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『壹』 誇父逐日翻譯









『貳』 誇父追日的翻譯








『叄』 誇父追日 翻譯


『肆』 誇父追日的翻譯








『伍』 誇父逐日的故事翻譯成英文版


『陸』 誇父逐日的英語翻譯

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以下為引用「回答者:aegis2288 - 試用期 一級 1-2 14:13」

Kuafu Chasing

很久很久以前,有一個人叫誇父的,他個子又高,體重也沉,力氣就更別提了,自然是大的很的說。那個時候人才從猴子變過來沒多久呢,文明的發展也不咋地,所以還很崇尚武力,誰厲害當然就占些便宜,很容易被人重視被人崇拜的啦,所以誇父自然也覺得自己牛啊牛的說。可是突然有一天誇父去臨近部落的時候,遇到了酋長的女兒,一個漂啊漂的mm,一下子就愛上她樂,死氣白賴的追人家。漂漂mm蠻喜歡他的啊,那麼健壯打起架來肯定不吃虧的,也不怕被別人欺負的說。可是mm的老爸,也就是酋長大人想把她許配給另外一個部落的酋長,好把兩個部落的力量聯合起來,獲得部落的利益,可是誇父那麼壯,酋長老爸怕怕的說,於是就對誇父說:「你想娶我女兒可以啊,但是你得給聘禮才行的。」誇父就問他:「你要什麼?你要什麼我都答應你!!」酋長老爸就說:「我的女兒是我的寶貝,要娶她,你得用天上的太陽來交換才行。」酋長老爸本來想,太陽是不可能被誇父拿來的啊,出個難題他做不到就不再想了嘛,誰知道誇父雖然個子大,可是光長身體樂,沒有腦子,是個傻大個的說。他抬頭一看,太陽就在沒多遠的天上掛著呢,就說:「好啊好啊,我這就去追,你可得守信用哦。」說完就屁顛兒屁顛兒的追太陽去樂。 太陽老大多牛啊,什麼時候有人敢這么不尊重他了?一看誇父這個傻大個真的追過來了,心說:「我還能被你追上?那不是太沒面子了嘛!」就趕了自己的馬車飛快的跑了起來。沒成想誇父雖然傻,可是跑的可真快哦,太陽老大已經活了好多好多年樂,那幾匹拉車的馬也都老的不行了,平時又不運動,只會拉了車慢悠悠的走,今天突然被追,竟然眼看著被誇父追的越來越近樂。太陽老大一看不好,趕緊下了車,一溜煙兒的自己跑了起來。 誇父追啊追,就要追上太陽扔下的馬車的時候覺得口渴的不行了,而且跑了這么久,也累的夠戧,就趕緊趕了馬車去喝水。馬車因為是太陽的馬車啊,自然就認為自己了不起些了,左邊一個輪子右邊一個輪子都很power的說。可是因為太陽買馬車的時候手頭正緊張呢,車前面的七色流蘇是不能省的啊,那可是門面的,於是太陽一狠心,就買了兩個破輪子,所以雖然車身子蠻漂漂的,可是輪子嘛就不好意思些了。這馬車被趕啊趕的,小輪子跑得暈的要命(小腿兒倒不過來了?;-P),雖然都快口吐白末了,可是為了面子也只能受些苦堅持著了。轉眼車就到河、渭了,小輪子心想這回可算是交代過去啦。誇父把身子歪到右邊去,伸了根好長好長的麥管下去吸啊吸的,很快就把河、渭的水都喝光啦,然後一扁嘴:「怎麼還渴啊,而且這么熱,乾脆去貝加爾湖喝冰鎮礦泉水去吧!」然後一揚鞭子,馬兒唏騮一聲長嘶,盪著漫天的塵煙就奔北邊去了。只可憐小輪子還沒歇過來呢,就又得賣命了,盡管它的意志力蠻強的(要面子就這點兒好處嘛!;-P)可是無奈身體不給面子啊,還沒到貝加爾湖呢,已經不行了。這時候誇父突然喊了一聲:「好大的一片桃林啊,我要吃桃子的說。」邊說著身子就探出了車外,伸了腦袋往下看。這輪子還喘呢,一點兒准備也沒有啊,架著誇父塊兒也大,嘩嚓一聲右邊的輪子就塌斷掉樂。可憐車上的誇父對太陽的車子報以了那麼大的信任,沒有作任何提防,一下子就被從天上扔了下來,倒栽在桃林里摔死樂。 跑在前面的太陽老大呼哧呼哧的跑啊跑,突然回頭一看,不見了誇父了。四下一找,發現跟桃林里倒插在地上已經沒氣兒樂。太陽老大心中後悔,暗自為自己害死了跑的這么快的誇父覺得內疚,不然回頭讓他參加奧運會去,好歹也能拿一堆冠軍回來給東方人爭爭光啊(太陽家在東方,每天早上起來都很勤快的上班去的哦)。於是就讓自己肩膀上的大烏鴉把誇父的死訊帶會了部落里去。那時候還沒有自由戀愛的呢,就更別說為追求愛情而付出生命的了,於是部落里的大法師把他的故事記了下來,講述給後世的繼承者,好讓誇父的故事得以流傳。後來由於傳啊傳的好多情節就都丟樂,人們只知道從前有個傻傻的誇父妄想追太陽來的,卻不知道,他是第一個為了愛情而犧牲生命的愛的先驅呢。
Many years ago, there lived a man named Kuafu Chasing, he subsystems high weight Shen, let alone the effort. Nature is a very big say. At that time personnel from the monkeys did not change over time, it does not shout to the development of civilization, so still resort to use of force. Of course, and what accounts for some cheap, it is easy for people to attach importance to the worship anymore. So naturally feel Niua cattle Kuafu Chasing said. But suddenly one day to close tribal Kuafu Chasing the time, he met the chief's daughter, a floating ah drift mm. She immediately fell in love with music, died of gas recovery depends white people. He likes the pretty nice mm ah, then certainly not healthy to prevent the expense of the planes, that is not afraid of being bullied. However mm father, she is betrothed to another Emirate alts want tribal chiefs, Joint forces of the two tribes well, the interests of the tribe agreed, but then Kuafu Chasing the accident, the Emirates father horrifying, So Kuafu Chasing on to say : "You wished to marry my daughter can ah, but you have got to the dowry. "Kua Fu's Race asked him : "What you want? I promise you what you want go up in smoke. "Emirates father said :" My daughter is my treasure, to marry her. You got to exchange the sun in the sky is imperative. "My father had wanted Emirates, the sun can not be used Kuafu Chasing ah, out there thinking about a problem he failed to say, though sub Kuafu Chasing Who knows, but longer-body music, no brain, The big one is that stupid. He looked up and the sun in the sky not far notice, say : "O.K. good, and I made so. Oh, you have honored. "He then got on fart fart subversion subversion abuse of children to recover sun music. Sun boss more Niua, so when people dare not respect him? Kuafu Chasing the big one really silly to see a recovery over the heart : "I was able to catch up with you? it is not lose face! "dizzying rush of their own trio ran together. While not wishing to Kuafu Chasing silly, but around the Kezhenkuai Oh, the sun has been the mastermind of live music for many many years. That idea : the race to pull carts are old or are not usually campaign will pull the car Manyouyou go, he was suddenly, Kuafu Chasing recovery has been watching the music is getting closer. Sun boss a look bad, quickly got off the car, knows their children run up. Kuafu Chasing pursuit ah catch up, the sun will catch up with the trio, who feel thirsty when the strained, but took so long, Gouqiang also tiring, the trio quickly rushed to drink. The trio because the sun's chariot ah, naturally considers himself more remarkable. left a power wheels are the wheels that one right. But because the sun can do is to buy the trio of tension, it is not the orthodox car in front of Delight's ah, but window-dressing. So a hard-hearted sun, it bought two broken wheels, although he is pretty nice car. But it embarrassed some of the better wheels. This trio was forced ah rushed to the scene, either going to run small wheels (legs abuse does not take over the ?;-P) Although White seems Say the right conclusion, but only by some in order to face the hardships persist. After the car into the river, Wei, thinking that this time can be regarded as small wheels, take account of the past. Kuafu Chasing false regard to the right to the body, really, really long extension of the wheat root absorption tube indefinitely ah smoke, and very quickly River. Wei finished off among all the water, then one-mouth : "how has a thirst ah, but so hot Ice Lake Baikal in the town simply to mineral water! "Swagger and then a son, the horse Hey monkeys soon identified. Ben lost amid the sty fog on the north side to the city. Small wheels do not rest only pathetic, to get their lives. Although it is pretty strong willpower (vs. benefits to face this !;-P 67,000), but not physically helpless to face ah, Before Lake Baikal, it has not succeed. This time Kuafu Chasing suddenly shouted loudly : "A big piece of Taolinkou ah, I want to say a peach. "while talking about a body unearthed on the car, look down into his brain. This surge has wheels, it has not prepared a little ah, there was also Kuafu Chasing pieces, a desire to screech the wheels on the right side of the collapse soon cut off music. Kuafu's Chase for the poor car and the car is reported to the sun so much trust, not to make any beware. suddenly been thrown down from the sky, music Inverted Growth in Taolinkou Lane died from a fall. Running in front of the sun standing Huchihuchi Paoa run, suddenly looked back and Kuafu Chasing the missing. Looking for the next four, with the Tao Lane fertilizer found in the ground have no gas musicians. Sun boss hearts, having secretly run so fast to the death of Kuafu Chasing feel guilty. Otherwise, back to let him participate in the Olympic Games, every day could get back to a pile of Asians indisputable championship winning glory ah (solar home in the East up every morning to go to work very hard working, the oh). So let's put their shoulders a Kuafu Chasing the death of the tribal belt will be going. Time has not yet free love, it even made mention of the pursuit of love and life. So the tribe says he put down the story about the inheritance to future generations, Kuafu Chasing the story so popular. Due to the traditional pyramid ah many cases are lost on the music, people only know that once an Sasa Kuafu Chasing the sun to attempt to recover. we do not know, he was the first one to love and love lost their lives? Herald.

『柒』 誇父逐日 (英文版)

Kuafu raced with the sun until it set. He was thirsty and wanted to drink water, so he went to the Yellow River and Weihe River to drink water.


There is not enough water in the Yellow River and Weihe River. Kuafu goes to the north to drink the water from the Great Lakes.


Before he reached the Great Lake, he died of thirst. Kuafu abandoned his cane, which turned into a peach forest.








『捌』 誇父追日英文版

[誇父] 中國古代神話中的天神,炎帝的後裔.傳說他立志追趕太陽,道渴而死,所棄之杖,化為鄧林.一說,誇父曾助蚩尤而與黃帝族作戰,被黃帝手下的應龍所殺.《山梅經·大荒北經》:"大荒之中,有山名曰成都載天.有人珥兩黃蛇,把兩黃蛇,名日誇父.後土生信,信生誇父.誇父不量力,欲追日景,逮之於禺谷.將飲河而不足也,將走大澤,末至,死於此".又:"應龍已殺蚩尤,又殺誇父,乃去南方處之,故南方多雨."唐張鷟《朝野僉載》卷及"辰州東有三山,鼎足直上,各數十丈.古(故)老傳雲,鄧誇父與日競走,至此煮飯,此三山者,誇父支鼎之石也."《太平御覽》卷四七引《郡國志》:"台州覆釜山……有巨跡,雲是誇父逐日之所踐."

[Kuafu] A god in the ancient mythology of China, and a descendant of the Yan Emperor. As legend goes, he aspired to run after the sun, but died of thirsty on the way, and the cane he left became a forest called Denglin. Another legend says he once helped Chiyou to fight with the army of the Yellow Emperor, but got killed by Yinglong (a dragon), a god under the Yellow Emperor. Shan Hai Jing (Book of Mountains and Seas) says, "In the great wilderness there is a mountain called Cheng Zaitian. There, a person with two yellow snakes at his head and two yellow snakes in his hands, was called Kuafu. Houtu gave birth to Xin, and Xin gave birth to Kuafu. Kuafu overrated himself, and wished to follow the shadow of the sun and capture the sun in Yugu, the place where the sun sets. When he became thirsty, the river water was not enough for him, so he headed for the great lake, but died before arrival." Another story is like this: "As Yinglong killed both Chiyou and Kuafu, he went to live in the south, thus, the south became rainy." According to a book written by Zhang Zhi of the Tang Dynasty, "There were three steep mountains in the east of Chenzhou, each being as high as hundreds of feet. As ancient legend says, when Deng Kuafu was racing with the sun, he came here for cooking, and these three mountains are the stones Kuafu used to support his cooking vessel." Volume 47 of Taiping Yulan, and Records of Prefectures and States say, "In the Fufu Mountain of Taizhou there are great traces, which are said to be left by Kuafu in his pursuit for the sun."


In Pursuit of the Sun
A legendary giant Kua Fu,overrating his own abilities,wanted to catch up with the sun.He followed the sun to its setting place at a valley far away and became very thirsty.Badly needing a drink of water,he went to the Yellow River and the River Wei to quench his thirst,but the water from these two rivers were not sufficient to satisfy him.He decided to go to the great lake Tai in the north to drink its water.Before he got there he died of thirst on the way.

『玖』 誇父追日 用英文怎麼說

Quafoo & Sun
Quafoo Chase Sun

『拾』 用英語說誇父追日這一神話故事

In ancient times, in the northern wilderness, a towering majestic mountains, touch the sky, called Cheng day. Deep in the mountains, living with a group of mighty giants.
Their leader is the dead god "Earth" grandchildren, "the letter" son, named kuafu. Therefore, this group of people called Kua Fu family. They are robust and strong, tall, strong willed, extraordinary spirit. But kind-hearted, brave and hardworking, has enjoyed a leisurely and carefree life.
When the earth desolate, poison beast rampant, people living qiku. In order to make people to the tribal Kuafu can live, are led by people with great scourges struggle every day.
Kuafu often caught in the vicious yellow snake, hung as a decoration in his ears, caught waving in the hand, proud.
One year the weather is very hot, hot sun shining in the earth, roasting crops, sun Jiao Shumu, dry river. It was unbearable heat, Kua Fu family who have died.
Kuafu see this scene is very sad, he looked up at the sun, told the people: "the sun is really hateful, I should catch up with the sun, catch it, let it listen to the command." People to have discouraged.
Some people say: "you must not go ah, the sun so far from us, you will die."
Some people said: "the sun is so hot, you will be baked dead."
Kua Fu has never mind, vowed to catch the sun and let it listen to people's orders, serving the people. He looked unhappy people, said: "for the happiness of life, I have to go!"
The sun is just rising from the sea, people with lofty ideals and high aspirations Kuafu farewell, from the East Sea, toward the direction of the rising sun, big strides chase, began his daily journey.
The sun is moving quickly in the air, on the ground in the wind like Kuafu, desperately chasing you. He walked across the mountains, across a river, the ground was shaking his footsteps, "rumbling sound, rocking back and forth.
When Kuafu becomes tired, a little nap, will shake off the soil shoe on the ground, thus forming a large mound. Hungry, he would pick wild fruit, sometimes Kuafu cooking. He used five stone pot rack, the five stone became the five seat dingzuerli mountains, there are thousands of meters high, this is the five mountains.
Kuafu chasing the sun, seeing is getting closer to the sun, his confidence is growing. But the more close to the sun, thirst more powerful, has not held water can quench the.
However, he did not fear, and always encourage themselves, "soon, we should catch up with the sun, people's life will be happy."
After nine days and nights, in the sun, Kuafu finally caught up with it.
Red, hot fireball, just in front of his head, Kua Fu, 10000 golden, bathed in him.
Kuafu delighted to open arms, to embrace the sun. But the sun hot anomaly, Kuafu felt thirsty and tired. He went to the Yellow River, to the Yellow River water water drained, but still not thirst; so he went to the edge of Weihe, the river water is drained, still not thirst; North Kuafu ran there Trinidad Osawa, Ozawa Ri enough water to quench their thirst kuafu.
However, Ozawa Ta had not run away, Kuafu daze, in the way of thirst.
When Kuafu died, my heart full of regret, he also worried about his people, and will throw their hands a stick of wood. Wood landing place, immediately give birth to large peach a wild profusion of vegetation.
This is forest lush, passing between the shade, a fresh peach, thirst and instrious people, allow people to eliminate fatigue, to embark on a journey full of go.



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