① 英語作文什麼經歷的
要積累作文材料 積累豐富的作文材料是寫好作文的首要條件。許多文章高手文思敏捷,很重要的原因是他們腦子有一個豐富的材料庫,寫起文章來,就能得心應手,左右逢源。同學們要寫好作文,也必須花大力氣積累作文材料。作家秦牧說:「一個作家應該有三個倉庫:一個直接材料的倉庫裝從生活中得來的材料;一個間接倉庫裝書籍和資料中得來的材料,另一個就是日常收集的人民語言的倉庫。有了這三種,寫起來就比較容易。順便說一下 目前我在學的ABC5夫下英語的導師和我提到,事實上要掌握好英語應該是不費力地;必然要有一個恰當的學習空間以及實習口語對象,重點就是老師教學經驗,發音純正非常重要,堅決經常口語學習 1 on 1針對性教學才會有非常.好.的學習成果。課後記得回放復習課堂錄音檔 把所學知識融會貫通!如果真的沒有練習對象的狀況下,那麼就上 VOA或愛思得到課外學習資料閱讀,多說多練短時間語境就加強起來,學習成長應該可以快速顯著的 」這段話中說的前兩個倉庫正是同學們寫好作文應必備的 1、積累「從生活中得來的材料」,最好的方法是堅持寫觀察日記。同學們寫日記的通病是記流水帳,自己覺得沒意思,也就懶得寫了。建議你們照老舍先生教的方法寫:「你要仔細觀察身旁的老王或老李是什麼性,有哪些特點,隨時注意,隨時記下來……要天天記,養成一種習慣。刮一陣風,你記下來;下一陣雨你也能記下來,因為不知道哪一天,你的作品裡需要描寫一陣風或一陣雨,你如果沒有這種積累,就寫不豐富。」 |、積累「書籍和資料中得來的材料」,一方面靠課內閱讀,把語文課堂中的閱讀和寫作結合起來;另一方面還要靠課外閱讀,堅持寫摘錄式的讀書筆記。如果每段摘錄用一張紙片,就是讀書卡片。俗話說:「好記憶不如爛筆頭」。記憶力再強,時間長了,要記的內容多了,總會遺忘一些。如果一邊讀書,一邊把認為很精彩的內容摘錄下來,不僅能避免遺忘,而且翻閱起來也很方便 所謂值得摘錄的「精彩內容」。與閱讀者的興趣、愛好、水平、需要等等因素有關,並無統一標准。一般來說,精彩警策的語句,生動形象的描寫,新穎深刻的觀點,活潑有趣的對話乃至優美的詞語,都可以分類摘錄。為了以後查閱方便,在摘錄原文的後面註明材料的出處也是必要的 不少同學寫過摘錄或讀書筆記,但堅持寫的不多。一項有益的工作半途而廢是很可惜的。有人統計:馬克思寫《資本論》,寫過「摘要」的書籍多達100多種;列寧寫《哲學筆記》,直接引用的哲學著作多達數十種。像革命導師那樣,堅持寫摘錄式讀書筆記吧,它能使你成為聰明、充實、富有的人,能使你今後寫作時文思敏捷筆下生花 二 要按循序漸進的規律訓練 提高寫作能力不是一朝一夕的事,要有長期打算,因此,要安排好作文訓練的序列。怎樣的序列是最合理的,從眾多寫作人才成長的過程中,我們看到了異彩紛飛的「序列」,還很難談那一種是放之四海而皆準的真理。下面介紹「七先七後」的訓練序列,也許是比較具有普通意義的一種,請同學們根據自己的情況,參考使用 回答者: 1 | 三級 | 010-1-1 1: 轉發到:
② I Love Reading100字英語作文! 1簡述你的閱讀經歷 2閱讀給你帶來的好處 3 呼籲
is my favorite hobby. I can never stop the love for reading because books are likewise teachers as well as good friends in my life. As we know, books are the source of knowledge. I benefit a great from reading.
There are a variety of books for us to choose from, like history books, science books, literary books and so on. But what interests me most is literary books, especially those by famous writers. For one thing, they hope to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizon. For another, they can enrich my life and provide me with great fun.
Isn』t it a pleasure to have great calm in mind while you are reading?
③ 英語作文托尼上學的過程
④ 搜索以讀書為題的英語作文
As we know ,Books can tell us a reason ,Reading in the summer, enthusiasm, no one would deny that summer hot and passion, read you, will you read a passionate summer. Book is not only knowledge of treasure, but our mentor, it can teach us how to composition and how to do it. In the us alone, it like a great friend as comfort you. A difficulty, it will give us the answers, Encounter difficulties, it will help us and give us strength. Reading water, is the source of life, Reading flower, life is the emotions, Reading is a kind of comprehension, reading is soil, is cultivated flowers resources.
書可以告訴我們道理,書不僅是知識的寶庫,而且是我們的良師益友,它能教我們怎樣作文,怎樣做 人。在我們孤單時,它像大朋友一樣安慰你。有疑難時,它會給我們解答;遇到困難 時,它會幫助我們,給我們力量。讀書,在絢爛的春天。沒有人會否認春天的溫暖和浪漫。讀你,就像讀一個五彩的春天。讀書如水,是生命的源泉;讀書如花,是生命的情懷;讀書是一種感悟,讀書是土,是栽培花朵的資源。
⑤ 關於自己讀書的小故事,英文的,還要中文翻譯
Happy reading for me 快樂讀書
Truly happy and successful people get that way by becoming the best, most genuine version of themselves they can be. Not on the outside--on the inside. It's not about a brand, a reputation, a persona. It's about reality. Who you really are.
Sounds simple, I know. It is a simple concept. The problem is, it's very hard to do, it takes a lot of work, and it can take a lifetime to figure it out.
Nothing worth doing in life is ever easy. If you want to do great work, it's going to take a lot of hard work to do it. And you're going to have to break out of your comfort zone and take some chances that will scare the crap out of you.
But you know, I can't think of a better way to spend your life. I mean, what's life for if not finding yourself and trying to become the best, most genuine version of you that you can be?
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.
You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.
⑥ my ecation experience 英語作文,從小學到大學的上學經歷,字數五百字以上,急求,跪謝
In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China』 best engineering schools. During the following undergraate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graate program waived of the admission test.
At the period of my graate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graation Thesis.
Research experience and academic activity
When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial proct.
In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.
⑦ 求一篇關於如何讀書的英語作文!!!
As consensus of everyone, people should read books, especially when they are young. However, we still should read selectively instead of blindly. In China, many parents force their children to read all kinds of books for some reason, that makes those kids under heavy stress. I don't think it's a good way for ecation, child should read those books which can help them develop a good viewpoint about the world and life, such as thanksgiving, appreciation, politeness and diligence. Even for alt, we should select what we read as well, because our engergy is limited. Moreover, we still need to learn much knowledge helpful for our career. Actually, I think reading blindly is just wasting time. Nowadays, people feel much more stress than before, so we can chose those books about computer application, investment, English learning, economy, finance,.
So, all in all, we should attach importance to both of selectivity and universality when thinking about reading.
⑧ 我的讀書生活英語作文
I like reading very much. When I was a small girl, was interested in reading picture books on science and history. At the age of seven,I entered a primary school and began to read more books.
Now I am a middle school student. I have many subjects to learn. Every day I must finish a lot of homework. I am very busy. But when I have spare time I still want to read some story books. One day my young sister brought me a book XI YOU JI.I read the book with great interest.much.
I like Monkey King very much.
⑨ 英語作文讀書
I like reading very much. The fairy tales are my favorites, such as Grimm』s Fairy Tales,Anderson』s Fairy Tales and so on. But I like Zheng Yuanjie』s fairy tales most, such as Shuke and Beita and many other books. The roles in his fairy tales are so funny. Sometimes, I think they are around me. They are my classmates or my friends. Therefore, these stories are also my own stories. And, his books also teach me to be a good kid.
⑩ 一次你受益於讀書的經歷的英語作文帶翻譯
Once you have benefited from the experience of reading English