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發布時間: 2021-02-27 10:51:21

A. 寫一位你喜歡的政治家英語作文



Politicians refer to those leaders who have certain political foresight and political ability, hold the leading power of political parties or countries and have a significant impact on the development of social history.


In Chinese, it is a positive noun, which is used for positive affirmation, which is different from the derogatory use of the word "politician". "Politicians" are generally people who engage in or actively engage in politics. They have ideals, can think for the country and the people, and their motives focus on the well-being of the people and the peace and development of the world.


B. 跟政治有關的英語短文

Even reforms that appear to be administrative are actually political
For example, civil service reforms in China aim at making civil servants more proctive, and facilitating the recruitment of civil servants from the private sector
Yet, civil service reforms that trim the size of government departments affect the interests of indivial civil servants, whose iron rice bowls may be broken

C. 跪求 2000字以上的中國政治文章 英文的

Politics in the workplace can get vicious -- and we're not talking about the governmental kind. Rather, office politics, or how power and influence are managed in your company, will be a part of your career whether you choose to participate in them or not.


Don't align yourself too strongly with just one group at the office because they may not hold power forever.


Some workers say they don't want to get caught up in politics at work, but most experts argue that playing the game is crucial to your career success. By not getting involved, you may find your talents ignored, your success limited and you may feel left out of the loop, says Louellen Essex, co-author of "Manager's Desktop Consultant: Just-in-Time Solutions to the Top People Problems That Keep You Up at Night."

有些員工稱他們不願捲入辦公室政治中,但是多數專家認為參與到這場游戲中對你的事業成功至關重要。《經理人辦公桌顧問:讓你夜不能寐的人際問題的及時解決方法》一書作者之一Louellen Essex認為,如果不參與辦公室政治,你的才華可能會被忽略、成功受限,你也會感到被排斥在外。

"Politics get nasty when an employee is out for his or her personal gain alone," Essex says. "Think of playing office politics as a game of strategy through which you are able to get the resources and influence you need to accomplish your goals. Most often those who are diplomatic, respectful and build coalitions with effective people win."


Here are Essex's nine tips to help you win at office politics and still gain other's respect.


1. Observe how things get done in your organization. 觀察事情是怎樣進行的

Ask some key questions: What are the core values and how are they enacted? Are short- or long-term results most valued? How are decisions made? How much risk is tolerated? The answers to these questions should give you a good sense of the culture of your organization.


2. Profile powerful indivials 觀察有權力的個體

Pay attention to their communication style, network of relationships and what types of proposals they say "yes" to most often. Emulate those traits by drawing on the strengths you have.


3. Determine strategic initiatives in the company 決定公司的戰略計劃

Update your skills to be relevant to company initiatives. For example, don't lag behind in technology, quality or customer service approaches that are crucial to you and your company's success.


4. Develop a personal track record as someone who gets results


Style without substance will not gain others' respect, especially in today's organizations that focus on outcome.


5. Don't be afraid to toot your own horn 別忘了「自吹自擂」

If no one knows of your good work, you may lose at the game of office politics -- when you really deserve to win. Let others know what you've accomplished whenever you get the opportunity. If you don't know the fine art of diplomatic bragging, you might get lost in the shuffle of your co-workers.


6. Treat everyone with respect 尊重每個人

Don't show preferential treatment or treat co-workers badly. You never know who someone might be connected to and rude behavior may come back to bite you.


7. Don't align too strongly with one group


While an alliance may be powerful for the moment, new leadership will often oust existing coalitions and surround themselves with a new team. Bridging across factions may be a more effective strategy for long-term success if you intend to stay in your current organization for some time.


8. Learn to communicate persuasively 學習交流口才

Develop an assertive style, backed with solid facts and examples, to focus others' attention on your ideas and proposals. Good politicians can adjust their messages for their audience and are always well-prepared.


9. Be true to yourself. 對自己要坦誠

After analyzing the political landscape in your company, if you decide the game is one you can't play, prepare to move on. It's not typical, but some organizations actually condone -- even promote -- dishonest, ruthless or unethical behavior. The game of office politics in this situation is not one worth winning.

在分析完公司的政治形勢後,如果你決定這是一場不能進行的游戲,那麼就做好辭職准備。 雖然不常見,但有些公司實際上是在寬恕--甚至鼓勵--不誠實、無情的或者非道德的行為。這樣的辦公室政治游戲不值得去贏。

D. 關於政治方面的英語作文四級考試


E. 一篇關於時事政治的英文作文




F. 有關總統政治的英文演講大約150字


我衷心感謝艾奧瓦的公民們。 眾所周知,有人說這一天永遠不會到來。 有人說我們好高騖遠。 有人說人民異見紛呈,悲觀失望,不可能再為了一個共同的目標而眾志成城。 但在這個一月的夜晚,在這個書寫歷史的時刻,你們做到了那些憤世嫉俗的人斷言我們做不到的事。五天後新罕布希爾州的選民也將完成你們的壯舉。在剛剛來到的2008年,美國人民也會完成同樣的壯舉。在學校和教堂,在小市鎮和大城市,你們——民主黨人、共和黨人、無黨派人士——熙熙攘攘地走到一起,自豪地宣稱:我們是一個國家,我們是一個民族;變革的時刻已經到來。你們還說,華盛頓被冷酷、萎縮和憤怒所淹沒,現在是超越這種政治手段、以相加替代分割的時刻,是在紅州和藍州建立變革聯盟的時刻。這是因為我們將以此在11月取勝,我們也將以此面對我們國家面臨的挑戰。 我們選擇希望,拋棄恐懼;我們選擇聯合,拒絕分裂;我們向美利堅高聲宣布變革就在眼前。 你們宣布,政治說客自以為他們的財富和影響力比公眾輿論的威力更大,但是他們並不擁有這個政府。政府是我們的,我們正在把它收回。 人民此刻需要這樣一位總統:他能誠實面對機遇和挑戰;即使跟人民見解不同也會傾聽和了解他們的想法;他不僅要說人民願意聽到的話,更要提供人民需要知道的信息。如果新罕布希爾也給我今晚艾奧瓦給我的機會,我將會是這樣一位總統。 感謝你們。 我會是這樣一位總統:讓每個人都能看上病和看得起病。我在伊利諾斯州就通過民主黨人和共和黨人的攜手合作實現了這一目標。 我會是這樣一位總統:終止所有把工作運往海外的公司的稅收優惠政策,並給美國最值得享受減稅的中產階級減稅。 我會是這樣一位總統:讓農場主、科學家和企業家發揮他們的創造力,使我們國家一勞永逸地擺脫石油的主宰。 最後,我會是這樣一位總統:我要結束伊拉克戰爭並讓我們的士兵回家;我要恢復我們的道德地位;我知道9/11不是騙取選票的借口,而是使美國和世界聯合起來應對21世紀這個世界面臨的共同威脅:恐怖主義和核擴散,全球變暖和貧困,種族屠殺和疾病。 今晚,因為艾奧瓦公民的選擇,我們距離那樣的美國藍圖又近了一步。在此,我特別想感謝選舉的組織者和各個投票站的站長、志願者和我的競選團隊的工作人員。沒有你們就沒有今晚的勝利。 當我站在這里表達謝意時,我想有必要感謝我的至愛,奧巴馬家庭的堅實後盾,競選旅途的殿後者,米歇爾·奧巴馬。 我明白你們不是為了我才這樣做的。你們這樣做,你們這樣做,是因為你們堅信一個美國信念,那就是,無論條件多麼艱難困苦,相信這個國家的人是可以改變它的。 我明白這一點,我明白這一點,是因為雖然我此刻站在這里,我永遠也不會忘記我的行程從芝加哥的街頭開始。我曾經作過你們為我的競選和艾奧瓦所有的競選作過的一切:組織,工作,為了讓人民的生活能夠得到一點點改善而奮斗。 我知道這樣的工作的艱辛,睡眠不足,薪酬低微,大量的自我犧牲,失望常常伴隨著我們。但是偶爾,僅僅是偶爾,也會有象今晚這樣的時刻,在這樣一個夜晚,這樣一個我們數年後想起來會自豪地說那個更好的美國就是從那個時刻開始的夜晚。在這樣的美國,我們實現了我們堅信不移的變革:更多的家庭看得起病;我們的孩子,我的女兒瑪利亞和薩沙和你們的孩子會生活在一個更干凈和更安全的星球上;世界將以不同的眼光來看待美國,而美國將把自己看作一個更少歧見、更多團結的國家。 這一刻是勇往直前的人擊敗了華盛頓總是說戰無不勝的人的時刻。 這一刻是我們拆除長久分裂我們的藩籬,讓不同黨派和不同年齡的人們為了一個共同的目的聯合起來,並給那些從不過問政治的人們一個關心政治的理由的一刻。 這一刻是我們終於擊退恐懼、疑慮和犬儒主義政治的一刻,是我們用國家攜手向上替代政客相互踐踏的政治的一刻。這是我們期待的那一刻。 數年後,遙想往事,你們也許會說,就是這一刻,在這個地方——美國人民記起希望究竟意味這什麼。 幾個月以來,我們因為談論希望而遭到挖苦,甚至嘲弄。 但我們一直認為,希望不是盲目的樂觀主義。希望不是忽視未來的艱巨任務或橫亘在我們前行道路上的障礙。希望不是置身事外或從拚鬥中退縮。希望是我們心中堅守一種東西:它告訴我們,不管遭遇多少艱難險阻,只要有勇氣去爭取,只要願意付出努力和艱辛,更好的東西就會等待我們。 我在一個來自樟泉(Cedar Rapids)的年輕女士的眼中看到了希望:她白天全天在大學上課,晚上加夜班,但卻仍然不能負擔生病的妹妹的醫療費;但她仍相信這個國家會提供她實現夢想的機會。 我從一個來自新罕布希爾州的婦女的聲音中聽到了希望:她告訴我自從她的侄兒奔赴伊拉克戰場她就一直感到氣短;但是她每晚睡覺前都要為侄子的安全回歸祈禱。 希望引領一群殖民者揭竿而起反對一個帝國;希望引領我們偉大的祖先解放了一個大陸,復活了一個民族;希望引領青年男女為了自由圍坐在(不向黑人提供服務)的餐桌旁,引領他們勇敢地面對高壓水龍,穿越(阿拉巴馬州的)塞爾瑪和蒙哥馬利。 希望,希望引領我今天來到這里,——我的父親來自肯亞,母親來自堪薩斯,這樣的故事只可能發生在美利堅合眾國。希望是美利堅民族的基石,希望是我們執著的信仰:我們的命運不是被人寫就,而是要由我們自己寫就,由那些不願意勉強接受這個世界並信心百倍地按照它應該變成的藍圖去改造它的男男女女們寫就。 這就是我們從艾奧瓦開始的開拓,這也是我們要向新罕布希爾州和其他州傳達的信息。我們順利的時候沒有忘記它,失利的時候也沒有忘記它。這個信息可以幫助我們一塊磚一塊磚地、一條街道一條街道地、一隻接一隻布滿老繭的手地去改變這個國家。團結起來,普通人也能鑄就宏圖偉業,因為我們不是紅色的州或藍‍色的州的組合,我們是美利堅合眾州。在此刻,在這次選舉中,我們樂於再次相信。謝謝,艾奧瓦。 Remarks of Senator Barack Obama: Iowa Caucus Night
Des Moines, IA | January 03, 2008
Thank you, Iowa.
You know, they said this day would never come.
They said our sights were set too high.
They said this country was too divided; too disillusioned to ever come together around a common purpose.
But on this January night - at this defining moment in history - you have done what the cynics said we couldn't do. You have done what the state of New Hampshire can do in five days. You have done what America can do in this New Year, 2008. In lines that stretched around schools and churches; in small towns and big cities; you came together as Democrats, Republicans and Independents to stand up and say that we are one nation; we are one people; and our time for change has come.
You said the time has come to move beyond the bitterness and pettiness and anger that's consumed Washington; to end the political strategy that's been all about division and instead make it about addition - to build a coalition for change that stretches through Red States and Blue States. Because that's how we'll win in November, and that's how we'll finally meet the challenges that we face as a nation.
We are choosing hope over fear. We're choosing unity over division, and sending a powerful message that change is coming to America.
You said the time has come to tell the lobbyists who think their money and their influence speak louder than our voices that they don't own this government, we do; and we are here to take it back.
The time has come for a President who will be honest about the choices and the challenges we face; who will listen to you and learn from you even when we disagree; who won't just tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to know. And in New Hampshire, if you give me the same chance that Iowa did tonight, I will be that president for America.
Thank you.
I'll be a President who finally makes health care affordable and available to every single American the same way I expanded health care in Illinois - by--by bringing Democrats and Republicans together to get the job done.
I'll be a President who ends the tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas and put a middle-class tax cut into the pockets of the working Americans who deserve it.
I'll be a President who harnesses the ingenuity of farmers and scientists and entrepreneurs to free this nation from the tyranny of oil once and for all.
And I'll be a President who ends this war in Iraq and finally brings our troops home; who restores our moral standing; who understands that 9/11 is not a way to scare up votes, but a challenge that should unite America and the world against the common threats of the twenty-first century; common threats of terrorism and nuclear weapons; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease.
Tonight, we are one step closer to that vision of America because of what you did here in Iowa. And so I'd especially like to thank the organizers and the precinct captains; the volunteers and the staff who made this all possible.
And while I'm at it, on "thank yous," I think it makes sense for me to thank the love of my life, the rock of the Obama family, the closer on the campaign trail; give it up for Michelle Obama.
I know you didn't do this for me. You did this-you did this because you believed so deeply in the most American of ideas - that in the face of impossible odds, people who love this country can change it.
I know this-I know this because while I may be standing here tonight, I'll never forget that my journey began on the streets of Chicago doing what so many of you have done for this campaign and all the campaigns here in Iowa - organizing, and working, and fighting to make people's lives just a little bit better.
I know how hard it is. It comes with little sleep, little pay, and a lot of sacrifice. There are days of disappointment, but sometimes, just sometimes, there are nights like this - a night-a night that, years from now, when we've made the changes we believe in; when more families can afford to see a doctor; when our children-when Malia and Sasha and your children-inherit a planet that's a little cleaner and safer; when the world sees America differently, and America sees itself as a nation less divided and more united; you'll be able to look back with pride and say that this was the moment when it all began.
This was the moment when the improbable beat what Washington always said was inevitable.
This was the moment when we tore down barriers that have divided us for too long - when we rallied people of all parties and ages to a common cause; when we finally gave Americans who'd never participated in politics a reason to stand up and to do so.
This was the moment when we finally beat back the politics of fear, and doubt, and cynicism; the politics where we tear each other down instead of lifting this country up. This was the moment.
Years from now, you'll look back and you'll say that this was the moment - this was the place - where America remembered what it means to hope.
For many months, we've been teased, even derided for talking about hope.
But we always knew that hope is not blind optimism. It's not ignoring the enormity of the task ahead or the roadblocks that stand in our path. It's not sitting on the sidelines or shirking from a fight. Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it, and to work for it, and to fight for it.
Hope is what I saw in the eyes of the young woman in Cedar Rapids who works the night shift after a full day of college and still can't afford health care for a sister who's ill; a young woman who still believes that this country will give her the chance to live out her dreams.
Hope is what I heard in the voice of the New Hampshire woman who told me that she hasn't been able to breathe since her nephew left for Iraq; who still goes to bed each night praying for his safe return.
Hope is what led a band of colonists to rise up against an empire; what led the greatest of generations to free a continent and heal a nation; what led young women and young men to sit at lunch counters and brave fire hoses and march through Selma and Montgomery for freedom's cause.
Hope-hope-is what led me here today - with a father from Kenya; a mother from Kansas; and a story that could only happen in the United States of America. Hope is the bedrock of this nation; the belief that our destiny will not be written for us, but by us; by all those men and women who are not content to settle for the world as it is; who have the courage to remake the world as it should be.
That is what we started here in Iowa, and that is the message we can now carry to New Hampshire and beyond; the same message we had when we were up and when we were down; the one that can change this country brick by brick, block by block, calloused hand by calloused hand - that together, ordinary people can do extraordinary things; because we are not a collection of Red States and Blue States, we are the United States of America; and at this moment, in this election, we are ready to believe again. Thank you, Iowa.‍

G. 政治資源英語作文80詞

is an iron-general way. In a moment, it apart. "Wow, bamboo shoots,have head many really ah!" And my cousin looked up at the head are "pathfinder" cries the father. When we arrived, his hands had been tied with a big bamboo shoots,head. Can both of us to no avail. I am anxious, hard tohair and think: why we could not shoot it g? I think maybe too, and accidentally, a bad fall, but alsothe blood, stomp my beat their chests shouting: "God, why do you torment me like this, I am also a person, but also Lord of all things, what do not give me wild, but also throw my! "At this time of my great chagrin. Father then told us that: "not as good as you, there may be a harvest."
... ...

H. 有目錄 ,摘要是英文的有關政治的論文

Countermeasures to improve the construction of non - Public Enterprise Group
To strengthen the quality of the ranks of the Communist Youth League
The face of the new era of youth to the mission of the organization, the sense of belonging is not as strong as before the reform, the demand for diversification, the group's activities have been unable to meet their needs and other conditions. It is very important to build the team in the non - public enterprises. Earnestly do a good job in the construction of the group of cadres and the construction of the team members is imperative.
1 to strengthen the construction of the group of cadres of the team building is good or bad depends on whether the leadership team can play an effective role. And "team is good or bad, mainly to see the secretary. Organizations enterprises in the non-public sector of the economy development level and League Secretary of quality is directly related to. However, in non-public enterprises, secretary positions tend to be part-time. They are often busy with their work. Too busy to attend to the mission of the organization of the activities, a lack of understanding of the basic theory of Marxism, the party's basic policy, the route. After the establishment of the competent organization mission team to Enterprise League organization's role into full play, and to carry out a comprehensive system of democratic elections, the election of the positive work of high, ability of the members play the League cadres. On the mechanism of group work to prepare with outstanding League cadres, and the combination of group work and enterprise management, the working group to do, to convince business leaders recognized and the Youth League, to establish the status and prestige of the organization's mission. Group cadres to establish a correct concept of work:
(1) "construction success or failure is the key concept has always been to strengthen the construction of League cadres as the key link to promote the comprehensive development of mass organizations, advocate the construction of high-quality, composite type and regimental cadres group as a demonstration, so that they become the core of the young generation. We in the training and selection of cadres, adhere to the cause of ecation, performance, focus on the essential development of personnel, and strive to promote the work of a good cadre. Should be aware of the "talent selection error is the leadership of dereliction of ty, and bury delay talent is greater fault" to carry out actively in the reform of the personnel system, innovation of cadres working mechanism, for enterprises to find more young and energetic cadres and promote outstanding young more to the fore manufacturing conditions.
(2) "the theoretical quality is the root, the ideological and political consciousness is the key", the main factor of the success or failure of the construction work is the quality of the group cadres. At present, the non-public enterprises league team generally have little Eroyi. That league team in much younger, more new members, political age less. However modern social development has become increasingly complex, increasingly prominent social problem to the enterprise also caused certain impact is bound to increase the group to build the job of the difficulty, in order to better adapt to development in the new period working group built, to League cadres have higher political quality, good professional ethics, must also learn how to use the advanced management method to carry on the management to the enterprise group organization. Let the enterprise group members can closely unite together, so that the people, in order to promote the healthy development of non-public enterprises.
(3) "practical experience is very important, as early as the burden of early success" concept in the fast pace of the times, the corporate mission organizations need to have ideas, experience, the courage to play the young leadership.
Not only burdens early maturity, early to the platform early take-off, for those young League cadres pressure training, quickly mature cadre's political quality, the role of "awesome" can play the young cadres in the mass organization's development. The development potential of League cadres, through into key positions, key work delivered, to experience the hard environment and to deal with the complex situation of exercise, only in the more difficult exercise, can be cultivated in the work, identification of cadres.
2 to strengthen the construction of a group of non - public owned enterprises has a broad base of the number of members, therefore, the focus of the construction of the members of the league is the ecation and management of the members. Strengthen the team building, enhance the overall level of the organization, it needs the advanced nature of the organization, combined with the long-term development of enterprises and the interests of the masses of workers.
In the ecation of the members, through a variety of activities for the members of the in-depth ecation. First, in the "May 4th" youth day, members of the organization and relive the oath of the league, to visit some revolutionary historical photo exhibition and other activities, in order to continue to strengthen the historical responsibility of the members of the Communist Youth League sense. Second, carry out a number of groups of ceremonial activities, such as "Komsomolets demonstrative hillock" and other ecational practice, thus shaping the image of the members of the organization of non-public enterprises group. Third, to carry out a wide range of create "Komsomolets vanward hillock", correctly guide the young workers from their own posts of, play the role of a benchmark in enterprise proction and management activities. The fourth in the League organization of the non-public enterprises to carry out some members assessment activities, actively promote the young workers in the proction of the enterprise innovation, reform play its e role, constantly improve the mass appeal to young workers.
In the management of the members, but also to increase the management of the non-public enterprise group organization. First, in the non state owned enterprises to implement member registration card system, so that young workers can feel the members brought their own sense of mission and sense of responsibility. Second, with the help of enterprise website building group organization column, to allow employees to browse through the network to the enterprise group of the organization work, but can also use the network platform for members to send some organizations learning materials. Third, for the strong liquidity of non-public enterprises group of the organization need for members of management innovation, through emails, text messages, twitter, the micro channel, QQ group a variety of new media means, do group organization "care" members of the growth.
In the setting of organization, the floating member is relatively concentrated place of work establish temporary League branch; for the scattered but are closer to the location and the number of members to three or more than three people, the establishment of the joint mission branch; member number is not up to 3 people, the establishment of the group; on a smaller number of members cannot be established League branch, the establishment of floating member contact point, take anchored Party branch belong to the grassroots units of the Communist Youth League of the unified leadership management.

I. 求一篇英語作文(和現代政治時事有關)

2010世界盃英語作文The FIFA World Cup (often called Football World Cup, The World Cup, or simply World Cup) is the most important competition in international football (soccer), and the world's most representative team sport event. Organised by Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport's governing body, the World Cup is contested by men's national football teams which are FIFA members.The World Cup is held every four years, but the qualifying rounds of the competition take place over a three-year period, using regional qualifying tournaments. 197 national teams entered the qualification tournaments for the 2006 World Cup. The final tournament phase involves 32 national teams competing over a four-week period in a previously nominated host nation.The World Cup final competition (often called the "Finals"), which has been held every four years since 1930, except in 1942 and 1946 when it was cancelled e to World War II, is the most widely-viewed and followed sporting event in the world. It has a global audience of more than 3 billion people (half the world's population) exceeding even the Olympic Games.Only seven nations have won the World Cup. Brazil is the most successful World Cup team, having won the tournament five times. Germany and Italy follow with three titles each. Argentina and Uruguay have two titles each. Finally, France and England have one title each. 截取一些就行啦!嘿嘿。

J. 關系政治的英語短文200單詞

很簡單。我們學習語文老師教我們,這是半經典,說外語,就是學習外語的詞彙是非常重要的,在這里,我給你具體說說我的一些經驗。我們1:在一個網路中,教你如何多篇為6個月,一個半月點ˉx咼司機,想:也許吧!但是,這絕對是對英語的朋友了良好的基礎。如果你開始英語基礎不好,就只能像我一樣,下到一步一步地。其實,最重要的是學習沒有捷徑去。 - 第2:聽力:


現在,你已經有了一定的聽力基礎。接下來,你可以做一些特別的聽寫,嘗試聽英文站。這個階段是真正打擊你的信心,當^ ^:有很多拼寫錯誤的聽寫,立場聽起來像天書,然後就想:我的水平還是不行啊,5555不過沒關系,其實你已經在進步,但你不察覺到而已。堅持下去,慢慢發現自己的聽寫准確度提高,立場正變得越來越熟悉。當聽寫特殊的感覺簡單,當你可以開始嘗試聽寫比較短的立場。如果你能堅持進行訓練,半年左右,你已經達到六個外語聽力的要求。由於6對聽力的要求不是特別高,可以理解受不了了,你真的會覺得6的聲音真的很慢。

這里要說的是,其實,聽一些CET考試聽力真題前歷年,可以幫助你了解這些問題,熟悉考試模式,所以它肯定是值得的。我聽到的自我,所以沒怎麼聽說過,聽證會的結果總是走不出^ ^







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