennis. Will you _______ us? A. join B. take part in C come ( ) 9. _______ do you want to ________?
A. Whose; write B. Who; write to C. Who; write
( ) 10. Yesterday Yang Ling ________ an American boy in the street.
She_________ him the way to the shopping centre.
A. meet; show B. meets; shows C. met; showed

1. We often buy books in the ________.
2. Lanlan, please post the _________ for me.
3. Mr Black is from the UK. He』s living in a _______ in Nanjing. 4. —Can I have the stamp on the ________?
—Yes, here you are.
5. It』s a _______ day today. _______ go to the countryside to pick apples. 6. It』s ______ in Changchun most of the time in January. You ______to buy some warm clothes.
八、將下列句子重新排列,組合成對話,將序號填在所給的橫線上 1. A. Does Jim jump as high as Mike?
Need, postcard, bookshop, cold, warm, Let』s, hotel, envelope

B. Really? But Jim is taller than Mike.
C. No, Mike jumps higher than Jim.
D. Yes, Mike jumps higher than all his classmates.
__________ ___________ ___________ __________ 2. A. Yes, I』d love to.
B. I』m going to play cards with my friends. C. What are you going to do this afternoon?
D. Would you like to go with us?
__________ ___________ __________ __________- 3. A. I usually go to the farm to pick oranges. What about you? B. What』s the weather like in autumn?
C. It』s cool and cloudy. It』s sometimes rainy. D. I usually go rowing.
E. What do you usually do in the season?
__________ __________ __________ ___________ ____________ 4. A. How about this blue one?
B. Yes, I』d like a coat for my daughter. C. Can I help you? D. It』s very nice. I『ll take it. E. It』s pretty, but it』s too big.
F. How about this yellow one? It』s smaller than the blue one.
G. Do you have any smaller ones?
_______ _______ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ 九、閱讀短文,根據短文內容,完成下列句子
Dear Helen,
I』m on the farm in America now. Every day it』s sunny and warm. There are a lot of children on the farm. I work and play games with them. Now I』m writing the letter in the house. Jack is learning to swim. Terry is lying (躺) in the sun. John is reading a newspaper and some children are playing football near the house. We are going to milk cows tomorrow, so we have to get up earlier tomorrow morning. We enjoy (享受) the holiday very much. See you soon. Love, Janet
1. ___________ is in America now.
2. It』s __________ and _________ there every day.
3. She ___________ __________ a letter in the ___________. 4. The children are on the__________ on the _________.

5. They are going to ___________ __________ tomorrow. So they should get up_______.
6. They are ____________ a good time there.

一、根據所聽內容在相應的圖下括弧內標出序號 1. A: Hello, Nancy. Is that tall girl your sister ?
B: Yes. She is two years younger than me. She』s 5 centimetres shorter than me . 2. A: What are the girls doing ? B: They』re having a running race . A: Who runs faster, Nancy or Yang Ling ? B: Yang Ling .
3. A: Dad, can I have that glue ? B: What for ?
A: I want to make a model house . B: Sure, here you are .
4 .A: Where are you going this weekend ? B: I』m going to a farm .
A: What are you going to do there ? B: I』m going to pick grapes .
5. A: Excuse me, where is the museum ? B: It』s on Zhongshan Road . A: How can I get there ?
B: Go along this street ant turn right at the second crossing. You』ll see the museum on your right .
6. A: Gao Shan, when did you finish your homework yesterday evening ? B: I finished it at half past nine. How about you ? A: I finished my homework at 11 o』clock . 7. A: It』s a fine day, isn』t it ? B: Yes. What are you going to do ? A: Let』s go fishing, OK ? B: That』s a good idea .
8. A: Mum, where』s my red skirt ? B: It』s in the box, under the bed .
A: Look! Mum, the skirt is too short. I need a longer one . B: Let』s go and buy one tomorrow .
Keys:8 2 1 7 5 4 6 3

1. A: What』s your brother going to do this evening, Mike ? B: He is going to play the piano at the concert. 2. A: Hi, Nancy. Do you like spring ?
B: Yes, but it』s too short. I like autumn best.
3. A: Mum, I』m late for school. I have no time for breakfast. B: Don』t worry, David. Take some bread with you.
4. A: What are you doing , Helen ?
B: I』m looking for my camera. I』m going to take photos with my friends in the park. 5. A: Where are you going, Yang Lin ?
B: I』m going to the shopping center. I want to buy some presents for my mother. It』s her birthday tomorrow.
6. A: Hello, Peter. What』s the weather like in London in summer ?
B: It』s not very hot. It』s usually sunny. I often go swimming with my brother and sister .
Keys:1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 三、根據所聽內容,選擇正確答案 1. A: Does Jim jump farther than Ben ? B: Yes, he does.
Q: Who jumps farther , Jim or Ben ?
2. A: Did you go on an outing last Sunday, Lin Tao ? B: No, I didn』t. I went to see a Beijing opera show. Q: What did Lin Tao do last Sunday? 3. A: Excuse me , is the zoo far from here ?
B: Yes, you can take bus No.3 there and get off at the fifth stop. Q: How can the man go to the zoo ?
4. A: Hi, Lisa. Do you have any writing paper ? B: What for, Mike ?
A: I want to write a letter to my grandpa. B: Oh, here are some for you. Q: What does Mike want ?
5. A: There is a football match this afternoon. Are you going to watch it, Wang Bing ?
B: Of course.
Q: What』s Wang Bing going to do this afternoon ?
6. A: Yesterday Su Yang read about an American girl, Lily. Lily wanted a penfriend in China .
B: Oh, I see. Lily wanted to know something about this country.

Q: Where is Lily from ?
7. A: Li Hong is Li Ling』s twin sister. Do you know ? B: But she is taller than Li Ling. Q: Is Li Ling as tall as Li Hong ?
8. A: Can I have your fax number, David ?
B: Sorry. I don』t have a fax machine. I can tell you my mobile phone number . Q: Does David have a mobile phone ?
Keys:1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. C 四、根據所聽短文內容答題
It is Saturday evening. Jane and her parents are sitting in the sitting room. They』re talking about their plans for tomorrow. They are going to the Blue Hill Park. Jane is excited. Jane』s cousin Tom is going to go with them. He is going to fly kites with Jane. They will meet at half past seven at the park gate. A: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T
B: 1. They are going to the Blue Hill Park . 2. Four .
Keys:1. good 2. number 3. summer 4. bus stop 5. Spring
Keys:1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6 .A 7.C 8. A 9. B 10. C 七、根據句意,從方框中選擇恰當的詞填空
Keys:1. bookshop 2. postcard 3. hotel 4. envelope 5. warm
6. Let』s 7. cold 8. need 八、將下列句子重新排列,組合成對話,將序號填在所給的橫線上 Keys:1. ACBD 2. CBDA 3. BCEAD 4. CBAEGFD 九、閱讀短文,根據短文內容,完成下列句子
Keys: 1. Janet 2. sunny, warm 3. is writing, house 4. holiday, farm 5. milk cows, earlier 6. having

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