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⑴ 關於高三生活的英語作文


⑵ 高三生活英語作文

How time flies!My colorful junior middle school life is coming to an end. I』m glad to tell you something about my school life.
When I was six years old, I started school. Since I became a student, I have been studying very hard. My parents are quite proud of me.
Now, I study at Wucun Middle School, which is not only modern but also beautiful. The teachers in my school are so kind and hardworking that I love them very much. All the teachers regard us students as their own children. Also they are strict with us and strict in their work. I am getting along very well with my classmates. Whenever we have difficulties in our study, we help each other. I have many interests such as dancing, singing, reading books and playing sports, and I especially enjoy basketball, which makes me smarter and helps me learn faster and better. So I』ve improved my life in this way.
My school life is full of happiness and fun. Although we have some new challenges every day, I』ll try my best to meet them.

⑶ 急求!英語作文 高三生活計劃


⑷ 求一篇關於「我的高三生活」的英語作文

Third year of my life

Recently felt really fast time goes by, the ten thousand noisy. For students who are facing the entrance, to justify the play also appears pale. That will make people crazy year.

My mother was admitted to a total nag XX XXX University Middle School lost ten pounds a year, I am surprised that my mom can not lean on two pounds of Beijing University, and my mom are always saying that I slick. In fact, I rarely have time to talk to my mother, in that most of what she was doing in my nagging questions, I tell myself in a noisy environment, do it That is what the title really 牛逼.

Director meeting today, said that some students walk from the cafeteria to the classroom is too slow, and said what time wasted like this, at least let us remember two little words, one day is a little 2 year 730, and that less test How many points na! I was thinking is not that we are open to class he would Lamborghini satisfaction.

As schools add classes, in addition to my time at home not more than three hours sleep a day.

I hate carrying a full bag home every day, do not like eating a thick set of math problems, tired of the pile of black and white of the paper, but I have to finish them, because examination.

Secretly turn on the computer tonight to play a Board listened to three songs of Warcraft, when I was doing these pop up a sense of guilt, so he dove into the sea travel problems.

I never know the sky is not blue, the night wind is gentle and still, I will miss watching a child sitting on the stone steps on the moon is a silver trees shed the night. Those days will not come back eventually, because we have grown up, my mind a lot of real things installed, saddled with more responsibility and pressure, too many people take too many dreams.

Now living is undoubtedly lonely repressed, but never lonely, because there are many, many physical and chemical exercises with me a few English, to which I wasted a lot a lot of passionate youth, the passion of life in the classroom desks dissipated before the bit by bit, the more float with the wind gone farther, and the rest one by one in that persist in the face of insensitive, to my heart longing for that place. To be honest I really could not get the slightest interest in the University, most want to go to Fudan earlier, knowing my ability to a few Fudan Middle School is also not open the door, but as Qian said, we of picking grapes, not only imagine it acid, are also likely to think it is exceptionally sweet. I pray every day now all up in the past, so I can get a good sleep, sleep has been sleeping, sleep end of time Haikushilan, not to worry about the world quiz exams HKCEE exams hurt students, all hell for all exercises papers go.

But no, I would like to learn, to build the motherland.

But what we really do not too much luxury, just want a good sleep, and nothing more. 望採納!

⑸ 英語作文:高三生活

1 How time flies! This is the last year I have been studying at high school and the entrance examination for college is drawing near. Having seen off the summer vacation, I must face up to the new term for the beginning of the Third Grade, senior. Saying goes that a good beginning is half done, so I should pay close attention to the study program for the first two months, September and October. Firstly I should concentrate my attention upon the major subject. Besides, some of my weak points in certain of the subjects should be paid more respects. The most important is that I cannot ignore taking exercises in the least. The next year will be my life turning point. At the end of the next term, I am to graate from school. I want to further myself on XX specialty, and I'm going to register myself for the examination to XX University. Therefor, I must get ready for the target.
How about you? Please let me know in your replay.
Learning must pay attention to methods, and to improve the nature of the purpose of learning is to improve the learning efficiency.
學習效率的高低,是一個學生綜合學習能力的體現。 The level of learning efficiency, is an integrated learning abilities of students reflected. 在學生時代,學習效率的高低主要對學習成績產生影響。 In student learning of high and low efficiency of the main impact on learning achievement. 當一個人進入社會之後,還要在工作中不斷學習新的知識和技能,這時候,一個人學習效率的高低則會影響他(或她)的工作成績,繼而影響他的事業和前途。 When a person to enter the society, but also at work to keep on learning new knowledge and skills, this time, a person's level of learning efficiency will affect his (or her) work performance, then the impact and future of his career. 可見,在中學階段就養成好的學習習慣,擁有較高的學習效率,對人一生的發展都大有益處。 Can be seen in the secondary stage to develop good study habits, learning with higher efficiency, the development of human life are a great benefit.
可以這樣認為,學習效率很高的人,必定是學習成績好的學生(言外之意,學習成績好未必學習效率高)。 Arguably, a high learning efficiency, and must be good academic students (meaning, good academic learning may not be efficient). 因此,對大部分學生而言,提高學習效率就是提高學習成績的直接途徑。 Therefore, the majority of students, enhance the learning efficiency is a direct way to improve academic performance. 提高學習效率並非一朝一夕之事,需要長期的探索和積累。 Improve the learning efficiency is not a overnight thing, the need for long-term exploration and accumulation. 前人的經驗是可以借鑒的,但必須充分結合自己的特點。 Predecessors can learn from the experience, but must be fully integrated feature of its own. 影響學習效率的因素,有學習之內的,但更多的因素在學習之外。 Factors that affect the learning efficiency, learning within, but outside factors in the study. 首先要養成良好的學習習慣,合理利用時間,另外還要注意"專心、用心、恆心"等基本素質的培養,對於自身的優勢、缺陷等更要有深刻的認識。 First of all, to develop good study habits and rational use of time, while we must pay attention to "concentrate, heart, perseverance," the basic quality of the training, for their own advantage, such defects should have a deep understanding. 總之,"世上無難事,只怕有心人。" In short, "there is nothing unachievable if there is." 作息時間是不同人有不同的看法,要想得到一份好的適用自己的作息時間只有自己才可以. Schele is different people have different views, in order to get a good schele applies only its own can. 一般學校的上課時間表還是有一定科學道理的. School timetabling in general have a certain science or reason. 除了上課時間,別的時間就該自己安排了. In addition to class time and other time arranged on their own. 學習有強有弱,有難有易. The strong weak learning, there are hardly easy. 對難的且又是重要的多安排點時間. 且又of difficulty is an important time for many arrangements. 對已經掌握的要更上一層樓,不能因為掌握而對其掉以輕心. Already available to the next level and can not be taken lightly because of its grasp. 在學習過程中最困難的就是睡眠的問題. In the learning process is the most difficult problem of sleep. 很多人晚上睡不著,白天沒精神. Many people can not sleep at night, not the spirit of the day. 還有一個就是在學習的過程中,會因過度的疲倦生病等. Another is in the process of learning, will be sick, such as excessive fatigue. 好的解決方法就是晚上在睡之前做15分鍾的運動. The solution is a good night sleep for 15 minutes before exercise. 給自己規定一定數量的俯卧撐. To itself a certain number of push-ups. 壓腿. 壓腿. 擴胸. 擴胸. 適當的進行3到5分鍾的拳擊. Appropriate for the 3-5 minutes of boxing. 盡量使自己肉體上的疲累. As far as possible on their own tired body. 這樣對入眠有一定的幫助,同時還可以鍛煉身體,防止疾病的發生. This will certainly help with sleep, physical exercise can also prevent diseases. 不要擔心第二起不來,保證會起的很早. Do not worry起不來II, promise to be a long time since. 早上起來就不要再有什麼運動了,擴擴胸就夠了. The morning will not have any movement, the expansion擴胸enough. 課間的時間千萬不要睡覺,一睡就再也不想聽課了. Do not break the time to sleep, I do not want to sleep on the students. 剛開始的時候很難,堅持一周就習慣了. The beginning of difficult to get used to adhere to a week. 還有上課的時候千萬不要因為聽懂了,知道了就不再專心聽課. There are tens of millions of class do not understand, and know not to concentrate on classes. 有些知識就是在熟悉中發現一定的規律的. Some knowledge is found in the familiar with a certain degree of regularity. 認真的聽好沒節課. Careful not to listen to a good lesson.
不要因為到了高三就不給自己玩的時間,比如上網. Not because the three did not give himself time to play, such as the Internet. 可以規定一周上網的時間次數和在哪一天上等. May provide that the number of hours a week online and in class one day. 好點的建議就是一周一次,一次3小時. The proposal is a good point once a week, the first 3 hours. 每周六或者周日. Every Saturday or Sunday. 要是實在是控制不住自己,那就你自己看著辦吧. If it is unable to control themselves, then let your own看著辦.
在學習的過程中,肯定會有很多的打擊,比如認真復習到了測試的時候卻沒有好的結果,很傷心. In the learning process, there will certainly be a lot of combat, such as a serious review of the test results when there is no good, very sad. 這個時候千萬不要氣昧,要相信自己,要保持著當初學習的那沖勁和不到最後不放手的精神. Gas at this time do not ignorant, to believe in yourself and learn to maintain that momentum was not final and does not let go of the spirit. 打擊是在所難免的,但是能經受的100次打擊再一次站起來不變初衷的繼續努力,那成功就是你的了. Combat is inevitable, but are able to withstand the 100 once again to stand up against the same mind to continue its efforts, then success is yours.
要相信自己 To believe that 輕松的度過就是當你回首時感到欣慰. Is easy to spend when you feel happy when looking back. Learning must pay attention to methods, and to improve the nature of the purpose of learning is to improve the learning efficiency. Learning must pay attention to methods, and to improve the nature of the purpose of learning is to improve the learning efficiency.

⑹ 英語作文 我的高三生活 要原創 拜託拜託

Every day that goes over, finally, finally the students who entered the so-called "purgatory", Xue-mei, who yearn for the Tuotuo stage - the third year. I would like to have, the more senior Yes, in addition to review what can not, it more than the well-being. Shu how he is a young Blair, as the math teacher said of the verbal phrase "set aside to see the essence of the phenomenon of" precarious, and this time I was deceived by the phenomenon to. As in his junior high school, middle school is very annoying; on how well the high school, when I used to think was the fact that on the high school, junior high school on time, remember life to death, and even repeating dreams are In the past, also did not expect to actually commit the same mistake in the past, did not progress.

Hated his high school, so why Naozhong, a three-year, the office is actually an unknown place of the small fry, that is not very good results, not too bad, not outstanding performance, but has never done a bad thing. In the early days, Oh, Bukanhuishou past. Mean people too, a little color, but there was almost a "color" (should be "injured"). At that time expressly prohibited in the school Sunday to Internet cafes, I do not know where I had the courage to dare to "crimes against the wind" went. Shuiliao, but groups of teachers came for the "prey", of course, we have a class. Just when I was in a URL and find joy in cases of doubt in the back w hen it saw a familiar figure, saying it gave me the direct religious ties swallowed it, the first reaction is to affirm the end, inevitably Monday seized a public school guide, When they can really ruin and death without a burial. Immediately go back to running a boil over 3 hours writing a long 5 thousand seized the lead character (this is my longest to date, "works"), said his despicable act, so all kinds of bad machine David. Also in the evening to dream, a dream teacher Zhang Xuepentaikou to hit me, scared out in a cold sweat. Originally thought it very brave, the effect is so timid, have not always been afraid of problems at school. The next morning at the Dan Chan scared spent in determining their own have not been found, is still lingering fear. Breath back, God bless ah, but fortunately I have not found that would lead to pay up, otherwise I would not go home to die is you! After this difficult ordeal, it is no longer the brave dare not, will make their own good that this has become mediocre.

Mediocrity is, of course, get mad fan, a

⑺ 以如何度過高三生活為題的英語作文

How time flies! This is the last year I have been studying at high school and the entrance examination for college is drawing near. Having seen off the summer vacation, I must face up to the new term for the beginning of the Third Grade, senior. Saying goes that a good beginning is half done, so I should pay close attention to the study program for the first two months, September and October. Firstly I should concentrate my attention upon the major subject. Besides, some of my weak points in certain of the subjects should be paid more respects. The most important is that I cannot ignore taking exercises in the least. The next year will be my life turning point. At the end of the next term, I am to graate from school. I want to further myself on XX specialty, and I'm going to register myself for the examination to XX University. Therefor, I must get ready for the target.

⑻ 介紹自己高中生活的英語作文


I am very happy to introce myself here.I'm 某某,from 某某地方..i enjoy these 2 months shool life with you guys.The teachers are very kind too.
apparently,I dont like playing football as I am not a tomboy.But i love singing even though i am not so good.
my Einglish is poor.But,i will try my best to study harder.I always remmeber that more practise,better English.
Hope in next 3 years we will have unforgetable school life together,and I enjoy being with everyone here.

⑼ 英語作文關於高三生活的


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