① 英語作文 一千字
07Trade 6 Class day: Monday Time: 2- 4pm Michelle 3207008566 The girl, who is shortish1 and petite2 is me—Michelle. I have even dreamed that I could be a tall3,well -built4,gentle5,and active6 girl. I have a round7 face, and what makes me discontented8 is that I』 got acne9 (pimples10 or zits11)on my face. I』m woeful12when I see it, and I feel agonized13 when I suffer such an accursed14skin disease. So I don』t have the smooth15 ,rosy16 skin, but the rough17,olive 18skin. Even thought I have no the perfect face, I』m still be the confident19girl because I do believe that the inside beauty is more important 20than the outside beauty. I have the shoulder length21hair,which is straight22and tamed23.I』m thinking about perming24 and dying my hair. Now the color of my hair is brown25.I』d like to dye26 it blond27.I find the beauty of the world with my small28,hazel29 eyes. Most of my friends feel happy when hanging out with me. The main reason is that I』m a extrovert30,easy-going31 and gregarious32 girl. My life is animated 33and airy34.My attitude towards life is optimistic35(not pessimistic36).I often be the joker37,telling my friends the funny38 stories with my imaginative39 thought when they are unhappy40.I』m also friendly41and polite42to other people. I have a stong43 aversion44 to a person who is arrogant45,and always patronizing46other people. Compared with the narrow-minded47person,I』m a open-minded48,broadminded49 person. I』m bright50and curious51 about everything happens around me. I』m a perfectionist52,so I often ask myself to be a considerate53 and caring54 person. Every time I get distressed55 or heartbroken56,I』ll attempt to hide my joyless57feeling ,in fear58 my friends find out and worried59about me. However, I』m grumpy60and hot-headed61 sometimes. If a goof ball62 does the goofy63 thing ,and he』s stiff64 to understand what I』m talking about. I can』t help being impatient65 but become grumpy. To be blunt66,I』m a slacker67 and not hard-working68 enough to get what I want, I think this is the most important reason why I bombed in the exam. I』m an ambitious69 person, but not strong-willed70 enough. I』m always thinking about how can I be the tough cookies71 instead of being a slob72. Every day when I wear the jeans73,hooded shirt74(also wear coat75 or windbreaker76 if necessary) and pumps77,walking into the classroom, I keep thinking about one thing: Can I be the busy bee78in my life?」Because I don』t want to be the loafer79, who usually lead the flat80 and ll81 life. I make myself energetic82 every day, and I』m flexible83and dauntless84 to deal with the complicated problems I meet. I have dreamed that I can live a happy-go-lucky85 life before, but now, I』m a grown up86 and competitive87 person, so I try to make my life sparking88.My parents needn』t worried89 about me any longer because now I』m an independent90 and trustworthy91 person. Living in a comfortable92 life doesn』t help me a lot, and If I want to be the book-smart93 person, but not a bookwarm94 person, I should not only be street-smart95 ,but also be practical96.I lead a blissful97 and frisky98 life every day. I always show the people that I』m spirited99,not spiritless100.Even though I』m mixed-up101 about the troubles, I like102 to try to make myself free&easy103.I think this is the right attitude towards life. Just what Nora had told us: 「that』s life.」I share the beatific104things with my buddies, instead of sharing the dreary105 things with them in my daily life. I』m fashion-conscious106 and often the style of my clothing. Using the nail polish107 ,I color my nail and change by the nail polish remover108every week. I have a lot of make-up109 such as powder110,foundation111,lip gloss112,eye liner113,and so forth. Most people like to use the mascare114,blush115and the chap stick116everyday.But for me, eyebrow pencil117,eye shadow118 is more necessary because I do care about my eyes. I never use lip pencil119 or lipstick120 when I put on some make-up. Although I know that I can be attracted121 by using them, but I seldom use them except the lotion122 and ferfume123. During the Spring Festival, I』ve got a lot of things to do. I did review the booklets, as well as did some preparation for TEM-4. However, I was worrywart124 but not determined125, hardy126 enough to get what I want. Because I』m a straight-forward127 person, so I won』t find any excuse for failing in the exam. Compared with my fellow students, who got the high marks in the exam, I should say I』m a loser128 in the exam. I』m very rueful129 for that I was so complacent130 that I could have pass it. Also, there are many uncertain131 answers in my text .Due to I』m so Anxious 132 ,nervous133 and in a rush134 that I didn』t pay much attention to the details and lost many score that I shouldn』t lost. As we all know, Chinese Ecational System plays a significant role in our country』s ecation. Most foreign students are jealous135 and envious136 that we Chinese students are capable137 to get a high score in the exam. They regard us as a brainy138,intelligent139 person. Actually, they don』t realize that it』s Chinese Ecational System that makes our Chinese students so clever140.Whether the kids141 or the teenagers142, are all conscientious143about our study in the school because we don』t want144 to be daft145 and incompetent146 person, so we are keen147to do well in the study. We are satisfied148 with getting a high score, and we are ill at ease149 ,even downhearted150 when we are fail in the exam. However, many people are skeptical151 about the Chinese Ecational System. In fact, we are always following what the teachers tell us because we think it』s worthy152.But we are also trapped153 by it. We are so inhibited154that we are impotent155 to figure out the problem we meet. We are not vibrant156 and self-reliant157to find the truth on our owns. Compared with the foreign student, they are adventurous158 to figure out the baffled159 questions. But anyway, we can』t change this situation, all we should do is do our own best. I was exuberant160and elated161when I was told that I』m a English major two years ago. I』m infatuated162 with English very much, as well as zealous163in everything about English. What a pity164 that I』m not good at English, so I』m despondent165 and dejected166 when talking about my English. I like the oral English very much, because I can let people know my glad167or gulm168 mood by communicating with them. I really concerned169 about my English, and I have a strong hate170 seeing the people who are snooty171 or condescending172 when they learn it because it』s helpless173 for their studying . If we really want to improve our English, we should calm174 ourselves down, and be self-conscious175 that you are tough176 enough and do not be stuck-up177 because it will make you superficial178.I』m fond179 of learning English, as well as crazy180 about English, inadequate181 and eager182 to learn more about it . Although my English is poor, I still be playful183 and tranquil184 in front of failure. I know I should down-to-earth185 ,not to be moody186 by the dreadful187 failure, because I』m not lonely188 and have many friends who always console189 me and make me to be ardor190 again. In our society, English is very important, so it』s no doubt that we should be engrossed191and intent192 in learning it and. Be talkative193when we are in the oral class ,not to be scared194to be humiliated195 as nuts196or batty197 I』d love 198to say : 「Be enthusiastic199 and hopeful200when you are worn-out201 on the way of pursuing your dream.」
② 1000字英語作文
Hello,my name's xxx.I'm thirteen years old.I live in xxx.I have long hair and two small ears.I have a piar of big eyes.And I have a small nose and a small mouth.I'm very tall and thin.I'm in Class One Grade Six.My birthday is on January the first.I like dogs.I have a dog,its name is Bobo.It is very lovely and it is white.I often play with it.I like sport.My favourite sport is play tennis.I can play tennis very well.My favourite subject is Chinese.I often help my classmates.I'm a sunny girl. My name is xxx. Don't you think the name is wonderful? When I was born on a Sunday twelve years ago, the sun was shining brightly. We all know that we don't often see such fine weather in February. So my mum said my coming to the world brought everyone happiness. I also have an English name, "Sunday". I gave it to myself alter I studied English for a year. My parents hope that my life will be full of sunshine.最喜歡的書I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies.His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it.I think it's the best book I've ever read. Every Sunday morning, I get up at five in order to find a seat in the library. I like the quiet atmosphere in the library, which makes me deeply absorbed in my study. Besides, there are reference books in the library which provide ready guidance to help me solve my problems. At home people come and go——some talking, others working. Inevitably, there are often noises around the house which make me nervous and unable to concentrate on my study. For the reasons mentioned above, I like to study in the library.電視節目 The News Report has always been my favorite TV program. Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 p.m. and wait for the news program. This has become a part of my life. The News Report contains a large amount of information C from the international political situation to the latest foot-ball game. And the most important character is its fast pace. Because of this fast pace, news programs can contain much information in a short time. In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV program. It is a way of communication. From this program, people can know and understand world affairs. The world thus becomes smaller and smaller. I especially appreciate this benefit of watching the news. My favourite TV programme) In TV ,there are a lot of TV programmes every day. Usually ,i can't choose what should i see.TO tell you true,though so ,i have a favourite TV promme ----- Happy camping. It lives on every Saturaday evening .Ande it has five hosters.i like them very much. Especially HeJiong .They are always binging happyness to you. When you see it,you will forget the unhapply and have a good weekend.now i introce this programme to you .I hope you can enjoy yourselves.
③ 求1000字以上的經典英語文章!!!!!!
Getty Images It』s shortly after 10 a.m., and The Body—all 237 pounds of him—is in his cubicle, sifting through e-mails. I』m wedged next to his liver, sifting through the metabolic remains of his morning drink: Vitaminwater. It calls itself a 「nutrient enhanced」 beverage, a nutritious cocktail. Ha! It』s mostly sugar in a bottle, and I love it. It sneaks past the digestive system and lands in the liver, which converts it to fat and sends it straight to me. What a bonanza!
It』s a great time for me and my brethren fat cells. After millennia of toeing the line and giving up our stores whenever the muscles and nerves called on us, we』re now taking over. You don』t have to take my word for it. You can see it on the streets every day. More than 35 percent of alt Americans are obese. Not just overweight—obese. Cardiovascular disease? Type 2 diabetes? Cancer? Not my problem. I』m livin』 large.By 11 a.m.,The Body』s starving. That muffin he had for breakfast provided plenty of calories, but they don』t satisfy him the way they used to. See, it』s my job to send a hormone signal—called leptin—to the brain so it makes The Body feel full. It used to work like a charm. But these days, I pump leptin like it』s a Middle Eastern oil well, and it just floats around in the bloodstream, aimless. With all that excess insulin swirling around to help The Body sop up his extra sugar intake, the brain doesn』t receive my usual leptin signal and issue the 「you』re stuffed, stop eating」 message. So he』s more apt to feel hungry soon after he finishes eating.Life is sweet—saccharine, really. But it wasn』t always. I remember 40 years ago (The Body was barely a teenager) when I was born along with many of my fatty friends (puberty, the school nurse called it, which is when most alt fat cells should finish forming). I』d wait all day for some spare fatty acids I could store. Back then, most of the nutrition got used up. We fat cells would swell slightly, then shrink again. Those were lean times.But I』m not going anywhere. I mean that literally. Fat cells never disappear. We』re virtually indestructible. The Body can deprive me of the greasy good stuff, and I』ll wither—but when he hits the drive-through again, I』ll rebound faster than he can say 「Supersize me!」 In a normal body, fat cells are mostly done forming after puberty. But if you』re obese, your fat cells plump up so much that new ones can be created. And lately, my neighborhood』s been getting a little crowded. Every time a fellow fat cell fills up and hits its maximum storage capacity, a new fat cell pops up next door. I』ve heard that a normal body has around 40 billion fat cells, but The Body rolls deep—in here, there are 80 billion just like me!I』m pretty lucky. Back when The Body went off to college, he developed a soda habit. At almost every lunch, he』d knock one back. It was a special treat, and I』d snag a few fat droplets from the liver each time and store them up. He liked the caffeine, too, the pep it gave him in the afternoon. Soon enough, after The Body graated and found a job, he needed another can of soda just to push through the midafternoon slump. That was the start of my glory years.
Nephron via Wikimedia Commons Hear that? The Body』s opening a can of soda as he digs in to his low-fat microwave lasagna. He』s trying to cut back, shed a few pounds—and hey, if you』re trying to lose weight, it makes sense to eat less fat. But have you ever tried lasagna without butter or oil? Tastes like cardboard. So there』s extra salt and sugar to compensate, and it』s still easy for me to convert some of that sugar to fat and squirrel it away. He has no idea!The poor sap. Back in college, when The Body skied or cycled almost every weekend, his weight was under control. His diet had a lot less sugar, and his brain listened to my leptin warnings, quashing his hunger whenever I managed to plump up. I』d get a little ahead after a big weekend of beer and wings, inflate a tad. Then the next day he』d eat a bagel and apple for breakfast and jump on his bike. His muscles burned up all the handy glucose, and I』d be forced to break down some of my precious self into fatty acids and glycerol. I』d give glycerol to the liver, which would convert it into glucose to burn, and the fatty acids would go straight to the muscles for energy. I』d deflate and hunker down, waiting for his next binge.Now he polishes off the lasagna tray in six bites and swivels back to his computer, clicking and clacking through the afternoon. When he heaves himself from his chair to head home at 5 p.m., it』s the hardest his heart has had to work all day. I』m not worried, though—there』s plenty of fuel in his muscles to provide energy, so I never have to offer up any of myself to help. I』m lying low, laughing, confident I』ll never be called on to liquidate my stash.I get to relax ring the hour-long commute home. What will I have for dinner tonight? Fried chicken? Burgers? But when The Body sags into his chair at the dinner table, he sees grilled chicken and salad. Lettuce, tomatoes, peppers… and what the heck is that, toasted pine nuts?! Oil-and-vinegar dressing, not even creamy ranch. Unfortunately, the salad』s fiber slows his digestion of the sugary dinner roll he snags from the basket. What gives? he asks. We』re eating healthy, says his wife. No more junk for dinner.This could be bad for me, but I know The Body, and true to form, he cracks a beer. Sweet relief! I can score fat out of a beer as well as a can of soda. The ethanol it contains is a derivative of sugar, so some of the boozy goodness goes through the liver and converts to fat. After dinner, he takes the dog out for a walk. Thankfully, a casual stroll won』t exert enough energy to dip into my storage. Even better, when he gets home, he plops down to watch the game. Conditioned to snack at night, he grabs a Rice Krispies square, a tiny sugar boost for me. He slides into bed around midnight, hoping for his usual six hours of sleep. While The Body snoozes, I get to relax too. He doesn』t rely on my stores ring the middle of the night, so I』m waiting for morning and already pulsating. I know his lack of sleep will make him stressed, hungry, and more likely to crave sugary, high-carb foods. Mmm, maybe doughnuts for breakfast?
④ 英文作文積極向上1000字
The most meaningful day
Today is my first day of holiday, i'm so excited! i wake up early and went to the park to walk the dog. there wasn't much people at that time. i could breathe fresh air and feel the sun, today is a good weather! when i returned home and had my breakfast, i decided to sit down and read my favorite book. i enjoy reading books in my study room quietly by myself, there will be no disturbance. when i entered my book world, i can feel an overwhelming energy and knowledges filling in my soul, this is the point! in fact, having a meaningful day doesn't need to do so many exciting things and special activities to reach, i can simply fulfill myself just by doing one meaningful thing, and for me, that is reading my favorite books.
when night arrives, i take off my glasses and i let myself lie down in the bath tube, it was a relief after all the hard working!
⑤ 英文翻譯1000字
女孩子不會忘記第一個喜歡過的男孩。甚至是尷尬的過去內A girl will never forget the first boy she likes。Even if things don』t quite work out。
但通常會有人來說些安撫容神傷的智慧話語But usually someone is there to office words of wisdom。
⑥ 一篇1000字的英語作文
實際上淡水是非常緊缺的。(人口增加、工業用水增加) 3) 我們應該怎麼辦? Global Shortage of Fresh Water Generally, people think that fresh water is inexhaustible. Every year there is enough rain. And there is plenty of fresh water in the rivers and lakes. What's more, we have a lot of underground water. Actually, fresh water is in a short supply. Due to the rapid population increase, fresh water consumption remains great. Besides, with the development of instry, more water is needed. Moreover, a lot of our rivers and lakes have been so polluted that water from them is undrinkable. We must take some measures to solve the problem of water shortage. First, population growth should be slowed down to rece fresh water demand. Second, pollution should be controlled to purify fresh water in the rivers and lakes. What is most important, we should cherish every drip of water in our daily life. 再如:95年1 月份試題: 提綱:1) 有人認為錢是幸福之本(source of happiness) 2) 有人認為金錢是萬惡之源(root of evil) 3) 我的看法。 Some think that money is the source of happiness. Once they have money, they will enjoy everything. They can use the money they have to buy, a beautiful house or even a wife. Some others think that money is the root of all evil. Due to the greed for money, people will do various kinds of evil things, such as stealing, robbing or even murder. Money can easily change a kind, honest man into a cruel, cunning woe. In my opinion, both of the above-mentioned viewpoints go to an extreme. Money itself is neither good nor evil. It all depends on how we look at it. We can not deny the importance of money in the modern society. Meanwhile, we should not ignore the fact that something can not be bought by money, such as friendship, true love and so on. 這兩例都是採用了對應寫作方式,將提示中的三句分別擴展成三段,三段之間相互銜接,構成一個完整的篇章。 2.調整法 盡管是提綱式寫作,提綱所提示的只是文章所要包括的主要內容,卻不是文章的結構模式,一般情況下,同學們應根據英語文章的類型,重新安排文章。如上面有關錢的一個寫作,按照英語的表達習慣,最好是加上一個引子。 What is money? To this question, different people hold differently. Some thing money is the source of happiness, while some regard it as the root of all evils. As far as I am concerned, they both have their reasons Those who consider money as the source of happiness argue that money means massive house, beautiful clothes, or luxurious cars, and can enable them and their families live comfortably. They even believe that money can bring power, friendship, and love. But e to the temptation of money, there are many people who become thieves, robbers, or murderers. It is also out of the greed for money that some officials forget their ty and cause enormous losses to the country, so some people think that money is the root of all evil and suggest that we keep away from money. In fact, money is merely a medium of exchange. It may bring you happiness; it may lead you to a life of crime. Whether it is good or bad depends on how it is used. 二、 首段和尾段的寫作 上一講中我們介紹了段落的擴展模式,也就是說,我們已經了解了文章中間一部分的敘述模式。根據四六級寫作的特點,一般首段和尾段都要自己補上,那麼怎麼才能寫好首尾段呢,下面我介紹一下,首尾段的寫作方式。 1.首段的寫作 首段的寫作方式一般為: 運用事實性信息、調查或故事等引出話題,2)導入主題,然後提出自己的觀點,也就是文章的論點 首段開篇的方式常見的有: 1) 諺語法 由於諺語一般已經被大家所接受,用諺語提出自己的觀點也容易被讀者所接受。 As the saying goes, Money makes the mare go, but there are many things we can't buy with money, such as time and true love. … 2) 定義法 定義法是通過對文章中的關鍵詞做一些簡單或正面或反面的解釋,限定其范圍,這樣比較有利於引出主題。 Practice makes perfect is an old saying. It tells us that it does not matter if we are clumsy at doing something. As long as we keep on trying and practicing, we will do a good job in the end. 3) 提問法 通過提問一個或一連串的問題,可以激發讀者的興趣,從而引出主題。 a. Do you have many friends? Are they similar to you or different from you? Which kind of friends do you prefer? b. What is a good student? Different people may have different answers to this question. 4) 概括法 概括法指先總結文章內容所涉及的現狀,然後引出主題。 In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the Internet has come into more and more homes and is playing a more and more important role in our work and daily life. It has become a must to us, but at the same time, Internet has also brought with it a lot of problems. 5) 故事法 故事法指用簡單有趣的故事激發讀者的興趣,從而提出自己的觀點。如下面Is Stress a Bad Thing? 6) 引語法 Just as eating without liking harms the health, learning without interest harms the memory and can't be retained. From Vinci's words we can see how important it is to motivate the students in language learning. 7) 調查法 為了得到讀者的認可,文章的開始可以引出調查數據等,藉以提出主題,如下面Is Stress a Bad Thing?的1)和Can Schoolchildren Start Using the Internet?的4)。 8) 假設法 假設法是指通過假設提出一種選擇,交代文章要涉及的問題,從而提出文章的主題。 Suppose you were offered two jobs, one is highly-paid but rather demanding, the other is less demanding, but poorly-paid, which would you prefer? … 9) 綜合法 具體寫作時,同學們沒有必要拘泥於一種方式,可以將上述方法總和起來。 首段示例1: 題目:Is Stress a Bad Thing? 提綱:1)有人害怕壓力 2) 有人認為壓力並不是一件壞事 3) 我的看法 I can't stand the pressure and competition, explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don't think his decision is wise in reality. It is true that my friend's case is not unique. In the last few years quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less competitive at the cost of a comfortable, easy life a highly-paid job can obtain. They are afraid that the stresses and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and mentally. In fact, however, stress isn't the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give purpose and significance to an otherwise meaningless, idle life. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own personal worth - the very aim of a human life. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it. 就這一標題而言,根據所提示的提綱,首段的寫作還可以採用下列方式: 1) According to a recent survey, in the last few years, quite a number of young people have chosen to quit their demanding but highly-paid jobs. Although they may have their own respective reasons, I don't think their decision is wise in reality. 2) Which job do you prefer, a highly-paid but very competitive position or a poorly-paid but also less demanding job? You may choose the latter and have your own reasons, but I don't think this choice is wise enough whatever reasons. 3) Faced with a hard and demanding task, people's attitude varies widely: some try to avoid it and others regard it as a challenge to their abilities. In fact the choice we make between flight or fight make the difference between leaders and mediocrities(平庸之輩). 首段示例2: 標題:Can Schoolchildren Start Using the Internet? 提綱: 1)隨著科技的發展,網路越來越普及; 2)網路有其優點但也有缺點; 3)我的觀點 根據上面的提示,首段可有下列幾種方式: 1) Nowadays, using the Internet has become a fashion. Many parents begin to teach their children to use the Internet. However, there are diverse opinions on this. Some think it wise, but I don't agree with them. 2) Today, the Internet is becoming more and more common. It begins to play a more and more important role in our society and life. It's so useful that most alts are learning how to use it. What about children? Of course they can start using it. 3) Today, with the development of science and technology, the Internet is beginning to play a more and more important role in our life. More and more people are starting to use the Internet, including schoolchildren. However, I think schoolchildren are too young to start using the Internet. 4) According to a recent survey, Internet users are becoming younger and younger, and Internet bars have become a resort for schoolchildren who log in to chat or play games. Faced with this phenomenon, many people argue for measures to prevent schoolchildren from using the Internet, and I think they have their reasons. 2. 結論段的寫作 結論一般採用歸納概括、主題重述或提建議等方式。 常見的方式有: 1) 重述或總結主題 重述主題指於結論處以另外一種表達方式重申主題,與首段照應。 Families offer us warmth and care. Friends give us strength and horizon. They both help us understand the world as it is. Both of them are the dearest parts in our life. 2) 提出建議 Since postcards do us more harm and good, since we have many other ways to convey our feelings and promote our friendship, I hope everyone will take actions now to stop using postcards. 3) 概括總結 As we can see from the above, living in the suburb we can stay away from pollution, lead an easy leisure time, and needn't invest too much money, so I prefer living in the suburb to living in the city. 4) 引用名人名言 In particular, I enjoy what Francis Bacon said Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. 5)綜合法 與首段一樣,結論段也可以是多種方法的綜合。一般說來,
⑦ 難忘的一件事的一千字英語作文
An Unforgettable Travel My families plan to visit the interesting place of Shanghai.We are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghainese's lips.It is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so it's very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away it.As we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwes which includes the Huangpu River through the window.At the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city. This is the trip l never forget. 一個難忘的旅行 我的家庭計劃參觀的地方的上海我們正在使東方明珠電視塔,一個著名的旅遊勝地,它是在每個上海人的嘴唇它是一座宏偉的建築坐落於浦東新區,這是最高的建築,所以很容易就能看到這個大樓,即使你正在數英里外的它當我們到達高樓層的東方明珠電視塔,透過窗戶我們看到了迷人的風景,包括黃浦江。此時,突然打動了他們的靈魂和能量的搭建,這座建築上,讓它成為一個標志性的這座城市。 這旅行我永遠不會忘記。
⑧ 怎樣學好英語作文 1000字∼2000字(中文)
看看我的超級 無敵四板斧。這我一般是給初三和高三的發送建議,方法是相通的。
1、養成早睡早起的生活習慣,列寧說過,不會休息的不會工作。同樣,休息不好,也不會學習好。熬夜破壞生物鍾,而且跟中考時間也不合拍。 睡眠時間要適度,不能疲勞學習,本來就難記,疲勞了更是浪費時間。中午不能午睡的話,也要散步幾分鍾不要大活動,影響胃部剛吃完飯,劇烈運動影響下午學習。 每天吃一個核桃和雞蛋,補腦子,多了反而不好。
英語:是語言,不是單詞和片語的堆砌。學英語就是背英語,主要是背課文,背句子,單詞和片語在其中,脫離了沒有語言環境是生硬的,大腦會潛意識拒絕記憶,記不住,是因為大腦煩了不 想記這些破玩意。從簡單的文章背,卷子上的也行。可以先看單詞表,再朗讀文章,再看單詞表,再朗讀文章,始終是單詞,片語,語法這些在句子中,在文章中,不要單獨出現。語言就是這樣,腦子整個文章越多,越自信,准確率越高。這時,有計劃的,一周背下一或兩篇篇難度適合自己的文章,英語成績可以穩定在高分。
數學:先每個公式定理,配一道題,覺得簡單對應難題,做到看到公式想到這道題,看這道題知道有這個公式怎麼解,可背之,默寫之。沒問題的話,背大題,看題會做,會背下來,會默寫。然後,分析思路,能不能舉一反三,再找類似的題,看能不能做出來,不行背下來。腦子有基本知識定理,再有幾十道大題,提分很明顯。背知識點 ,這是不二法門。不光要背知識點,更要背大題,難題,錯題(還要提錯題本,這是學習思想。考試是什麼,不犯小錯誤,爭取翻高山(大題難題)。見多識廣,腦子再活點,就可摸高了。可清晰飛快默寫一道考過的大題,估計第一也做不到,你做到了,你的能力就提高了。
政治 -背..選擇考知識點,大題考結合知識點的分析能力即 有條理的扯。
歷史 - 分析:(歷史就像聽故事)歷史原本是故事,是要記住的故事。惜秦皇漢武唐宗宋祖,