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㈠ 人教版高中英語必修二unit5 reading原文

what do you want....

㈡ 人教版必修二英語第五單元課文內容

㈢ 高中英語人教版必修二第五單元


㈣ 高一英語必修二第五單元人教版35頁答案


㈤ 高二英語必修五UNIT 2 reading課文段落大意

在這四個國家中,英格蘭是最大的。為了方便,它大致可以劃分為三個地區。最靠近法國的那個地區叫做英格蘭南部,中部地區叫英格蘭中部,最靠近蘇格蘭的那個地區叫英格蘭北部。你會發現大部分人口居住在南部,但是大部分工業城市在中部和北部。雖然就全國范圍來說,這些城市都不像中國的城市那樣大,但是它們都有著世界聞名的足球隊,有的城市甚至還有兩個隊!令人遺憾的是這些建於19世紀的工業城市並不能吸引遊客。要找歷史性的建築你得去羅馬人建造的更古老的但是比較小的城鎮。在那兒你能找到更多有關英國歷史和文化的東西。 所有歷史上最偉大的寶庫,是倫敦的museumsart collectionstheatres,公園和建築物。它有最古老的羅馬人所建,港口在第一世紀ADthe最古老的建築由盎格魯撒克遜人開始在1060年代和最古老的城堡constructedby後來在倫敦的諾曼統治者1066.但是已經影響了英國的一些入侵者只。第一個侵略者,羅馬人,離開他們的城鎮和道路。第二,盎格魯撒克遜人,離開了他們的語言和他們的政府。第三,維京人,影響的詞彙和地點,北方的名字,第四,諾曼人,離開城堡和對食物的話。

㈥ 高一英語必修2第五單元的單詞及其翻譯

Unit 5
classical 古典的
roll vt.&vi.滾動;(使)搖晃 n.搖晃;卷;卷形物;麵包圈
orchestra 管弦樂隊
rap 說唱樂
folk 民間的
jazz 爵士樂
choral 合唱隊的
musician 音樂家
dream of 夢見;夢想;設想
pretend 假裝;假扮
to be honest 說實在地;實話說
attach 繫上;附加;連接
attach to 認為有(重要性、意義);附上;連接
form 組成;形成;構成
fame 名聲;名望
passer-by 過路人;行人
earn 賺;掙得;獲得
extra 額外的;外加的
perform 表演;履行;執行
pub 酒館;酒吧
cash 現金
in cash 用現金;有現錢
studio 工作室;演播室
millionaire 百萬富翁;富豪
play jokes on 戲弄
actor 男演員;行動者
rely vi.依賴;依靠
rely on 依賴;依靠
broadcast n.&vi.&vt.廣播;播放
humorous 幽默的;詼諧的
familiar 熟悉的;常見的;親近的
be/get familiar with 熟悉;與…熟悉起來
or so 大約
break up 打碎;分裂;解體
attractive 吸引人的;有吸引力的
addition 加;增加;加法
in addition 另外;也
sort out 分類
excitement 興奮;刺激
ballad n.歌謠;情歌;民謠
overnight adv.在晚上;在夜裡;(口)很快;一夜之間
dip 浸;蘸
lily 百合花
confident 自信的;確信的
brief 簡短的;簡要的 n.摘要;大綱
briefly 簡要地;短暫地
devotion 投入;熱愛
afterwards adv.然後;後來
invitation n.邀請;招待
beard 胡須
sensitive adj.敏感的;易受傷害的;靈敏的
painful adj.痛苦的;疼痛的
above all 最重要;首先

㈦ 英語必修二二單元課文概括


㈧ 高一英語必修二第五單元課文翻譯"THE BAND THAT WASN'T"拜託各位了 3Q

Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or musician? Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan? To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. But just how do people form a band? Many musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play their own music. They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practising their music in someone's house is the first step to fame. Sometimes they may ptey to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash. Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies to become millionaires! However, there was one band that started in a different way. It was called the Monkees and began as a TV show. The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles. The TV organizers had planned to find four musicians who could act as well as sing. They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one who was good enough. They had to use actors for the other three members of the band. As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on other musicians to help them. So ring the broadcasts they just pretended to sing. Anyhow their performances were humorous enough to be copied by other groups. They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them. Each week on TV, the Monkees would play and sing songs written by other musicians. However, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band. Then they proced their own records and started touring and playing their own music. In the USA they became even more popular than the Beatles and sold even more records. The band broke up about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s. They proced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their formal time as a real band. 並非樂隊的樂隊 你曾經想過要成為一個樂隊里有名的歌手或音樂家嗎?你是否曾夢想過在音樂會上面對成千上萬的觀眾演唱,觀眾欣賞你的歌唱為你鼓掌嗎?你唱卡拉OK時是否假裝自己就是像宋祖英或劉歡一樣著名的歌星嗎?說實在的,很多人把名和利看得很重。那麼,人們又是怎樣一起組成樂隊的呢? 許多音樂家聚在一起組成樂隊,是因為他們喜歡自己作曲,演奏自己的音樂。他們開始可能是一組中學生,在某個人家裡排練音樂是成名的第一步。有時他們可能在街上或地鐵里為過路人演奏,這樣他們可以為自己或自己要買的樂器多掙一些錢。後來,他們可能在酒吧或者俱樂部里演出,這樣他們可以得到現金。當然,他們希望在錄音棚里錄音,然後賣掉上百萬張碟,從而成為百萬富翁。 然而,也有一個用不同方式組建起來的樂隊。這支樂隊叫「門基樂隊」,它開始時是以電視節目表演的形式出現的。組成樂隊的音樂人演奏音樂,還彼此打趣都笑。這些玩笑和音樂大多都在模仿「甲殼蟲」樂隊。電視製作人原計劃想尋找四位會唱又會表演的樂手。他們在報紙上登了一則廣告,想招搖滾樂手,但他們只招到一個滿意的。樂隊的其他三人只能用演員來代替。 因為這些演員中有些人唱得不是很好,他們不得不依靠隊里的其他人幫助。所以在演出的時候他們只是假唱。不管怎樣,他們的表演非常幽默以至於其他的樂隊也開始模仿。他們非常走紅使得歌迷們為了更加熟悉他們而成立了俱樂部。門基樂隊每個星期都要在電視上演唱由別的音樂家創作的歌曲。然而,經過大約一年以後,門基樂隊逐漸對自己的工作認真起來,他們開始像一支真正的樂隊那樣演唱自己創作的歌曲。然後他們錄制自己的唱片,並且開始巡迴表演他們自己的音樂。在美國,他們甚至比「甲殼蟲」樂隊還要受歡迎,出售的錄音專輯還要多。「門基樂隊」大約在1970年左右解散,但是令人高興的是,到80年代中期他們再次聚首。在1996年,他們推出了一張新的專輯,像真正的樂隊一樣以此來慶祝他們以往的時光。

㈨ 高中英語必修二知識點

Unit 1

片語: survive

in search of / search for search

be amazed at

be designed for

fancy doing sth

be decorated with

in a fancy style

belong to

in return for

at war at peace

less than

there is no doubt that

I doubt whether….

be worth doing

be worthy of be worth to do / to be done

take apart

in a trial

think highly of think badly / much/ little / ill of

could / might / must/ should /need + have done

such + a/an + adj.+ n.

so + adj. + an/ a + n.

be used to do be used to doing used to do

serve as

agree with 適應

rather than 而不是

what he said what he heard

to tell the truth tell a lie to be honest

nor neither 倒裝

do with deal with

unit 2

片語: compete for / against

take part in

gold medal

stand for stand by

on a basis of

admit doing

as well

as well as 就前原則

replace take the place of take one』s place

in charge in the charge of

bargain with

in pain

one after another one by one year by year

deserve to do

be admitted as

so + much /little

such +little (小)

make a bargain with

ask for

marry get married to be married to

apart from besides

although VS though

unit 3

片語: sum up

solve settle

from.. on

as a result as a result of result in =lead in result from= lie in


anyhow anyway

in a way

with the help of

watch over watch out look out be careful


from then on + 過去時

since + 完成時

as time went by

apply for

be filled with

provide … with

in size

signal to

after all

unit 4

片語: die out die away die off die down

hunt for/ after

in danger of

in relief

respond to

protect …. From

contain VS include

have an effect on

pay attention to doing

appreciate doing

succeed in doing success

do harm to do good to

come into being

according to

so that

intend to do be intended for

unit 5

片語: roll in roll on

pretend to do

be doing

have done

attach to doing

honestly speaking frankly speaking generally speaking

form a habit of

earn one』s living

in cash

play jokes on

rely on

get familiar with

or so

break up break out

in addition to

sort out

in brief

above all


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