❶ 求一篇關於艾滋病的英語作文
❷ AIDS的英語簡介........越全越好啊
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is an AIDS virus,that the human immunodeficiency virus (human immunodeficiencyvirus.called HIV) dormant in the human body and the human immune function and occurrence of a variety of human tumors and incurable infection,finally led to the deaths of a serious infection diseases.AIDS is the generic AIDS medicine, "acquired immune deficiency syndrome," Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome first word acronym.Expression of the name of the concept of AIDS, AIDS, we can learn from the three clearly defined :Acquired : etiology is acquired at birth rather than have the access.Said : defects in the immune pathogenesis.The damage was mainly caused by the body's immune system and cause the immune system to rece the protective function loss.Immune deficiency is a common feature : a.. B. increased susceptibility to infection. Prone to cancer;c. The clinical and pathological features diversity.SARS : at the clinical symptoms, as a result of defects in various immune system against opportunistic infections,Tumors arising from the complex syndrome.AIDS is a retrovirus infection caused by the body's immune defense system diseases.In a normal human body, the immune system plays a good body of the "defensive",various pathogens to resist the attack.But one HIV-infected, a good body defense system will be destroyed, defense dysfunction.Then microbial pathogens and thus able to drive straight into the opportunity Hematogenous wounds and broken.In addition, the number of abnormal body cells, such as cancer cells, also flew rapid growth, large population,develop into all types of cancer.In other words, the immune system of AIDS patients is mainly expressed serious injury, the body resistance decreasedSome serious infections and even inced a rare carcinoid tumor.AIDS originated in Africa, young people are also in Haiti in 1979 and distributed by the immigrants into the United States.June 5, 1981, the United States Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.first in the "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly," a brief introction to the five cases they found that the history of AIDS patients.1982 will be officially named the disease "AIDS."Soon after, the rapid spread of AIDS in the continent.In June 1985, in Shanghai by a young American male tourists from Argentina AIDS patient cured invalid.died in the country, this is the first case of AIDS in China.AIDS has been in China since 1985 and nearly 10,000 people enter the AIDS virus carriers.According to speculation in the next few years : AIDS trend is downward trend in the developed countries is,while for developing countries was a sharp upward trend.Known as "contemporary plague" and "super cancer" AIDS has caused the World Health Organization (WHO) and national governments attach great importance to it,The inputs of both staff and financial resources to be top priority, China has been included in Category B surveillance of infectious diseases and one territory. 翻譯:艾滋病(AIDS)是一種由艾滋病病毒,即人體免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiencyvirus,簡稱HIV)侵入人體後破壞人體免疫功能,使人體發生多種不可治癒的感染和腫瘤,最後導致被感染者死亡的一種嚴重傳染病。AIDS是艾滋病的醫學全稱「獲得性免疫缺陷綜合症」Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome的英文字頭縮寫詞。這個命名表達了艾滋病的完整概念,從中我們可以了解到艾滋病的三個明確定義:獲得性:表示在病因方面是後天獲得而不是先天具有的。 免疫缺陷:表示在發病機理方面,主要是造成人體免疫系統的損傷而導致免疫系統的防護功能減低、喪失。 免疫缺陷病的共同特點是:a.對感染的易感性明顯增加;b.易發生惡性腫瘤;c.臨床及病理表現多樣化。 綜合症:表示在臨床症狀方面,由於免疫缺陷導致的各個系統的機會性感染、腫瘤而出現的復雜症狀群。 艾滋病是一種由逆轉錄病毒引起的人體免疫防禦系統方面的疫病。人體處於正常狀態時,體內免疫系統對機體起著良好的「防禦」作用,抵抗各種病原體的襲擊。一但受艾滋病病毒感染之後,人體的這種良好防禦系統便會受到破壞,防禦功能減退,因而這時病原體及微生物得以乘機經血行及破損傷口長驅直入。此外,身體中一些不正常的細胞,例如癌細胞,也同樣乘機迅速生長、大量繁殖起來,發展成各類癌瘤。也就是說,艾滋病病人主要表現為免疫系統受到嚴重損傷,機體抵抗力下降,以至誘發嚴重感染和一些少見的癌瘤。 艾滋病發源於非洲,1979年在海地青年中也有散發,後由移民帶入美國。1981年6月5日,美國亞特蘭大市疾病控制中心,首次在《發病率與死亡率周刊》上簡要的介紹了他們發現的五例艾滋病病人的病史。1982年正式將此病命名為「艾滋病」。以後不久,艾滋病迅速蔓延到了各大洲。1985年6月,由上海入境的一名美籍阿根廷青年男性遊客因艾滋病住院,治癒無效,死於我國境內,這是出現在我國的首例艾滋病。艾滋病自1985年進入我國至今已有近萬人為艾滋病病毒攜帶者。據有關部門推測,在今後幾年內艾滋病發展趨勢是:發達中國家是呈下降趨勢,而發展中國家則呈急劇上升趨勢。 被稱為「當代瘟疫」和「超級癌症」的艾滋病已引起世界衛生組織(WHO)及各國政府的高度重視,無論是人員和經費的投入均放在首位,我國已將其列入乙類法定傳染病,並為國境衛生監測傳染病之一。
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❹ 關於AIDS的英語論文
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).This condition progressively reces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves indivials susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumors. HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, and breast milk. This transmission can involve anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby ring pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or other exposure to one of the above bodily fluids.AIDS is now a pandemic.In 2007, it was estimated that 33.2 million people lived with the disease worldwide, and that AIDS killed an estimated 2.1 million people, including 330,000 children.Over three-quarters of these deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa,retarding economic growth and destroying human capital.Genetic research indicates that HIV originated in west-central Africa ring the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. AIDS was first recognized by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 1981 and its cause, HIV, identified in the early 1980s.Although treatments for AIDS and HIV can slow the course of the disease, there is currently no vaccine or cure. Antiretroviral treatment reces both the mortality and the morbidity of HIV infection, but these drugs are expensive and routine access to antiretroviral medication is not available in all countries. Due to the difficulty in treating HIV infection, preventing infection is a key aim in controlling the AIDS pandemic, with health organizations promoting safe sex and needle-exchange programmes in attempts to slow the spread of the virus.
❺ 求一篇120詞的英語作文:how to protect youself from AIDS
1 Avoid stereotypes. Anyone can be infected with HIV/AIDS, from the out-and-proud guy across the street to the girl next door.
2 Get tested. It is important to know your own HIV status.
3 Talk to new sexual partners honestly about your risk factors and request the same frank disclosure from them. Risk factors include sharing needles ring IV drug use, having unprotected sex with a partner whose HIV status was unknown or unclear and having another sexually transmitted disease.
4 Remember that many people who are infected don't realize they are infected. They may not even realize they are at risk. When you come into contact with another person's blood, urine, feces or semen, assume they are infectious unless proven otherwise.
5 Practice safe sex. This means using a condom with spermicide for anal, vaginal or oral penetration. Lesbians may wish to use a dental dam, a thin latex square, for oral sex.
6 Use medical latex or non-latex gloves if you will be coming into contact with another person's blood, urine, feces or semen. Health care workers consider this a "universal precaution" which means they wear protective equipment regardless of the client's HIV/AIDS status.
7 Avoid sharing needles if you use IV or injection drugs. Some cities have needle exchange programs and some states allow pharmacies to sell certain types of syringes without a prescription.
8 Keep in mind that abstinence from sexual activity outside of a committed monogamous relationship is one of the best ways to protect yourself from HIV/AIDS.
9 Learn more about how to protect yourself from HIV/AIDS. The American Red Cross offers several excellent community programs as well as publications to help keep both youths and alts safe. See the Resources section below for a link.
❻ 求一篇英語作文關於艾滋病
❼ 英語作文 how to prevent AIDS
❽ 求一篇介紹艾滋病的英語作文 高中演講用
英文演講:奧巴馬演講 公布抗擊艾滋病戰略1 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody! Hello! (Applause.) Hello. Hello, hello, hello. Hello. Well, good evening, everybody. This is a pretty feisty(活躍的,吵鬧的) group here. (Laughter.)
AUDIENCE MEMBER: We love you, President!
THE PRESIDENT: Love you back. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you. Well, it is a privilege(特權,優待) to speak with all of you. Welcome to the White House.
Let me begin by welcoming the Cabinet Secretaries who are here. I know I saw at least one of them, Kathleen Sebelius, our outstanding Secretary of Health and Human Services. (Applause.) I want to thank all the members of Congress who are present and all the distinguished guests(貴賓) that are here -- that includes all of you.
In particular, I want to recognize Ambassador Eric Goosby, our Global AIDS Coordinator. (Applause.) Eric』s leadership of the President』s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief is doing so much to save so many lives around the world. He will be leading our delegation to the International AIDS Conference in Vienna next week. And so I』m grateful for his outstanding service. (Applause.)
And I want to also thank the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. (Applause.) Thank you -- and the Federal HIV Interagency Working Group for all the work that they are doing. So thank you very much. (Applause.)
Now, it』s been nearly 30 years since a CDC publication called Morbidity(發病率,病態) and Mortality Weekly Report first documented five cases of an illness that would come to be known as HIV/AIDS. In the beginning, of course, it was known as the 「gay disease」 –- a disease surrounded by fear and misunderstanding; a disease we were too slow to confront and too slow to turn back. In the decades since -– as epidemics have emerged in countries throughout Africa and around the globe -– we』ve grown better equipped, as indivials and as nations, to fight this disease.
From activists, researchers, community leaders who』ve waged a battle against AIDS for so long, including many of you here in this room, we have learned what we can do to stop the spread of the disease. We』ve learned what we can do to extend the lives of people living with it. And we』ve been reminded of our obligations to one another -– obligations that, like the virus itself, transcend(勝過,超越) barriers of race or station or sexual orientation or faith or nationality.
So the question is not whether we know what to do, but whether we will do it. (Applause.) Whether we will fulfill those obligations; whether we will marshal(整理,引領) our resources and the political will to confront a tragedy that is preventable.
All of us are here because we are committed to that cause. We』re here because we believe that while HIV transmission rates in this country are not as high as they once were, every new case is one case too many. We』re here because we believe in an America where those living with HIV/AIDS are not viewed with suspicion, but treated with respect; where they』re provided the medications and health care they need; where they can live out their lives as fully as their health allows.
And we』re here because of the extraordinary men and women whose stories compel(強迫,迫使) us to stop this scourge(鞭,災禍) . I』m going to call out a few people here -- people like Benjamin Banks, who right now is completing a master』s degree in public health, planning a family with his wife, and deciding whether to run another half-marathon. Ben has also been HIV-positive for 29 years -– a virus he contracted ring cancer surgery as a child. So inspiring others to fight the disease has become his mission.
We』re here because of people like Craig Washington, who after seeing what was happening in his community -– friends passing away; life stories sanitized(消毒,使清潔) , as he put it, at funerals; homophobi(對同性戀的恐懼) , all the discrimination that surrounded the disease –- Craig got tested, disclosed his status, with the support of his partner and his family, and took up the movement for prevention and awareness in which he is a leader today.
We』re here because of people like Linda Scruggs. (Applause.) Linda learned she was HIV-positive about two decades ago when she went in for prenatal care. Then and there, she decided to turn her life around, and she left a life of substance abuse behind, she became an advocate for women, she empowered them to break free from what she calls the bondage(奴役,束縛) of secrecy. She inspired her son, who was born healthy, to become an AIDS activist himself.
We』re here because of Linda and Craig and Ben, and because of over 1 million Americans living with HIV/AIDS and the nearly 600,000 Americans who』ve lost their lives to the disease. It』s on their behalf -– and on the behalf of all Americans -– that we began a national dialogue about combating AIDS at the beginning of this administration.
In recent months, we』ve held 14 community discussions. We』ve spoken with over 4,200 people. We』ve received over 1,000 recommendations on the White House website, devising an approach not from the top down but from the bottom up.
And today, we』re releasing our National HIV/AIDS Strategy, which is the proct -- (applause) -- which is the proct of these conversations, and conversations with HIV-positive Americans and health care providers, with business leaders, with faith leaders, and the best policy and scientific minds in our country.
Now, I know that this strategy comes at a difficult time for Americans living with HIV/AIDS, because we』ve got cash-strapped states who are being forced to cut back on essentials, including assistance for AIDS drugs. I know the need is great. And that』s why we』ve increased federal assistance each year that I』ve been in office, providing an emergency supplement this year to help people get the drugs they need, even as we pursue a national strategy that focuses on three central goals.
First goal: prevention. We can』t afford to rely on any single prevention method alone, so our strategy promotes a comprehensive approach to recing the number of new HIV infections -– from expanded testing so people can learn their status, to ecation so people can curb risky behaviors, to drugs that can prevent a mother from transmitting a virus to her child.
To support our new direction, we』re investing $30 million in new money, and I』ve committed to working with Congress to make sure these investments continue in the future.
❾ 英語作文對aids的理解,措施
AIDS, stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is a deadly disease. It malfunctions the human body's defence system, making the infected person extremely vulnerable to diseases, and eventually cause death.
AIDS can be spread in many ways, but the main medium is through having unprotected intercourse with an infected person. Apart from that, AIDS can spread from mother to new born baby, or sharing of needles, shaving blades, or any means of blood contact.
Once infected, it may take years for the person to notice, and in these years, the infected person may not know and can infect many more, who in turn go and infect others, just like an exponential growth.