A. 有人能寫一篇英語作文名叫《一次難忘的事》,大概內容:我第一次離家,媽媽送我去汽車站,久久不遠離開,
您好:An unforgetable experience
This morning, I take my first taste on seeking family ecation with a high heart-lever. In latest, I have summonned up my encourage to carry out this travel, and regulate myself that I will not do work at a payment lowing 20RMB per hour at least for self-thought that I am hold an impressive proficiency of English and an outstanding condition.
After a string of waiting time, I welcame the first customer, a couple. Leading a mutual chinchin, our talking seemed going smoothly before refering to the wages. The man said:" How much you want get per hour." I though deeply and gave a reply:" OK, 20 is moderate." The women interfered:" But I have noticed that other tutors just require for a specific pay under 15!" I promptly conscioused that all my particularly excellent conditions descend to an ignorable position when refering to wealth. Merely I can leave an so-called engagement for excluding unexpective circumstances...
Yes, I am on the way of reaching altness, the bricks-and-mortar world is not as absolute as I believe. Not a popular character I can be only in own mind. Yes, I should on days ahead conct every step on the sea-lever. Illusion is virtual, my agenda is need to be foot by foot. I am sure that one day current days are abount to become to what I fantasize now!!!!!
B. 英語作文--難忘的一件事
An Uforgetable Thing
How can I forget that my father made his every effort to pull me out of the death!!
When I began to know things,I suffered a strang terrible disease,which made me cough day and night.While other students of my age were going to school happily,I was staying in bed.For a teenager,what a miserable thing it was!But what was more unfortunate was that my illness was getting worse and worse.My father,a 55-year-old man,who had been worried about that since the day I got sick,took me from hospital to hospial.He gave up his job,took good care of me everyday.He could not have enough sleep and ate enough food .He was in poor health e to my sickness.What was more,we had run out of money.But it seemed that no hope came to me.Cough and cough,I could hardly stand it.I thought that no one could cure me and I was dying.I started to lose heart and then an terrible idea occured to me.I wanted to commit a suicide.Knowing about that,father got angry,"How can you do that,poor boy?We should not lose heart.I'll borrow money and take you to see the doctors again.I'll cure you at any cost as long as I am alive."Father looked at me softly."I am sorry dad,I know you love me but...""Don't say that again,we are father and son,and will be together forever."Hearing this,I felt warm in my mind ,tears came to my eyes.
From then on,father borrowed money from door to door,and took me to see the doctors again.Luckily,I recovered soon.
It is father and mother that had given me birth.And it is father that gave me the second life.I will always remember this till the end of my life!
C. 有人能寫一篇英語作文名叫《一次難忘的事》,大概內容:我第一次離家去上大學,媽媽送我去汽車站,久久不
October 28, is really a happy day! Did you know? Oh, I tell you, my school we went to Zhuhai Pearl Paradise organizations fall camp.
Took the car, an unpleasant odor nostrils, made me almost vomit, the teacher let me sit in front'm tight. In traveling, I stumbled and fell asleep. Suddenly the car came the sounds of singing. Car bus full of laughter to Pearl Paradise "marching"!
Standing in front of Pearl Paradise, I feel very excited: "! Arrived, finally, I hope the stars hope the moon finally put you to heading for the" Today, the blue sky like clouds floating several flower veil, sunshine touched the earth, mixed with a little cool breeze.
I play a lot of entertainment projects, air cycling, western train, roller coaster, Lotus Cup, monster houses, small world ...... One of my favorite roller coaster and monsters to the number of the house. When I get on a roller coaster, when, and quickly pull a good safety lever. Hand grasp the safety bar, feet close to the ground, his eyes closed. I suddenly frightened, and wanted to go out, but do not want done such a wonderful game. After some ideological struggle, I chose to play. Unexpectedly, when the fast start, the head almost "funk." Finally began, my heart jumped out to a quick nervous. But after a while child, I found that the train was very slow, thought:! Haha rollercoaster nothing thing. And so I would have tasted much. The first train on the slope slowly, then quickly down the slope, I feel like falling off a cliff, I shut eye, but I feel the train is rapidly increasing. Suddenly, the train in the rotation, turned out to be a big 360 ° rotation. I did not react, there is a continuous transfer of three 360 ° rotation, and then around a few times. I Shousong, petrified. I bite the bullet and finally back. Really stimulate it!
We went to the monster house. We set you push me, I push you, finally a good discussion. But inside the door to see the eerie gloom alleys, but also afraid. Then three people who have a flashlight and went, we saw, and quickly followed inside. I pulled the captain, who also pulled in front of the bag. Go in feeling the cold breeze, cold sweat scared me straight hair, had closed his eyes. Along the way, the monster who came out and yelled, and it drowned out the sound of screams and screams everyone. I could not help but glance, one would see a decapitated woman, scared me. Midway foot spray a gas, everyone scared out of their wits. Finally came out, my whole body cold, a cold sweat.
We also play a number of projects, to the time of collection, we got on to Pearl Paradise reluctantly said "bye!"
D. 急需一篇600字以上的英語作文(有關於一件難忘的事)急用啊
在我的人生中,有許許多多的第一次,令我終身難忘的是第一次游泳。 從小,我就怕水,對水有一種不詳的預感,自從1998年那次特大洪水,我就更怕水了。 6歲那年,父母就開始動員我去游泳,最後,我才勉強答應了。 當天晚上,爸爸就帶我去了龍王山游泳池,一進游泳池我就心慌意亂,我怕水太深,會把我吞沒,我怕水太涼,會在水裡打哆嗦。我看到游泳池裡那些在盡情地游泳的人,就壯著膽子下水了。 啊!水並不像我想像的那麼深,那麼涼,我順水而行,後面總有什麼人推著我似的,哦!原來是波浪,順著波浪走動,真是舒服極了。 當我看到游泳池裡那些自由遨遊的人,羨慕極了,叫爸爸教我游泳,爸爸答應了。 爸爸先教我閉氣,再教我游泳。將近一小時,我學會了游泳,像一條快活的小魚在水中游來游去。 經過這件事,我得到了一個啟示:做什麼事都要敢於試一試。隨著天氣的變化,天氣越來越熱了,我每天只能躲在房間里開著冷氣空調,生怕那烈日會把我給曬黑了。那天在黑的前幾個小時,爸爸說帶我到體育館去游泳,我高興極了。在游泳池裡百分之百很舒服。我心裡美著。我坐著爸爸的單車,帶著游泳褲來到了體育館。 來到了體育館,哇,游泳的人還真多。門口的車子還真是不少,一共有幾十輛呢。我們買了兩張票,我買了一個游泳圈,便來到了游泳池,哇 這么大有幾百多平米呢,我不顧一切的跳進了游泳池。還真好玩,由於我不會游泳,只能在不深的游泳池裡走來走去,我便叫爸爸教我學游泳,爸爸答應我了,我高興極了。心裡快要瘋了,好像吃了蜜糖一樣,我來到爸爸。看著他的動作,我興奮極了,仔細的看著爸爸的動作,我心裡想,我這一次,一定要學好,我也下了水,我一下深水區就被淹了進去,喝了幾口水,就吐了出來。爸爸還教我在水中游泳,我太快樂了。 真好玩啊。 我打開自己的抽屜找東西時,突然發現以前游泳的健康證,再回想起那一段段搞笑的畫面,現在還真想捧腹大笑。 記得那是個炎熱的夏天,不會游泳的我一聽同學們說游泳池開放了,就高興得不得了。一放學,我便飛似的跑回家告訴爸爸,爸爸一聽,就說:「好吧!一會兒我就帶你去。」說完,他就象變魔術一樣拿出遊泳用具。 我們換好衣服,帶好用的東西就來到了游泳池。哇!這水可真藍啊!看著那些大哥哥大姐姐自由自在地向水裡走去,可是腳一碰到水又縮了回來,心想:我這種不會游泳的人,要是不小心掉進深水裡,那肯定就要完蛋了! 爸爸見我這個樣子,就對我說:「怎麼了?不敢下去?膽小鬼!」我是個很愛面子的人,一聽這話,我馬上走進水裡,心想:「不就是下水嘛!有什麼了不起!」碧藍色的水漸漸漫過了我的膝蓋,最後到了我的`腰部,走到這兒我就慢慢停了下來,生怕再往前走就會被淹死。爸爸對我說:「快伸平腿!」他用強有力的胳膊撐住我的腰,我就好象浮在了水面上。爸爸又說:「兩腿使勁往後蹬,雙手向兩邊劃…… 」,我不一會兒就會游一點了.爸爸見我進步快,就想開個玩笑,把手放開了誰知我「撲通!」一聲就沉了下去,一連嗆了幾口水.才站得起來,只是覺得鼻子酸溜溜的,耳朵好象被什麼東西給堵住了,十分難受. 爸爸看著我這副狼狽相,不由得笑了起來.我不理他,只想自己試試能不能游.於是我吸足了氣,閉上眼睛,身子往水裡一撲,兩腿使勁向後蹬,雙手用力向兩邊劃,再憑自己的知覺向前游,耳邊只聽見嗡嗡的劃水聲.遊了一會兒,我實在憋不住了,馬上站了起來,哇!我遊了好遠哪!我不禁歡呼起來:「我會游泳了!」對面的爸爸望著我,楞住了,嘴巴拉到了下巴下面.他吃驚地說:「哇!你進步真快,這么快就學會啦!」這回,該輪到我笑了…」
E. 第一次干什麼的英語作文
My first time
In our life there are many for the first time, the first wash the red scarf, for the first time in their street, for the first time myself to sleep for the first time ... ...
I also have for the first time, and many, many, the most memorable was the first time I washed a red scarf.
At noon that day, I think of it not washing his red scarf, so I wanted to call her grandmother to help me wash me, I entered the room, heard a slight grunt Grandma, I know that Grandma was asleep, I thought: Grandma morning that a lot of clothes washed, but I forgot to red scarf to her grandmother, now known as Grandma and then take it to wash, not to mention her grandmother were asleep, I called her up, wash clothes very tired the morning Grandma , it is better to wash this scarf I own it! Yeah, so, went ahead.
I took my red scarf to the side of the pond open the water tap to wet red scarf, red scarf on and rub in with the detergent can not rub the bubble, I again rubbed the soap and wipe the red scarf, and useful to the brush in the red scarf on the brush and brush, then rub the rub, and then washed with water useful in clean, dry and sun screwed up. Washing red scarf I was excited and immediately ran to the room, I have to wait for grandma woke up and told her to wash my red scarf. Grandma finally woke up, I am pleased to tell his grandmother to wash the red scarf, and her grandmother is also very happy to say: "Go look at me" I am glad to put my grandmother pulled edge of a pool, "Look!" Red Scarf water Lingling, in sunlight, it is particularly crystal, like the glistening sun. Grandma laughed, I am puzzled that asked: "how not clean?" "Washed, cleaned, and just a little wrong," "what point." "Washing clothes, pants with socks to wash pull it when finished, Dou Yidou that again until after the whole will not wrinkle. "heard this, I know the error and immediately won the red scarf, red a little, then pull on the pull, shake and shake until the sun back, my grandmother met a happy laugh.
This is the first time in life, there are many for the first time in life, sometimes successfully, sometimes difficult, but we have to take it to the bright side, so that your life will be more colorful.
F. 大學英語作文:難忘的一次旅行(100——120個字)
My families plan to visit the interesting place p of Shanghai.We are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghainese's lips.It is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so it's very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away it.As we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the Huangpu River through the window.
At the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city.
G. 英語作文 每個人都有難忘的經歷.我最難忘的是第一次做志願者.去年暑假,我們班去一所鄉村小學,選給學生
Everyone has an unforgettable experience. My most memorable was the first to volunteer. Last summer holidays we went to a village primary school , chose some books and students' books and school supplies, and talked with them about school lives . I was shy.
I was sueprised that I actually chatted with them for almost an hour. Finally, we played games together, everyone was happy. Volunteer activities not only brought me happiness,
but also I became confident.
H. 難忘經歷英語作文,大學,第一次看到下雪
Snowing. The snow, like a feather in general, there were numerous, crystal jade, perfectly clean. The snow soft and beautiful, as it is slowly falling down like a feather and cotton. Made the earth covered with white; the leafless trees to get a piece of silver white clothes; the red roof with a layer of silver staining; children brought back a lot of fun, so that children snowball fights snowmen, ice skating, can snowball. Snow also violent and brutal. With the storm overturned trees, cold dead plants so that small animals have nowhere to return to, flooded houses, so that people can not even out of doors. Frozen road skid let the car crash. Let the students hands red with cold red, it makes the whole piece of earth Silver silver white. My favorite is the soft winter, because then we can snowball fights snowmen, snowball. Our snow-hand shape into a small snowball; then slowly with snow on the ground where Luangun a group, the snow human body roll well even roll her head, is the same way. Then a carrot head inserted in the middle of the head, then the size of two ping-pong-like fruit on the "nose" of. A broom and then inserted in the left side of the body, and then the wood is inserted in the right side of the body, and then placed in an iron head. It's done. Winter is a wonderful, interesting, is delightful. Snow, I like the snow of winter.
I. 難忘的第一次參加英語演講比賽作文
essimism, then you』ve grown old, even a