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發布時間: 2021-02-09 04:18:26

『壹』 寫一篇關於杜絕浪費的英語作文!!急急

we should never waste anything

last month,i came to my grandmother's home,she give me a bag of fruits.

for forgeting the fruits,today my mum just open the door of the frige,a bad smell came out,and i already remember the fruit have been in the frige for more then a month~~~

my mother told me to be careful in the future,yes ,we have no rights to waste anything,there are so many area in china,and in a large part of the world,people are eager to eat a fulfilled meal,but tat's just a illusion.

now i know all the things are important to me,so i understand we can never waste anything!


『貳』 厲行節約,反對浪費的英文怎麼說

Nowadays, with the rapid development of the modern society, is seems that more and more people desire a rather luxurious than wealthy life, and some even consider it shameful to be thrifty. There are two different opinions about this phenomenon. One is that being thrift is a good virtue and should be taken seriously. The other is that ways of living are people』 personal choices, and should not be bother by anyone else. As far as I am concerned, I cannot positive more with the former for various reasons.

『叄』 杜絕浪費 英文怎麼說


『肆』 必須採取措施阻止浪費 翻譯成英語。

Measures must be taken to stop wasting

『伍』 有關杜絕浪費得英語作文帶翻譯70詞左右


『陸』 "要避免不必要的浪費"翻譯成英文..謝謝.

Must avoid the nonessential waste

『柒』 翻譯成英語 在線等~

Thrift Bo ", adhere to the" one-time investment, can be recycled to use "principle is also the opening ceremony a highlight. This is not only in the original more than 10 million hair Display Shells eventually be reced to 20,000 hair, but also in content planning and site development in the field. organizers as to the best of the opening part of a park the next night concert repertoire, in order to avoid short-term effects of large-scale activities; as possible after the Huangpu River, the landscape for the Expo program reserved for hardware facilities such as fountains, in order to avoid plication of funding use and waste.

Extensive use of environmentally friendly, is this another feature of the opening ceremony. The use of the material, as select non-polluting, low energy consumption, renewable resources, avoiding environmental damage. Such as milk cartons with the waste proced by 2,000 guests seat, single-use recycled paper proced programs, program books and bags, and many programs use the props and scene pieces. In addition, low-power stereo and a large LED screen, clean and smoke-free fireworks at the opening ceremony was also widely used.

『捌』 用英語翻譯。在第一時間解決問題可以避免浪費時間和金錢.

Solving the problem at the first place can avoid the waste of both money and time.

『玖』 翻譯成英語:腳踏實地 精益求精 降低成本 杜絕浪費

keep improving
depress cost

put an end to waste

『拾』 "要避免不必要的浪費"翻譯成英文。.謝謝。

Must avoid the nonessential waste

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