『壹』 介紹如何騎馬英語作文
Building a harmonious relationship between you and the horse is very important before your ride.You can get on a horse with the help of a professional guild,then though shifting your body weight and controlling the reins to move around.During that time, try to relex yourself and don't forget that "practise makes perfect!"
『貳』 我要去騎馬的英文是什麼
I'm going to ride a horse
騎馬ride a horse; be on horseback; ride horseback; ride on a horse; equitation
Going out with my friends. We're going to ride, and drink, and swim.
'You do it, Mary,'he said.' I'm going out with my friends. We're going to ride, anddrink, and swim. '
This sounds like a good idea. he thought, I '11 spend a month at Willow Farm. I'llenjoy horse riding, walking and fishing.
『叄』 請問 騎馬 的英文怎麼說
如果是騎馬這項活動/運動,那麼就是 horse riding 或者horseback riding
如果是動詞內的騎馬,那麼容就是 ride a horse。不過這個必須放在一個句子才行。
『肆』 騎馬的英文是什麼
英 ['raɪdɪŋ] 美 ['raɪdɪŋ]
n. 騎馬;騎術
v. 騎;乘坐(ride的現在分詞)
n. (Riding)人名;(英)賴丁
1、bike riding騎單車 ; 騎車 ; 去野營 ; 遠足
2、Riding Star明星騎手 ; 明星騎師 ; 行星競速
3、riding light錨泊燈 ; 錨位燈 ; 停泊燈 ; 錨燈
4、riding lights停泊燈 ; 錨泊燈
5、Riding quality動態舒適 ; 騎乘質量 ; 路面行車質素 ; 運行品質
6、Riding crops馬鞭
7、Riding Hood血紅帽 ; 小紅帽
8、Riding Action坐騎戰斗
9、riding suit騎裝
1、She was unhorsed while riding in the garden.
2、The artist has pictured him as a young man in riding dress.
3、After riding, he sluiced out his horse with water from a hose.
4、They like riding bicycles.
5、She uploads the data she collects while walking and riding her horse near her home in Burnham, Me.
『伍』 有關學騎馬的英語作文 30~40字 急急急急急急急~~!!!!!15分鍾內好的加分~!
My first ride to Yellow Mountain
The yellow mountain is one of the most famous mountains in china . it lies in the south of anhui . every year thousands of chinese and foreigners pay a visit there .
It's not far from here . it takes you about three hours to get there by bus . you can also go there by train or by plane . while you are climbing the mountain , you can enjoy the sea of clouds , wondrous pines and unique rocks around you . in the early morning when the sun rises , the sky looks very beautiful .
It's really a nice place to visit .
『陸』 「騎馬」翻譯成英文怎麼說
ride a horse
『柒』 騎馬英文怎麼說
rode a horse
『捌』 英語作文我喜歡騎馬
My first ride to Yellow Mountain
yellow mountain is one of the most famous mountains in china . it lies in the south of anhui . every year thousands of chinese and foreigners pay a visit there .
It's not far from here . it takes you about three hours to get there by bus . you can also go there by train or by plane . while you are climbing the mountain , you can enjoy the sea of clouds , wondrous pines and unique rocks around you . in the early morning when the sun rises , the sky looks very beautiful .
It's really a nice place to visit .
『玖』 馬術 英文介紹
Equestrian refers to the related skills of riding, driving and training horses over obstacles. Equestrian has the practical use of work and transportation, and also has the meaning of leisure, entertainment and culture. It is a competitive sport and the only competition for men and women in the Olympics.
The equestrian competition requires a jockey and a horse to match the horse's skill, speed, enrance and ability to overcome obstacles. In the Olympic Games, it is divided into dressage, obstacle course and three-day competition, each with group and indivial gold medals. A total of 6 gold medals were proced.
馬在歐洲有貴族的象徵,騎馬對歐洲人而言不但是一種藝術:最高極致、結合了騎師與馬匹之間的 調教,更是一門學問。馬術比賽需要 騎師和馬匹配合默契,考驗馬匹技巧、速度、 耐力和跨越障礙的能力。
馬術是一項紳士運動,這項運動在人與馬的完美配合中傳遞出儒雅。進入比賽場地後,觀眾要將手機關閉或設置振動狀態。如有事,可用簡訊交流,或當比賽告一段落時,走出現場接打電話。應遵守一些比賽場館不允許帶相機入場、不允許使用閃光燈的規定。 凡是運動員有仰視動作、需高度集中注意力等比賽項目,都不得使用閃光燈。
『拾』 騎馬的英文
騎馬 ride a horse