1. 23中英語期中考試試題2013--2014第一學期
How are you?
B: 6 What』s new?
A: 7 Which do you want to hear first?
B: Let』s hear the good news first.
A: Okey. I was just promoted, 8
B: That』s great! Congratulations! And what』s the bad news?
A: I』m going to be transferred to another city, 9
B: That』s too bad. I am sorry to hear that. 10
A: Thanks.
and my family is upset about it.
You have done it ahead of time.
in charge of a bigger department.
Pretty good.
I hope you can work something out.
Don』t worry about it all today.
Well. I have some good news and some bad news.
第三節 語法和詞彙知識(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
11.My hometown has changed so much that I can't ________ it.
A.know B.understand C.recognize D.realize
12.There was a lot of fun at yesterday's party.You ________ come,and what a pity!
A.might have B.should have C.could have D.would have
13.Good use that the villagers have been ________ the water resources has brought them a large income.
A.making of B.putting intoC.taking on D.providing with
14.The child asked his mother go out to play teenis.
A. that he could B. if he could C. whether could he D.that if he could
15.Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up ________I could answer the phone.
A.since B.until C.before D.as
16. In my ________,there is no need to worry about exams.
A.idea B.view C.thought D.information
17.On seeing her new classmate,she ________ and said with a smile,「Glad to meet you.」
A.came up B.made up C.took up D.put up
18.His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone ________ family was poor.
A.of whom B.whomC.of whose D.whose
19.A park will be built ________ those who died in the big natural disaster in the city.
A.in favor of B.in face of C.in honour of D.in search of
20.The lady insisted that the young man _____her wallet and _____to the police station at once.
A.had stolen; be sent B.should steal; sent
C.has stolen; sending D.steal; had been sent
21.I like the second football match ____ was held last week.
A. which B. who C. that D. /
22.Ted told his father he ______ his homework three hours before.
A. finished B. has finished C. was finishing D. had finished
23.—I don』t think he has found a job yet because I saw him at home just yesterday.
A. No problem B. Maybe C. Exactly D. Good idea
24.In China, smokers have to face the reality that ______ people are dying of lung cancer.
A. a great number of B. a great deal of C. a good many of D. the number of
25.This is the first time that we ________a film in the cinema together as a family .
A. see B. had seen C. saw D. have seen
第四節 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)
After the earthquake hit northeast Japan on March 11, 2011,many touching stories that I saw with my own eyes happened around me.
I had to walk home since all the had stopped after the quake.On my way home I __27__ an old Japanese lady at the bakery shop who was giving out free bread,which made my heart . A middle-aged Japanese man was holding a sign that read,「Please use our __29__.」 He was his house for people to go to the restroom.
My friend wanted to 31 others.He stood in the cold with a sign 「If you are okay with a motorcycle,I will you to your house.」 And then I saw him take one gentleman home, all the way to a faraway place!
Then next day I drove to 33 my car with gas.There is a lack of __34__ now and many gasoline stations are either closed or have very __35__ lines. I got __36__,since I was behind 15 cars. Finally,when it was my __37__,the man smiled and said,「__38__ this situation,we are only giving $30 worth gas per person.Is that alright?」「__39__. I'm just glad that we are all able to __40__,」 I said.His smile gave me so much comfort.
I saw a man at the evacuation(疏散)center __41__ when people brought food to him.It was the first time in three days that food was brought to their center. However,after he wiped the tears,his next __42__ surprised me.「I am very __43__ that we are provided with food.But people in the city next to us haven't __44__ any food at all.Please go to that center as well.」 And when hearing that,I realized there is a bright future on the other side of this __45__.
26.A.rescue B.life C.traffic D.business
27.A.missed B.caught C.noticed D.heard
28.A.kind B.hotel C.broken D.warm
29.A.toilet B.soft C.hospital D.house
30.A.selling B.opening C.repairing D.building
31.A.encourage B.change C.save D.help
32.A.drive B.follow C.lead D.send
33.A.start B.fill C.check D.wash
34.A.information B.gas C.food D.salt
35.A.direct B.fine C.long D.thin
36.A.worried B.lucky C.sad D.angry
37.A.time B.turn C.ty D.decision
38.A.Except for B.Together with C.Because of D.Instead of
39.A.Not at all B.Of courseC.No way D.Never mind
40.A.share B.offer C.learn D.choose
41.A.singing B.eatingC.smiling D.crying
42.A.words B.roles C.ways D.promises
43.A.sure B.gratefulC.surprised D.proud
44.A.bought B.wastedC.prepared D.received
45.A.disaster B.chanceC.center D.city
One day a man found a cocoon(繭)of a butterfly in the forest. He sat there for several hours and watched the butterfly. Suddenly a small opening appeared, and the butterfly made its great effort to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no further.
So the man decided to help the butterfly. He cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that the butterfly could come out easily. But to his surprise, the butterfly got a heavy body and very small wings when it came out of the cocoon.
The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that the body would grow smaller at any moment and the wings would become larger and be able to fly. But neither happened. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling(爬)around with a heavy body and small wings. It was never able to fly.
The man was in his kindness, but he did not understand the nature rules. Before the butterfly came out of the cocoon, fluid(流體)from its body must be forced into its wings, and then it would be ready fo陝西省長安一中2013--2014年度高一年級第一學期期中考試試題(英語)
2. 求勵志-文鼎2012-2013學年度第二學期期中聯考 高二英語試卷
3. 洛陽市2014-2015第一學期期中考試高二英語試題及答案a卷和b卷是一樣的嗎
這是一樣 的
4. 江蘇省徐州市2013-2014第一學期高二英語期末試題
2013-2014學年度小學六年級上學期期末考試 小學六年級數學試題 (時間:90分鍾 滿分:100分) 題號 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 總分 得分 一、填空: 1、把2∶0.75化成最簡單的整數比是( ),它的比值是( )。 2、( )∶( )=5 3 2=( )÷10=( )% 3、一段路,甲車5小時行完,乙車4小時行完,那麼乙車的速度比甲車快( )%。 4、把周長為12.56厘米的圓平均分成兩個半圓,每個半圓的周長是( )厘米。 5、比值是0.72的最簡單整數比是( )。 6、20千克比( )千克輕20%。 ( )米比5米長3 1。 7、一項工作,6月1日開工,原定一個月完成,實際施工時,6月25日完成任務,到6月30日超額完成( )%. 8、甲數與乙數的比是7:3,乙數除以甲數的商是( ),甲數占兩數和的( )%. 9、圓周率是( )與( )的比值. 10、甲數的2/3等於乙數的3/4,甲乙兩數的最簡整數比是( )。 11、媽媽存入銀行60000元,定期一年,年利率是2.25%,一年後媽媽從銀行共取回( ) 元。 12、男生30人,女生28人,女生人數是男生人數的( )倍,女生人數與男生人數的比 是( ),男生人數是女生人數的( )倍,男生人數與女生人數的比是( ),男生人數與總人數的比是( ),總人數與女生人數的比是( )。 13、兩個長方形的面積相等,已知這兩個長方形長的比是8:5,它們的寬的比是( )。 14. 兩個正方形邊長的比是3:5,周長的比是( ),面積比是( )。 15. 小明爸爸的月工資是1840元,按照個人具所得稅的有關規定,超過1200元部分,要 按照10%的稅率來繳納的個人所得稅,那麼小明爸爸月工資應繳納所得稅( )元。 二、選擇題:(把正確答案的序號填在括弧里) 1、一個圓和一個正方形的周長相等,他們的面積比較( ) A 正方形的面積大 B 圓的面積大 C 一樣大 2、把20克鹽放入200克水中,鹽和鹽水的比是( ) A、1:10 B、1:11 C、10:1 D、11:1 3、生產同樣多的零件,小張用4小時,小李用了6小時,小李和小張的工效簡比是( )。 A 16 :14 B 2:3 C 3:2 D 14 :16 4、甲數是乙數的2倍,甲比乙多( ) A、50% B、100% C、200% 5、一種鹽水的含鹽率是10%,鹽與水的比是( )。 A、1:10 B、1:11 C、1:9 三、判斷。(正確的在括弧里畫「√」,錯的在括弧里畫「×」。) 1、甲數的 61等於乙數的5 1 ,甲數與乙數的比是6 : 5 ( ) 2、在100克水中放入10克鹽,鹽的重量占鹽水重量的10%。 ( ) 3.如果甲比乙多20%,則乙比甲一定少20%。 ( ) 4、圓的周長是直徑的3.14倍。 ( ) 5、π=3.14 ( ) 四、計算題: 1、求比值 60 : 25 3 : 4 1 1.5小時 : 45分 小學六年級全科目課件教案習題匯總
語文數學英語 小學六年級數學 密 封 線 內 不 得 答 題 2.化簡比 18 : 24 213 : 312 213 噸 : 750千克 85 : 9 5 3、計算下面各題。(能簡算的要簡算)。 (1)43×40%+43×60% (2)85×9 1 ×80% 4、解方程: (1)(65+85)x=20 7 (2)(1-25%)x=36 (3)30% x = 90 (4) x + 20% x = 40 五、動手操作: 1.填表。 2.畫出下列圖形的所有的對稱軸。 4.某次數學測驗中,甲、乙兩班各50名同學的成績如下: 甲班:60分以下有2人,60分以上有4人,70分以上有6人,80分以上有15人,90分以上有23人,其中滿分100分有8人。(60分以上是指包括60分而不包括70分) 乙班:60分以下有5人,60分以上有5人,70分以上有10人,80分以上有19人,90分以上有11人,其中滿分100分有3人。 請畫出統計圖,然後根據統計圖提出至少五個不同類型的問題,並作答。 我提出的問題是: 12.56 61.8 10 3 2直徑/cm 周長/cm面積/cm半徑/cm
5. 高二英語2013一2014年度模塊八第37期答案
6. 高二2012—2013學年度上學期第16期英語輔導報答案
7. 高二英語題
1. with是介詞,其後加動名詞短語。
而you and this boy是動名詞短語becoming friends的邏輯主語,兩者一起稱為動名詞的復合結構。
2. 單獨用過去分詞followed做後置定語時,表明被修飾詞the days和follow為被動關系,意思上不妥:「被跟隨的日子」?
that followed為定語從句,that代指先行詞the days,followed為不及物動詞follow的過去式。
the days that followed的意思是「(跟隨)其後的日子」。
3. 限制性定語從句中,如果先行詞(dictionary)被the same, such, so或as修飾時,則其後定語從句的關系代詞一般選用as.
4. should表示推測,意思是「應該」,把握性較大。
5. add to 增加了
如:His arrival added to our confidence. 他的到來增加了我們的信心。
create意思是「創造,創作; 產生; 封爵,把……封為(貴族)」。
如:This would create a bad impression. 這樣影響不好。
multiply意思是「相乘;增加;繁殖;多樣地; 復合地; 多倍地;並聯地,多路地; 多層的; 多樣的」。
如:Her husband multiplied his demands on her time.