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A. 關於音樂的英文文章

Analysis of music-inspired training

Music is mankind's friends, music is inseparable from creative inspiration. Some people will be inspired by that very mysterious, inspired by the phenomenon known as "God doctrine." Some people put aside creative inspiration, but rigid rules mechanically music, like the depiction of the map as depicted by melody or harmony, music formulaic, and some inspiration that will be used in the creation of music is simple emotional creation, these ideas are Is wrong. We can be inspired by the idea of music plug in the wings, and we want to go to the place. So what inspired the music played in the creation of what kind of role it » Composer Nie Er in the creation of China's "Volunteer Marche," the strong spirit of patriotism he has in mind a clarion call for the inspiration. Inspiration in the music creation in the status of other creative techniques can not substitute for, if not inspiration, then create the music is ll, so the music is the theoretical formula spelled. To make the music to create a more attractive, more valuable inspiration is essential. Then to study how to cultivate music-inspired, first of all we must study what is the inspiration.

Previously heard people say: creation is inspired by. The so-called inspiration of the moment is a sentiment through the art of its performance by, everyone has feelings, everyone has the source of creativity, it is only some people will be digging Out, some people are not!

I can only agree with this view part!
I think the world does not exist nothingness Piaomiao of inspiration, one day I heard from the radio in the final of a pop music contest judges have talked about the inspiration, suddenly have slightest idea:

In fact, is inspired in a specific environment through a process of the necessary result of the formation of such inspiration is not by chance, and should be granted. There are three specific considerations process:
1. Accumulation of the process (the accumulation of various aspects, including knowledge of emotional impression, etc.)
2. Reflections on the course (this is a very painful process, but it is every success in the creation of the necessary experience)
3. That the process (of inspiration here have)
May be as early as the second course there were the inspiration on, but we have not found, may be thinking is not enough, when we found inspiration when it has come in behind us, there is a real find her hundreds of people in the back, suddenly look back , The lights that people have the feeling of upset ~~~~~~~~

B. 關於昆劇《牡丹亭》的英語作文


C. 一篇介紹紅線女的英語作文


D. 說崑曲或者評彈的英語文章

Kunqu, also known as Kunju, Kun opera or Kunqu Opera, is one of the oldest extant forms of Chinese opera. It evolved from the Kunshan melody, and dominated Chinese theatre from the 16th to the 18th centuries.


Kunqu boasts a 600-year history and is known as the "teacher" or "mother" of a hundred operas, because of its influence on other Chinese theatre forms, including Jingju. Its emergence ushered in the second Golden Era of Chinese drama, but by the early twentieth century it had nearly disappeared.

One of the major literary forms of the Ming and Qing dynasties was chuanqi drama, originating from the South. Plays that continue to be famous today, including The Peony Pavilion and The Peach Blossom Fan, were originally written for the Kunqu stage. In addition, many classical Chinese novels and stories, such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin and Journey to the West were adapted very early into dramatic pieces.

Today, Kunqu is performed professionally in seven Mainland Chinese cities: Beijing (Northern Kunqu Theatre), Shanghai (Shanghai Kunqu Theatre), Suzhou (Suzhou Kunqu Theatre), Nanjing (Jiangsu Province Kunqu Theatre), Chenzhou (Hunan Kunqu Theatre), Yongjia County/Wenzhou (Yongjia Kunqu Theatre) and Hangzhou (Zhejiang Province Kunqu Theatre), as well as in Taipei. Non-professional opera societies are active in many other cities in China and abroad, and opera companies occasionally tour.

Kunqu was listed as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2001. Its melody or tune is one of the Four Great Characteristic Melodies in Chinese opera.

E. 崑曲用英文介紹一下

from wikepedia

Kunqu (崑曲; pinyin: Kūǔ; Wade-Giles: k'un-ch'ü), also known as Kunju, Kun opera or Kunqu Opera, is one of the oldest extant forms of Chinese opera. It evolved from the Kunshan melody, and dominated Chinese theatre from the 16th to the 18th centuries. Kunqu originated in the Wu cultural area.


Kunqu boasts a 600-year history and is known as the "teacher" or "mother" of a hundred operas, because of its influence on other Chinese theatre forms, including Jingju (Peking Opera). Its emergence ushered in the second Golden Era of Chinese drama, but by the early twentieth century it had nearly disappeared, which was only exacerbated by deliberate attempts to suppress it ring the Cultural Revolution.

One of the major literary forms of the Ming and Qing dynasties was chuanqi drama, originating from the South. Chuanqi, an old form of dramatic opera, originates from the nanxi in late 14th century before the kunqu opera arises. However, in late 16 century, kunqu opera starts to dominate large part of Chinese drama. [1] Plays that continue to be famous today, including The Peony Pavilion and The Peach Blossom Fan, were originally written for the Kunqu stage. In addition, many classical Chinese novels and stories, such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin and Journey to the West were adapted very early into dramatic pieces.

Today, Kunqu is performed professionally in seven Mainland Chinese cities: Beijing (Northern Kunqu Theatre), Shanghai (Shanghai Kunqu Theatre), Suzhou (Suzhou Kunqu Theatre), Nanjing (Jiangsu Province Kunqu Theatre), Chenzhou (Hunan Kunqu Theatre), Yongjia County/Wenzhou (Yongjia Kunqu Theatre) and Hangzhou (Zhejiang Province Kunqu Theatre), as well as in Taipei. Non-professional opera societies are active in many other cities in China and abroad, and opera companies occasionally tour.

Kunqu was listed as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2001. Its melody or tune is one of the Four Great Characteristic Melodies in Chinese opera.


* The Peony Pavilion (Tang Xianzu)
* The Peach Blossom Fan (Kong Shangren)
* The Palace of Long Life (Hong Sheng)
* The White Snake
* The Western Mansion (Southern version, adapted from Wang Shifu's zaju)
* The Injustice done to Dou E (adapted from Guan Hanqing's zaju)
* The Kite (Li Yu)

[edit] Dramatists

* Tang Xianzu
* Kong Shangren
* Li Yu
* Hong Sheng
* Feng Menglong


* Yu Zhenfei
* Mei Lanfang
* Zhang Jiqing
* Wang Shiyu
* Yue Meiti
* Liang Guyin
* Cai Zhengren
* Ji Zhenhua
* Jennifer Hua Wenyi
* Qian Yi

[edit] References

F. 跪求有關崑曲的英語介紹

SO how do you feel about this song, wonderful or rediculors?THIS is wanglihong's song called Zaimeibian, and it tells us something about a famous opera ,mudanting, which is one of the famous arias of kunqu. and this is just what i'll talk about. yeah, my topic is kunqu.

Kunqu , also known as Kunju, Kun opera or Kunqu Opera(崑山腔), is one of the oldest extant forms of Chinese opera.中國最古老的戲曲形式之一。
Main arias主要唱段 aria ['ari?] n.詠嘆調,唱腔 此處指唱段

we will focus on these points about kunqu.
first, its history.

Kunqu boasts a 600-year history.The term kunshan qiang (「Kunshan tune」) originally referred to a style of music that emerged(出現/i'me/) in the late Yuan dynasty (early 14th century).崑山腔最初是出現在元末的一種音樂形式。 It was created by Gu Jian, a musician of Kunshan (near Suzhou), who combined the music of the region with an improvement on the music of nanxi (「southern drama」).它的創始人是一位崑山的戲曲家,名字叫做GUJIAN,他把地方戲和一種由南戲發展來的劇種結合在一起。
During the mid-1500s, the musician and actor Wei Liangfu developed a musical form that combined kunshan qiang with other regional styles.在16世紀中期,戲曲家和表演藝術家魏良輔將崑山腔和其他地方戲相結合發明了一種新劇種。The dramatist Liang Chenyu of Kunshan soon adapted it to a full-length opera, Huanshaji (「Washing the Silken Gauze」), a chuanqi (「marvel tale」).崑山劇作家梁辰魚將其改編成為一個完整的劇目,浣紗記,一部傳奇 DO you know what is chuanqi?(chuanqi is a form of traditional Chinese operatic drama that developed from the nanxi in the late 14th century. Chuanqi alternated with the zaju as the major form of Chinese drama until the 16th century, when kunqu, a particular style of chuanqi, began to dominate serious Chinese drama.傳奇,是一種中國傳統戲劇形式,它發源於14世紀末的南戲。在16世紀之前,傳奇和雜劇是中國主要的戲劇形式。十六世紀後,崑曲作為一種特別的傳奇形式,開始占據中國戲劇的主導地位)。
It gained wide popularity, and the new dramatic style came to be known as kunqu (「songs of Kun」). 浣紗記這部作品在當時得到了廣泛歡迎,此時這個新劇種被稱為了崑曲。It developed into a national dramatic genre (流派/zhaonre/)that was deeply loved by audiences, especially by the literati(文人/lite'ra:ti:/). 它發展成為一個為觀眾,尤其是文人深深喜愛的國家戲劇流派。
Kunqu flourished(繁榮 興盛 活躍) for about a hundred years.崑曲興盛了大約一百年的時間。
About the middle of the 18th century, ring the Qing dynasty, it was graally replaced in popularity by jingxi (Peking opera).在18世紀中葉,也就是清朝世紀,它的 地位逐漸被京劇取代。
Its emergence(出現 浮現 /i'mergence/) ushered (引入了 開啟了 開創了)in the second Golden Era of Chinese drama它的出現引入了中國戲曲的第二個黃金時代。
BUT By the early twentieth century it had nearly disappeared, which was only exacerbated(加重,使。。惡化/ek'sesbitid/) by deliberate (故意的,深思熟慮的)attempts to suppress (壓制 鎮壓/sepress/)it ring the Cultural Revolution.
Kunqu origined from Kunshan, Jiangsu province. in ming dynasty, it developed into areas in the south of the Yangtze River and north of the Qiantang River, and it graally spread into Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Henan ,Hebei and other provinces. In the late Wanli Years, it spreaded into Beijing. In Qing dynasty, Kunqu became popular all over China.Today, Kunqu is performed professionally in seven Mainland Chinese cities.just have a look at them.


tune It is so mild溫婉, exquisite細膩(/eksqueizit/), sentimental多愁善感, and melodious 優美的that it is commonly called shuimodiao (「water-polished music」). 昆劇行腔優美,以纏綿婉轉、柔漫悠遠見長。在演唱技巧上注重聲音的控 制,節奏速度的頓挫疾徐和咬字吐音的講究,場面 伴奏樂曲齊全。「水磨腔」 。 這種新腔奠定了昆劇演唱的特色。The libretto (劇本)usually focuses on a story of romantic love. 昆劇劇本通常是講述浪漫的愛情故事 Kunqu singing emphasizes(強調) control of the voice and changes in rhythms(節奏 韻律)崑曲演唱強調聲音的控制和節奏的變化. Singers must also use their skills to express the disposition (性情)of various characters, an aspect that adds complexity to the form. 演唱者也必須運用他們的技巧去表現不同人物的性情,這一方面增加了該形式的復雜性。

Performance Kunqu has distinctive features in its musical performance. 特色The performance of kunqu combines song, dance, and spoken word into an integral(積分的 整體) whole. 昆劇是一種歌、舞、介、白各種表演手段相互配合的綜合藝術。Its graceful(優雅的優美的) dance movements can be divided into two types: one is the auxiliary(輔助的) postures(姿勢) that accompany the spoken parts, as well as the dance developed from gestures (手勢姿態)that represent a character』s spirit and essence(精華本質); the other is the lyric type of dance that coordinates(配合) with the singing parts. 它優美的舞蹈動作可以分為兩類,一種是配合念白的輔助姿勢或是由可以代表人物的精神、本質的姿態升華而來的舞蹈動作。Beijing dialect is generally used in the spoken parts of kunqu, but Suzhou dialect is spoken by a clown(小丑) character, choujue. The inclusion of the Suzhou dialect gives kunqu a strong regional quality.蘇州方言的融入使崑曲具有了強烈的地方特色 Kunqu』s system of performance exerted(施加/ig』zert/) a far-reaching(深遠的) influence upon jingxi (Peking opera).崑曲的表演系統使其具備了比京劇更為深遠的影響。

Stage art The stage art of kunqu include abunnt clothing styles, exquisite(精緻的,講究的 ) color ,and the use of painting mask(臉譜). very splendid.

Role There is an elaborate(精心的,詳細的) division (分配)of roles, each role requiring its own particular stylized (風格化的)movements and performance skills. 崑曲也有詳細的行當劃分,每個行當都有其獨特的動作和表演技巧。 kunqu mainly include 5 roles, which is sheng , dan, jing, mo, chou.

Accompaniment (伴奏)The musical ensemble(合奏) is mainly composed of wind(吹奏樂器), stringed(弦樂), and percussion instruments(打擊樂器). The lead instrument of the wind section and the entire ensemble is the di (a side-blown(在一邊吹奏的) bamboo flute(長笛)). It is accompanied by a xiao (vertical(垂直的), end-blown bamboo flute), a suona (horn喇叭 嗩吶), and a sheng (reed pipe簧片 蘆葦 管). The string section consists of a pipa (fretted lute琵琶), a sanxian (fretless lute), and a yueqin (flat, round-bodied lute). The percussion section is equipped with guban (clappers鼓班), a luo(gong), and bo (cymbals). Because the bamboo flute provides the main accompaniment, kunqu is characterized by smooth and mellifluous(流暢的 甜美的/merliflues/) music.

main aries
The Peony Pavilion (Tang Xianzu) 湯顯祖的牡丹亭
* The Peach Blossom Fan (Kong Shangren) 孔尚任的桃花扇
* The Palace of Long Life (Hong Sheng) 洪升的長生殿
* The White Snake 白蛇傳
* The Western Mansion (Southern version, adapted from Wang Shifu's zaju) 西廂,改編自王實甫的雜劇
* The Injustice done to Dou E (adapted from Guan Hanqing's zaju) 竇娥冤,改編自關漢卿的雜劇
* The Kite (Li Yu) 風箏誤 李漁
Troupes often perform highlights from operas rather than a complete kunqu opera. 經常只表演一個戲劇中的一折,而不是整個昆劇。這種一折的唱段叫做摺子戲Among the most common are Kaohong (「Interrogating Maid Hong」) from Xixiangji (The Romance of the Western Chamber), Youyuan (「Wandering in the Garden」) and Jing meng (「Startled in the Dream」) from Mudanting (The Peony Pavilion), and Duanqiao (「The Broken Bridge」) from Baishezhuan (The White Snake).
i'd like to tell you some details about the famous arie , the peony pavilion ,牡丹亭,"
In the early years of the Southern Sung dynasty (1127-1279), a beautiful young lady named Du Liniang, daughter of the Governor of Nanan, was strictly ecated and could not step out of her chambers without her parents' permission. One day without her parents' knowledge Du went into the garden with her maid. Watching the splendor of the spring at its peak, she was overcome with deep feelings. In a drowsy trance, she dreamt that she had a secret rendezvous with a young scholar under a plum tree by the side of the Peony Pavilion. Ever since returning from the garden, she was haunted by memories of her dream lover and, after seeking the dream in vain, fell ill and soon died of a broken heart. After her death, Du's spirit kept searching for the young scholar. Her persistence won over the Judge of the Netherworld and she was allowed to be reincarnated.

Three years later, a young scholar named Liu Mengmei stayed at the temple where Du was buried. He wandered in the garden and came across Du's portrait. The young lady in the portrait looked familiar and he could not help calling her. In response to his calling, the young lady came out of the picture. He fell in love with her even though he learnt that she was a ghost. On the following day, Liu g up Du's grave and opened the coffin. Du came back to life and married Liu. The couple lived happily thereafter.

劇目 不同的版本

Su Yuan (Sweeping the Garden)宿園
You Yuan (A Stroll in the Garden)游園
Jing Meng (An Interrupted Dream)驚夢
Xun Meng (Dreamland Revisited)尋夢
Li Hun (Keening)離魂
Shi Hua (Finding a Portrait)拾畫
Jiao Hua (Calling to the Portrait)叫畫
You Hui (A Romantic Encounter)幽會
Ming Shi (Pledging Love)冥誓
Huan Hun (Returning to Life)還魂

The Peony Pavilion" is a masterpiece 傑作by Tang Xianzu, the greatest poet playwright劇作家 of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644).牡丹亭是明代著名劇作家湯顯祖的傑出作品 In an utterly完全的 refined精煉的 and languidly長調的 poetic style, the play reveals romantic yearnings渴望 嚮往 and afflictions苦惱 痛苦 of love enred忍耐 by the young in the feudalistic封建的 society of China. 通過完全精煉的語言和長調詩歌的風格,這部戲劇揭露了對中國封建社會壓迫下的青年男女對浪漫的嚮往和愛情的煩惱。Its central theme proclaims顯示顯露 the significance of an ultimate最終的 triumph 勝利of 'love' over 'reason'. This daring 無畏and avant-garde 先鋒/evengard/subject, which is an outcry強烈抗議 against the suppressive 壓迫tradition, together with the moving poetics of the language, makes the poet's endorsement 認可of freedom of love between the two young protagonists提倡者支持者 a lasting force in the history of Chinese literature and theater.他的主題揭示了在種種困難下愛情取得最終勝利的意義。這種代表對壓迫性傳統的強烈抗議的無畏和先鋒精神,以及生動的詩意的語言,使得詩人對於這兩個年輕的支持者的愛與自由的認可成為中國文學戲劇史上一股持續的力量。

Liang Chen-yu is a (omitted)g Dynasty opera writers, whose main works of the legendary opera (omitted)uze a(omitted)mas Ramble is the development of China's long history of ancient drama the beautiful waves, especially the legendary Washing Gauze creative, is generally considered the first use of the reformed chamber concert of the legendary Kunshan s(omitted)first succeeded in the new Kunshan for a cappella chamber onto the stage to express endorsement body Opera (Characters in drama and(omitted)era s..

G. 崑曲用英文怎麼說


Kun Opera更多釋義源>>


崑曲 Kunqu;kunqu;The Peony Pavilion
崑曲簡史 The New Aesthetics of Kunqu Opera EP
崑曲社 kunqu troupe

H. 有關崑曲的英語作文 趕緊的 現在要


Kunqu originated in the 14th and 15th century. It is an art form of Kunshan of Suzhou, mixed with singing, dancing and martial arts. Generally it also refers to performing art called Kunju. It utilises drums, wooden, boards to control singing rhythm. The Kun flute, three stringed violins as main accompaniment instruments. The Zhongzhou dialect is used as lyrics and speaking language. In 2001, Kunqu opera is identified as "human oral and non-material heritage representative work" by UNESCO.

I. 翻譯:崑曲是用吳語演唱的,很動聽。英文

The melody of Kunqu (a.k.a, Kun or Kun Qu Opera) performed in Wu dialect is just amazing.

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