① 大學女生談戀愛更愛AA制的英語作文
After a seemingly endless 12-year journey, students finally reach their cherished destination and settle down as freshmen. After the struggles of middle and high school, college is a haven for freshers: A warm bed, new friends and, most important of all, freedom. Only one thing is missing: A romantic partner who can bring vitality and flavor to the college experience. But this flavor can often be soured by that well-worn poisoner of relationships everywhere: Money. And money issues can damage such a fragile butterfly as campus love.
Male students, as a result of both societal conditioning and a sense of chivalry, often take it for granted that paying the bill is symbolic of both their value in a relationship and the embodiment of politeness. 「 never let a girl pay the bill, or I feel embarrassed,」 said Wei Xu, an 18-year-old freshman at Sichuan Agricultural University.」更多資料參考英語寫作文網: http://www.adreep.cn/wz/3001.html
② 夫妻之間應不應該實行AA制英語作文
③ 男女吃飯後誰買單,有這樣討論的英語作文么
Who should pay for the first date? The majority says it』s the guy』s responsibility. A survey released this month found that about 77 percent of people in heterosexual relationships believe men should settle the bill on the first date. The survey was put together by US financial website NerdWallet. The site polled roughly 1,000 Americans who had been dating their partners for six months or more.
The financial chivalry began when, in the past, women had no access to employment and therefore couldn』t fend themselves financially. But nowadays, more and more women have become the breadwinners. According to The Atlantic, between 1960 and 2011 in the US, the proportion of two-parent US households in which the mother earned all or most of the income roughly quadrupled.
So why, amid economic changes and gender equity advancements, are men still expected to pay for the bill?
「As social roles start to change, people often embrace the changes that make their lives easier, but resist the changes that make their lives more difficult,」 David Frederick, a professor of psychology at Chapman University, US, told The Huffington Post. 「Who pays for dates … is one arena where women may be resisting gender changes more than men,」 he suggested.
Men pay more
Frederick is a co-author of a study released last year that also found men tend to pay for dates. The study was larger than NerdWallet』s and polled about 17,000 people, according to The Atlantic. The study also found 39 percent of its female respondents admitted that they hoped men would reject their offers to help pay. Frederick and his colleagues called paying for dates 「a rare case」 in which women are motivated not to fight old-school gender dynamics. In the same way, men who are no longer breadwinners aren』t as eager to take up domestic responsibilities such as parenting and homemaking.
Many people would argue men』s paying for dates is a form of respecting women. But Joe Pinsker, writing in The Atlantic, says this seemingly 「benevolent」 form of sexism can lead to a sense of entitlement on men』s part — they tend to think that women owe them because they have paid.
Money can twist men』s opinion of sexual consent. Pinsker cites a 2010 study published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. It found that men were more likely than women to think that sex should be expected when a man pays for an expensive date.
This really is disturbing. But Frederick found something optimistic in his study that might serve as a warning to some women. Almost half of the men surveyed in the study he co-authored said that they would break up with a woman if she never offered to help pay the bill on a date. 「In this single telling finding about dating and paying interactions, we see evidence of a sea change,」 Frederick wrote.
④ 急........寫一篇英語作文 有分加
「光棍節」,既非「土節」又非「洋節」,乃於上世紀九十年代初誕生於南京高校,是校園趣味文化的代表產品之一。隨著一批批學子告別校園,近兩年 「光棍節」的氣氛,竟然漸漸向社會彌散,如今,也已經成為南京年輕人的一個特別日子。這兩天,記者發現網路社區「西祠胡同」上,有關「光棍節」聚會的消息漸漸增多,雖然主體活動依舊是飯局,但強調「AA制」似乎成為這個節日個性獨立、彼此尊重的一個標志。南京長江花園附近的茶餐廳浦菲站,十一日全天的包房早早被預訂出去了,據說是七、八位年輕人要在這個特別的日子進行一次「相親式聚會」。
⑤ 英語作文
Useful words: culture, fair, gender difference, norm, expectation, consent, indivial differences, opinions, facts, a wise decision
⑥ 英語作文你跟朋友一塊吃飯覺得aa制怎麼樣
How do you think about "let's go Dutch" when you go out to eat with friends?
short, Going Dutch means I pay for me and you pay for you.
you eat a lobster dish, while I eat a burger, you pay your way and I
pay mine.
Not, 「You asked me to come out with you… so you should pay.」
Nor is it based on gender roles.
you find yourself in a situation where someone doesn』 quite get the
concept of Going Dutch, feel free to point it out. Try something like,
「Since I got parking, you want to grab the first round of drinks?」 Or,
「Do you want to split an order of onion rings to start out?」 It may seem
tacky to constantly keep a tally of who paid for what out loud. So if
you feel uncomfortable, take a subtler approach, 「Sure, we can split the
meal, but since you had the lobster, you want to pick up the taxi?」
you think it』s rude to speak up, think again. It』s much unmannerly to
get taken advantage of and let someone treat you like a walking, talking
⑦ 情侶之間約會aa制有什麼好處英語作文
After a seemingly endless 12-year journey, students finally reach their cherished destination and settle down as freshmen. After the struggles of middle and high school, college is a haven for freshers: A warm bed, new friends and, most important of all, freedom. Only one thing is missing: A romantic partner who can bring vitality and flavor to the college experience. But this flavor can often be soured by that well-worn poisoner of relationships everywhere: Money. And money issues can damage such a fragile butterfly as campus love.
⑧ 做英語作文時有一些不會翻譯。
1.Three meals a day
2.Dinner, try to be the first payment, the AA
3.On the table
4.Western restaurant to give tips, while the Chinese only in some big city restaurants or hotels.
5.Eat with chopsticks, knife and fork.
⑨ 男女吃飯後誰買單,有這樣討論的英語作文么
⑩ 怎樣背英語作文