A. 關於消防方面的英文 哪位高人可以幫幫我哇
突發抄火災 = unexpected (sudden) fire
自救搶險 = self rescue
消防襲疏散演習 = evacuation drills (drill exercise)
消防警鈴鳴響 = fire alarm sirens
應急廣播開啟= emergency broadcast
電梯迫降 = fire lifts
消防通道 = fire way
滅火器使用演示活動 demonstrations of the use of extinguisher
B. 學校消防演習,這個英語作文怎麼寫阿求大神幫忙
School fire drill(就是消防演習的意思)
C. 漢譯英 一、消防演習安排 越洋廣場物業管理處已於2010年7月30日(星期五)下午15:00—16:00進行2010年管理
One fire drill arrangement
Park Place Property Management Department has 2010 年 7 月 30 日 (Friday) 15:00-16:00 Management Office for 2010 within the fire drill. Fire evacuation drill in this, the management of synchronization to prevent accumulation of practical experience. Also take this opportunity to further strengthen fire prevention efforts to eliminate fire hazards, effective protection of all tenants of the property, building, personnel safety and to provide a safe, comfortable high-quality environment for all tenants.
Second, visitor services, card issuing system
Visitors to the building for the effective and efficient personnel to control access, management was officially opened in mid-August visitor card system, building, building visitor officers are issuing machine requisitioned by visitors from the visitor card and out of building gates. Please tenants internal promotion, requiring employees with cards, and with registration.
D. 消防演習英文怎麼說如題
Fire drill
ˈfaiə dril
faɪr drɪl
fire drill
E. 消防演習英文怎麼說
Fire drill
F. 英語作文:fire drill
1. The pupils filed out of the room ring the fire drill.在消防演習中,學生們排成縱隊走出房間。dict.cn2. There'll be a fire-drill this morning.今天上午有消防演習. www.kickfilters.com 3. We will hold a fire drill this morning.今天上午我們將進行一次消防演習。qq163s.cn4. We will be holding a fire drill this morning.今天上午我們將進行一次消防演習。qq163s.cn5. All crew reported to station ,carried out fire drill.航海日誌)全體船員在集合地點集合,進行消防演習。 www.zghylm.com 6. The pupils filed out of the room ring the fire drill.在消防演習中,學生們排成縱隊走出房間。 www.liuxiaoling.com 7. The counselors swept the dormitory ring the fire drill.在火災演練期間輔導員徹底搜查了宿舍。360e.com8. Item 6 and 7 on the fire drill instructions do not apply.消防演習指南上的第六和第七項不適用。qq163s.cn9. We will hold a fire drill around 9:30 this Saturday, 12/4/2004.我們將於本周六﹐十二月四日上午九點三十分舉行消防演習。nwcsny.org10. Basic to any business technology plan is a regular fire-drill procere.任何商業科技基本計劃是一個經常滅火演練程序. Back-up routines may be in place, staff may assigned to specific roles, hardware and software may be configured - but, if the user isn't completely sure that everything works the way it should, a data loss event is inevitable.後備套路可到位,員工可分配到特定角色可配置硬體和軟體,但是,如果用戶不完全相信這樣的一切作品,資料流失事件是不可避免的. Having adequate, tested, and current backups in place is critical.擁有充足驗收,並在備份當前的嚴峻. A hardware breakdown should not be compounded by human error - if the malfunctioning drive is critical, the task of dealing with it should go to a data recovery professional.硬體故障不應因人為錯誤-如果失靈驅動至關重要,它的任務處理,應到專業數據恢復. www.nfostor.com 11. On passenger ships,an abandon ship drill and fire drill shall take place weekly.例1:客船每周應舉行1次棄船演習和消防演習。bbs.hcbbs.com12. Every crewmember shall have participated in at least one abandon ship and one fire drill every month.每個船員每月至少參加一次棄船演習和一次救生演習。 www.haishi.org 13. IV) Formulate pre-proposal on fire fighting and emergency evacuation and organize regular fire drill.
G. 一偏關於學校組織消防演習的過程的英語作文
As a student ,I know some traffic rules.For example,we must drive on the right .No matter how hurry we are,we must obey traffic rules.That means we can not across the road whenever we want.We must not use bike to carry one.
H. 消防演習 通知英語作文
I. 求一篇關於消防演習的英語作文
As a student , I know some traffic rules.For example,we must drive on the right .No matter how hurry we are,we must obey traffic rules.That means we can not across the road whenever we want.We must not use bike to carry one.
J. 請問消防演習英語怎麼說啊
fire drill
1. 消防訓練
2. 火災避難訓練;消防演習