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『貳』 金山詞霸在線翻譯
『叄』 金山快譯在線翻譯
Bazhong has nothing good to eat, except for a Mongolian Gazelle;
Pakistan and China have nothing to drink, just have jiangkou, a bottle of alcohol;
Pakistan and China have nothing nice, except for a light fog Hill;
Pakistan and China is no fun, just have a North River;
Pakistan and China have nothing, but there is a cave;
Pakistan and China have nothing up except for a bowl of congee with white fungus;
Bazhong's no bull, just have a United Kingdom Royal academician song yonghua;
Bazhong's no bull, just have a cultural Hall of Yan Yangchu;
Bazhong's no bull, just have a founding General Zhang Shigai;
Bazhong no cattle, except for one Song dynasty astronomer Zhang Sizhong's training
Bazhong's no bull, just have a Sichuan-Shaanxi revolutionary base area;
Bazhong's no bull, just has a red front army headquarters site;
Bazhong no cattle, except for a gas field to store billions of cubic meters of natural gas;
Bazhong no cattle, except for a film town street;
Bazhong's no bull, just in the period of land revolution is Mao Zedong called "Chinese Soviet Republic's second-largest area";
Bazhong's no bull, just over more than 20 national wildlife animals;
Bazhong has nothing of cattle, but there are more than up to more than more than 5,210 shrine, more than 7,200 Cliff statues of Buddha;
Bazhong no cattle, is the annual average sunshine hours in 1300-1570 hours;
History of Pakistan and China is not very long, and only just more than 2000 years;
These would just be between Pakistan and China in the past, now Pakistan and China, as in the fly with dragons, people who visited here five years ago, and now again here, is not meant to issue an exclamation mark: Pakistan-China developed too fast, can be "amazing" to describe!!!
『肆』 金山詞霸在線翻譯
金山詞霸在線翻譯,簡體中文特別版┊收錄14 萬英文單詞全真人發音 軟體大小:858.02 MB 軟體專語言:屬簡體中文 軟體類別:應用軟體 - 轉換翻譯
『伍』 金山英語在線翻譯
『陸』 金山詞霸在線翻譯
1I don't know when we will have a sports meet. 2It's hard to say who will win this game. 3When my uncle came yesterday,I was busy working.4Wang Tao learned English in his high school before. 5We rushed out of the school as soon as the bell rang. 6He kept waiting for you until the sky became dark. 7He didn't have a girlfriend until he was 40. 8They didn't start until the rain stopped. 9He didn't take a taxi home until he solved all the problems. 10They have visited several universities since they came to Beijing. 11It has been two months since I received the last letter you gave me. 12We left the cinema as soon as the performance ended. 13He began to prepare for the party as soon as he received the notification. 14I will wait for you on the place where we first met. 15He called me to tell me to stay on the old place. 16We'd better put this valuable flower vase in a safe place. 17Nobody wants to talk with her because she is too serious. 18There is no seat left ,so he stood. 19Since all things have been ready,we begin this experiment. 20It must be rainy just now because the ground is wet. 21He shouted loudly so that others could hear him. 22Children arrived at the big hall early so that they could find a good seat. 23Volunteers came to the western part in order to improve the living conditions in coutryside. 24 Marx learned Russian in order to understand Russian political form. 25Your performance was wonderful,it gave me a deep memory. 26He did well in the office,so the manager praised him. 27We were so moved that we couldn't sleep. 28He made great progress,so others all admired him. 29 draw well like you這個怎麼是短語? 30This room is as big as my bedroom. 31Winter in Yunnan is not so cold as that in Guizhou. 32This work must be finished as fast as possible. 33We should do as his instructions. 34He likes this child just like his own son. 35It seems that he has something important to tell me. 36Though there were many difficulties,we still decided to continue. 37Although the weather is very cold,the children wear thin clothes. 38If you don't mind,I will turn of the television. 39If you don't catch the train,you can take a bus. 40We won't succeed unless they support us. 41I have a friend who likes classical music. 42He wore a coat which I bought him yeaterday. 43I'm reading a book which is not too difficult. 44 The man whose leg is hurt was a football player in the past. 45The two drawtists that play on the stage come from China. 46Who is the girl that is walking beside the river? 47The children who are playing the violin will perform next week. 48The old man who stands beside the car is an artist. 49The young man who is talking with the children is a famous singer. 50Let's go to the book store which was opened last month. 51Most of the students who were interviewed said they liked pop music. 52He kept silent when others asked him what happened. 53Since he is a famous expert,hereceived many invitations. 54Once this book is translated into Chinese,it will be popular. 55He is intrested in medicine,so he decides to be a doctor. 56We will do better if you give us more time. 57Alice wrote a poem because she received courage from friends. 累死我了,逐句逐句翻譯的同學你傷不起啊~~~~~~~ 因為網上詞典翻譯不太靠譜
『柒』 金山詞霸在線翻譯
親,你這是要翻譯嗎?可以到金山詞霸在線翻譯網站哦: http://fy.iciba.com/ 謝謝對金山詞霸的支持!版~祝你翻譯愉權快~
『捌』 金山快譯在線翻譯
『玖』 金山英語在線翻譯
『拾』 金山詞霸在線翻譯