1. 英語第二單元試卷和科學的第一單元試卷 七年級上 急用
七年級上科學試卷(浙教版)第一章 單元測試題2008年05月15日 星期四 19:02一、 選擇題(每題2分,共40分)每題只有一個正確答案
1、常用的長度單位由大到小的排列順序是:…………………………………………( )
A.分米、厘米、毫米、微米、米 B.厘米、分米、毫米、微米、米
C.微米、毫米、厘米、分米、米 D.米、分米、厘米、毫米、微米
2、有一棵參天大樹,我們班三位同學手拉手,剛好能把樹圍起來,那麼這棵大樹的周長可能是下面哪一個?……………………………………………………………………( )
A.10厘米 B.42分米 C.36000毫米 D.0.45米
3、質量是50千克的物體,可能是………………………………………………………( )
A.一粒米 B. 一個中學生 C. 一個雞蛋 D. 一隻雞
4、有三把刻度尺,其最小刻度分別是分米、厘米、毫米。你認為其中最好的是…………………………………………………………………………………………( )
A.分米刻度尺; B.厘米刻度尺;
C.毫米刻度尺; D.要根據測量要求而定
5、 走時准確的指針式手錶的秒針,一晝夜內秒針轉過的圈數是 ( )
A.24; B.1440 C.86400 D.43200
6、下列單位換算過程中正確的是………………………………………………………( )
A.1.8米=1.8×1000=1800毫米 B.1.8米=1.8米×1000=1800毫米
C.1.8米=1.8米×1000毫米=1800毫米 D.1.8米=1.8×1000毫米=1800毫米
7、小李同學想測量一杯水的溫度,但他得到的卻是一指沒有刻度的溫度計,於是他想了一個辦法:他先把溫度計的玻璃泡浸在冰水混合物中一段時間後在液柱的上端對應處做了個記號A,然後在1標准大氣壓下,把溫度計的玻璃泡浸在沸水中一段時間後也在對應的液柱上端處作一個記號B,用刻度尺測得兩標記間的距離為40厘米,最後他用溫度計來待測一杯水的溫度,發現液柱所處位置距A點24厘米,則這杯水的溫度 ( )
A.20℃ B.30℃ C.40℃ D.60℃
9、按照國際標准,質量的單位是…………………………………………………( )
A、噸 B、千克 C、克 D、毫克
10、托盤天平調節好以後,在稱量時發現指針偏在標尺中央的左邊,這時應………………………………… ……………………………………( )
A、把右端的平衡螺母向右旋出一些 B、把左端的平衡螺母向左旋出一些
C、向天平右盤中增加砝碼或將游碼向右移動 D、將天平右盤中砝碼減少
11、如果航天英雄楊利偉把3千克銅塊帶到太空中,下列說法正確的是…………………( )
A、位置變了,銅塊的質量變小 B、位置變了,銅塊的質量不變
C、溫度和位置變了,銅塊的質量變大 D、銅塊的形狀、狀態不變,質量變小
12、木尺受潮後膨脹,用它來測量物體的長度,測量結果會…………………………( )
A.偏大 B.偏小 C.不受影響 D.難確定
13、在使用溫度計測液體溫度,以下做法中不正確的是………………………………( )
14、對質量的理解 ,下面說法錯誤的是 ( ) A、質量表示物體所含的物質的多少 B、質量是由物體本身決定的
C、物體的質量與形狀、溫度、位置等無關 D、物體的質量就是物體重量
15、 某同學用刻度尺量出一本書的厚度為1.30厘米,這本書共有260頁。則每張紙的厚度是 ( )
A.0.05毫米 B.0.005厘米 C.0.1 D.0.1毫米
16、若游碼沒有放在零刻度線處,就調節天平平衡,用這樣的天平測量物體的質量,所得到的結果比物體的實際質量 ( )
A.偏大 B.偏小 C.相等 D.無法判斷
17、下面關於時間的說法,錯誤的是……………………………………………………( )
A.心跳一次約需1秒 B.上午第一節課8:00開始
C.課間休息10分鍾 D.一位同學跑1000米的成績為15秒
18、測量不規則的石蠟塊的體積時,不需要的是 ( )
A.細鐵絲 B.量筒 C.刻度尺 D.水
19、體溫計的水銀面指在38℃上,某同學在未甩的情況下,分別量出生病同學的體溫,測得結果第一次為38.5℃,第二次為39.5℃,第三次為39℃,則下列說法正確的是( )
A.只有第一次正確 B.只有第三次不正確
C.只有第三次正確 D.第三次肯定正確,第一、二也可能正確
20、比較溫度計和體溫計,相同的是……………………………………………………( )
A.量程 B.准確程度 C.構造 D.原理
二、 填空題(每格1分,共35分)
1、在實驗室中,測量長度的基本工具是 ,常用 測質量。
2、在觀察雞蛋放在溶液里的實驗時,我們看到:把雞蛋放入盛有清水的燒杯里,雞蛋便會 ,在燒杯里邊攪拌邊放入鹽,雞蛋會 ,最後 。
3、物體的 稱為溫度,溫度計是利用水銀、酒精等液體的 原理製成的。
南方夏天最高氣溫高達37℃,讀作 ,北方冬天最冷有零下40攝氏度,記作 。
4、實驗室里常用來計時的停表有 和 兩種。
5、如圖1所示,木塊的長度是 ,若改用最小刻度是厘米的刻度尺測量同一木塊的長度,測量結果應是 。
6、對放在水平桌面上的托盤天平進行調節時,發現指針指在分度盤中央的左側,這時應將橫樑上的平衡螺母向 調節(填:「左」或「右」)。
用調節後的天平測某物體的質量,所用砝碼和游碼的位置如圖2所求,那麼該物體的質量是 克。
7、如圖3所示,這塊碎石的體積是 厘米3。
8、3.24毫米= 米,一位同學說他的身高是165,這樣說對嗎? ,他的身高是 。
(1) 甲同學跳高成績為 110 = 米
(2) 乙同學1000米成績為 4 13 ,等於 秒
(3)丙同學扔4 的鉛球,成績為8.50
10、圖4中所示的溫度 讀作 。
11、下列儀器中,用來加熱的是 ,取用少量固體葯品的是 ,滴加少量液體的是 ,用作少量物體反應的容器的是 ,常用來攪拌的是 (1)燒杯 (2)滴管 (3)酒精燈 (4)玻璃棒 (5)葯匙 (6)試管
1、 一個工人在油漆面積為12平方米的地板,用去油漆6升,則地板上油漆的平均厚度是多少?
2. 七年級上冊英語第二單元測試答案
3. 七年級下冊英語1至2單元測試題
4. 初一英語(原創新課堂)二單元檢測題答案
5. 冀教版英語七年級上冊第一、二單元測試題
6. 七年級英語一二單元試卷
Ⅰ選出你聽到的單詞填在括弧內。( 5 分 )
( ) 1 A meet B nice C you D old
( ) 2 A student B teacher C doctor D father
( ) 3 A in B at C on D at
( ) 4 A Shanghai B School C Beijing D Wuhan
( ) 5 A can B is C are D am
Ⅱ根據內容選出你聽到的答案。( 5 分 )
( ) 1 A thank you B yes C I;m D Hello
( ) 2 A teacher B 13 years old C they are D no
( ) 3 A I』m fine ,thanks B OK C I can D please
( ) 4 A fine B yes C nice D bye bye
( ) 5 A good B sorry C Lingling D book
Ⅰ、用系動詞be ( am/is/are)的適當形式填空:(10分)
1. __ you a student?
Yes, I
2 ___How__ your mother?
—She __fine,thank you.
3. 一What ____her name? -
----Her name_ Maria.
4. Lingling Wang Hui and Darning my good friends.
5. Where _ _ you from?
6. Becky (not) in Class 3.She』s in Class 1.
7. your father from New York?
( ) 1.What』s your name?一——
A.Fine,thank you B.My name is Tony C.I』m ten D.Your name is Betty
( ) 2 Sit down,please. 。
A.Sit down,please B.Hello C. Thank you D.Stand up
( ) 3 Is she Mary? . she ..
A.Yes,isn't B.No,am not C.Yes,am D.NO,isn』t
( ) 4.一一一are you from?_。I』in from Shanghai.
A.Who B.What C.How D Where
( ) 5 Are in Class 3 ? Yes,I am.
A.I B.he C.she D.you
( ) 6 what』s her ? ------------ Lingling.
A.name B.class C. Hmber D.school
( ) 7 How old are you? I』m ——.
A.twelve B.Darning C.in Class One D.a student
( ) 8 .一What are those?一 flowers.
A.That is B.These are C.They』re D.It』s
( ) 9.Can you a bike ? No,I 。
A.ride,can't B.play,can't C.sit,can't D.ride,can
( )10.一Our friends can very well.
A.play a basketball, B.play the table tennis C.play an basketball, D.play the piano,
( )11一What your father? He』s a 。
A.are。worker B.am,manager C.is,teacher D.is,factory
( )12.一Kard is from America. So he speak English.
一Betty is from America,too,but she speak Chinese.
A.can,can't B.can』t,can,t C.can,can D.can』t,can
( )13.Little Jean is a boy.
A.five year B.five-year-old C.five years old D.five-years
( )14. you play the piano? --Yes,I .
A.Am,can B.Can,can C.Is,can D.Can,can't
( )15 are good friends.
A You and me B You and I C I and you D I and him
Ⅲ 補全對話:(15分)
A:Good morning,Miss Jiang.
B:Good 2 Mr Zhang .Nice to meet you, too
A: 3 are you ?
B: I』m 4 . 5 . How are you ?
A I』m fine , 6 . Miss Li. This 7 Miss Chen.
B How do you do ?
C 8 do you do ?
B Please sit down.
A ,C 9 10 .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Is that a cat? (作否定回答)
, it_____
2. She is twelve.(對劃線部分提問)
is she?
3. They are in Class 3.(改為一般疑問句)
in Class 3 ?
4. She can play the piano.(改為一般疑問句)
———— ———— play the piano?
5. Darning can play football.(改為否定句)
Darning play football.
6 Can you swim ?( 作肯定回答)
Yes, I .
This is Mr Green』s family(家庭).In his family there are(有) four people(人):Mr Green,Mrs Green.Their(他們的)son Tom and their daughter Alice.
Mr Green is sitting(坐 )in a chair.He is reading (讀) a newspaper(報紙).Mrs Green is sitting at the desk.She is writing a letter(信).Tom is standing(站) near(附近) the window(窗子).He is reading a Story-book(故事書).
Alice is sitting on the floor(地板).She is playing with(和) her(她的) toys(玩具).There』s a cat under(在…下面) the desk.What is the cat doing? It』 s sleeping(睡覺).
根據短文內容選擇正確答案。( 10 分 )
( ) 1.How many people(多少人) are there in Mr Green's family?
A.Seven B.Five C.Four
( ) 2.What is Mr Green doing(做)?
A.He is reading a story—book
B.He is reading a newspaper at a desk.
C.He is reading a newspaper in a chair.
( ) 3.What is Tom doing?
A.Tom is reading a story-book near the window
B.Tom is reading a story-book in a chair near the window.
C.Tom is playing toys with his sister.
( ) 4.What is Alice doing?
A.Alice is playing with her toys on the floor.
B.Alice is writing a letter. 』
C.Alice is standing near the window.
( ) 5.What is Tom』s mother(媽媽) doing ?
A.In the car.
B.Tom』s mother is writing a letter(信).
C.Tom』s mother is writing a letter near the door.
I』m Miss Wang. I'm a teacher at No.2 Middle School(第二中學)。This is Li Lei.He』s Chinese . He is in Class 2,Grade(年級) 1. He』s my student and my son(兒子),too.He』s twelve years old.
That(那個) girl is Jean.She』s American.She』s eleven.And that boy is Jack.He』s English.He』s ten year old.They』re in Li Lei』s class,too.
I』rn their(他們的) Chinese teacher.All (所有) the students and the teachers have(有)two names:an English name and a Chinese name.Li Lei』s English name is Tom.My English name is May.Their English teacher Miss Jin』s English name is Sue. Jean』s and Jack』s Chinese names are Wei Wei and Zhang Li .
( ) l Li Lel is——.
A eleven B.twelve C.ten D.thirteen
( ) 2 Jean』s Chinese name is——.
A.Wei Wei B.Zhang Li C.Liu Ying D.Li Lei
( ) 3 Jack is .
A Chinese B.English C.American D.Japanese
( ) 4.Miss Wang』s English name is .
A May B.Sally C.Jean D.Sue
( ) 5 Miss Wang is——.
A a doctor B.a teacher C.a student D.a boy
1 名字; 年齡;班級; 國家; 2 你的好朋友;來自於… 。 3 英語老師是你的朋友。
聽力略 筆試 第一大題 Are am is is is is are are isn』t Is
第二大題 1—5 BCDDD 6—10AACAD 11—15 CACBB
第三大題 morning How fine thanks too is How Thank you
第四大題 No isn』t How old Are they Can she can』t can
第五大題 A:1—5 CBAAB B:1—5 BABAB
7. 七年級英語下冊1~2單元綜合測試題
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?
. 英漢互譯。1. 交朋友_______ 2. 彈吉他_______ 3. draw a picture _______ 4. play chess______ 5. 說英語________ 6. 美術俱樂部_______ 7. on show________ 8. be good at ______ 9. 參軍________ 10. have a swim ______ 11. play the piano 12.an e-mail address
13打籃球_______________ 14 做運動_____________15彈鋼琴______________ 16 拉小提琴_____________17在周末____________ 18說英語________________19加入象棋俱樂部______________ 20善於________ _21在某方面幫助某人
二、重點句子講解1.Can you play the guitar?你會彈吉他嗎?點撥1:can是 動詞,它的意思是
,表示某人具有做某事的能力,情態動詞後必須用動詞 ,情態動詞can沒有人稱和數的變化。它的否定句是在can的後面直接加 ,也可以縮寫為
。它的一般疑問句是把can放在句子的開頭並且大寫。【考例1】我的弟弟鋼琴彈得非常好。 【考例2】我的爸爸不能說日語。 【考例3】你能唱一些流行歌嗎? 點撥2:play和表示球類的名詞連用
用冠詞;但是和表示樂器的名詞連用的時候 用冠詞。(填需要/不需要)【考例4】打籃球 ; 彈鋼琴 。【考例5】My little sister _____ now, but she _____ some English
songs.A. can』t swim; can singB. can』t to swim; can sings C. can swims; can』t singsD. can』t swimming; can singing【考例6】Lily is ______ active girl and she is fond of playing
______ volleyball. A. an; a B. a; the C. an; / D. a; / 【2011江蘇宿遷】2. - What club do you want to join? - I want to join the art club.你想加入什麼俱樂部?我想加入藝術俱樂部。點撥1:句型What+名詞+一般疑問句?可以提問人物的身份、姓名、內容、性質和類別,也可以提問事物的目的、價格、數量和效果。【考例1】1.你在幾班? 2.你的自行車是什麼顏色的? 點撥2:動詞join是 的意思,它表示加入某個組織並成為其中的一個成員。【考例2】 -____
size do you want to buy? -I want size 26.A. HowB. How muchC. WhatD.
What』s【考例3】— ____ club do you want to ____? — Sports club.A. What; have B. What』s; join C. What; join D. What』s; have3. -Can you speak English?-Yes, I can. But only a little.你會說英語嗎?是的,我會。不過會一點。點撥1:本句子是含有情態動詞can的一般疑問句,它的肯定回答是 . 否定回答是
. 點撥2:only a little的意思是「僅僅一點」,表示肯定的意思,little是表示否定的意思,它的意思是「很少、幾乎沒有」。little和a little的後面修飾不可數名詞。【考例1】—Can Mr. Black ____ Chinese?— Yes, but only a little.A. know B. knowsC. knowingD. knew【考例2】There is ___ meat in the fridge, please go and buy some
quickly.A. littleB. a little C. few D. a few4. Tom can play the guitar but he
can』t play it well.湯姆會彈吉他,但是彈得不太好。點撥:情態動詞沒有人稱和數的變化,不論什麼人稱代詞,不論單數還是復數形式,情態動詞can不作任何變化。情態動詞的否定形式是在情態動詞的後面直接加 ,也可以用縮寫形式 。well在本句子中是 詞,來修飾動詞play。另外well還可以是 詞,它表示身體健康狀況好。【考例】-Can you speak English _____? -Sorry, I can』t.A. goodB. niceC. fineD. well5. Can you help kids with swimming?你能幫助小孩子學習游泳嗎?點撥:動詞短語「help sb
with sth」的意思是 ,相當於動詞短語help sb(to)do sth。【考例】Don』t worry. I can help you _____ your
homework.A. toB. withC. forD. on6. What can you do? Come and show
us!你能做什麼?快來給我們展示一下。點撥1:這是含有情態動詞的特殊疑問句,它是由特殊疑問詞+can+一般疑問句構成。點撥2:Come and show us.是祈使句。英語中的祈使句通常用來表示請求、建議或者命令的語氣,一般是以動詞原形開頭的句子。它的肯定句是:動詞原形+其他。例如:Look at
the blackboard. 看黑板。它的否定形式是Don』t+動詞原形+其他。例如:Don』t sing in the class. 不要在班上唱歌。【考例】Look at the blackboard, please. _____ out
of the window.A. Doesn』t lookB. Don』t lookC. Not lookD. Don』t looking7. We want two good musicians for
our rock band.我們搖滾樂隊想要兩名音樂家。點撥:句子中的單詞musician是 詞,它的意思是
,它是有名詞music後綴-ian變化來的。它是可數名詞,它的復數形式是 。介詞for在本句子的意思是「為了」,表示 。【考例】We usually have some cakes _____ little
kids.A. onB. to C. for D. at8. Are you good with kids?你和孩子們相處的好嗎?點撥:good在此處意為「仁慈的,和善的,樂於助人的」, be good with意思是
。拓展: 和good 相關的其他片語1)be good at 2)be good to 3)be good for 【考例】—I think drinking milk is good ______ our
health.— Yes, I agree with
you.A. for B. to C. with D. at9. May I know your name?我可以知道你的名字嗎?點撥:May I know your
name?= What』s your name? 但前者是一種更為禮貌的表達,比前者要委婉。「May I
…?」或者「Can I…?」表示客氣禮貌的請求或者徵求意見和許可。後面都接動詞原形。【考例】—____ I use your ruler, Lingling?— Sure, here you are.A. May B. WouldC. NeedD. Must10. Thanks a lot.多謝。點撥:a lot 【考例】I know _____ about him. He is new here.A. a lotB. a little C. little D. lots of三、語法:情態動詞can的用法1.can是情態動詞,它表示某人具有做某事的能力,它的意思是「能、會」。本單元學習的can就是這種用法,它的陳述句是:主語+can+動詞原形+其他。它的否定句是:主語+can +not+動詞原形+其他。它的一般疑問句是:Can+主語+動詞原形+其他?它的特殊疑問句是:特殊疑問詞+can+主語+動詞原形+其他?2. can沒有人稱和數的變化,即不論什麼人稱代詞作主語,也不論主語是單數還是復數形式,can都不需變化。3. 情態動詞can不能單獨作句子的謂語,必須和動詞原形一起構成句子的謂語。4. can除了表示「能、會」之外,還可以表示「允許、許可」的意思。有時候用could比can語氣更加委婉、客氣。語法鞏固1. My
aunt ____ French as well as Chinese.A. can speaksB. can speakC. can』t speaksD. can』t to speak2.-_______ I have your name please? - Yes, Michael. M-I-C-H-A-E-L.A. MustB. WillC. May D. Need3.-Can you play the computer game? -Yes, I ____.A. mustB. needC. mayD. can4.___ call me MiMi! It』s my cat』s name.A. NotB. Can』tC. Doesn』tD. Don』t5. — Can
you play the volleyball? —
Sorry, I ______.A. can』t B. don』t C. isn』t D. aren』t6. —
______ can he do? — He can ______ Chinese Kung fu.A. How; play B. What; do C. Where; see D. What; to do7.— Can you play the guitar? — No, I ______ , but I ______ the violin.A. can; can B. can』t; can』t C. can』t ; can D. can; can』t8. Susan
is good at English and she ___ sing English songs.A. need B. may C. can9.— __ you swim?— Yes, but I』m not a good
swimmer.A. Can B. MayC. Need D. Must10. —
_______ you help me with my English?— My pleasure.A. MustB. May C. Can D. need11. Can you ________ English? A.
speak B. talk C. say D. tell12. Can he __________ basketball?
A. play B. plays C. playing D. /13. My brother wants ________ the
chess club. A. join B. to join C. joins D.join to14. Mary can play the
chess________ she can't swim. A. and B.
or C. but D. so15. 1. Can you play ________ piano? A. a B. the C. an D. /16.---- Can you play the guitar__________?----Yes,I can. A. good B. bad C. nice D. well17. I like________ talk and play
games my friends. A. /; to B.
to ; with C. to;to D./;
with18. Please________Miss Zhang 622-2134. A. call; at B. to ; at C.meet;to
at19.---- Can you_______? --- Yes,I can. A. speak stories B.speak storys C. tell stories D. tell storys20. My
sister can _____ very well, so she wants to join the______ club.A. swim; swimmingB. swims; swimmingC. swim; swimsD swims; swim21. I want
_________join the art club. A. at B. or C. to D. in22. We
want _________ two good musicians for our club. A. to B. or C.
in D. /23.
Please call me ____________365-8956. A. to B. at C. in D.on 24. If (如果) you want to sing well, you can join
the ________________. A. English club B. art club C.
music club D. chess club 25. He
can sing ___________ he can't dance. A. and B.or C. but D . on26. Please
help us_________ the homework. A. on B. at C.withD. in27. Mary
paints well.She want to join the_________ club.
A.English B. music C. art D. sports28.Can
you____________? A. play the basketball B.play the chess C.play piano D.play volleyball 29. ----Can
you play the violin? ----No,I .A. can B. can』t C. am not D. don』t 30. Do
you like___________ ? A. dance B.danceing
C. to dance D . danced31. My
little sister _____ now, but she _____ some English songs.A. can』t
swim; can singB. can』t to swim;
can singsC. can swims; can』t
singsD. can』t swimming;
can singing32. -______ club do you want to ______? -Sports club.A. What; have B. What』s; join C. What; join D. What』s; have33.
There is ______ meat in the fridge, please go and buy some quickly.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few34. -Can you speak English _____? -Sorry, I can』t.A. goodB. niceC. fineD. well35.
Don』t worry. I can help you _____ your homework.A. toB. withC. forD. on36. -I think drinking milk is good ______ our
health.-Yes, I agree with
you.A. for B. to C. with D. at37. -____ I use your ruler, Lingling? -Sure, here you are.A. MayB. Would C.
NeedD. Must38. -can we play football in the street?-No, you _____. It』s dangerous.A. can B. mustn』t C. may D. may not39. We
need someone for our band. Can you play ______ piano very well?A. a B. anC. theD. /40. Can
you _____ French very well? We need a man to teach the boys French.A. speakingB. speak C. sayD. talk41. My
sister ____ to join the music club.A. don』t wantB. don』t wantsC. doesn』t wantD. doesn』t wants42. -What _____ you _____ in the picture?-A bird.A. can; seeB. can; look C. are; see D. are; look綜合能力測驗1. 根據句意、首字母或漢語提示,寫出正確的單詞。1. -Can you s______ French? -Yes, I can.2. I
c______ go to your birthday party. My parents ask me to see my grandparents.3.
He likes to play the basketball. So he wants to j_____ the basketball club.4.
Can you s______ your family photo to me?5.
Please come to Students』 Sports C______.2. 用括弧內所給單詞的適當形式填空。1.
Welcome you to join our ______ (swim) club.2.
He is a very______ player and he can play soccer very ______ (good).3.
My sister likes singing and ______ (dance).4.
She likes music very much, so she is good at ______ (sing).5.
Jack』s father and mother are _______ (music).6.
Can you ______ (show) me your picture?7.
Our teacher ______ (be) good at singing.8.
He is my favorite basketball ______ (play).3. 完成英語句子。1. 我想加入游泳俱樂部。I want ______ ______ swimming
club.2. 約翰會敲鼓。John can______ the ______.3. 瑪麗經常幫我學歷史。Mary often
______ me _____ my history.4. 你想參加什麼俱樂部?______ ______
do you want ______ _____?5. 你會唱歌或跳舞嗎?Can you ______ ______ ______?5. 完形填空。Mike and Gina___1___sister and brother.
They like music very much. Gina can play the piano very well but she___2___play
the violin. Mike can』t play the piano, but he___3___play the violin very well.
Today they___4___to carry (搬運) a
piano to___5___bedroom.___6___piano is heavy. They
can』t___7___it.___8___parents aren』t at home. They can』t help them to carry the
piano. But they___9___a cousin brother Dave. He is here today. So they ask Dave
).1 A. is B. am C. are D. be(
).2. A. can B. can』t C.
doesn』t D. does ( ).3. A. can B. can』t C.
doesn』t D. does(
).4. A. like B. want C. can D. take(
).5. A. Gina B. her C.
Gina』s D. hers(
).6. A. The B. A C. / D. An ( ).7. A. take B.
carry C. help D. bring( ).8. A. Gina』s and Mike B. Gina and Mike』s C.
Gina』s and Mike』s D.
They』s( ).9. A. have B. like C. want D. there
).10. A. come B. go C. join
D. join in6. 閱讀理解。 AMrs. Brown goes to see her son in London. Her son works in a
music club there. Mrs. Browndoesn』t
know London
very well. And she can』t find her way.She sees a man at a bus stop. She wants to
ask the man the way. 「Excuse me! But can you help me please? Which bus goes to
Miller』s shop?」 Mrs. Brown asks.The man is very friendly. He smile. But he
can』t speak English. He can speak French.He is
new in London.
He puts his hands in his coat and takes out a small book. He opens it and reads
something on it.「I am sorry, I can』t speak English.」1. Mrs.
Brown goes to ______ in London.A. work in a club B. find the way C. see her son D. ask the man2. Mrs.
Brown』s son works in _______.A. a big school B. Miller』s shop C. a music clubD. a bus stop3.
What』s the bus stop in Chinese?A. 車庫 B. 加油站 C. 交通燈D. 車站4. Mrs.
Brown can』t find her way because ___________.A. she is old B. She is new in LondonC. she doesn』t know London very well D. she can』t see5. Which
of the following is right?A. The
man at the bus stop is an Englishman.B. The man can』t help Mrs. Brown.C. Mrs.
Brown can』t speak English. D. Mrs.
Brown borrows(借) the book from theman.