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【入竟問禁】 謂進入別國國境,先問明禁令,以免觸犯.竟,「境」的古字.語本《禮記·曲內禮上》:「入竟而問禁,入國容而問俗,入門而問諱.」孔穎達疏:「入竟而問禁者……竟,界首也.禁謂國中政教所忌.凡至竟界,當先訪問主國何所禁也.」
【入國問俗】 語出《禮記·曲禮上》:「入竟而問禁,入國而問俗,入門而 問諱.」謂進入別國或一個地區,首先要問其風俗,以免抵觸.
【入門問諱】 客人進門,先問主人祖先名諱,以便談話時避之,謂之「入門 問諱」.語出《禮記·曲禮上》:「入國而問俗,入門而問諱.」孔穎達疏:「『入門而問諱』者,門,主人之門;諱,主人祖先君名,宜先知之,欲為避之也.」

⑵ 英語翻譯










據GamesInstry報道,Steam中國用戶數量已經達到了3000萬。最初Steam在中國獲得大量用戶是由於《Dota 2》的流行,不過,後來Steam上由中國開發者製作的游戲越來越多,又有很多游戲加入了簡體中文版本,再加上本土化的定價和支付方式,這些都促使更多的中國玩家注冊Steam賬號。


⑶ 求"交流訪問"的英文翻譯


⑷ 英語翻譯

他們的第一次探險是北極。Janek和團隊不得不小心動物,危險的冰和惡劣的天氣。這是非常困難的,但事情變得更好。2004年4月24日,他們到達極點,Janek 15歲

⑸ 訪問中國的英語翻譯

visit China

⑹ 翻譯成英語

E-commerce activities carried out by e-mail
(1)超市可以通過會員注冊獲取消費者的電子信箱,開展以下電子商務活動:一是郵件促銷。 (1) supermarkets registered members can access to consumers through the e-mail address, e-commerce activity carried out the following: First, e-mail promotions. 在電子商務環境下,超市可以通過客戶郵箱向願意接收郵件的客戶發送廣告、新進商品信息及優惠、折扣、贈送等促銷信息。 In e-commerce environment, supermarkets can mail to customers willing to receive e-mail client to send advertising, new proct information and offers, discounts, gifts and other promotions.
二是郵件提醒購物。 The second is to e-mail reminder. 超市可以通過自己的信息系統對客戶的購買習慣、購買周期進行分析,為用戶提供個性化的服務,在恰當的時間提醒應該購買某種物品了。 Supermarkets can, through their own information systems on customer buying habits, the purchase of cycle analysis, to provide users with personalized services, at the right time to buy some items should be reminded of. 這種個性化的服務會使客戶感到溫暖,提高客戶對超市的忠誠度。 This personalized service will make customers feel warm and enhance customer loyalty to the supermarket.
三是郵件購物。 Third, e-mail to. 隨著生活節奏的加快,客戶越來越希望得到快捷、省時、方便的服務,客戶可以向超市郵箱發送購物信息,並約定送貨時間,超市可以為用戶提供更好更貼身的服務。 With the accelerated pace of life, customers increasingly want to be efficient, time-saving and convenient service, customers can send mail to supermarket shopping information and agreed delivery time, the supermarket can provide users with better and more personal service. 四是郵件信息反饋。 Fourth, e-mail feedback. 超市可以利用郵件向客戶進行市場調查、服務滿意度調查等,客戶也可以通過郵件向超市反饋意見,甚至提出自己的需求,代購超市沒有的商品。 Supermarket customers can use e-mail to conct a market survey, service satisfaction surveys and so on, customers can also e-mail feedback to the supermarket, or even make their own demand, purchasing goods stores do not.
(2)通過郵件開展電子商務活動應注意的問題: (2) e-commerce activities concted through the mail should be attention to the problem:
第一,用郵件與用戶進行溝通事先要徵得客戶同意,可以在用戶注冊會員時增加電子信箱地址一項,並請用戶選擇是否可以向他發送郵件,不請自到的郵件是不受歡迎的。 First, the use of e-mail to communicate with the user, with the consent of customers prior to the consent of the user registered members can increase an e-mail address, and requests the user can choose whether or not to send a message to him, unsolicited e-mail is unwelcome of.
第二,即使得到了用戶的信箱,也不能經常發送郵件,以免引起用戶的反感,一般可以在開展促銷活動或有新商品上市時給用戶發送信息。 Second, even if the user's mailbox can not send messages frequently to avoid the user's disgusting, generally or in carrying out promotional activities to market new procts to the user send a message.
第三,用戶的信箱地址屬於消費者的個人隱私,企業有義務保證個人信息不被泄露,保護消費者的隱私權,只有這樣消費者才能信任企業,並願意與企業進一步合作。 Third, the user's email address belonging to the personal privacy of consumers, enterprises have an obligation to ensure that personal information not be leaked, the protection of consumer privacy, the only way consumers can trust enterprises, and is willing to further cooperation with enterprises.

2. 通過超市網站開展電子商務活動。 2. The adoption of e-commerce activity carried out the supermarket site.
(1)超市網站建設應遵循以下原則: (1) supermarket building site should follow the following principles:
第一,經濟實用。 First, the economical and practical. 超市網站建設先要考慮成本問題,因為它的經營方式和服務對象都不同於一般的零售網站。 Supermarket site to be considered the cost of building because of its mode of operation and services are different from the general retail site. 超市銷售主要以店鋪為主,網上銷售是超市的輔助銷售手段,而網上零售商店則以網上銷售為主;超市的服務對象主要是社區消費者,訪問量較小,而網上零售商店的服務一般面向全國甚至全世界,訪問量大。 Supermarket sales of the major shops in the main, online marketing is a means of supermarket sales support, and online retail stores are selling mainly online; supermarket to serve the community of consumers is mainly visit the relatively small number of retail stores and online services in general for the whole country and even around the world to visit a large quantity. 因此,其不論是訪問流量還是服務范圍都比一般零售網站要小得多。 Therefore, whether it is access to the flow of its scope of services than is generally much smaller retail sites. 因此,超市網站建設規模不宜太大,硬體方面可以採用廉價租用虛擬主機的方式,網站後台處理也不復雜,只需要一名值班經理處理訂單、安排送貨和一名技術人員負責對網站進行維護。 Therefore, the size of the supermarket building site should not be too great, low-cost hardware can be used to rent the virtual host mode, the site does not deal with the complexity of the background, only need to process an order, a ty manager to arrange for delivery and a technical staff responsible for site maintenance .
第二,銷售為主。 Second, the sales-oriented. 從網站功能來看,純粹的網上零售商店為了在殘酷的競爭中獲得一席之地,不得不在豐富網站功能上下大功夫。 Function from the site, the pure-line retail stores in the brutal competition in order to get a place, have a rich Web site features great effort from top to bottom. 一個網站要承載樹立企業形象、宣傳企業文化、創建自己的品牌、吸引新客戶、留住老客戶等多種功能。 Establish a website to host corporate image, promote corporate culture, create their own brand, attract new customers, retain old clients and many other features. 超市網站服務的客戶相對穩定,服務范圍相對固定,因此,與傳統零售網站相比,超市網站的核心功能是輔助銷售,許多功能是不需要的,至少是不重要的。 Supermarket customer site is relatively stable, relatively fixed range of services, therefore, compared with the traditional retail site, the core function of the supermarket site is to assist the sale, many of the features is not necessary, or at least unimportant.
第三,便於訪問和搜索。 Third, the easy access and search. 網站要快速導航,讓用戶能夠方便地到達所要訪問的頁面,找到所要找的商品。 Web site navigation to quickly allow users to easily reach the page to visit, looking to find the goods. 在頁面設計上要盡可能地考慮影響訪問速度的因素,提高頁面訪問速度。 In page design must be considered as possible factors that affect the access speed to enhance the speed of page views.
(2)超市網站應該提供以下功能和模塊。 (2) supermarket site should provide the following functions and moles.
一是會員注冊。 First, members registered. 超市可以通過會員注冊收集客戶信息,通過對客戶購物進行跟蹤收集客戶購買信息,通過分析客戶消費習慣為客戶提供個性化服務,通過對這些信息的進一步分析和挖掘最終獲取市場需求信息。 Registered members can store customer information collected through the collection of customers to track customer purchasing information, by analyzing the spending habits of customers to provide customers with personalized service, this information through further analysis and excavation of the ultimate access to information on market demand.
二是商品分類目錄和商品搜索。 Second, classification of goods and merchandise search directory. 列出商品分類目錄,讓用戶通過商品 Categories are listed so that users of goods
名稱搜索商品。 Name search of goods.
三是商品陳列。 Third, commodity display. 初始陳列新上架的商品,用戶通過分類目錄或搜索找 Initial display of new procts added to our catalog, the user through the directory or search to find
到所需要的商品之後再進行陳列,並通過圖片和文字展示、介紹商品,盡可能提供最充分的信息,使消費者足不出戶就可以通過超市網站瀏覽商品。 Into account the need to carry out after the display of goods and, through the display of pictures and text to introce the procts, adequate to provide the best possible information, so that consumers can stay at home on supermarket goods website.

⑺ 我正在訪問美國這句話英語翻譯怎麼寫

I am on a visit to the United States.
I'm visiting the USA.
I'm visitting America.


⑻ 英語翻譯

上星期,我拜訪了我在華盛頓的一位老鄰居.我離開那裡已有20年了,當我走在街道上時,過去的記憶回湧上心頭答.我看到我以前居住的公寓和游樂場.當我看到這些熟悉的建築物時,少年時代的影象隨之而來.但是,我看到的並非是我以前所想的一樣.我悲傷的認識到最好的記憶是那些塵封未動的記憶.我的舊公寓,在我的記憶中,很光亮很有活力.它不僅僅是一個居住的地方.而是一個電影院,是空間站, 或者是我年輕的腦袋裡所能想到的任何東西.我遠離我的朋友,在地下室玩耍.這總是很刺激,因為這很酷,在黑暗中,那裡有和多隱藏的東西.在住房的後面有一條小河,以前我們總是去那裡,躺在樹下,並自得其樂.

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