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⑴ 外研社高中英語必修三第二單元課文

外研社高中英語必修三第二模塊課文(註: 外研版沒有單元之說。)
Mole 2 Reading
The HumanDevelopment Report
In the year 2000, 147 world leaders agreed to work together to rece poverty by 2015 or earlier. From this agreement came the HumanDevelopment Report.
One of the most important sections of this report is The Human Development Index. This examines the achievements of 175 countries. The index measures a country's achievements in three ways: life expectancy (how long people usually live), ecation and income. The index has some surprises. Norway is at the top of the list, while the US is at number 7. The other topfive countries are: Iceland (2), Sweden (3), Australia (4), the Netherlands(5). The UK is in the thirteenth position, while China is in the middle of the list. The bottomten countries are all African countries, with Sierra Leone (in West Africa) atthe bottom of the list.
The report describes eight development goals. The most important goals are to:
· rece poverty and hunger;
· make sure thatall children have ecation up to theage of 11;
· fight AIDS and other diseases;
· improve the environment of poor people, e.g. make sure they have safe drinking water;
· encourage developed countries to givemore help to other countries.
The 2003 Human Development Report gives examples of successful development. For example, in nine years (1953–1962), China increased life expectancy by 13 years. In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. However, the challenges are still great. Every day799 million people in developing countries are hungry. Over half of these are in South Asia or Africa. Although more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school, about 115 million children are not being ecated. More than 1 billion people in developing countries do not drink safe water. However, in other regions of the world, e.g. Eastern Europe, water is now mostly safe to drink.
The report shows that we are making some progress but that we need to make greater efforts. Although developed countries give some financial help, they need to give much more. Interestingly, the countries that give the most money are the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. These are among the five richest countries in the world, so it is right that they should do so.

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⑶ 高中英語必修1第二單元課文

At the end of the 16th century,about five to seven million people spoke English.Nearly all of them lived in England.in the next century ,people from England started moving to other parts of the world ,so English began to be spoken in many other countries.Today ,more people speak English as their first ,second or foreign language then ever before.China may have the largest number of English speakeers.

⑷ 高中英語 必修二 第一單元 課文及翻譯

課文標題是In search of the amber room 【原文】
Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it. The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey. The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days. It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the country' s best artists about ten years to make.
In fact, the room was not made to be a gift. It was designed for the palace of Frederick I. However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it. In 1716 he gave it to Peter the Great. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. So the Amber Room became part of the Czar' s winter palace in St Petersburg. About four metres long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors.
Later, Catherine Ⅱhad the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. She told her artists to add more details to it. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. Almost six hundred candles lit the room, and its mirrors and pictures shone like gold. Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world,it is now missing.
In September 1941 , the Nazi army was near St Petersburg. This was a time when the two countries were at war. Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room. However, some of the Nazis secretly stole the room itself. In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. After that,what happened to the Amber Room remain a mystery.
Recently, the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room at the summer palace. By studying old photos of the former Amber Room, they have made the new one look like the old one. In 2003 it was ready for the people of St Petersburg when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city.

⑸ 高中英語必修2第二單元課文翻譯

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福建師大文博附中2009級高一學生入學作業語文一、撰寫一篇計劃,闡述進入高中後,你將如何學習語文,字數不少於500字。二、寫一篇作文,《暑假二三事》,要求記敘文,字數不少於700字。三、名著閱讀《論語》、《家》、《巴黎聖母院》。1.《論語》要求閱讀前5篇。2.分別完成一篇讀後感,記錄自己閱讀的心得體會,字數各不少於600字。3.學期初,全年段將舉辦以上三部名著的讀書交流活動,並展示優秀讀後感。四、通過網路或圖書館,預習下列新課(文言文)。1.《燭之武退秦師》,積累文言字、詞、句,理解文章的意思。2.《荊軻刺秦王》,積累文言字、詞、句,理解文章的意思。3.《鴻門宴》,積累文言字、詞、句,理解文章的意思。五、通過網路或圖書館,背誦並能默寫下列詩歌。毛澤東《沁園春·長沙》、戴望舒《雨巷》、徐志摩《再別康橋》。六、練一手好字。1.從正楷練起,要求每天臨摹一張A4大小的硬筆字帖。2.新學期初,全年段將舉辦一次硬筆字書寫比賽,要求全體同學參加,展示優秀作品。七、考好新學期初第一試。考試內容:要求閱讀的名著內容,要求預習的文言文的內容,要求默寫的內容。數學整理歸納以下知識點,並在每個知識點後附兩個以上的典型例題,含解答過程:1.二次函數的定義,解析式。2.二次函數的圖像和性質。3.一元二次方程的解法,求根公式。4.一元一次不等式及二元一次不等式組的解法,並會在數軸上表示出它們的解集。5.二元一次方程組的解法。6.韋達定理及其應用。7.因式分解各種方法(提公因式法、公式法、分組分解法、十字相乘法)歸納,每種方法配1—2個例題。8.整式、分式的運算以及使分式有意義的參數的取值范圍。9.嘗試探究二元二次方程組的解法。10.分母有理化、分子有理化。英語一、預習人教版高中英語必修1 Unit 1 Friendship and Unit 2 English around the world。二、學習《新概念英語》第二冊 1--48課。熟讀第一單元課文內容(1—24課)並背誦第二單元課文內容(25—48課)。說明:《 新概念英語》新版,1997年10月第一版,由外語教學與研究出版社出版。英文書名:New Concept English –Practice Progress.三、考試內容。1.人教版高中英語必修1 Unit 1 and Unit 2 單詞與短語。2.新概念英語第二冊。政治2008到2009年爆發了全球性的金融危機,中國也受到了沖擊。你對這次金融危機了解多少呢?請就以下幾個方面寫一份調查報告:什麼是金融危機?為什麼會爆發金融危機?此次金融危機對中國的影響如何?此次金融危機對我們的生活有哪些影響(可從物價、收入、就業等方面入手)?有效應對金融危機,政府需要做什麼?我們公民又應該做些什麼?要求簡要闡述前兩點,重點分析後三點,字數1500字左右。也可以就你感興趣的國內外重大熱點問題,寫一份調查報告。歷史一、製作一張朝代更替表,包括時間、都城和主要帝王。二、復習九年級歷史上冊課本,完成以下內容的摘抄和背誦:1.古希臘的地理特點、雅典伯利克里的改革(時間、內容、影響)。2.英、美、法的資產階級革命(背景、過程、結果、影響)。3.馬克思主義的誕生(原因、標志)。4.新航路的開辟(代表人物、影響)。5.兩次工業革命(時間、主要成果、影響)。6.資本原始積累的途徑。地理復習七年級上冊第一章《地球和地圖》,完成以下幾項內容:1.重溫經緯線、地球運動、世界分區等知識。2.地球的大小記憶。3.買一個乒乓球,在球上畫出經緯網,並標注經緯線的度數。4.畫一幅地球公轉示意圖(按課本圖1.19畫)。5.畫一幅地球上的五帶示意圖(按課本圖1.20畫)。物理1.復習初中物理知識點,特別是與速度有關的內容,及二力平衡的問題。2.預習司南版高一第2章《運動的描述》。3.預習高一第3章《勻變速直線運動的研究》,並能牢記第3章第1節《勻變速直線運動的規律》所涉及的所有公式。4.復習直角三角形的三角函數關系,並且能夠熟練使用,能靈活利用正弦、餘弦、正切、餘切迅速地寫出直角三角形中各條邊的關系。化學1.初三課本中出現的物質的化學式、化學方程式的整理歸納(用紙質完成),熟記化合價的順口溜及金屬活動性順序表。2.背誦1—18號元素的名稱和元素符號,記住它們的電子層排布。3.熟練掌握氧氣、二氧化碳、氫氣的實驗室制備方法,以及二氧化碳的性質(特別是與澄清石灰水反應的化學方程式)。4.熟練掌握酸、鹼、鹽的性質,熟記鹽的溶解性表。5.復習初三教材中出現的實驗基本操作(過濾、蒸發、結晶等操作步驟。6.超前自學要求:課本:高中化學必修1(江蘇教育出版社)專題一內容,體會其與初三化學內容的緊密關聯性(氧化還原反應有關概念以及四種基本反應類型等)。1.新學年開學初,學校將組織一次水平測驗,主要測試同學們完成暑假作業的情況。2.開學初,將檢查各學科暑假作業的書面部分。3.本作業可以在學校網站的「學生天地」欄目下載()。

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