『壹』 英語作文:我如何克服學習英語時遇到的困難How I
As we all know that the English teaching just rises in the past several decades,still remaining on the primary stage,therefore,learners always face some problems,such as feeling difficult in remembering the words and making the grammar clear and so on.But how to find the solution to these difficulties?My opinions are as follows. When we have the feeling that some words can not be remembered easily by us,we should stop remembering them by rote,instead,we should make their meaning clear based on the intelligent memory.Besides,when we are confused with the grammar,never be impatient,just repeat reading and understanding it,if it doesn't work,go to the teachers for help.In addition,many students feel their spoken English is so poor that they dare not to speark out,this is quite wrong,for only by bravely practising speaking English can you learn the real and useful one. I believe that more difficulties exist on the way of learning English,however,as long as we make our efforts and try our best to think out the solutions,English is pretty easy to grasp. 我們都知道,英語是在近幾十年興起的,還處於初級階段,所以,英語學習者經常遇到困難,比如說單詞難記,語法難懂等等。但是怎樣解決這些困難呢?以下是我的觀點。當我們感覺一些單詞難於記憶,我們應該停止死記硬背,取而代之的是建立在理解記憶基礎上地弄清他們的意思。還有,當我們對語法感覺到困惑,千萬不要失去耐心,反復地理解他,是在不行,就請教老師。另外,許多學生感覺他們的英語口語十分蹩腳,從而不敢說英語,這是嚴重錯誤的,因為只有勇敢地練習說英語才能學到最真實有用的英語。我相信還有更多困難擺在學習英語的道路上,但是,只要我們努力而盡力地找到解決辦法,英語是十分容易的。自己寫滴,不知道字數夠不夠。
『貳』 一篇關於學英語遇到的困難,如何解決困難的英語作文
『叄』 學習困難寫一篇英語作文
隨手一篇,供參考!採用也行。。。如果你信得過我的話~~ --!
I'm a middle school student,I like English a lot.In order to learn English well,I get up early to recite the words and passages which wriiten in the text book.
However,today ,I met a problem,that is how to use the art.in the difficult situation.
I look up different grammer books so as to find out the answer.
Different grammer books have different views.So I have to ask my English teacher.After the teacher hearing what I said,she help me patiently.At last,I finally find out a way in which I can use the art. in different situation .
『肆』 學英語困難得英語作文
對於英語學習來者,「持之以恆自」是最重要的。要想寫好英語作文,你的做好以下幾點: 1、多閱讀。在閱讀過程中多留意一些詞的用法、句子結構的搭配。然後在自己練筆的過程中試著運用。可能剛開始不太會用,只要你堅持練習,過一段時間就有成效了。 2、多寫。如果你有每天寫英語日記,或者是摘抄一些好的英語句子的好習慣的話,想提高英語作文可就簡單了。在堅持寫英語日記的過程中,有時候腦子一片空白,只會漢語,不會英語。這時你要想著譯成英語,可是在翻譯過程中要切記:遵守英語語言的習慣搭配,不能用漢語思維代替。不過最好,在你基礎油所提高後,盡量用英語思維。 3、多看英語報紙。想21世紀英語報。看報紙能擴充你的詞彙量,也能拓寬你的視野和思維。對寫作很重要。 4、學單詞,查字典。掌握簡單詞的簡單用法以及復雜用法。
『伍』 《學習英語的困難及解決辦法》英語作文
The first obstacle:the limitation of your vocabulary.Solution:Read more books,you needn't try to remember every new words,you will familar with them after you met them thousands of times.
The second obstacle:You may have great difficulty in learning English grammar. Solution:Read more,grammar is nothing after you command a great deal essay.
The third obstacle:You may feel boring while you learning English. Solution:cultivate an interest in English.read/listen/watch some interesting English article.
The fourth obstacle:lack of courage to speak English out.Solution:everyone may afraid of mistakes.I think it's necessary to make this clear to you:mistake is inevitable. Learn through each of your mistakes and never allow the fear of making one hold you back.
The fifth obstacle:you English writing ability is not very good.Solution: write English diary everyday.download a software(if you have PC) to check every word you don't know but should use.
『陸』 如何解決學習上的困難英語作文
As we all know that the English teaching just rises in the past several decades,still remaining on the primary stage,therefore,learners always face some problems,such as feeling difficult in remembering the words and making the grammar clear and so on.But how to find the solution to these difficulties?My opinions are as follows.
When we have the feeling that some words can not be remembered easily by us,we should stop remembering them by rote,instead,we should make their meaning clear based on the intelligent memory.Besides,when we are confused with the grammar,never be impatient,just repeat reading and understanding it,if it doesn't work,go to the teachers for help.In addition,many students feel their spoken English is so poor that they dare not to speark out,this is quite wrong,for only by bravely practising speaking English can you learn the real and useful one.
I believe that more difficulties exist on the way of learning English,however,as long as we make our efforts and try our best to think out the solutions,English is pretty easy to grasp.
『柒』 學習英語的困難 寫英語作文
First, You should make a plan to improve your English. For example, you should listen to the teacher carefully in class. And you should do more English exercises after class. When you have some difficulties, you should ask your teacher or your classmates for help. I think you shouldn't stay up studying English, if so, you will be too sleepy in English class next day to listen to the teacher carefully. You shouldn't only read English passages. I think writing and listening are important as well. I hope you can make progress on the road to studying English.
『捌』 求一篇關於《學習英語困難》的英文作文 80字就好
hard to learn English
a lot of studets have such similar thought that it is hard to learn English.there is no doubt that we are native chinese .we don't have superior conditions to learn English.The study of one language needs not only diligence but also good ways.for instance ,the way to keep the new words in mind ,the way to recite the common phase and make sure you will never forget them.But just remember : have confidence in yourself ,you can make it.