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發布時間: 2021-02-28 08:04:49


About Oral English Test
The Oral English Test is both important and necessary, for we can get a lot of benefits from it. The first, the Oral English Test can encourage the teachers to improve their communication skills in English and make their classes more active. The second, it will help the students to form the habit of reading English aloud and chatting with others in English. In addition, students will also realize that Oral English is as important as reading and writing. Most important of all, English is regarded as a global language now. Through English, we can communicate with people from other countries better. Therefore, more attention should be paid to teaching and learning oral English.

❷ 如何提高英語口語能力的英語作文

要注意音標的重要性,音標是一個單詞拼讀的基礎,如何發音全都取決於音標,音標學好了自然你看到任何一個單詞自己都會讀。單詞和句子要反復讀,讀到順口,讀到發音已經完全在你腦中留下印象了為止。另外的話平時你可以和身邊的人用英語交流,練習你的英語邏輯思維,畢竟在中國這個大家都說漢語的國家學英語確實不是很容易,所以要自己創造有利的環境和條件 初一那會我也很沒有自信,完全沒有學英語的感覺,連個spell我都要拼成splle,真是打擊死了,可是後來我覺得英語書法我很喜歡,因為我寫字漢字寫得比較公整,所以在課堂上就跟著老師練書法吧,覺得英語好像變得簡單了,因為單詞之類的都不用記,興趣也提高了,經常在家裡有事沒事就說一兩句英語,現在我高三,感覺英語是強項,所以我建議你最好先找個方法提高一下自己對英語的興趣,興趣有了自然就有了動力,平時自不自然的就會多動嘴說,這樣你的聽力和語法都會有很大提高,語法在高中很重要的,我們班同學經常單選就錯六七個,我頂多錯2個吧,改錯也很容易得9分10分的。總結一下就是,興趣是關鍵,動力的來源,動力促進學習,成績好了自然又提高了興趣,是個良性循環 我們現在學生根本不要求口語能力,所以我沒注意口語,不過平時我喜歡說,沒有可以去練, 你是要考級嗎?我的初中老師告訴練口語就是要練語感,最直接的方法就是讀,每天讀個20分鍾吧,聽力對於口語的幫助一是糾正你發音的,二可以鍛煉你的英語邏輯思維,就和自己創造英語環境一個道理吧,每天聽聽還是有好處的。

❸ 談談英語口語的重要性 英語作文題目

Today's society more and more people in learning English. In the global economy, English has become an important communication and language, with the rest of the world, fluency in spoken language will become an important key. Although a majority of the people of English Reading the ability to write pretty well, but the verbal expression and comprehension, for the majority of Taiwan people is a fine. Thus, in this increasingly fierce market competition, the English speaking ability in English language ecation has become very heavy link. Today, Taiwan's English teaching, and not just to focus on reading and writing English skills, should be to enhance the students recognize that the importance of listening and speaking ability.

❹ 如何提高英語口語能力 英語作文




❺ 急求一篇英語作文「口語的重要性」

Importance of spoken English:
There are thousands of languages in the world. English is one of the world』 most widely used languages. It is spoken by nearly three hundred million people: in the United States, Britain, Canada, some Caribbean countries, and South Africa. As a second language, English is often necessary for business, ecation, information and other activities in a great many countries such as India, Pakistan and so on. It is also one of the working languages in the United Nations and is more used than the others.

English has become the language of international trade and transportIt has been said that 60 percent of the world』s radio broadcasts and 70 percent of the world』s mail are in English. At international sports meets, at meetings of scientists from different countries and at talks of writers and artists from the corners of the earth, English is mostly used.

English has in fact become the language of international cooperation in science and technology.

❻ 英語作文 《關於英語口語的重要性》











如果你想要免費獲取全網最齊全的英語資源,歡迎網路搜索:阿卡索官網論壇 。專注於打造中國英語學習資源分享網站。內容十分豐富,包含少兒英語、英語口語聽力、英語四六級、新概念、商務英語等免費資源下載。

❼ 口語考試,求英語作文。

1、 be frank, i think a good teacher should be warm-hearted and always trust students. And i have two reasons to support my view.
First, if a teacher often help students to go through troubles without complianing, the students will grateful for the teacher's help, and they may think the teacher is a good person.
Second, a teacher is supposed to trust students always, and in long-term, the students appreciated the teacher's confidence, and they may have the determination to compete for first place. In this way, it is good not only for teachers, but also for students.

❽ 英語口語考試,話題作文

Everybody have different opinions about seatbelts, some people think it is not necessary because there's rarely usage of it, but some people think it is necessary because they think its for their own safety. I think it is necessary and essential to wear a seatbelt, it is about others and my own safety. If I don't wear a seatbelt, the posibility of accidents would happen more often. For example, if you don't wear a seltbelt when you are in the front seat and an accident accurs when your car smashed into another car, you would be racing forward non-stop until you hit something. But if you did wear a seatbelt, you would still go forward but got stopped by the seatbelt and save your life. I strongly recommend everybody to wear their seatbelts the first thing they got in their cars, it is for your safety and others safety, that's what seatbelts are designed for, right? 夠不夠?我親自寫給你的。很開心幫到你。

❾ 英語口語作文

My mother is the most important person for me. Maybe she is very ordinary in others eyes, but she is special for me. She gives me life and a happy life. She takes part in every stage of my life. When I know nothing, she helps me to learn little by little patiently. She helps me to learn stand up, walk, and form the proper value. She cares about me, and put my entire thing before hers. She is such an important person in my life. 我的媽媽是我最重要的人。也許在別人眼裡她很普通,但她對於我來說是非常特別的。她給了我生命和幸福的生活。她參與了我生命中的每一個階段。在我什麼都不懂的時候,她耐心的幫助我一點一點的學習。她幫助我學站,學走路,形成正確的價值觀。她很關心我,把我事情置於她自己的之前。在我的生命中她就是這個一個重要的人。

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