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發布時間: 2021-02-27 18:10:39

『壹』 工作會議流程安排 英文版

meeting / conference agenda

『貳』 幫忙寫一下,關於會議議程的英語作文










Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference of the tenth session of the Fourth National Committee of the agenda

(through March 3, 2006 Tenth CPPCC National Committee Fourth Conference)

First, listen to and report on the work of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC

Two, listen and report to the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee on since the three meeting of the ten CPPCC proposal working conditions

Three, to attend the tenth session of the National People's Congress fourth conference, hear and discuss the government work report and other related reports, discussion of the national economic and social development in the Eleventh Five Year Plan Outline draft

Four, for consideration by the Tenth CPPCC National Committee of the fourth meeting of the political resolution

Five, for consideration by the Tenth CPPCC National Committee of the fourth meeting of the Standing Committee work report resolution

Six, for consideration by the Tenth CPPCC National Committee Fourth Conference on since the three meeting of the ten CPPCC proposal work report resolution

Seven, for consideration by the report of the Tenth CPPCC National Committee on the four meeting of the proposal Committee of the ten CPPCC proposals to review the situation

『叄』 會議的議事日程英語作文

我的中國夢1 每一個民族都有一個傳奇,每一個人都有一個屬於自己祖國的夢。我是中國人,我的中國夢——實現中華民族的偉大復興。盡管說我的夢想有點誇張,有點...

『肆』 高職商務英語作文會議日程安排怎麼寫

Oct. 23
I. Opening ceremony
1, Time: 8: 30-9: 30
2. Location: Academic Hall
3, Moderator: Associate Dean
4, agenda
8: 30-8: 35, the beginning of the process before the introction, meeting
8: 35-8: 45, President of the Conference Opening Remarks
8: 45-8: 55, the provincial leadership speech
8: 55-9: 05, Vice Chancellor of the University speech
9: 05-9: 15, Economics and Management, University of Party Secretary Speech
9: 15-9: 25, a university professor Speech
9: 25-9: 30, read a congratulatory letter
9: 30-10: 00, meeting the photo and refreshments
Second, the conference theme of an academic report
1, Time: 10: 00-11: 30
2. Location: Academic Hall
3, Moderator: director of the University of Management and Economics,
4, agenda:
10: 00-10: 30 Prof. academic report
10: 30-11: 00 France Rouen Business School vice principal academic report
11: 00-11: 30 University professor academic report
Third, Luncheon
1, Time: 12: 00-13: 40
2. Location: the second floor banquet hall
Fourth, the symposium
14: 00-15: 30 Group Special Report
A1: Complexity Science Management (A421)
A2: social system complexity (A321)
A3: economic system complexity (A511)
A4: Management System Complexity A (B338)
A5: Complexity Management System B (B430)
15: 30-15: 50 Coffee Break
15: 50-17: 20 Group Special Report
B1: Complexity Science Management (A421)
B2: the social system complexity (A321)
B3: economic system complexity (A511)
B4: Management System Complexity A (B338)
B5: Management System Complexity B (B430)
Fifth, buffet dinner
1, Time: 18: 00-19: 30
2. Location: The hotel is on the first floor cafeteria

Oct. 24
Six special reports:
1. Moderator: International Software College Dean
8: 30-8: 45 "complex scientific management" Taskforce report
8: 45-9: 00 "social system complexity" Taskforce report
"Complex economic system," the Taskforce report 15: 9: 00-9
9: 15-9: 30 "Management System Complexity A" Taskforce report
9: 30-9: 45, "Managing System complexity B" Taskforce report
9: 45-10: 00 Coffee Break
Seven conference theme academic report
1, Time: 10: 00-11: 30
2. Location: Academic Hall
3, Moderator: Dean of School of Management
4, agenda:
10: 00-10: 30 Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Professor academic report
10: 30-11: 00 City University of Hong Kong, Professor academic report
11: 00-11: 30 University of Toronto professor academic report
Eight, meeting summary and closing session
1, Time: 11: 30--12: 00
2. Location: Academic Hall
3, Host: University of Economics and Management party secretary
4, agenda:
11: 30-11: 40, President of the Conference concluding remarks
11: 40-11: 50, the international secretary of the University School of Software Speech
11: 50-12: 00, Professor of Economics and Management, University of word of thanks
12:00 Closing Conference
Nine, buffet lunch
1, Time: 12: 00--13: 00
2. Location: The hotel is on the first floor cafeteria

『伍』 大一日程會議英語作文需要多少字

Meeting Notice
To:All Managers,
Our Sunflower will hold a meeting on September 23,2009.All the managers have to attend at that time .Our meeting will be held in the beautiful coastal city of Qing for two days.
On the first day morning,we will sum up past experience,to identify shortcomings,and the most important,to discuss the future development.At that time ,we looking forward for all the managers』 wonderful talk.
After the meeting,there will be a small party in the Friendship hotel hall.Everyone could enjoy himself to full.
The next day morning,the main undertaker would organize a visit to the successful foreign-funded enterprises,learning advanced technology from them.
Afternoon,we arranged a tour of the seaside ,sure it will be very nice.
May you have a good time that day!

『陸』 制定會議日程安排英語作文,拜託拜託,感激不盡


『柒』 會議主題\會議議程\會議紀律三個詞英文

Meeting theme(會議主題)
Meeting agenda(會議議程)
Meeting discipline (會議紀律)

『捌』 如何用英語寫會議日程



『玖』 「會議議程「的英語表達


在羅馬元老院之前西塞羅確實就已經在用agenm 來指一個議事日程,而用 agenda 作為復數。 但是在現代英語中item on the agenda 這個短語表達了 agenm 的意義, 同時agenda 作為單數名詞意為「一組或一列項目」, 如:The agenda for the meeting has not yet been set(會議議程尚未確定)。 如果需要用agenda 的復數,應該用 agendas: The agendas of both meetings are exceptionally varied(兩會議議程迥然不同)。

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