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發布時間: 2021-02-27 06:54:42

Ⅰ 英語學霸,我在這里求一篇作文,不要百度的!

Our school has made a survey about how long middle school students can fix their attention in class ring each period. It came as a shock that only 40% of them were attentive as required, while the rest 60% failed to do so. This was attributed to classroom disturbances, which accounted for 30%. However, sleeplessness is the main reason for students to be easily distracted and also is known to contribute to fatigue and pain, which accounted for 70%. They have a huge impact on students' performances, and thus is high time we took some actions.
First of all, we can work on the classroom. An airier and brighter classroom should not only lighten up the moods but is also good for students' health. Secondly, students should be encouraged to participate in classroom interactions. The more active they are, the less distracted they will be. Thirdly, ring the class break, students should go out of the classroom for some fresh air and stretch themselves. Apart from that, we also recommend relaxing songs to relax their brain and body. At the same time, less homework for after school, if possible. We encourage parents or family members to be involved in increasing the students' attentiveness as well. They can play with the students after school and try to relax them before bed, and try to make sure they sleep well without disturbance or at least remind them of the importance of good sleep. Students are more likely to be open up to their peers or friends, so they can help each other, too.

Ⅱ 求英語學霸賜作文一篇

An English corner will be held from 7 to 9 o'clock on Friday evening at the school meeting room.All the students are welcome to take part in .No food or drink is allowed to bring.Don't leave half way.Don't bring students belonging to other schools.Don'T wear jeans.And don't forget to bring your student' cards.
Students Union

Ⅲ 作文啊啊學霸英語

There are three good ways to learn English well.
I think you should be interested in what you do.If you do this,your brain will be more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.For example,if you like music or sports,you can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English.This way you will not get bored.It is also a good idea to watch English movies.Because you can improve your pronunciation.Also,you can learn about western cultures. You could try to improve your English by reading English books.This way help you to learn a lot of new words and useful espressions .For examples,Harry Rotter is a good choice.
All in all,learn wisely and learn well.

Ⅳ 寫一篇英語作文。。學霸


Ⅳ 英語作文✌️學霸學霸霸主


Ⅵ 我們班的英語學霸作文600字

夏日,熾熱的太陽在碧空如洗的天空中發出強大的力量。樹上的知了嗡嗡鳴叫。空氣中漫遊著熱的足跡,使人不得聲聲叫熱。班級里有三分之二的人拿著小 風扇散熱 ,其餘的同學手拿書一邊扇一邊聽課。唯獨她獨一無二。 烏黑的頭發 里夾著一絲白發,額頭時不時流出黃豆般的汗水,打濕了校服。但她只是用手輕輕地擦了一下汗水,擦完後繼續專心致志的聽課。這位同學就是我們班的遠近聞名的學霸——朱樂怡。從我轉學以來, 她的英語 和數學的成績都是遙遙領先——排名從來都不下於前五名。沒有努力,哪會有成功呢!朱樂怡媽媽說,她寫完作業並沒有像我們撒腿就跑去玩。而是在做關於主科的練習題,做完後還 復習 1——10冊的英語單詞,更讓人驚訝的是她每天還得背默20個單詞。這20個單詞雖然是之前學過的,但學過了那麼久必定也會忘,也就是說每天等於再背陌生的20個單詞哦!而且還要熟。噢不!我想常人是不可能做到的。但她做到了!讓我不禁想起句話——寶劍鋒從磨利出,梅花香出苦寒來。朱樂怡雖然是學霸,但是也不會瞧不起我們這些「學渣」。記得上個學期末,我因家有事不能來拿獎狀和 寒假作業 ,我請她幫忙時,她二話沒說就答應了這事。而且還說到做到了。這就是學霸——我們可愛的「樂毛」。

Ⅶ 英語學霸看過來,作文


Ⅷ 英語作文。。學霸快幫忙

Ⅸ 英語作文,跪求學霸寫

With the quick development of Internet, it might be surely no use for some people(註:如果你想高級點的話可以把people換成otakus,由於這是個新詞不知道老師看不看得懂)to be outdoors but to surf the Internet.As a netizen,usually,it's pleasant to do some chatting ,gaming ,shopping and mainly learning and the followings are my opinions about(說實話這個詞真心不好,但估計這個作文題目應該用這個詞就夠了,不用attitude toward) internet surfing.
Above all, it is time consuming and mostly of no use that being online,according to my experience.Also,when surfing the internet,you are very likely to be provided with
tons of spams and so on,and your operating systems may be brought to a halt by its Trojan Horse contained.
Though it may make you some trouble,the benefit internet surfing bringing can make you too fond of it to part with it.Its volume velocity variety and veracity can entirely show you the charm of the Age of Big Data leaving you unforgetable experiences.
All in all ,What we should do is"Take its essence to its dross" seeing the influnence of inernet correctly and using the Internet wisely

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