1. 林依晨的英文名是什麼
2. 林依晨的英語名字是什麽
3. 林依晨的英文名
4. 林依晨英文簡介
』『 Name:林依晨Ariel
』『 Birthday: 1982.10.29
』『 Blood type: A type
』『 Height: 160
』『 Constellation: Scorpio
Shoes 』『 No.: 23
『Home』 Ranking: boss (one brother)
』『 Ecation: Third Republic, the Minglun High School, National Chengchi University Department of Korean
』『 Interest: reading (narrative or eco-encyclopedia), newspapers and magazines, watching movies (as), swimming, travel to enjoy food, shopping, singing, listening to music, organize the room, acting
』『 Expertise: swimming, reading, English, Korean
』『 People appreciate:陶晶瑩, Chen, Peng Sin, Julia Roberts, all who do not pay people求回報
Most satisfied with their own 『』 parts: a smile, personality, collarbone,腳丫子, back, neck
『』 That his own personality: quiet, such as Sub-Office, such as moving from rabbits, optimistic yet sentimental,好勝heart, and love clearly
』『 Favorite color: black, silver
』『 Favorite food: mother's food, mineral water, burning stalls, chocolate, steak, fruits and vegetables green bean Adlay Tacca, pearl green bean
『』 Favorite types of opposite sex: the good, stable, filial piety, a connotation of special circumstances, considerate
』『 Most annoying: the hypocrisy of those who lie,身不由已or unable to return to-day situation, a waste of time
』『 Greatest wish: to have a "wonderful" life
』『 Motto: I believe that their life may be unlimited, use every opportunity to go all out
』『 Life: optimistic, positive, Thanksgiving
Short-range goals 『』: both academic and career
Medium-range target 『』: Ilan buy home, around the world, continue to strengthen the internal organization of a happy family
』『 Long-term objective: to allow their own "as far as possible," no regrets in life
『Most impressive thing』: Dear Golden Hamsters & puppy's death, the first to see your face in the magazines & TV
』『 Experience: at the first session of the Taipei Mass Rapid Transit MRT first girl, magazine model, selected the 40th Golden Horse Awards Best Actress
〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓
▒ ◆ ◇ filming MV ◇ ◆ ▒
〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓
五月天- believe
Chiang, Mei Chi - lonely flight
Jay Chou -雙截棍
Sandy - paper airplane
The engine driving the Chilean - guarding love
Tension-She's having my baby
Chorus-CHA CHA
林依晨- the Northern Hemisphere alone
Fish Leong - Middle
張信哲- White Moon (Korean b behind the scenes)
胡彥斌-Waiting for you』『 Name:林依晨Ariel <br> 』『 Birthday: 1982.10.29 <br> 』『 Blood type: A type <br> 』『 Height: 160 <br> 』『 Constellation: Scorpio <br> Shoes 』『 No.: 23 <br> 『Home』 Ranking: boss (one brother) <br> 』『 Ecation: Third Republic, the Minglun High School, National Chengchi University Department of Korean <br> 』『 Interest: reading (narrative or eco-encyclopedia), newspapers and magazines, watching movies (as), swimming, travel to enjoy food, shopping, singing, listening to music, organize the room, acting <br> 』『 Expertise: swimming, reading, English, Korean <br> 』『 People appreciate:陶晶瑩, Chen, Peng Sin, Julia Roberts, all who do not pay people求回報 <br> Most satisfied with their own 『』 parts: a smile, personality, collarbone,腳丫子, back, neck <br> 『』 That his own personality: quiet, such as Sub-Office, such as moving from rabbits, optimistic yet sentimental,好勝heart, and love clearly <br> 』『 Favorite color: black, silver <br> 』『 Favorite food: mother's food, mineral water, burning stalls, chocolate, steak, fruits and vegetables green bean Adlay Tacca, pearl green bean <br> 『』 Favorite types of opposite sex: the good, stable, filial piety, a connotation of special circumstances, considerate <br> 』『 Most annoying: the hypocrisy of those who lie,身不由已or unable to return to-day situation, a waste of time <br> 』『 Greatest wish: to have a "wonderful" life <br> 』『 Motto: I believe that their life may be unlimited, use every opportunity to go all out <br> 』『 Life: optimistic, positive, Thanksgiving <br> Short-range goals 『』: both academic and career <br> Medium-range target 『』: Ilan buy home, around the world, continue to strengthen the internal organization of a happy family <br> 』『 Long-term objective: to allow their own "as far as possible," no regrets in life <br> 『Most impressive thing』: Dear Golden Hamsters & puppy's death, the first to see your face in the magazines & TV <br> 』『 Experience: at the first session of the Taipei Mass Rapid Transit MRT first girl, magazine model, selected the 40th Golden Horse Awards Best Actress <br> <br> 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 <br> ▒ ◆ ◇ filming MV ◇ ◆ ▒ <br> 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 <br> <br>五月天- believe <br> <br> Chiang, Mei Chi - lonely flight <br> <br> Jay Chou -雙截棍 <br> <br> Sandy - paper airplane <br> <br> Zhou Yu Min-MAKE A WISH <br> <br> The engine driving the Chilean - guarding love <br> <br>陶吉吉-Angel <br> <br> Tension-She's having my baby <br> <br> Chorus-CHA CHA <br> <br>林依晨- the Northern Hemisphere alone <br> <br> Fish Leong - Middle <br> <br>張信哲- White Moon (Korean b behind the scenes) <br> <br>胡彥斌-Waiting for you
5. 林依晨的英文名是什麼
本名: 林依晨‧正式英文名:IchenLin、Ariel、アリエル・リン‧임의신
生日: 1982年10月29日 天蠍座
身高: 160cm (5呎3吋)
體重: 43kg (很輕)
血型: A型
鞋號: 23
學歷: 鷺江國小‧三民國中‧明倫高中‧台灣政治大學韓文系
綽號: 沒有。不過國中時暗戀我的某個學長,曾有好一段時間猛喊我「巧克力」,但最後也不了了之。(其實每一部新戲上檔後, 都會有很多人喊我在劇中的名字)
自我描述: 純真、多愁善感、矛盾、執著、愛恨分明、自我要求高、過度謹慎、慢熱、容易悶也容易high
Her Favorites
最欣賞的人: 孟盈秀、張曼玉、梁朝偉、瞿導、任導
喜歡的食物: 媽媽、阿媽煮的菜! ^^巧克力‧各式甜湯、義大利面、肉鬆、壽司、蒙古烤肉‧味噌魚 水果 (草莓、芒果、荔枝、蘋果、芭樂、葡萄) 各式小吃、大餐(但是最討厭苦瓜、茄子)
喜歡的電影: 魔戒系列‧哈利波特系列‧原罪犯‧選擇‧星際終結者
喜歡的動物: 人、狗、寵物鼠
喜歡的穿著: 不是很簡單,就是很復雜。但最高原則就是要穿起來很舒服,適合自己、看起來瘦 & 比例好、有特色
喜歡的花卉: 香水百合‧玫瑰‧野薑花‧桂花
喜歡的卡通: 1. 彼得兔 2. 米老鼠 3. 大眼蛙 4. 小叮當 5.小熊維尼
Her Life
興 趣: ◎游泳 ◎整理房間 ◎演戲 看書‧看電影‧旅遊‧唱歌‧聽音樂‧享受美食‧逛大賣場‧包禮物
專 長: 上面打圈的部分、睡覺、:游泳、朗讀、英文、韓文
Her Dream
欣賞的異性類型: 高我一個頭、優雅‧大器、有內涵、獨立、睿智、善良、孝順、專情、體貼、懂得尊重、寬容
最想去玩的地方: 峇里島、紐約‧大溪地、蒙古
最想挑戰的角色: 狼童、歷史偉人、精神分裂、多重人格
《十八歲的約定》 飾演 夏曉彤 (2002台灣八大台首播)
《紫色角落》 客串 Stacy (2002台灣台視首播)
《名揚四海》 客串 小燕如 (2003台灣台視首播)
《我的秘密花園》 飾演 范小敏 (2003/01/12台灣中視首播)
《七年級生》 飾演 吳雅莉 (2003台灣TVBS-G台首播)
《我的秘密花園II》 飾演 范小敏 (2004/04/04 台灣中視首播)
《愛情合約》 飾演 成曉風 (2004/06/29台灣TVBS-G台首播)
《惡作劇之吻》 飾演 袁湘琴 (2005/09/25台灣中視首播)
《天外飛仙》 飾演 玉小七(七仙女) (2006/01/15內地重慶影視頻道首播,2006/02/07台灣中視首播)
《東方茱麗葉》 飾演 林瀨穗 (2006/06/03台灣八大綜合台首播,2007/08/26內地湖南衛視播) ]
《惡作劇2吻》 飾演 袁湘琴(2007/12/16台灣中視首播)
《射鵰英雄傳》 飾演 黃蓉(拍攝完成,待播中)
電影2003《飛躍情海》飾演 林小英(果昱影像)
2003《空手道少女組》飾演 葉麗珠 (內地稱:中國功夫少女組)(果昱影像)
MV拍攝2001 五月天《相信》
2001 江美琪《寂寞飛行》
2001 周傑倫《雙截棍》
2001 周渝民《Make a Wish》
2002 林憶蓮《紙飛機》
2002 陶喆《Angel》
2002 動力火車《鎮守愛情》
2003 Tension《She's having my baby》
2004 我的秘密花園2原聲帶《Cha Cha》
2004 林依晨《孤單北半球》
2004 梁靜茹《中間》(剪輯《愛情合約》畫面)
2004 張信哲《白月光》(幕後的韓文口白配音)
2004 胡彥斌《Waiting for you》
2005 Jason * Lara《Say that u love me》(剪輯《惡作劇之吻畫面》畫面)
2005 王藍茵《惡作劇》
2005 五月天《亂世浮生》
2006 林依晨《非你莫屬》
2006 羅志祥《好朋友》
2007年02月 《天使的翅膀》:發表於〈許瑋倫2007光芒音樂演唱會〉中,由許瑋倫的弟弟許志瑋與好友林依晨、楊丞琳、賀軍翔、鄭元暢、王心凌、黃嘉千、霍建華 、陳宇凡、林韋君、施易男、范逸臣、楊謹華、品冠、小鬼、BEN等人合唱黃韻玲為許瑋倫特別譜寫的歌曲
2007 林依晨《路尼亞戰記》路尼亞戰記游戲主題曲
2004 張簡 《單純的臉孔》 (我的秘密花園2插曲)
2004 丸子 《Shinning》 (愛情合約插曲)
2006 SHE 《一眼萬年》 (天外飛仙主題曲)
2006 TANK 《千年淚》 (天外飛仙主題曲)
2006 胡歌 《月光》 (天外飛仙插曲)
主持元氣唱片行 (台灣TVBS-G台)
東京流行物語 (台灣TVBS-G台)
唱片2004 我的秘密花園II 原聲帶-CHA CHA (環球)
2004 愛情合約原聲帶-孤單北半球 (滾石)
2005 電影「外出」原聲帶-歸途(時尚)
2006 東方茱麗葉原聲帶-非你莫屬(華研)
2007 路尼亞戰記Online中文主題曲-路尼亞戰記
2007 惡作劇2吻OST原聲帶-你(艾回)
代言及電視廣告------- 國泰建設
------- 懷潔衛生護墊
2001 泛亞2U卡
2001 好自在衛生棉
------- 曼秀雷敦護唇膏
2003 寵物王online
2003 七七新貴派
2003 金飾「真愛密碼」系列
2003 中華電信JAVA歡樂城
2004 博士倫 ReNu 去蛋白全效保養液
2004 CHANEL(香奈兒)潤澤保濕系列
2004 sasa葯妝店開幕
2004 董氏基金會拒菸代言人
2004 top girl服飾
2004 中華電信MOD歡唱98
2005 Double A 影印紙代言
2005 HEME 保濕晚安凍膜
2006 台南國際糖果節代言
2006 台北國際電玩展新力娛樂(SCEH)電玩機 PS3 代言
2006 麗嬰房春夏服裝代言
2006 Top Girl服飾代言
2006 飛柔青年節「七年級硬草莓果漾宣言」大募集活動代言
2006 代言中華電信手機新功能
2006 Sofy new talent ( 廣告4/29電視首播)
2006 代言HEME魔法系列
2006 南山人壽 (有相關BOLG)
2006 御茶園 (台灣廣告已播出)
2006 羅梵迪諾手錶代言人
2006 HEME 凈潤白系列
2006 7-11便利店尋找Snoopy
2007 蘇菲夜用
2008 Top Girl服飾代言
2008 詠仕服飾
2008 康師傅飲料
2008 麥味登早餐
2008 黑松汽水
MV「白月光」(by 張信哲)韓語旁白
6. 林依晨陳列著我們中國的歷史英語
Would please;
Sonia 一步步的對北京戲劇充滿了興趣;
We can learn alot of knowledge about Chinese history from Beijing opera.
7. 鄭元暢和林依晨的英語水平怎樣
8. 林依晨究竟英文有多好,為何連張國立都拍手叫好
9. 求4篇介紹林依晨的英語作文,不要太難理解,小學水平
A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours ring the vacation, I've been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occupations? Nevertheless, divergent views emerge on the matter in question. Some people are of the opinion that laborers should have the same length of holiday. They hold the view that people are born equal and should be treated equally. The same amount of leisure time may eliminate the unfairness among people who might be upset psychologically if otherwise. At first sight, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it doesn't bear much analysis. To begin with, people do different kinds of jobs featuring different labor intensity and so the time needed to refresh their physical condition varies. For example, blue collar workers may work longer hours before they get tired physically, while white collar workers such as doctors and teachers are more mentally stressed. Unable to work continuously as long as those physical labor workers, white collars need more time to pull through the mental weariness than physical tiredness. All in all, people in different jobs assume different responsibilities and have different degrees of pressure. Secondly, different tasks and ties are required for different professions, resulting in the variety of holiday periods for people in different walks of life. Some employees cannot have their legal holidays and even have to work overtime, such as policemen, construction workers and people in the service line.Those professions just can't be interrupted for a mornent;other wise the society will be in a mess. Even for some people in the same occupation, they cannot have the same holidays entitled to them e to many factors out of human control, such as special assignments, and health conditions etc, then not to say people in different fields. Suppose we, as teachers do, all have three months' holiday in a year. Then factories have to employ considerably more workers because some of them are enjoying happy holiday.That's obviously against the principles of doing business at lower cost and efficiency. If we have only three days off in a year, then all the people in our country will be working day after day. No one can squeeze time to visit those tourist resorts leisurely. It goes without saying that the tourist trade and catering instry thus canno t develop rapidly and healthily. 有什麼問題 請隨時提問 有問 必答 這篇作文希望對你 有幫助 沒有的話 我在去英語作文大全裡面幫您找找看 一定會有你喜歡的作文哈 不過希望 找和自己水平差不多的 你找的太好了 老師以為你英文很好了 到考試 時候 就沒那麼理想了 所以建議 不要和自己水平差太多的
10. 林依晨什麼學歷 林依晨英語好嗎