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發布時間: 2021-02-27 17:44:51

Ⅰ 寫一篇關於自己最喜愛明星的英語作文(易烊千璽的哦!)


Ⅱ 寫關於tfboys中易烊千璽的英語作文,介紹易烊千璽以及出道時間,反正適合初

his name is 易烊千璽,抄he was 13 years old .he is a star,he is also a member of the combination of tfboys,the combination of the debut of the time is august 6th.he birthday isin november 28th.he likes red.he also liked relax bear.he fans called origami.this is my idol 易烊千璽。he"s very good,isn"t it?

Ⅲ 關於榜樣易烊千璽的英語作文



Everyone has idols. In my heart, Yiyang Qianxi is the goal of my life. Learning from my own idol is a great thing. I remember what I said: take Yibu Qianxi as my idol goal. In my heart, you are the most sensible.

No matter how long, I always remember his birthday, November 28, no one will remember his hardships and failures behind his success.

Yes, some people say that he is still young and has room for hard work. However, no one has ever thought that he is still a student, and that he is a part-time student, singer and actor here.

How much sweat is behind a person? Maybe we are used to seeing the brilliance of waving, and naturally we attribute our achievements to luck and talent. But he didn't know the hard work behind the achievement and the price he paid for it.

His study, his understanding, his modesty, his efforts, his... We all praise him very much, which is exactly what we should learn to strive for.

Qianxi, the teenager I admire the most, how I want to "stir up thousands of people at a glance" like you. In my heart, you are my goal, and you are my example.






易烊千璽,我最敬佩的青少年,我多麼想像你一樣「一 眼撩動千人」,在我心中,你是我的奮斗目標,你是我的榜樣。






增加文采小竅門: 如果說第一、二步是對文章的構思,第三、四步驟則是真正地「寫」了,用詞是否貼切,文法是否正確,句式是否多變,文采是否有生氣,關繫到寫作者的語言功底和水平,但也有些竅門是需要長時間累積的。


Ⅳ 易烊千璽英語作文


Ⅳ 關於介紹易烊千璽的初二英文作文八十詞

his name is 易烊千璽,he was 13 years old .he is a star,he is also a member of the combination of tfboys,the combination of the debut of the time is august 6th.he birthday isin november 28th.he likes red.he also liked relax bear.he fans called origami.this is my idol 易烊千璽。he"s very good,isn"t it?

Ⅵ 一篇關於易烊千璽的介紹的英語作文

易烊千璽,2000年11月28日出生於湖南懷化,中國內地流行男歌手、舞者、演員,華語演唱組合TFBOYS成員。2005年,易烊千璽首登電視熒屏,開始參演各類綜藝節目。2009年,加入「飛炫少年」組合,先後亮相CCTV和全國各大衛視,並接拍多部影視劇、廣告、MV等。2011年底,退出「飛炫少年」組合。2013年1月,易烊千璽發行個人首支單曲《夢想摩天樓》。6月,因舞蹈出眾、多才多藝獲邀加入TF家族。8月6日,與王俊凱、王源以TFBOYS組合形式出道,是組合中年紀最小的成員。Yi Xi smelt one thousand, November 28, 2000 was born in Hunan, Huaihua, mainland Chinese male pop singer, dancer, actor, Chinese vocal group TFBOYS member. In 2005, Yi Xi smelt one thousand the first TV screen, starred in variety shows. In 2009, joined the "Fei Xuanshaonian" combination, and CCTV has appeared in major national TV, and made many movies and television, advertising, MV etc.. By the end of 2011, quit the "Fei Xuanshaonian" combination. In January 2013, Yi Xi smelt one thousand released his first single "dream skyscraper". In June, because of outstanding dance, versatile invited to join the TF family. In August 6th, with Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan in the form of a combination of TFBOYS debut, is the combination of the youngest member.

Ⅶ 寫給易烊千璽的英語作文


Ⅷ 用英語寫一偏篇關於易烊千璽這位歌手的文章

his name is 易烊千璽來,he was 13 years old .he is a star,he is also a member of the combination of tfboys,the combination of the debut of the time is august 6th.he birthday isin november 28th.he likes red.he also liked relax bear.he fans called origami.this is my idol 易烊源千璽。he"s very good,isn"t it?

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