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發布時間: 2021-02-25 08:36:39

1. 高一的優秀英語作文

Olympic Flame
Now the 26th Centennial World Olympic Games are in full swing in Altanda. The Olympic flame is burning red and bright in the torch at the center of the Olympic square. Earlier before the official opening of the games it had been relayed one by one through the hands of runners, among them, students supported by the Chinese hope project. Thousands of people lined the struts to watch the relay.
The relay of the Olympic Flame is the symbol of the continuity between the ancient and modern Games. During the ancient Olympics a sacred flame burned at the altar of Zeus. A modern version of the flame was adopted for the Berlin Games in 1936, and the tradition has been observed ever since. The torch used to kindle the flame is first lit by the sun's rays at Olympia in Greece, and then carried to the site of the Games by relays of runners. Ships and planes are used when necessary.
The runners are specially chosen, All of them are hard working and as a result become overacbievers. The flame kindles the fire in everyone's heart to encourage people to go on and on and bring the Olympic spirit into full play.



The Countryside in Summer
Summer has come, with its warm sunny days, making us thing of all sorts of nice things, such as holidays in the country, picnics and haymaking①parties.
When Spring came, she found the earth cold and bare, but she soon changed all that, and by the time Summer arrives, the world is a very different place. It is a green world now, green leaves on the trees, green grass in the fields, green plants crowding in the hedges②, and flowers opening everywhere.
The days are long and the nights are short, for the sun gets up early and goes to bed late in sunny June. It is one of the best and brightest months in the year. Birds sing from sunrise till long after sunset.
As night falls, one after another the birds stop their singing, and after a few last sleepy sounds, put their heads under their wings to rest for an hour or two before beginning again. They do not all sleep, however. When other birds are silent, comes a soft cry, then, after a few moments, another, louder this time; and soon the nightingale③ pouring out his wonderful song.
Not only at night does the nightingale sing. On almost every warm day in early June, the little brown bird sings away in the roads and woods, but, as all the other birds are also singing at the same time, we do not notice his voice so much. It is at night, when he has the field all to himself, that we hear the nightingale at his best.
①haymaking [』hei?meikiR] n.制備乾草
②hedge [hedN] n.(矮樹的)樹籬
③nightingale [』naitiRgeil] n.夜鶯
2)第二段里「green」一詞的多次重復使「綠的世界」深深留在人們的心裡。在第三、四、五段里,作者把「歌聲」這一概念用不同的詞表達出來,如「sing」,「song」,「sounds」,「cry」,「pouring out」,「singing」,「voice」等,如此同義照應,使語義上下連貫,同時也加強和突出了「夜鶯歌唱」的主題。
3)本文作者使用了擬人(personification)手法,文章顯得格外生動:第二段Spring和Summer兩個詞首字母大寫,用「she」指代「Spring」;第三段中的「gets up」和「goes to bed」,「birds sing」;第四段中的「sleep」,「cry」;第五段中的「his voice」,「he」和「himself」都是擬人用法。
4)為了使描寫生動優美,作者使用了分詞短語「making us think of…」,獨產主格結構「green leaves on the trees…flowers opening everywhere」,省略句法「then, after a few moments, (comes) another (cry),(which is) louder this time」,以及傳神的短語「all to himself」和「at hisbest」等。

2. 求幾篇優秀的英語作文

1) It』 our ty to save water(節約水是我們每個人的責任。) As we know , water is very important to man, (我們知道,水對人類來說是非常的重要。)we can』t live without water. (沒有水我們就不能生存。)The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. (適合人類喝的水是越來越少了。)But some people don』t care about it .(但是有些人卻不關心或不在意。)They waste a lot of water in their daily life. (日常生活中他們浪費很多水。)Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.(更糟糕的是他們排放污水到河流里。) They throw rubbish into rivers , too. (他們還亂扔垃圾到河流理去。)Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.(很多河流湖泊已經受到嚴重污染。) Something must be done to stop the pollution. (人類必須採取一些措施來制止污染。)Only in this way can we live happily.(只有這樣,我們才過得幸福開心。) If we don』t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.( 如果我們不節約水,那麼最後一滴水也許會是我們人類的眼淚)

3. 怎麼寫一篇優秀的英語作文

2、確定一句中心句,圍繞著它展開論述。層次要分明,多使用一些above all、secondly、next、finally之類的詞。要有意識地使用一些從句(定語從句、名詞性從句、同位語等等)給文章增色。
3、最後有總結或是自己的看法的段落,使用in a word、in my view之類的片語開頭。

4. 因為優秀而美麗英語作文

照搬照抄、人雲亦雲。所謂研習,需要有獨立思考和個人的判斷,本著「他山之石,可以攻專玉」的精神屬,汲取文章的精華部分加以研究。研習主要側重兩個方面,包括文章章法和語言表達。文章章法指文章的行文思路、布局謀篇、結構安排、邏輯順序。許多學習者面對一個話題,可能存在兩種不同的困惑,一是下筆千言,但離題萬里;二是思緒萬千,卻無從落筆。導致兩種困惑的根源皆在於欠缺思考問題、組織思路的恰當方式,以至於文章不得要領、章法紊亂。這就要求我們從全篇脈絡角度多研習範文,之後領悟如何以演繹法行文、怎樣用歸納法謀篇以及如何圍繞特定話題拓展思路等等。此外,研習還要側重於語言表達,包括遣詞造句和句子、段落之間的各種銜接手段,以期在自己日後的寫作中派上用場,因為英文寫作皆通一理。只有善於借鑒,勤加研究,才會借他人的優勢和長處,提高自己的寫作水平。背 誦 背誦是提高寫作的又一有效途徑。要學好寫作文,首先要處理好語言輸入與輸出之間的關系。前者是後者的前提條件。如果頭腦空空如也,就根本談不上寫出像模像樣的文章。只有讀過大量東西,並且有意識地將其中精彩部分儲存於記憶之中,才能保證下筆流暢、文通字順。因此,背誦對於寫作極為重要

5. 優秀的英語作文,最好有翻譯,

My family
There are four people in my family.Is my mother my father,my sister and me.My mother is fat she likes singing.My father is kind he likes play football.My sister is very lovely she likes singing and dancing.I am a happy girl.I like drawing picture very much.
I love them and they love me!


6. 優秀的英語作文,最好有翻譯,

My family
There are four people in my family.Is my mother my father,my sister and me.My mother is fat she likes singing.My father is kind he likes play football.My sister is very lovely she likes singing and dancing.I am a happy girl.I like drawing picture very much.
I love them and they love me!


My teacher

Mr Black is our teacher, who is strict with us .But we like he best.Because his class is very fun and he is a funny men. Mr Black teaches us English.And his English is very good.He often helps me with English.A funny thing is that Mr Black is an English, but he likes watching Beijing Opera,he often goes to see Beijing Opera on weekends.

布萊克先生是我們的老師對我們要求很嚴格。但是我們喜歡他最好的因為他的課非常有趣,他是一個有趣的人。布萊克先生教我們英語. 和他的英語很好他經常幫助我用英語. 一個有趣的事情是布萊克先生是一位英語,但他喜歡看京劇,他經常去看京劇在周末的時候。


7. 優秀英語作文

Bear Bill,

Very glad to receive your letter of July 13. Thank you for your congratulations. I was very excited when I heard that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. Immediately I called Wei Guo and Li Hong to my house. After a brief discussion we decided to put up a wall newspaper for our class. We hurried to our classroom and began to work. Wei Guo wrote a poem. Li Hong copied some news from the newspapers. I drew an Olympic flag. The next Monday, our classmates were both surprised and overjoyed when they saw the wall newspaper.

I hope you can come to China to watch the Olympic Games in 2008. Then I'll be very happyto be your guide. Xiao Ming had a dream (夢) last night . In the dream , he volunteered to serve (志願列隊) the Beijing Olympics .

Xiao Ming had a dream last night. In the dream, he volunteered to serve the Beijing Olympics. He tried his best to help the foreign friends from different countries. When he found a foreign friend worried in the street, he went up to him and asked him what was the matter. The foreigner told Xiao Ming he was Jack, and he forgot the way to the Sun Hotel. Then Xiao Ming stopped a taxi and took him to the Sun Hotel. Xiao Ming talked with Jack on the way and made Jack know more about Beijing. Jack thanked Xiao Ming very much and thought Xiao Ming's English was very good. Xiao Ming was very happy. He smiled and smiled, then he woke up.

New Beijing, Great Olympics

The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be shifted from making a promise to fulfilling the promise made.

In my point of view, to bridge the gap between the promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. To begin with, infrastructure construction should be the primary concern. Such infrastructures as communications and transportation system and facilities ought to draw our constant attention. First, traffic jam has been an age

8. 優秀的英文





n. 優秀;美德;長處




1、operational excellence卓越運營

2、par excellence出類拔萃的

3、moral excellence道德美





n. 優點,價值;功績;功過

vt. 值得

vi. 應受報答

例:The argument seemed to have considerable merit.




n. 美好;純度;細微;優雅

例:Twofactors arecontributing tothefinenessof theash.


9. 小學生優秀英語作文精選(5篇)


My dog 我的狗
I have a dog. My dog name is DuDu. DuDu is 9 years.(簡單介紹) DuDu is fat. It wears a white coat. DuDu has two big eyes and two small ears. It has one short mouth.(外觀)My dog is smart. I like my dog. Do you like it?(表明態度,反問)
City 城市
This is Beijing .It’s in the north of china .It’s got fourteen million people .It’s very big .There is a very famous wall in Beijing .The Great Wall.
It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers. And there is a famous square in the middle of Beijing it’s beautiful .(There be 句型,需記憶)It’s Tian’an men square .
I like Beijing .I want to go to Beijing one day.(I want to句型,需記憶)
My home 我的家
My home is on the first floor. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. I’m a child. I have a nice bedroom. In my bedroom, there is bedroom, a closet, an air- conditioner and so on. My closet is green. My bed is blue. I love my bedroom very much.(總分的結構,先寫大環境再寫小環境)
My Classroom 我的教室
My classroom is nice and big . There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two black boards on the walls. And there are two pictures, too. My classroom has eleven lights and twelve fans. What color are the fans? (設問句形式好)They are blue. At the corner, there is a shelf, many books are in the shelf. I like the books very much.
This is my classroom, it is very nice.(首尾呼應) I like my classroom very much. Do you have a nice classroom, too?
My bedroom 我的小卧室
I have a small bedroom, it's on the third floor in my house. There is a small bed, a nice wardrobe and a small table in my room. The bed is on the left side of the table. The wardrobe is on the right, it is very beautiful. there is a lamp and a clock on the table, the lamp is green, the clock looks like an orange, it’s smart.(注意空間的描述)
My bedroom is small, but it’s very comfortable.

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